An Index of My Own...

Dec 31, 2012 20:56

caras_galadhon is a goddess. Look at what she made for me. *points down*. She made me an archive. Isn't it shiny? Now, the way to all the Barb!fic is marked in one place. *beams*

All fics are also archived over at the AO3. I'm Savageseraph over there too.

savageseraph's Fan Fiction Index:


- Lessons (December 24, 2008; Also posted here.)
(Stelios/Astinos, Dilios/Leonidas; NC-17; Written for the Yuletide 2008 Holiday Fic Exchange. cousin_shelley provided the following prompt: Anything between Leonidas and Dilios, adult or not. Or Leonidas, Dilios and/or Stelios giving Astinos the benefit of their experience. Teasing and slashy hinting is fine, as is graphic slash, or even just genfic, anything along these lines would be great! )

- Looking Back (December 2007; Also posted here.)
(Dilios/Leonidas; NC-17; Written for the Yuletide 2007 Holiday Fic Exchange. brandil provided the following prompt: They say the Spartans fought so fiercely because they were protecting their lovers. Give me one or two couples and how they felt fighting and dying against Xerxes.)

Anita Blake:

- Calling the Beast: Jean-Claude (February 9, 2003)
(Jean-Claude/Richard [Richard/Anita, Jean-Claude/Anita]; R; What happens when a vampire and werewolf are in love with the same woman who dates but won't sleep with either of them?)

- Taming the Beast: Jean-Claude (February 16, 2003)
(Jean-Claude/Richard [Richard/Anita, Jean-Claude/Anita]; NC-17; Jean-Claude and Richard try to settle their differences. A sequel to " Calling the Beast: Jean-Claude.")


- Almost (June 14, 2012)
(Bruce Banner/Tony Stark; NC-17; written for kink_bingo 2011. Several things Bruce almost does.)


- A Hero's Lies (November 18, 2007)
(Beowulf/The Mother of Monsters; NC-17; Contains spoilers from the film.)


- Fledgling (August 3, 2009.)
(Spike/Angelus; NC-17; written for the "ageplay" prompt for kink_bingo's 2009 Fic Exchange. They'd played this game before, and each time Spike hated it more.)

The Chronicles of Riddick:

- You Keep What You Kill (February 21, 2009)
(Riddick/Vaako; NC-17; Written for merry_gentry's request in comment_fic for Riddick/Vaako and "you keep what you kill."

The Chronicles of Riddick RPS:

- Fascination (February 21, 2009)
(Karl Urban/Vin Diesel; NC-17; Written for merry_gentry's request in comment_fic for Karl/Vin and "fascinating."

Eastern Promises:

- Atonement (December 23, 2008; Also posted here.)
(Nikolai/Kirill; NC-17; Written for the Yuletide 2008 Holiday Fic Exchange. caras_galadhon provided the following prompt: Maybe post-movie, exploring Nikolai and Kirill's dynamic now that Semyon is gone? Maybe an intimate encounter in which Nikolai struggles with maintaining his cover and Kirill's loyalty? How much of Nikolai's affection for Kirill is real/false? Does Nikolai really know where his cover ends and he begins? How emotionally tied is he to Kirill? )

- Just A Drink (December 2009). (Kirill/Nikolai; NC-17; Written for LTM for yuletide 2009. Kirill bought the drink because he liked the look of the man, because he'd made Kirill hard.)

- Making Excuses (December 2007; Also posted here.)
(Kirill/Nikolai; NC-17; Written as a stocking stuffer for the Yuletide Holiday Fic Exchange for caras_galadhon.)

- Obedience (December 25, 2008; Also posted here.)
(Nikolai/Kirill; NC-17; Written for the Yuletide 2008 Holiday Fic Exchange. wounded_melody.)

- Should Have Been (December 2007; Also posted here.)
(Kirill/Nikolai; NC-17; Written as a stocking stuffer for the Yuletide Holiday Fic Exchange for caras_galadhon.)

