
Jul 31, 2010 22:10

Only 15 ivories isn't such a bad price for something we didn't even have back home. State of the fucking art everything, EXCEPT fighting robots, can you believe that shit ( Read more... )

!mail "matt" jeevas, itachi uchiha, elena, yachiru kusajishi, eve, mihael "mello" keehl, sasori

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Comments 82

[ Text ] prodigal_liar August 1 2010, 02:17:42 UTC
My advice is to go with someone else. There is safety in numbers.


[ Text ] onetoignite August 1 2010, 02:22:13 UTC
Yeah? Guess I'll have to find a date then. Don't suppose you're available?


[ Text ] prodigal_liar August 1 2010, 02:32:42 UTC
I am accompanying Elena-san.


[ Text ] onetoignite August 1 2010, 02:38:53 UTC
Oh, right, you're the thing. Well I guess she'd get more out of you than I would. Thanks anyway.

I'm sure I'll be able to find someone who can protect me from horrible criminals.


heresygrenade August 1 2010, 02:30:59 UTC
Are we talking about robot dogs or actual dogs?


onetoignite August 1 2010, 02:32:41 UTC
Robots, of course. What would I be doing with an actual dog?


heresygrenade August 1 2010, 02:49:32 UTC
Careful. Salty might choose the Amazing Battling Robots over you.


onetoignite August 1 2010, 04:26:14 UTC
Please. He's programmed to be 100% loyal to me. You can't just find quality like that lying around, you know.


wellsuited August 1 2010, 04:51:19 UTC
They allow dogs. And smoking. I even saw a dog that had been trained to smoke once.

As for not being mugged--

[A pause. She thinks about Matt. She thinks about Dismas...]

Just don't take anything of value with you.


onetoignite August 1 2010, 05:00:14 UTC
Who fucking wastes perfectly good cigarettes on a dog!

And what if I only value myself, does that mean I can't go?


wellsuited August 1 2010, 05:04:24 UTC
You should've seen how it put it out. It was pretty entertaining. Did I pay to see that...

Well, you can go, just...try not to look too attractive. Skip a couple of baths.

And walk with a limp!

...And mutter to yourself.

[The sad thing is, she really is trying to help.]


onetoignite August 1 2010, 05:13:57 UTC
Wait, let me get this straight. Your suggestion for surviving Dismas is acting like a crazy hobo?


[video] inpiecesofcloud August 1 2010, 05:51:06 UTC
Hey hey, do you know what robots are? And why are they fighting!


[text!] onetoignite August 1 2010, 06:26:26 UTC
Of course I know what robots are. I make robots. How come there are so many people here who don't know what they are?

I'm guessing they're fighting because someone made them.


[video!] inpiecesofcloud August 1 2010, 06:33:12 UTC
[There's a pause while she reads his response. She doesn't have much practice reading, so Matt can see her, eyes going back and forth for a moment, catching on a word here or there.]

You make 'em? What are they like on the insides? Do they have blood and stuff like people?

They don't want to fight?


[text] oh god she's so cute onetoignite August 1 2010, 07:30:32 UTC
Well... they have oil, some of them. I guess that's like blood. It depends on the sort of robot, most there's a load of gears and chips and things.

You'd have to ask them, wouldn't you? Maybe they do.


[voice] will_shoot August 2 2010, 05:28:01 UTC
Oh, I have not been in Dismas yet, and it sounds so fascinating! Do you think I would be able to come along with you?


[text] onetoignite August 2 2010, 06:28:21 UTC
I don't see why we can't meet up somewhere, sure. I'm going with someone who knows the area a bit better than I do, but I'm sure you'll get along just splendidly.

If that's fine for you.


[voice] will_shoot August 3 2010, 00:08:52 UTC
That sounds very good! I will look forward to meeting your friend!


[text] onetoignite August 3 2010, 01:37:11 UTC
Brilliant. He can be a bit grumpy, but... er. Well. He can be grumpy.

Anyway, I'll see you there, yeah?


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