Ficathon: Five Times Sarah-Jane was Awesome in the Year That Never Was

Oct 31, 2011 23:12

Title: Five Times Sarah-Jane was Awesome in the Year That Never Was
Author: valderys
Characters: Sarah-Jane, Luke, Rani and Clyde.
Pairing: Clyde/Luke
Rating: PG
Word Count: 4,214
Warnings: Nowhere near as many as there should be given its the Year That Never Was! Some slavery and starvation off screen. Lots of implied death, two actual deaths (not main cast).
Notes: Written for the End of Sarah-Jane Adventures ficathon, using Prompt 14: Sarah Jane and Co during the Year that Never Was. It's also surprisingly in keeping with the show - by accident, I hasten to add, but I found I couldn't bear to do anything too awful to any of them! EDIT: Also, possibly more AU than I thought - I've just gone and recalculated my years and I think it should still have been Maria... Damn, I missed that.
Martha Jones isn't the only one that walks the Earth at the end of the world - or bits of it, anyway.

Mr Smith was the first problem.

sja, ficathon

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