Eastern Promises/James Bond Crossover:

- Dark Water (June 12, 2010; Also posted here.)
(Nikolai Luzhin/Alec Trevelyan; R; written for the wordsontongue 2010 Drabble/Ficlet Roulette. The prompt was "a sloshing, slurping slurry of mud.” Nikolai's body tensed, fought Alec's weight as he struggled for air.)

- Enough (October 2010).
(Nikolai/Kirill, Nikolai/Alec Trevelyan; R; written for mooms for the 2009 Trick or Treat Door Fics. Nikolai hoped he could shut his eyes and pretend it was Alec fucking him.)

- Next Week (June 12, 2010; Also posted here.)
(Nikolai Luzhin/Alec Trevelyan; R; written for the wordsontongue 2010 Drabble/Ficlet Roulette. The prompt was "cut what they can't untie." Nikolai swore he'd keep the promise he'd made over a month ago.)

- Partnership (June 12, 2010; Also posted here.)
(Nikolai Luzhin/Alec Trevelyan; R; written for the wordsontongue 2010 Drabble/Ficlet Roulette. The prompt was the word “comity.” Alec wondered when each would see the other as a liability, a loose end that needed to be tied up and snipped off.)

- Undertow (July 13, 2010; Also posted here.).)
(Nikolai Luzhin/Alec Trevelyan; NC-17; written for govi20 (who asked for "a non-fluffy NC-17 (or R) rated fic with the following prompts: sea, heat.") for the wordsontongue 2010 Fic Exchange. There was some fight in Nikolai. Alec expected nothing less.)


- Collecting (October 31, 2009.)
(Zoe/Wash; PG-13; Written for foxrafer for Trick or Treating 2009.


- Proper Thinking (May 15, 2011)
(Peter/Walternate (Peter/Olivia); NC-17; co-written with caras_galadhon for kink_bingo 2010. This was not the way that slipping out to get Walter a strawberry shake was supposed to end.)


- Marking His Territory (December 2011).
(Eddie Monroe/Nick Burckhardt; NC-17; Written for HYPERfocused for yuletide 2011. Even though he knows he shouldn't, Monroe can't help wanting to hunt.)

Harry Potter:

- Frozen (August 31, 2009.)
(Sirius Black/Lucius Malfoy, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin; NC-17; Written for the "humiliation (in private)" prompt for kink_bingo's 2009 Fic Exchange. Sirius begs, even though he doesn’t want to.)

- Too Long (January 17, 2009.)
(Sirius Black/Remus Lupin; NC-17; Written for an_ardent_rain's request in comment_fic for Sirius/Remus and "finally alone."

The Island:

- Use (July 24, 2005)
(Merrick/Lincoln 6 Echo; NC-17; Darkfic.)


- Brightly Shadowed (December 2007)
(Oona [Lily]; PG; Written as a stocking stuffer for the Yuletide Holiday Fic Exchange for caudelac who wanted a fic about Oona watching Lily dancing in Darkness's palace. However, I finished this about three minutes too late to post.)

The Lord of the Rings FPF:

- Berry, Blossom, Ice (January 19, 2003)
(Aragorn/Arwen, Aragorn/Boromir; R; A study in contrasts.)

- Bound (November 24, 2002)
(Aragorn/Boromir; R; One night of the Fellowship's journey after setting our from Rivendell.)

- Consideration (October 31, 2006)
(Aragorn/Boromir; NC-17; Written for caras_galadhon who asked for the following one night a very long time ago: Oooh! Maybe something along the lines of Steward and King being at odds over something military or political, resulting in Growly&Grouchy!Boromir? Which of course results in Growly&GrouchyYetFond!Sex? Where at least the hurt feelings are resolved at the end? Bonus points if you can set up the dispute and sex as reflective of each other, double points if while Elessar wins out over Boromir in the public, political arena, Boromir wins out over Elessar in the private? Or is all that too smooshy?)

- Endurance (January 17, 2009.)
(Aragorn/Boromir; NC-17; Written for caras_galadhon's request in comment_fic for Aragorn/Boromir and "earth."

