SPN: Brotherly Manlove by Winchesters (4)

Jun 17, 2006 19:27

Chapter "Phantom Traveler" in the Catalogue of Touches between the Brothers Winchester. And just in case you missed the previous installments: Pilot. Wendigo. Dead In The Water.

Type of Contact: Mini-Caress
Deliberate?: Unlikely
Chick Flick?: No
Note: The touch itself isn't deliberate, but Sam doesn't back away too swiftly, either. JA steps too far into JP's personal space, causing the brush of contact. It's interesting that Sam doesn't put his hand down as Dean steps closer. Thus continuing the trend of Sam touching Dean via inanimate objects.

Type of Contact: Revenge (also, Wipe)
Deliberate?: Yes
Chick Flick?: No

Type of Contact: Grab
Deliberate?: Yes
Chick Flick?: No
Note: Hard to screencap, since Dean's body is in the way. (I can't believe I just said that.)

(For whatever reason, this one makes me think of Wincest, and BDSM....)

Type of Contact: Light Restraint
Deliberate?: Yes
Chick Flick?: No

Type of Contact: Pat
Deliberate?: Yes
Chick Flick?: No
(I didn't notice this one at all until I watched it for the purpose of finding touches.)

Type of Contact: Smarm
Deliberate?: ...No?
Chick Flick?: Yes
Note: Look. Dean leans towards Sam. Sam leans back towards Dean. Their hair happens to touch, and probably their shoulders, too. That's good enough for me. The intent was there, right?

Bloody Mary is gonna be fun. :)

spn, i ♥ these boys, manlove

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