♪ 001 --> accidental video;

Oct 02, 2011 19:24

[ The Forge was turned on, but it seems the girl who turned it on isn't aware to that fact. She knocked into life as she lifted what seems to be a little pink trolley and laid it on the bed. Currently she's talking to herself in a very frantic way. ]

-- So low and disgraceful of them - they must have finally understood the true extent of my talent ( Read more... )

!rachel berry, the trickster, elfangor-sirinial-shamtul, xerxes break, castiel (future), damon salvatore, yachiru kusajishi, daniel trepkos, aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, lucas t, clare

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Comments 169

[Video] liedthrice October 3 2011, 00:18:17 UTC
[This poor one. Having sung in his life before he can recognize the emotion behind it. Not that it's a song he's heard.]

You were competing? You have quite the voice.

[He can also tell because, being a new arrival himself, can hear her booming voice through the walls of the outworlder apartments... =/a]


[Video] andagoldstar October 3 2011, 19:41:15 UTC
We were just about to enter the most important competition - Nationals. I cannot miss it just because Vocal Adrenaline finally understood my talent is superior to theirs.

[ ...but then, you complimented her voice, which gives you a smiling Rachel. ]

Thank you. It's a gift and a curse, seeing this is why I was sent here by that disgusting Dustin.


Re: [Video] liedthrice October 3 2011, 21:52:21 UTC
[A bit of a sad and knowing smile.]

Well you might be satisfied to hear that it had nothing to do with your rival team. So then, more of a gift, I'd say.


[Video] andagoldstar October 4 2011, 00:16:37 UTC
[ Now she looks confused. ]

I don't understand. If this isn't some - shameful ploy of Vocal Adrenaline, then how did I get here? I - I don't know where I am -

[ Panic. It is building. ]


[Voice] break_onthru October 3 2011, 01:58:54 UTC
[So Break has absolutely no idea what she's talking about, but she seems very frantic about it, whatever it is. And her singing's pretty good, too. Still, it raises such a variety of questions. The most pressing being...]

Who's Barbra Streisand?



1/2 [Voice] andagoldstar October 3 2011, 19:33:56 UTC
[ It takes her a second to figure out that the voice comes from the device but then -

What did you ask Break?

What did you ask?

Oh God. She has been sent to a place where musical culture is nonexistent. ]


[Voice] andagoldstar October 3 2011, 19:36:19 UTC
[ Rachel's voice is clear and reeks of outrage. ]

Barbra Streisand is perhaps the world's greatest musical icon. She had oriented so many iconic characters on Broadway, and has made it with her talent and confidence.

...Which is something I would expect most people to know.


[Voice] break_onthru October 4 2011, 20:56:42 UTC
[Oh, that's a wonderful reaction. Break cackles.]

Well, I've never heard of her! Or Broadway, for that matter. So I thiiiiink perhaps she's not quite as iconic as you believe...

Orrrrr we're from different worlds!

Or both. ♥


video; buryindecadence October 3 2011, 03:13:48 UTC
[It... really doesn't matter what he's been doing right up until this moment, right now? His jaw is dropping and brows lifting high enough on his forehead to do most of the talking for him.

Don't mind him while he mutters in a low, bewildered voice:]

Oh my God...


video; andagoldstar October 3 2011, 19:39:01 UTC
[ Tell her about it Cas. ]

Who is this? If you are in this disgraceful plot run by Vocal Adrenaline to depress my musical talent, I'll have you know that I intend to sue. This is barbaric and unnecessary.
I understand that while the extent of talent can be threatning a competition needs to be fair, and stealing a show choir's female lead in her prime and just before Nationals does not count as fair play.


video; buryindecadence October 3 2011, 22:17:54 UTC
Uh... yeah, so... [He dips his head, laughing before looking back up again.]

I uh... have no idea what you're talking about, but you really have an amazing set of lungs there. Welcome to Anatole.


video; andagoldstar October 4 2011, 00:15:22 UTC
Welcome to -

[ ...what? ]

I don't know of any Anatole.


[video] hirac_utzum October 3 2011, 03:23:35 UTC
You are a performer? ...Your group is called the Nude Erections?

[It looks like he is caught between mild horror and bursting into laughter.]

Aren't you a bit, ah, young for that sort of thing?

[Then again, if she is aware enough of crack houses...]


[video] andagoldstar October 3 2011, 19:42:18 UTC
New Directions. My show choir is called New Directions and we are headed to Nationals in New York.

...At least we were before I was sent into this place by our competition.


[video] hirac_utzum October 8 2011, 19:48:40 UTC
[Ah, well, that does make far more sense.]

Unless your competition is capable of bending the laws of reality, I do not think they are responsible for you or anyone else being brought here.

I've never been to New York. It always seemed a bit too... crowded.

[Claustrophobia is rather thoroughly ingrained in him as an Andalite, and while he's become accustomed to living indoors, just the idea of being in such a population-dense city makes him shudder. He's still not entirely comfortable with Anatole.]


[video] andagoldstar October 8 2011, 21:27:48 UTC
I've never been either, but it's the peak of all my dreams. The big city, and more importantly, Broadway. It's my dream ever since I can remember myself, my destiny, more accurately.

[ She brightens at the thought. ]


(The comment has been removed)

[Video] andagoldstar October 3 2011, 19:43:45 UTC
Singing helps me to express my emotions out outrage at being sent here for my overwhelming talent.

[ Beat. ]

Are you a part of this ploy?


(The comment has been removed)

[Video] andagoldstar October 4 2011, 15:20:56 UTC
At the time I wasn't aware that this - this thing is working. I'd face the camera if I did, at least it would have been a sincere performance.

[ She is indeed there. Sitting on her bed currently and trying to make some sense of this situation. ]

And who are you?

[ You remind her a bit of Jesse >> ]


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