Fic: Okaasan? (Chapter 7)

Apr 15, 2008 17:05

Title: Okaasan?
Author: scarlet_angel03
Pairing: Akame
Rating: PG
Genre: Humor, Romance, Drama, slight Angst, AU
Author’s Notes: This is my first multi-chaptered/part fic. I hope you like it! And this is my first fic for the start of summer. Thanks for reading. Ü
Summary: Jin Akanishi and Kazuya Kamenashi have been best of friends since Grade School. Years later, Jin got married and had an only child with his wife. His wife suddenly died when their son was 4 years old due to a certain sickness. When Jin and Kazuya incidentally met, Jin’s son thought of Kazuya as his real mother! Seeing that Jin’s son was still convinced, Jin and Kazuya had a deal: Kazuya would not only be Jin’s son’s mother, but would be Jin’s wife as well. Will this one-sided relationship turn the other way around?

Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six


There, walking under street lights was a tall guy carrying a little boy on his back. When the face of the guy suddenly passed through the streetlight, the one who got Yuki suddenly became clear to them.


The brown haired guy smiled at them as he stepped closer to bring forth a sleeping Yuki. Kazuya gently took Yuki from the tall guy’s back and thanked him quietly.

“M…Mommy? Is that you?” The sleepy Yuki fluttered his eyes opened and smiled as he looked up to see Kazuya staring down at him worriedly. “I missed you, Mommy,” He said as he wrapped his arms around Kazuya’s neck and fell asleep again.

“Where did you find him?” Jin asked as he patted his son’s back while looking at Junno.

“It was a weird place actually. I was walking around the streets here and I saw this kid sleeping under a chair. If that kid asked me, I’d show him a better place to sleep and not on the streets,” Junno explained.

Ryo sighed. All this time Yuki was sleeping in a place where it’s really hard for them to find. “Anyway Taguchi, we haven’t seen you for awhile? What happened to you?” Junno grinned as he explained his story to the Ryoda couple.

Jin contacted all of his police leaders and told them that they have found Yuki. He excused all of them and they all went back to their respective work places. He then called for Yamapi and they talked about it.

“Jin, I’m really sorry this happened,” Yamapi apologized as he looked down and Jin ran a hand through his hair. “It’s okay Pi, I forgive you already. Although I do appreciate it if next time you take care of him, okay?” Jin said and Yamapi nodded vigorously. “Uwaa~ Jin, you’re so nice!” He said and suddenly jumped on Jin.

Kazuya laughed at them but then said, “I think it’s time if we all go home. Taguchi-kun, would you mind staying with us for awhile? I’m sure Yuki would be happy to see you there.” He smiled and Taguchi accepted the offer.

“Eh? What about me?” Yamapi pointed at himself but Jin just rolled his eyes and teased, “Yuki would be devastated if he woke up and finds you there,” And then Yamapi wailed like a kid after that.


Once they reached the Akanishi residence, Jin guided Junno to his room seeing that Junno just also came from Australia and is currently staying at a hotel. Jin also gave in to Yamapi’s request and gave him his own room as well. Kazuya, on the other hand, carried Yuki to his room and prepared him for bed.

After being placed down, Yuki stirred awake just as Kazuya was going to leave. “Mommy?” He called and Kazuya looked back. The latter smiled and approached the little one. “Yes?”

“I’m sorry; did I worry you too much?” Yuki asked and Kazuya shook his head though he knew how much of a lie that was. “It doesn’t matter anymore. We found you. Just please don’t run away ever again when you only have 1 adult to accompany you. It’s dangerous,” Kazuya lectured as he patted Yuki’s little head.

“But Uncle Pi was being rude to you so I kicked him and ran away,” Kazuya laugh at the child’s comments. “Well I guess you still have an apology you owe to Pi. Come on, you can go to sleep now, you still have school tomorrow,” Kazuya smiled and the little one nodded.

