End of SJA ficathon prompt claiming post

Sep 25, 2011 12:17

Claim your prompts for the End of SJA Ficathon in this post. There are plenty of them, so there's no limit to the number you can claim and no limit to the number of people who can claim each one, since they can still yield up quite different stories. You can claim prompts at any time before stories are due on 31st October.

If you're not inspired by any of these, then feel free to write anything you like, but please put something in the post that makes it obvious to me that it is for this ficathon, so I can make sure to add it to the masterlist.

The deadline is 31st October* and your story has to be at least 500 words (not that I'm going to be counting them). The only penalty for not finishing on time, is that your story won't be on the masterlist.

*31st October means sometime before I put the masterlist up on 1st November, which as it's a weekday, will probably be around 8pm GMT.


1. Alan and Maria in Washington saving the world (either on their own, or asking for Sarah Jane/Luke/Clyde/Rani's help)

2. A situation where Clyde being Lord Clyde is the key to them saving the world

3. One of the kids confronts Sarah Jane about how her abandonment issues sometimes cloud her judgement (i.e. almost immediately giving up on keeping Luke in 'The Lost Boy,' or being a jerk to Maria in 'The Last Sontaran')

4. What happened in the coffin to make Sarah Jane and Jo get a case of the giggles.

5. Mr. Dread/Sarah Jane: the perils of literally having a battery-powered boyfriend.

6. In one of the audios--I think the Thirteenth Stone--Sarah Jane tells Clyde that he doesn't want to know what's in her cellar. So naturally he and we should find out.

7. Mr. Smith POV: what it's like to wake up with almost complete amnesia and one overriding goal, around a bunch of people who don't seem to entirely trust you.

8. K9 accidentally lets slip the plot of 'The Five Doctors' to one or all of the kids.

9. Sarah Jane struggling with being a mum in the early days of Luke's arrival. averita

10. The Crimson Chapter has regrouped and is coming after Sarah Jane on Bannerman Road. kowarth

11. The kids find out that she went up in the Dauntless and insist on hearing the story.

12. Another former companion crosses paths with the Bannerman Road gang.

13. Mr Smith's programming fails and he turns evil again.

14. Sarah Jane and Co during the Year that Never Was valderys

15. Future fic with the Bannerman Road gang as adults

16. An earlier Doctor visits - with or without companions.

17. In one of the Sarah Jane Adventures audios, Sarah Jane tells the story of one of the Big Finish audios. Another bit of her extended canon past (Big Finish audios, books, comics) comes to light either through another story or the past coming back to haunt her.

18. A situation in which Sarah Jane's sharpshooter abilities (as shown off in Pyramids of Mars) save the day, prompting a discussion of why she's so against guns.

19. Sarah Jane moved to Bannerman Road for a reason. What is it?

20. The kids and Sarah Jane travel to the future and see the statues the Doctor told them about in The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith. What are they remembered for? What are their reactions?

21. Why does Sarah Jane make it so easy to break into her house?

22. Rani Chandra encounters the Rani.

23. Rani Chandra turns out to be the Rani.

24. Maria introduces Luke to the work of Dr. Seuss.

25. One of the kids encounters the unfinished manuscript of the novel Sarah Jane was working on in 'The Ghosts of N-Space.' Merciless teasing and general merriment ensue.

26. Either due to an alternate universe breach or someone messing with the timeline, Sarah Jane comes face to face with an evil version of herself who let her abandonment issues and bitterness consume her. hhertzof

27. Luke has a conversation with the Doctor, and calls him out on the ways he's messed with Sarah's life and with her head.

28. Clyde's artistic abilities make him the target of an alien abduction.

29. One or all of the kids end up doing work-experience stuff at A Charitable Earth.

30. A situation based on some plot element from series 5. wild_force71

31.Sarah Jane and kids dealing with events and/or fallout from Torchwood: Children of Earth or Torchwood: Miracle Day wild_force71

32. Sarah Jane, Clyde, Maria, Jo and Santiago have adventures in the TARDIS after the events in Death of the Doctor.

33. Luke's adventures in Oxford. paranoidangel42

34. How Rani ends up living at 13 Bannerman Road.

35. The Brigadier joins up with the SJA gang for another adventure. kowarth

36. What happens after the SJA teens grow up? What are their lives like? Are they still friends, or do they (or some of them) go separate ways, as most of us do once we become adults? (How many of your childhood friends are you still friends with?) Are they still protecting the Earth, and if so, are they doing it alone or together or with UNIT or Torchwood?

37. Clyde becomes a companion of the Doctor. dreamsdowndrain

38. Maria comes back for a visit and meets Rani.

39. Something focusing on Gita, because Gita Is Awesome.

40. Clyde and/or Rani are travelling in space when the Judoon catch up with them.

41. It's Sarah's birthday but what do you buy Sarah Jane Smith? And how long until it tries to escape?

42. Luke stumbles on a research project at Oxford with Alien overtones. K9 and his Mother refuse to believe anything is wrong. Can the rest of the gang uncover the truth and just who is Project Director Brendan Richards?

43. Sarah Jane receives a message giving a date, time and grid reference. When she arrives she finds that she's not the only one to receive the information (bonus points for Mels /River Song) minerva_fan

44. "Also, I can kill you with my brain." River Tam Luke Smith

45. "It's not so bad, being an outsider. It's an interesting perspective." Constable Odo Sarah Jane Smith

46. "You're the genius, and I just carry your water, right?" Alex Eames Clyde

47. One or all of the kids meets a younger version of Sarah Jane.

48. The kids meet the other "children of time". Bonus points for Clyde/Mickey bonding, Jack flirting with Sarah Jane, and/or Rani finding him attractive.

