You Found Me: a Heisei Kumi Fanfic (epilogue)

May 22, 2015 23:41

Author: ryosukekoibito
Pairing: Takachii, Chiitaro
Rating: R/NC-17
Warnings: Consensual sex between minors, Violence, Minor Character Death
Genre: Slice of life/Coming of age
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone. The end.
Summary: This is the story of how little Chinen Yuri grew from a young, homeless boy to the leader of a faction of a growing Yakuza group; and learned a lot about life, love, who he was, and what he wanted in the process.
A/N: So this is another instalation in my Heisei Kumi AU! You do not need to have read any of the other fics in that AU to read this one, as this one introduces the world through Chinen's eyes. If you're curious about it however, I have written 7 other fics for this AU, 3 multi-chaps, and 4 oneshots. You can find them at my Lj, their titles are: My new Family, A Kumi-cho's Duty, The Kumi-cho, Gaining Your Love, The Christmas Acquisition, Sequence of Upsets, and One of Many. Please take a look if you'd like! ALSO, if you have read some of my other Kumi fics, and are wondering where this one fits in the timeline, this one takes place a couple of months after The Christmas Acquisition, starting in the spring of 2006, and going on from there!
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19

   Ten months after taking charge of the kumi a fourteen year old Chinen is up late sitting in his office, pouring over some bills and loan agreements by the light of his reading lamp when there's a knock on the door. Everything was always changing, someone always had a problem with something, it seemed, and it was up to him to fix it. He sighs, his eyes weary with a need to sleep, tucking the pages into a drawer and slouching back into his chair. He was eager to find some reason to avoid the papers, tired of looking at them.
   "Come in." He calls, and the door slowly opens, revealing-to his great surprise-Ryutaro. The younger boy hadn't been alone with him since he'd become Kumi-cho, Chinen too busy to know if it was simply because of his crazy schedule or if Ryu was avoiding him. It was rather lonely. In having to treat everyone equally he had given up any special relationships he'd had, and the loss of Takaki and Ryutaro had been particularly tolling on him. Chinen had no idea how Shoon had managed to do so much on his own, and sometimes he felt like he was drowning in all of the responsibilities he had. But, he always reminded himself, he'd chosen this.
   Ryutaro enters, shutting the door behind himself, and Chinen can't help but take him in, eyes washing over the already taller, already stronger frame appreciatively, up to those soul piercing, life changing eyes that the other teen had. Eyes that were currently staring him down. Chinen felt a shiver run unbidden down his spine, and he cursed internally. He had tried, truly he had-for months-to stop loving Ryutaro. But all attempts had been foolish and none had been effective. If anything they had just proven to himself that he was hopelessly in love, and in effect had made his want for the younger boy grow stronger.
   He gestures for Ryu to sit, but the young teen shakes his head, coming up to the desk but remaining on his feet, looking down at Chinen. Chinen decides against pressing for him to sit, and he finds his voice small, catching in his throat; he feels tiny under Ryu's gaze as he asks
   "What is it that you came to see me for?" Ryutaro finally looks away, his gaze going to the top of the desk for a moment, the taller boy taking a deep breath, obviously nervous about something, before the younger boy says
   "I came to tell you that I failed, and I'm sorry." He let his eyes meet Chinen's once more, conviction in his tone as he continues. Chinen is rather bewildered, not sure what Ryutaro was talking about. He hadn’t asked him to do anything, had he? "I can't help it. I don't know how to stop. I've tried, but it just hurts, and I just can't deny it anymore, and Chii..." Chinen felt his heart skip at the sudden use of his nickname, a word he hadn't heard since he'd defeated Hikaru all those months ago. "....I came to tell you that I love you." Chinen just blinked numbly at Ryutaro for a moment, slowly comprehending what was being said to him, and as he did he felt as though he may just cry. Slowly he stood, unable to fight the well of emotion in his chest as he murmured
   "Oh Ryu....come here." He leaned over the desk, finally letting himself do as he'd wanted for a good year, and he pulled Ryutaro in for a kiss, the younger boys lips sliding against his own, soft and warm and at just the right pressure to make his head spin, and it took all of the self control he had to pull away. He rounded the edge of his desk, and he slammed into Ryutaro's chest, wrapping his arms tightly around him, burying his face into his shoulder, and he said shakily "Me too. I love you too."
   "I've missed you so much." Ryutaro's voice was rough with emotion, and Chinen nodded, his face still pressed into Ryu, unwilling to move it. They stood like that for a long time, Chinen relishing the feeling of Ryutaro's pulse in his ear, the boys scent soothing him as he stood there. Finally they took a step back away from each other, Chinen catching Ryutaro's hand in his own, and Ryutaro said
   "What do we do now? We can't be together, but I don't want to keep fighting what I feel."
   "Stay. Be with me." The words fell from Chinen's lips unthought through, and Ryutaro blinked over at him in surprise, asking
   "But what about the rest of the Kumi, and the unbiased opinion you're supposed to have, and that you can't love me?" Chinen shook his head, no longer able to give a damn about those things he'd said in the past.
   "I don't care. What I know is that I love you, and I don't want to let you go." He paused. "They don't need to know. It's not their business who I love. We could keep it a secret, just the two of us." He waited, wanting nothing more than to immerse himself back into Ryutaro’s arms, trying and failing to gage how Ryutaro felt about his proposal. Yet after a long moment the younger boy smiled, nodding.
   "Okay." Chinen leaned in, kissing him again, and Ryutaro wrapped his arms around him, holding him close, and Chinen felt happiness wash over him so strongly that it made him weak in the knees, and he leaned into Ryutaro's chest, his world finally complete.

A/N: And it's over! I apologize for the late last update, there have been some serious family circumstances that have kept me away from my computer this past week, and I just hadn't found the time to sit down and complete the posting process. Thank you to everyone that has read and supported me and this fic. This one was pretty difficult for me to write, Chinen's perspective was one I'd never attempted before, and he was definitely a challenge. I hope you all enjoyed it! I appreciated each and every one of my comments, I know that this AU is becoming rather extensive; I've been working on it for nearly five years already, and while I always write my fic first and foremost because it's a story I want for me, it's still wonderful to know that someone else out in the world had read, and perhaps even likes, my words.

And lastly a quick announcement! If you like this whole Kumi AU, you're in luck! In the next couple of weeks I'm going to start posting my next multi-chap. It's called Do Scars Fade?, and it's a direct sequel to my previous kumi multi-chap, Sequence of Upsets. I know I ended that last one in a rather dark place, and so in this fic we get to see how Keito, and the rest of the kumi, is coping with the death of Shoon, and it pretty much chronicles Keito's recovery to happiness. So if that sounds like something you're interested in, keep your eyes open!

multi-chap: you found me

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