“Are you…going to come with me to school tomorrow?” Yuki asked; hope tinting his little brown orbs. Kazuya noticed this and chuckled. “I will if you want me to,” And Yuki suddenly jumped up and down and embraced Kazuya with his little hands. “I do! I do!” And Kazuya chuckled louder. “Well, it’s time for you to go to bed now,”

Yuki nodded and went back to lying down. “Good night, Mommy. I love you,” Yuki grinned as Kazuya stood at the door. “Good night, Yuki-kun,” He said and then turned off the lights.

Kazuya sighed as he held onto his head as he went across the hall to go back to their bedroom. He opened the door and found the room empty. He then shrugged as he plopped down the bed but only to sit up again when he heard the door from their bathroom open and then close.

He stared when he suddenly saw Jin’s well-toned body half-naked and water dripping out from Jin’s still wet hair. Jin smirked as he noticed this and said, “You like what you see, Kazu?” Kazuya felt his cheeks burning hot as he looked away all flushed.

Jin chuckled as he got closer and sat beside him, wrapping an arm around Kazuya’s shoulders teasing him more. “It’s okay to give in to your feelings once in awhile, you know.”

“Yeah, right.” Kazuya snorted. “And I believe you broke a few rules from the conditions I just gave?” He said as he stood up and got the paper that was in their bedside drawer.

“What do you mean?” Jin asked as he looked at where Kazuya’s pointing at.

6.      Intimacy will never be tolerated no matter how far both parties have undergone before in the past during High School years.
7.      The act would only be in favor of the child and will only be implemented during the child’s presence.

Jin smirk grew bigger as he looked at Kazuya and said, “What are you talking about? I didn’t break any of these rules you say. Give me a situation when this actually happened,”

“Are you kidding me? You hugged me in a public place awhile ago, Jin!” Kazuya fumed and Jin just chuckled. “Well, what do you expect me to do? You were crying in the middle of the street and I had no choice since back when we were young, I recall that I was the only one who could make you smile again,” He grinned.

“Wow, someone’s arrogant now, huh?” Kazuya crossed his arms. Still, he wasn’t going to give in to the truth that Jin was actually saying. But being the stubborn Kazuya that he was, he just glared at Jin and the latter just sighed.

“Fine, what punishment do I get?” Jin said as he looked at Kazuya, waiting for an answer. “Hmm, you could sleep on the floor,” Kazuya grinned. “What? But it’s cold down there!” Jin whined but seeing the glare that Kazuya still had, he had no choice but to agree.

“You’re such a mean diva queen. You can even overtake Ueda’s position in that,” Jin whined but suddenly stopped when he heard Kazuya say, “What was that?!”

Tch. And Jin thinks that he’s the owner of the house!


After showering, Kazuya was smirking when he actually saw Jin sleeping on the floor with a single blanket wrapped over him. After fixing himself, he placed himself on the big bed and hogged it over for himself. I guess his days as the drama queen are still working after all.

30 minutes later, Kazuya’s eyes are still widened because he couldn’t sleep for even a wink or something. He sighed as he tossed and turned and sometimes listening to Jin’s snore or sleep-talking - most of them about food but who cares so whatever.

Kazuya turned to the side again and was suddenly surprised when he heard the door of their bedroom turn and open slightly. Being curious, Kazuya stood up and opened the door widely only to see little Yuki standing there rubbing his eyes with a little bear in his hands.

“Yuki? What’s wrong?” Kazuya asked as he saw the tear-stained cheeks the little one has.

“Yuki-chan got a nightmare. Really scared. Can I sleep here tonight, please Mommy?” Yuki sniffed as he rubbed his eyes more.

“Oh Yuki, of course you can sleep here. Come on,” Kazuya let the little one in and helped him up the bed.

“Why is Daddy sleeping on the floor?” Yuki asked as he noticed.

“Oh, well…” Kazuya sweatdropped. “Err…Daddy fell from the bed,” Yuki laughed silently at this and Kazuya laughed with him. They both went under the covers and talked about stuff for awhile seeing that both of them couldn’t get to sleep.