- False Dawn (April 13, 2003; Also posted here.)
(Faramir/Aragorn [Aragorn/Boromir]; NC-17; A companion piece to earlier CLM offerings " Shadow" and " Unspoken." This time something from Faramir's POV.)

- Galadriel Remembers (October 29, 2002)
(Galadriel; No Rating; Poem.)

- Gondor's Need (December 23, 2006)
(Aragorn/Boromir; NC-17; Written for the 2006 LOTR Secret Santa Fic Exchange for cbpotts who asked for Boromir/Anyone Except Faramir...and something that happened outside. This is a stand-alone sequel to " Rest and Ease" from Boromir's POV.)

- His Brother’s Sins (October 2010).
(Boromir/Faramir; NC-17; written for helena_s_renn for the 2009 Trick or Treat Door Fics. Sometimes Boromir worried about being so familiar, so comfortable, with his intimate knowledge of Faramir’s perversities.)

- Knowing (April 17, 2005)
(Faramir/Aragorn, Faramir/Boromir [Aragorn/Boromir]; NC-17; I started this as an improv fic for contrelamontre many, many moons ago. I didn't save the challenge, my bad, but the title of the file is "Verb Tenses," so I've cleverly deducted that it must have been about writing scenes in different tenses.)

- Matters of Trust (December 1, 2002)
(Aragorn/Boromir; R; Boromir asks a question Aragorn cannot answer.)

- Reined In (December 21, 2007; Also posted here.)
(Aragorn/Eomer; NC-17; Written for the LOTR SESA Holiday Fic Exchange. butterballer asked for a fic that included Eomer, smut, and "woolen socks.")

- Rest and Ease (May 7, 2006)
(Aragorn/Boromir; NC-17; Written for the Ficlet Request Meme. travelingcarrot asked for the "Exhausted" prompt with Aragorn/Boromir and a dollop of kink on the side.)

- Shadow (December 15, 2002; Also posted here.)
(Aragorn/Faramir, Aragorn/Boromir; PG; Prequel to " Unspoken.")

- Shadows in Edoras (April 7, 2003)
(Eomer/Aragorn, Eomer/Eothain; NC-17; What could have happened after Eomer gives Aragorn horses to aid in the search for the kidnapped hobbits.)

- The Strength of Men (November 2, 2007)
(Isildur/Elrond; PG-13; Written for the sons_of_gondor Halloween Trick Or Treat Fic/Art Exchange, for artemisblack666, who asked for darkfic about any of the old kings or Stewards of Gondor before Denethor.)

- Unintended Consequences (December 2009)
(Faramir/Boromir; NC-17; Written for the 2009 lotr_sesa Fic Exchange for empy.

- Unspoken (December 8, 2002; Also posted here.)
(Aragorn/Faramir, Aragorn/Boromir; R; Not even a healer can mend every wound.)

- Untitled (April 18, 2003)
(Boromir/Arwen; PG-13; What happens when Arwen shows Boromir something of her father's lands.)

- Washed Away (December 18, 2008; Also posted here.)
(Aragorn/Boromir; NC-17; Written for the LOTR SESA Holiday Fic Exchange. alex_quine asked for a fic that included Aragorn/Boromir, Boromir/Theodred, or Faramir/Eomer, and "cleanliness.")

- What Time We Have Been Given (March 27, 2005; Also posted here.)
(Aragorn/Boromir; NC-17; Darkfic. Very dark sex.)

- Without Words (February 2, 2003)
(Boromir/Aragorn, Aragorn/Arwen; R; An improv fic with the following guidelines: The third of a series of sensory challenges focusing on the sense of sound.)

The Lord of the Rings RPF:

- A Little Bit More (October 2009; Also posted here.)
(Karl Urban/Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean; NC-17; written for the sons_of_gondor 2009 Halloween Trick or Treat Exchange. thevixenne asked for something kinky with a happy ending with Viggo/Sean/David/Miranda/Karl or their FPF equivalents.”)