49. Maria learns about the events of The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith.

50. Dark!fic - their luck can't hold out forever.

51. Clyde/Rani - Maria and Luke play matchmaker. Bonus points if Luke has no idea what he's doing.

52. Alan didn't take the discovery of Maria's secret life as well as it seemed - he actually requested that transfer to America. Maria and/or Sarah Jane find out. (No badguy!Alan - just a dad who was genuinely scared for his daughter and wanted to keep her safe and happy.)

53. Alan/Chrissie, pre-SJA.

54. Anything exploring Sarah Jane adjusting to unexpected motherhood and the sudden presence of three teenagers in her life. It can't have been easy and I imagine she second-guessed herself a lot, early on.

55. Maria comes to visit and Rani's insecurities resurface, especially when she sees just how close she and Sarah Jane are.

56. Luke reads Harry Potter and becomes a fandom junkie.

57. The Doctor meets Chrissie Jackson.

58. One or more of Sarah Jane, Clyde, Rani, Maria visiting Luke at Oxford.

59. The first meeting of Chrissie Jackson and Carla Langer

60. The first meeting of Carla Langer and Gita Chandra

61. The return of Mrs. Wormwood.

62. Maria as The American Sarah Jane. mrsm1th

63. Carla Langer has an adventure with Sarah Jane.

64. Jo Grant returns for another adventure.

65. Jo and Sarah Jane seek out other former companions.

66. The kids finally meet the mysterious Juno Baker, who turns out to be much more mysterious than anyone (including Sarah Jane) suspected.

67. What K9 and Mister Smith do when the house is empty. Funny is better.

68. Like the Doctor, Sarah Jane lies. There's something that she hasn't told the kids. It could be some bit of future knowledge she picked up while travelling with the Doctor or her comment that she's never had a child of her own or something else entirely. spydurwebb

69. The Doctor shows up at Bannerman Road at some point during the missing 200 years mentioned in The Impossible Astronaut seeking Sarah Jane (and the kids) help to save Melody Pond.

70. At the end of The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith, the Doctor says that it's not what she's done, it's what she will do that has the Trickster targeting her. What significant action of hers is yet to come?

71. A non-human former companion (or one from the future) of the Doctor's shows at Sarah Jane's seeking her alien traveller's aid services.

72. The kids find out about Sarah Jane's trip on the Dauntless (sure, travels with the Doctor are cool, but this was in all the papers). How? What's their reaction.

73. The kids travel back in time and are helped by Sarah Jane when she was younger (perhaps at more than one time in her life).

74. Sarah Jane didn't find Luke - maybe UNIT did, or some other alien, or even the Doctor. What happens and what does Luke become without her guidance and his friends? daystarsearcher and < lj user="wild_force71">

75. On the same lines as the prompt above...Luke as a bad guy. How does Team Sarah Jane take him down? daystarsearcher

76. The kids somehow cross paths with Natalie Redfern (who due to something post-Dreamland no longer thinks of Sarah Jane as a friend) who reveals to them some of the darker things Sarah has been a part of/done

77. Sarah Jane's android double (from Android Invasion) shows up on Bannerman road

78. While cleaning the attic, Clyde and Rani find a box of letters from Hilda Winters during her time in prison

79. Adult Luke applies for a government job but can't get clearance due to the number of times his mother has been incarcerated

80. Sarah Jane is a fine cook, it's just that the stove is possessed by a veil-form alien species..

81. Turn Left AU: the gang's adventure in the hospital on the moon, the one adventure which led to their death.

82. Maria and her dad are hiding a tribe of aliens in their house (in America). One of the tribe's rules is that it's forbidden to even try to communicate with those outside of their group. However, a female alien who is in the same 'life stage' as Maria, breaks this tradition and she and Maria bond (using translator gadgets). Bonus points if Maria eventually begins to harbour a crush for the alien girl.

83. After Paul Langer's incident with the Berserker pendant, he didn't ignore claims of alien sightings anymore. He is regularly on the lookout for alien activity and at the same time tries to live up to the promise he made to Clyde that he'd be a good father to his second child. Bonus points if he joins "B.U.R.P.S.S. International, [German city of choice] branch" where the 'B' still stands for 'British'

84. One day, Clyde is visited by a woman who turns out to be his half-sister and cousin (Paul and Melba's daughter) from the future. How did she get to travel back in time, and more importantly: why? Bonus points if Clyde's half-sister has lived in Germany her entire life and uses German swear words (extra bonus points if one of these swear words is "Arschloch").

85. In one of the science games on the website, Clyde plays on Haresh's electric guitar (Clyde also owns a guitar, you can see one in his room in The Empty Planet). One day, they decide to jam together (for whatever reason; maybe it starts off as one of them showing off, or maybe they have to save the world using the Power of Rock 'n' Roll) and soon they have weekly jam sessions. Everyone else can't believe their eyes when they see Clyde and Haresh being friendly to one another.

86. Seeing how Sarah Jane freaked out when Luke was sick: The first time Luke got hurt; skinned knee or the like.

87. Luke over reacting to his mum getting a cold

88. Post series. After the kids grew up and moved away, so did Sarah. They get postcards from strange places (some which they doubt are from places on Earth). Some crisis happens and they need to get the old gang back together again. lilahkat

89. A future version of one of the Bannerman Road gang comes back in time to warn them about some catastrophe.

sja, ficathon

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