{ 015 - Voice }

Oct 28, 2011 23:51

The city has witnessed great devastation at the hands of various enemies, yet its scars appear to be superficial. Everywhere I look, I see the changed expressions of the Natives. Their once resentful stares now foster gratitude and warmth.

An unexpected outcome, for certain, but interesting...like so many other things about these past few days-the return of the Red Elves, the much talked about and seldom seen Great Dragon, as well as the revelation of the island and village of Wynn and what appears to be a second Door located there.

Unfortunately, it would seem that creatures of my home world also made an appearance in Anatole. I wonder, was anyone fool enough to attack them? I can't imagine the results of such an undertaking were very promising...although, I suppose it would depend entirely upon the individual in question.

It is no matter.

Greenhouse row has suffered a terrible blow. Eddard Stark, how do the winter provisions fare at this point? I will assist with replenishing them however possible.

An eventful week has passed us by. I wonder, how might you have kept yourself occupied?

I would like to meet with you again soon.

And Toshiro? I hope that, after everything that has transpired, both you and Momo are doing well. Please let me know if either of you require anything.

You did not happen to get a look at the second Door in Wynn, did you? If not, I would like you to accompany me to the island in the near future so that we can better examine it.

We can take the Victoria across the sea.

Due to recent events, the northernmost part of the city, adjacent to the lighthouse and the docks, will soon be undergoing minor construction. In particular, a private project is underway.

For this project to be completed, however, I will need a team that is willing to assist on site with physical labor and bookkeeping. Of everyone I have come across in Anatole so far, I have selected the eight of you. It is my sincerest wish that you will be able to work together and compensate for each others' weaknesses.

Should you accept this job, you will be under the direct supervision of Tony Stark. Any and all hours worked will be paid for at the close of each day. I ask only that you do not speak to anyone about the progress of the project, or the project itself, until it has been completed.

Please let me know as soon as possible if you are interested.

And Rigaldo? Your position on the team is not voluntary. I expect you to cooperate as necessary with the others.

raphael, morgana pendragon, aizen sousuke, tony stark, !isley, bran stark, aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, utena tenjo, lelouch vi britannia, robb stark

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