- Aive (June 12, 2010; Also posted here.)
(Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen; NC-17; written for the wordsontongue 2010 Drabble/Ficlet Roulette. The prompt was the word “perfunctory.” Sean lasted three days before his patience with Viggo snapped.)

- Bend or Break (November 2009).
(Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen; NC-17; written for eve_n_furter for the 2009 Trick or Treat Door Fics. Sometimes it was hard knowing who was walking through Sean's door.)

- Bridled, Not Broken (January 17, 2009.)
(Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean; NC-17; Written for caras_galadhon's request in comment_fic for Viggo/Sean and "horses."

- Broken (August 20, 2006)
(Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen; NC-17; Written for seleneheart for her birthday [a bit belated] and for her long-overdue request in the late spring drabble meme. Her request was for Drugged/Stoned VigBean.)

- Compulsion (July 13, 2009; Also posted here.)
(Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean; NC-17; written for niceandfluffy (who ased for "unexpected darkness, fumbling in the dark, character's imagination working overtime. If you can fit in a smooth slippery surface somewhere, extra kudos") for the wordsontongue 2009 Fic Exchange. While on the trail of a killer, Viggo finds himself in the hands of a monster.)

- Confession (December 21, 2008; Also posted here.)
Harry Sinclair/Karl Urban (Karl Urban/Vin Diesel; NC-17; written for stormatdusk, who wanted Karl fic, for slashababy's 2008 holiday fic exchange; Confession can be good for more than the soul.)

- Corps a Corps (June 11, 2003; Also posted here.)
(Karl Urban/David Wenham, Karl Urban/Miranda Otto; NC-17; Some secrets are meant to be passed along.)

- Drawn Back (June 12, 2009; Also posted here.)
(Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean; NC-17; written for the wordsontongue 2009 Drabble/Ficlet Roulette. The prompts were "discovery," "pinwheels and bags of sweets," and a photograph of The Green Parrot. Sometimes attractions can overlap.)

- Drawn Blinds (June 12, 2010; Also posted here.)
(Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean; NC-17; written for the wordsontongue 2010 Drabble/Ficlet Roulette. The prompt was this picture. The windows piqued Viggo’s interest.)

- Drowning (February 23, 2003; Also posted here.)
(Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen, Orlando Bloom; PG-13; An improv fic with the following guidelines: Write a story from the point of view of someone who's neither part of the pairing, nor in love with one or more parts of the pairing.)

- Exposure (May 31, 2009.)
(Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean; NC-17; written for the seans_50 May Film Challenge using Far North as the inspiration for the fic. Not every audience gets to see the same show.)

- Familiar Sins (November 2, 2007)
(Harry Sinclair/Karl Urban; NC-17; Written for azewewish, a woman of many kinks, for the sons_of_gondor Halloween Trick Or Treat Fic/Art Exchange. I hope I've managed to hit a few of those kinks for her in this fic.)

- Fanning the Flames (June 21, 2008; Also posted here and here.)
(Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean; NC-17; Payback can be sweet.)

- Girl Talk (July 12, 2009; Also posted here.)
(Miranda Otto/Cate Blanchett, Viggo Mortensen/Karl Urban; R; Written for the lotrips_remix 2009 Fic Exchange. A remix of kitty_trio's fic "Singlet." Miranda and Cate share their castmates' off-camera performances. )

- In the Closet (December 24, 2006)
(Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean; NC-17; written for marius2045 for slashababy's 2008 holiday fic exchange. marius2045 asked for the following: "I love smut, smutty smut but my strength is angst. Seriously angsty stuff with lots of emotions." Viggo and Sean attend a gallery open house and find themselves creating their own brand of art.)

- Inspiration (March 2, 2003; Also posted here.)
(Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen; NC-17; Sean gardens. Viggo watches and wants.)

- In Tune (May 17, 2009)
(Sala Baker/Lawrence Makoare; NC-17; Written for caras_galadhon's request in comment_fic for Lawrence/Sala and "singing in the shower.")

