Chapter "Dead In The Water" in the Catalogue of Touches between the Brothers Winchester. And just in case you missed the previous installments:
I found one! W00t! That's what comes from generous use of the "pause," "rewind," "slow motion" and "save image as" buttons. Hee. (Stop looking at me like that...)
3.0 Questionable. Maybe. Just a little. Or not.
Type of Contact: Mini-Snuggle
Deliberate?: ...Yes?
Chick Flick?: Hell yeah.
Note: This is the only time they deliberately touch in Dead In The Water, so I'm damn well going to enjoy it! Even if it is all in my nutty mind. ...Objectively speaking, though, let's look at the evidence. They're having a chick flick moment. Sam's got his arm stretched out along the seat, feeling warm and cuddly about his brother after hearing his heart-to-heart with Lucas. It's entirely possible that they're not touching at all. It's entirely possible that Sam is touching Dean, but accidentally. It's entirely possible that Sam is touching Dean in a casual gesture of brotherly affection, and getting away with it because Dean is wearing that heavy jacket in summertime(?) and is thus unaware of light touches against his back. It's possible, is all I'm saying. And, well, there you go. Opinions?
(Click all of the below for dorky highlights, complete with arrows. Yes, I have a life. I just enjoy this more.)
(Slightly larger cap, 'cause I can't make out if that's Sam's watch or a part of Dean's jacket.)
(There it is again. I think it's Sam's watch. And a definite touch. Yes, it is!)
Compare this scene with the image below (also from DitW, click for highlight).
Compared to the Sam in this scene (who's back to being a manly man), the one above it is clearly feeling openly affectionate toward his brother. And since I have a certain fondness for these types of touches (one arm along the seat), especially between men, I'm gonna stand by my verdict. It's a touch. A real one. And Sam knows it. Dean, maybe. Probably not. But who cares? It's there.
Poll The only other time they touch in any way during Dead In The Water is while they're digging up the dead kid's bike: a completely accidental touch when Sam's hand brushes up against Dean's. Aside from that slip-up, they are otherwise ridiculously dedicated to staying inside their personal space. Honestly, I've never seen two people with their hands in motion so tightly and rapidly manage to avoid touching the way Sam & Dean (or, rather, Jared & Jensen) do. Thanks a lot, boys. Really.