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Comments 12

kirikou_ki_ri July 24 2007, 04:34:08 UTC
where do i begin...

It was a better development than I ever imagined, and I LOVED IT!
you are clearly misguided in your ways... i am a proud dumbledore purist!! (and nelly always gave me hell for that.) sure this development makes dumbledore a more robust character, but (1) he's dead anyways so it's not like it makes that much of a difference now, (2) dumbledore just doesn't work as a voldy-wannabe, and (3) with voldy as pure evil, you have to have the pure good to counteract it. i'm sure that, as the physics queen, you are fully aware that every action has an equal and opposite reaction!

Anytime it talked about Harry and Ginny's "stolen hours" in the "secluded corners" of Hogwarts.
ahhh it's comments like this that make me miss high school. of course, i was thinking the exact same thing as you. ginny likes her chiiiicken!

Awww Krum is horny and frustrated that he can't get groupies.
ROFL! damn you hermione, you had a very eligible quidditch star and you went with RON?

He didn't even get to gloat to and/or bitch at Harry.ahhh, we ( ... )


Comments continued... kirikou_ki_ri July 24 2007, 04:34:53 UTC
apparently lj has a 4300 character limit on comments? what a random number...

anyhow, here's the rest:

but hey, Harry Potter's here! Vive la revolution!
no, this made sense. with voldy in control of the ministry, what could hogwarts do to throw off snape & co? it's just like umbridge back in hp5, there was nothing they could do about it. the only option would've been to fight, but that obviously would've ended in the destruction of the school and its students, so that was not a viable solution until the end of the book. it's not just b/c harry potter comes that they fight, it's b/c he tells them that voldy is on the way and they absolutely must hold him off as long as possible or else everyone is doomed.

it's not that bad with the exception of the kids' names. Actually, it's pretty much just "Albus Severus" that ruined everything.i could write a book about how much i disagree with you on this point. after 7 years of near-death escapes every other chapter, all sorts of complicated maturing and relationships and drama and losing ( ... )


kirikou_ki_ri July 24 2007, 04:41:53 UTC
p.s. please don't view any of the above comments as personal as you are not jkr :-P

i'm becoming a freak like nelly.


sallysquirrel July 24 2007, 05:12:22 UTC
how awesome would it have been if at the end of the battle of hogwarts, harry and draco finally throw aside years of sexual frustration, stop hiding their feelings for each other, and make out
I...so did not expect to see that comment coming from you. o.O

i don't see how hbp points to snape/narcissa
The second chapter where Narcissa begs Snape to help Draco? I can see how the pensieve scene kinda points towards Snape/Lily, but that was 20 years ago and Snape/Narcissa was in the present. Whatever, I don't feel that strongly about either. And as for the cliche thing, I just wished that Snape wasn't doing everything he was doing because of a frickin' girl. Any girl.

you can't have the entire hogwarts faculty and student body out looking for horcruxesNot everyone, but maybe key members of the Order or something. People with more experience and better deductive reasoning skills. Six heads are better than two and all that (b/c Ron's head doesn't count). There was no reason why it had to be Harry who finds and destroys the horcruxes. It ( ... )


anonymous July 24 2007, 05:02:53 UTC
Anytime it talked about Harry and Ginny's "stolen hours" in the "secluded corners" of Hogwarts. Reminds me of the time Katie Couric (or whoever) asked JKR whether there will be shagging in the books; JKR didn't say no. ;)

Oh Please. This book did nothing but prove that Ginny was Harry's vagina. She had no part except to be there for him. Which is why it's so much better to slash characters, BECAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING INDIVIDUALS.

Awww Krum is horny and frustrated that he can't get groupies. Also, he wants to pick up Ginny. Lol dude, she's jailbait.

Doesn't really stop Harry, AND she's his best friend's sister. That's fucked up.

"NOT MY DAUGHTER, BITCH!" Tsk tsk, JKR. Isn't this supposed to be PG? :p But yay for badass!Molly.

Personally, I thought Bella should have been killed by Neville... but hey, it's not my book.

Dumbledore spying on naked!Harry when they were in limbo or whatever. That? Was not necessary.

Whatever. Dumbledore is a perv.

Snapeypoo gets his own sectionThis was maybe the worst part of the book for me. Really ( ... )


demon_of_rice July 24 2007, 05:03:52 UTC
Btw... that was totes me.


sallysquirrel July 24 2007, 05:30:49 UTC
Hahahaha between the rants of you and Alex (and me), the rest of my f-list will be scared.

You just made rendered-fluffy-by-the-love-of-a-good-woman!Snape canon. Shoot me in the face. Snape is NOT, i repeat, NOT like that.
Yay thanks! I was having trouble putting into words why the Snape/Lily thing was cliched. "Rendered fluffy by the love of a good woman" is exactly it. I don't really mind the pairing itself, it was the "I'm doing this all for Lily, even after 18 frickin' years" thing that bothered me.

Finally we won't have one of those stupid Harry/Dumbledore talks at the end of the book that explains things in a cheap, cop-out sorta way.
Lol it wouldn't be a Harry Potter book without Dumbledore making some fakely humble sanctimonious speech/excuse at the end to Harry while Harry eats it up with a spoon. Gah I thought Harry saw through the Dumbledore fraud in the beginning of the book! Guess not.

And also a whole lot of Nazi Germany in there as well. JKR clearly not using her own material anymore.
Eh I just watched Children of ( ... )


sallysquirrel July 24 2007, 05:46:42 UTC
P.S. Re: OBHWF - You had to have known it was coming. HBP (and JKR interviews) could not have made it more obvious. Normal, non-fandommy fans all ship OBHWF (except for the ones who shipped H/Hr), and that was the audience JKR was writing for.

Your ships can't all be tanked. It's not like marriage and/or death of a character ever stopped you from shipping them with someone else before. :p


(The comment has been removed)

sallysquirrel July 24 2007, 19:00:34 UTC
Lol if Gravidy actually wrote it, Draco would've had a ~*conversion*~ in the RoR, done something unexpected and cool to save everyone, and then kicked Voldemort and DEs' asses because he was the ~*master*~ of the Elder Wand. Which would, of course, cause Hermione to jump him. And they they go shag in the woods. And none of their kids would be named Hugo.

Hmm I think I like this version better. Gravidy, re-write the book ASAP plsthnx! :P


sallysquirrel July 24 2007, 19:01:47 UTC
they they = then they


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