- Landscape (June 12, 2010; Also posted here.)
(Sean Bean; NC-17; written for the wordsontongue 2010 Drabble/Ficlet Roulette. The prompt was this picture. Sean never thought the mountains looked more beautiful.)

- Lost and Found (June 12, 2009; Also posted here.)
(Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean; R; written for the wordsontongue 2009 Drabble/Ficlet Roulette. The prompts were "regret," "same stamp on every morning," and a photograph of a lighthouse. Sometimes you can find what you're looking for.)

- Low Tea (October 2010).
(Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen; PG-13; written for ribby for the 2009 Trick or Treat Door Fics. Sean is cautious when it comes to Viggo’s taste in teas.)

- Mosaic (August 10, 2008; Also posted here.)
(David Wenham/Miranda Otto, implied Viggo Mortensen/Miranda Otto, Philippa Boyens/Miranda Otto, Lawrence Makoare/Miranda Otto; R; a remix of azewewish's fic "Tomboy")

- Rivals (July 12, 2008; Also posted here.)
(Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean; NC-17; What happens when two hunters go after the same prey?)

- Running Lines (January 12, 2003)
(Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean; R; An improv fic with the following guidelines: A fic which includes the following lines: "Want you." and S/he laughed airily. "Doesn't anyone say 'please' anymore?" and contains realistic direct speech.)

- Some Things Never Change (December 31, 2007; Also posted here.)
(Karl Urban/Viggo Mortensen; PG-13; written for slashfairy for slashababy's 2008 holiday fic exchange. slashfairy asked for a fic that included Karl, Viggo, Orlando as equals in a caring and mature relationship. I asked not to write fic about Orlando in my request, but the Slasha mods said Karl/Viggo would be okay.)

- Surfacing (March 30, 2003; Also posted here.)
(ViggoMortensen/Sean Bean; PG-13; Companion piece to " Drowning." Same events, this time from Viggo's POV.)

- Swordplay (November 10, 2002)
(Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean; PG; Swordplay.)

- Taking Direction (December 2009; Also posted here.)
(Harry Sinclair/Karl Urban/Craig Parker; NC-17; written for the slashababy 2009 Holiday Fic Exchange. v_angelique who asked for something kinky "Kink, please! I like my men manly, I especially like D/s, but any kind of kink.” Once Harry had a wind behind his sails, he was next to impossible to stop, and it looked like this was one of those times.)

- Under the Cushions (October 2010).
(Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen; PG-13; written for shegollum for the 2009 Trick or Treat Door Fics. Viggo is a silly bugger. Sean does not object.)

- Untitled (October 15, 2004)
(Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean/Harry Sinclair; NC-17; This is actually the beginning of the fic that caras_galadhon and I were planning when the journal entry exchange that became " Words/Silence/Flesh" derailed it.)

- Words/Silence/Flesh, written with caras_galadhon (July 6, 2003+; WIP)
(Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen[/Harry Sinclair], David Wenham/Miranda Otto; G to NC-17; Sean's away, on break from shooting, and Harry's taken an interest in Viggo. [Link is to larger index of story parts.])

- Words/Silence/Flesh (Teaser): Good: Part 1/?, Part 2/?, Part 3/?, written with caras_galadhon (March 1-8, 2006; WIP)
(LotRPS; Bean/Viggo; NC-17; Viggo has a little something fancy to show Sean.)


- Caught (January 18, 2009.)
(Sawyer/Jin; NC-17; Written for toestastegood's request in comment_fic for Sawyer/Jin and "spanking."


- Naughty Unicorn (May 15, 2011)
(Caitlyn Todd/Abby Sciuto; NC-17; written for kink_bingo 2010. Abby likes showing off her toys.)

Once Upon a Time:

- Dark Desires (June 24, 2012)
(Regina/Maleficent; NC-17; written for the When Dreams Come True Challenge at onceuponaland. Regina didn’t fool herself. This wasn’t love.)

