SPN: Brotherly Manlove by Winchesters (6)

Jun 22, 2006 19:07

Chapter "Skin" in the Catalogue of Touches between the Brothers Winchester. And in case you missed the previous installments:

Pilot. Wendigo. Dead In The Water. Phantom Traveler. Bloody Mary.

There is only one touch that is clearly visible, and only three that are certain. Shapeshifter is not included, because this is about brotherly manlove, and he is not Dean. Sorry to disappoint. Yes, I am a horrible fangirl. *hangs head*

Type of Contact: Cradle
Deliberate?: Yes
Chick Flick?: No

(Dean? Love that you hate being mollycoddled, but no need to shoot Sam for it, yes?)

(This is exactly the sort of look that inspires all those protective!Sammy bunnies...

...but it's a little distressing to note that Sam is so oblivious to Dean's prolonged, unsubtle warning.)

Type of Contact: Mini-Herd
Deliberate?: Yes
Chick Flick?: No
Question: Why is it that Dean so often herds Sam in a direction he's already headed? Control freak.

Type of Contact: Kink (ours)
Deliberate?: Yes
Chick Flick?: No
*no comment* *will leave up to Wincesters*

That's it, folks. That's all. After the glorious manlove orgy that was Bloody Mary. *sigh*

Hook Man next. I can't remember any manlove in that one. We'll see!

Now, I'm off to watch Skin, to see if I missed anything.

spn, i ♥ these boys, manlove

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