“Mommy, do you see this?” Yuki asked cutely as he showed his little white teddy bear. “That’s so cute, where’d you get that?” Kazuya said as he looked at the said stuffed toy. “You gave it to me, don’t you remember?” Yuki’s big brown eyes looked upon Kazuya as he asked.

Kazuya gulped. “Oh, right. Of course, I gave it to you,” He said as he played along. Yuki grinned. “I missed you so much, Mommy,” He said as he snuggled up to Kazuya.

“Mommy? Can you tell me stories about your life? Daddy never really wants to talk about it before because he was always busy,” Yuki asked. “Well, are you sure you want to here my boring life?” Kazuya teased but Yuki just laughed and nodded.

“Well, okay, here goes. I lost my real parents when I was still 4 years old. I had 3 brothers but we all got separated since we were sent to an adoption agency. Then a wealthy couple took me in and I was really scared because they were complete strangers to me. I cried for nearly 2 months because it meant that my real family was gone and I don’t know where I was.

“I knew right from the start that they weren’t my real parents because before my mother died, she gave me a picture of all of us and I saw the real image of my parents. But the ones who took care of me were really sweet and nice and treated me as their own. They had no other child so I was always alone in the house and no one to play with except the maids that always look after me.

“My foster parents always helped me in my school stuff. Time came when I started to accept them as my true family and started to have fun with them. When the time passed that my foster mother suddenly died due to a car accident, my foster father became furious. Since we were never that close in the first place, we became more distant and I became independent.

“Your father and I were friends since Elementary School and he was always there when I need him. He understood the times I was feeling depressed and he was always there to cheer me up. When the time came that I finally was living on my own, Jin helped me to move my stuff and even stayed over for more than a week just to keep me company.

And that’s how I lived my life. I lived my life as a photographer and I may say I’m pretty good at it.” Kazuya chuckled as he ended his story.

Yuki looked up at Kazuya with big brown eyes and asked, “So Mommy didn’t live with his mommy for a really long time?” And Kazuya just nodded sadly.

That’s why I went to become your mother even if for just a short while. I don’t want you to grow up living without knowing you had a mother. Kazuya thought sadly but still managed to smile.

“Do you miss your real mommy?” Yuki asked quietly seemingly embarrassed.

“Well, I miss both of them because they both became a great mother for me,” Kazuya chuckled as he pinched Yuki’s chubby cheeks and the latter just laughed cutely. “It’s really late, Yuki-kun. Let’s go to sleep,” Kazuya suggested and the little kid nodded eagerly as they both made themselves comfortable under the covers.

“Mommy?” Yuki’s little voice called.


“You’re not going to leave me, are you?”

Kazuya paused as he stared into the darkness while considering that for awhile. He then nodded and smiled next to Yuki and said, “I won’t,” Yuki beamed and finally drifted off to sleep. “Good night Mommy,”

“Good night,”


Minutes passed and Kazuya was still wide-awake not getting any sleep while Jin and his own son were there snoring beside him.

Kazuya sighed as he envied the two heavy sleepers.

He suddenly felt thirsty and decided to go to the kitchen to get a drink or two. Once he came down, he was surprised to see Junno also there getting a bite of a piece of cake.

“Ah! Taguchi-kun, I’m surprised you’re still awake,” Kazuya said as he went to the refrigerator and got himself a bottle of water.

“Same to you, Kame,” Junno grinned as he took another bite. “Why are you up?” He asked. Kazuya shrugged and said, “I can’t sleep,”

“Oh, same here,” Junno said and chuckled.

“Tell me Taguchi-“

“Junno, call me Junno,”

Kazuya nodded. “Right, Junno. Tell me, how did you exactly happen to find Yuki in the first place? I’m surprised you know he’s Jin’s son.” He smiled as he took a seat across Junno.

Junno gulped a few drinks of water after explaining the story.

