Hi again, world!

Jun 05, 2008 14:15

I'm finally back, after a 20-hour power outage!! The entire Metro-D.C. area was hit with severe thunderstorms and even tornado warnings in some parts further north of me (I'm not sure if they got any actual tornadoes or just heavy winds). It was pretty crazy. I really expected the power to be out for just a couple of hours, so it was weird having ( Read more... )

music, weather, family

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Comments 2

blankeygirl June 6 2008, 19:44:26 UTC
yay i'm glad florence is back for you, sarah!! :) also glad you like your presents.
across the universe is really good- have you seen it??
pandora.com is awesommmmmmmmme too! :) you're so cool
hope you enjoy your power again ;)


saena17 June 6 2008, 20:40:12 UTC
Hee! Yes, I saw it in February- and then again last night, obviously. ;) It's such an awesome film. I love it.
You are very cool as well!! :D



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