{ 015 - Voice }

Oct 28, 2011 23:51

The city has witnessed great devastation at the hands of various enemies, yet its scars appear to be superficial. Everywhere I look, I see the changed expressions of the Natives. Their once resentful stares now foster gratitude and warmth ( Read more... )

raphael, morgana pendragon, aizen sousuke, tony stark, !isley, bran stark, aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, utena tenjo, lelouch vi britannia, robb stark

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Comments 96

Private infidus October 29 2011, 04:56:28 UTC
How kind of you to ask. As it happened, I did very little of note during that situation... aside from maintain the safety of my immediate area. I was engaged with my work.


Private swordofthenorth October 29 2011, 05:26:39 UTC
Indoors, I presume?


Private infidus October 29 2011, 05:50:51 UTC
Certainly. I've never been one to involve myself in the petty wars of the masses. You know this.


Private swordofthenorth October 29 2011, 06:18:21 UTC
I most certainly do.

[Of course, this war was hardly petty. Even if it were, Isley knows Aizen is a man to involve himself in matters of sufficient interest or use to him, petty or otherwise.]

Were you able to accomplish much, I wonder? You did not find the treacherous circumstances to be distracting?


video bedsidemanners October 29 2011, 05:35:48 UTC
I'm sure it won't last.


video swordofthenorth October 29 2011, 05:42:13 UTC
[Isley transfers the feed from audio to video for Raphael's sake.]

[He sits in his library, upon a gray chaise lounge, his Forge held in the hand resting upon the arm of the furniture piece.]

Very little ever does.

[His smile would be suggestive of ruin for those that know him well enough. For those that do not, it is a blank smile, as difficult to read as fresh fallen snow, yet unmarred by footprints.]


video bedsidemanners October 29 2011, 05:53:30 UTC

[Raphael shrugs, absentmindedly running his hand through his hair.] Hatred tends to.


video swordofthenorth October 29 2011, 05:58:47 UTC
[Isley shakes his head.]

That is wholly dependent upon the nature of hatred. I will not dispute the fact that some emotions have the strength to transcend time itself, but precious few are so powerful. More often than not, hatred dies with its bearer, and just as easily.


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[Locked // Voice] swordofthenorth October 29 2011, 05:48:40 UTC
I trust you encountered nothing the likes of which you couldn't handle. You are unharmed, I presume?

[Lelouch's willingness to accompany Isley to the island says as much.]

A trip to Wynn would be best taken sooner rather than later. Make preparations to go tomorrow, provided you have no other obligations.


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[Locked // Voice] swordofthenorth October 29 2011, 06:24:58 UTC
I am well now, yes.

[Meaning he sustained some injuries, but they have since healed themselves due to his regenerative capabilities and the elves' toxins having worn off.]

As for Wynn, it is less populated than Anatole, and not as advanced. We should bring supplies to last the day. The trek is not a short one, and I want to be thorough in our examination of the second Door.


filter; wolveshowling October 29 2011, 08:04:04 UTC
Of course I would be happy to assist in any way I am able.


filter; swordofthenorth October 29 2011, 08:09:25 UTC
That pleases me to hear.

As you are a new arrival to the city, I was uncertain as to whether or not you had already acquired work of a sort.


filter; wolveshowling October 29 2011, 08:17:04 UTC
I've volunteered for patrol, but I've not found anything else as of yet. Things have been unsettled as of late.


filter; swordofthenorth October 30 2011, 22:51:12 UTC
[Ah, the Alliance...once known strictly as the Patrol. Isley smiles faintly.]

You will find it is a reliable occupation, the Patrol. In the meantime, I hope that the extra work I am providing will help settle things for you.

As soon as I have confirmation from everyone else I have asked to participate, the project will begin.


voice; medicatus October 29 2011, 12:56:30 UTC
I am sure than in a while we could fix what was ruined. I will be most glad to help.

[ She sounds tired but ecstatic. It's not everyday she gets to escape her role of a lady and fight, luckily Arthur was busy. ]


voice; swordofthenorth October 30 2011, 14:43:14 UTC
How do you propose to help, Morgana?

[For once Isley is sincere in his curiosity.]


voice; medicatus October 30 2011, 14:56:34 UTC
In whatever way possible. Whatever broken can be rebuilt. Crops re-planted.


voice; swordofthenorth October 30 2011, 22:52:48 UTC
Such an admirable and positive outlook.

Will you mobilize a team to assist you, I wonder? The more hands, the better.


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