The tall guy was happily walking around the streets of Shibuya when he spotted something wrong at a nearby store.

“Eh? What’s that?” Junno blinked as he went closer to look. Apparently, a little thing was currently ‘sleeping’ under a huge chair that would really make him impossible to be seen except if you really squint. “It’s…a kid…” He whispered as he poked the little child.


No budging.


Not waking up.


There you go!

Junno grinned as the little boy finally opened his eyes wearily and looked up to see the former looking down on him. “Eh? Aren’t you…Akanishi’s son?” Yuki just stared at him and suddenly sobbed quietly. “I want my Mommy and Daddy,” He sniffed and Junno suddenly panicked.

Thank God Junno managed to see Jin and the others at a nearby restaurant before. He sighed as he got the kid and carried him onto his back. “Are you going to take me to my Mommy and Daddy, mister?” Yuki asked and Junno nodded. “Yes, I know where they are actually,” He grinned and Yuki smiled as he suddenly went to sleep again.

“It was a good thing I saw the kid before anyone else did because by how the kid acts, he could’ve believed anyone who says that he or she knows his true parents,” Junno said as he ended the story.

“Oh, I see,” Kazuya nodded in understanding. “I’m grateful that you brought him back, Junno,” He smiled.

“By the way, that kid called you Mommy, what’s going on?” Junno blinked as he finished his piece of cake.

“Oh…um…it’s a long story,” Kazuya smiled sheepishly but Junno was persistent in knowing the story. “Oh come on, we were friends back in High School!” He grinned and managed to convince the latter and was told the story.

“Wow! That’s so cool! It’s like a drama story or something,” Junno said in amazement as the fork was left on his mouth. Kazuya chuckled. “I just don’t know how to keep this act up though. Please don’t tell anyone else,” He pleaded and Junno nodded in agreement.

“Well, it seems that I gotta go back before Yuki realizes that I’m gone,” Kazuya declared as he got his water bottle to take with him. “You go to bed too, Junno,” He said and the said person just nodded. “I will after I finish my cake!” Kazuya chuckled and with that, went back to their room.


Morning came and Kazuya just managed to sleep 2 to 3 hours because Jin and Yuki were so noisy talking to each other through soft snores. Kazuya laughed at that though. They are, indeed, father and son.

When Kazuya woke up, he found the said father and child not there in the room and just shrugged about it. But when he went down to the living room, he found a huge commotion there.

“Go Yuki! Beat that brown-haired freak!”

“Aww, come on, Junno, you should be ashamed that you’re being beaten up by a kid!”

Kazuya blinked and stared as he saw 3 full grown adults and a little kid playing video games with a big TV screen. Jin cheering Yuki on and Yamapi took Junno’s side.

“Yay! I win!” Yuki jumped up and down and stuck his tongue out to Junno.

“Hey! That’s not fair! Your daddy helped you!” Junno whined but everyone knew that Yuki beat Junno fair and square.

“Did not!”

“Did too!”



Kazuya shook his head as he looked at the time. He saw that it was finally Yuki’s time to go to school.

So do I have to be a mother to all these children?


Author’s Notes:
That was…weird. xD I didn’t know what I was actually doing in this chapter since I just started and finished it today! So yeah. Ahahaha.

My mother gave me a pendant saying that it was for safety and something but…AM I REALLY THAT RECKLESS? XDD Come on, that’s really insulting! Sure, I may fall down the stairs…many times…BUT that’s not fair! Hahaha. Fine.

So what’d you guys think? I updated this as I promised! Well, I’m following Philippines time so I still committed to my promise! xDD

Comments are ♥!

group: kat-tun, pairing: akame, i think i just died, i fail in flailing, johnny's entertainment, i'm being indecisive again, fic: okaasan?, being a fangirl should be a crime, fanfic: multichapter, fic, x3, kazuya kamenashi is love, i have mixed emotions right now, bored, -_-;, boredom

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