End of SJA ficathon masterlist

Nov 19, 2011 17:21

There were 13 stories in the End of SJA ficathon. Thank you to everyone who took part, offering prompts and writing stories.

If anyone's still working on stories they're welcome to post them any time. And there are still plenty of prompts left, if anyone feels like writing any of them in the future.

The stories are:

wild_force71 wrote Cuckoo in the Nest: Luke finds out about his mother's latest adventure. Unfortunately, he finds out in the worst way possible. (spoilers for Sky)

daystarsearcher wrote The Archetype: Written for the SJA ficathon for these two prompts: “Sarah Jane didn't find Luke - maybe UNIT did, or some other alien, or even the Doctor. What happens and what does Luke become without her guidance and his friends?” and “On the same lines as the prompt above...Luke as a bad guy. How does Team Sarah Jane take him down?”

wild_force71 wrote The Fury of a Storm part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4: This is in answer to the prompt: Sarah Jane and the kids dealing with events from Torchwood: Children of Earth. (spoilers for Torchwood: Children of Earth)

minerva_fan wrote Hen Party: Prompt: 43. Sarah Jane receives a message giving a date, time and grid reference. When she arrives she finds that she's not the only one to receive the information (bonus points for Mels /River Song)

paranoidangel42 wrote The Morning After: Harry visits Luke at Oxford. (spoilers for The Nightmare Man)

valderys wrote Five Times Sarah-Jane was Awesome in the Year That Never Was : Martha Jones isn't the only one that walks the Earth at the end of the world - or bits of it, anyway. (warnings: Nowhere near as many as there should be given its the Year That Never Was! Some slavery and starvation off screen. Lots of implied death, two actual deaths (not main cast). )

paranoidangel42 wrote Horizon: Harry meets Sky. (spoilers for Sky)

spydurwebb wrote Liar, Liar: Prompt: Like the Doctor, Sarah Jane lies. There's something that she hasn't told the kids. It could be some bit of future knowledge she picked up while travelling with the Doctor or her comment that she's never had a child of her own or something else entirely.

wild_force71 wrote Every Darkest Sky part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, epilogue: For the End of SJA Ficathon - This is a loose interpretation of two prompts:
Sarah Jane didn't find Luke - maybe UNIT did, or some other alien, or even the Doctor. What happens and what does Luke become without her guidance and his friends?” and “Luke as a bad guy. How does Team Sarah Jane take him down?” Notice I said loose interpretation. :D

petitfilou wrote When You Need Friends More Than Physics: In which Sanjay just wants a normal friend and Luke almost does a very good impression of one.

paranoidangel42 wrote The House that Clyde Built: Clyde has a bad day. (spoilers for The Nightmare Man)

kowarth wrote The Torment of Sarah Jane Smith part 1, part 2: Sarah Jane gets a blast from the past and the gang are drawn into a web of deceit. (spoilers for series 5)

averita wrote We'll Find A New Equation: Luke's third night here, she'd woken at half two in the morning to the sound of quiet footsteps on creaking stairs; her sonic lipstick was in her hand and she was halfway out of bed before she remembered.


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