Percy Jackson/Prophecy Crossover:

- Delicious (June 12, 2010; Also posted here.)
(Zeus/Lucifer; NC-17; written for the wordsontongue 2010 Drabble/Ficlet Roulette. The prompt was the word “ineffable.” Zeus always was drawn to power.)

- The Devil’s Due (October 2010).
(Zeus/Lucifer; NC-17; written for caras_galadhon for the 2010 Trick or Treat Door Fics. Zeus bared his teeth, growled as he fought the cuffs that bound his wrists to his sides.)

- Dread and Desire (June 12, 2010; Also posted here.)
(Zeus/Lucifer; R; written for the wordsontongue 2010 Drabble/Ficlet Roulette. The prompt was the word "two fossils caught in ancient stone." There is a fine line between dread and desire.)

- Temptation (June 12, 2010; Also posted here.)
(Zeus/Lucifer; NC-17; written for the wordsontongue 2010 Drabble/Ficlet Roulette. The prompt was this picture. Gods didn't surrender. Not easily. Certainly not gracefully.)

Pirates of the Caribbean:

- Ascent (July 16, 2006)
(Norrington/Elizabeth; PG-13; Ascent.)

- The Depths (July 10, 2006)
(Will Turner/Davy Jones [Some Will/Jack]; NC-17; Darkfic. For all kinds of reasons.)

- Honest (July 17, 2006)
(Norrington/Elizabeth, Norrington/Jack; R; A triple drabble and companion to " Ascent.")

Rachel Morgan (The Hollows) Series:

- Friendly Fire (December 15, 2008; Also posted here.)
(Rachel/Ivy; NC-17; Written for the Yuletide 2008 Holiday Fic Exchange. minna_leigh.)


- Ambush (November 2009).
(Teresa/Sharpe, Sharpe/Harper; NC-17; written for govi20 for the 2009 Trick or Treat Door Fics. Teresa knew a perfect ambush was all a matter of timing.)

- Draw (June 30, 2009.)
(Sharpe/Harper; NC-17; written for the seans_50 June Film Challenge using Sharpe's Rifles as the inspiration for the fic. There was nothing wrong with some games ending in a draw.)

- Harper's Hands (January 26, 2003; Also posted here.)
(Sharpe/Harper; PG-13; An improv fic with the following guidelines: The second of a series of sensory challenges focusing on the sense of touch. No PWP's allowed.)

Sharpe RPS:

- Bad Boy (August 31, 2009.)
(Sharpe/Harper; NC-17; Written for the "spanking/paddling" prompt for kink_bingo's 2009 Fic Exchange. Daniel thinks that Sean likes playing the bad boy.)

Star Trek Reboot:

- Trouble and the Tribble (August 3, 2009.)
(Kirk/McCoy; NC-17; written for the "plushies/furries" prompt for kink_bingo's 2009 Fic Exchange. Apparently, it didn't care that it was being stroked by a cock, not fingers...)


- Doubt (August 8, 2009.)
(Anna/Castiel, Castiel/Dean; NC-17; written for the "pegging/strap-on's" prompt for kink_bingo's 2009 Fic Exchange. Castiel's doubt is his strength and his weakness.)

- Fire and Ice (December 2009; Also posted here.)
(Dean/Castiel; NC-17; written for the deancas_xmas 2009 Holiday Fic Exchange for writing_raccoon. Dean used to love the cold, but Hell changed that.)

- Haunted (January 11, 2009.)
(Dean Winchester/John Winchester; NC-17; Dark sex, dark fic; Sometimes pain begets pain.)

- Improvisation (January 11, 2009.)
(Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester; NC-17; Written for amara_m's request in comment_fic for Dean/Sam and "knife."


- Fingered. (October 6, 2008.)
(Scully/Skinner, Scully/Mulder, implied Mulder/Skinner; NC-17; Written for the xf_pornbattle.)

- Satisfaction and Shame (October 6, 2008.)
(Mulder/Krycek; NC-17; caras_galadhon asked me for porn, so I obliged.)

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