You Found Me: a Heisei Kumi Fanfic (12/19)

Apr 03, 2015 00:33

Author: ryosukekoibito
Pairing: Takachii, Chiitaro
Rating: R/NC-17
Warnings: Consensual sex between minors, Violence, Minor Character Death
Genre: Slice of life/Coming of age
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone. The end.
Summary: This is the story of how little Chinen Yuri grew from a young, homeless boy to the leader of a faction of a growing Yakuza group; and learned a lot about life, love, who he was, and what he wanted in the process.
A/N: So this is another instalation in my Heisei Kumi AU! You do not need to have read any of the other fics in that AU to read this one, as this one introduces the world through Chinen's eyes. If you're curious about it however, I have written 6 other fics for this AU, 3 multi-chaps, and 3 oneshots. You can find them at my Lj, their titles are: My new Family, A Kumi-cho's Duty, The Kumi-cho, Gaining Your Love, The Christmas Acquisition, and Sequence of Upsets. Please take a look if you'd like! ALSO, if you have read some of my other Kumi fics, and are wondering where this one fits in the timeline, this one takes place a couple of months after The Christmas Acquisition, starting in the spring of 2006, and going on from there!
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11

   Morimoto Ryutaro had a gaze that pierced Chinen down to his soul. His eyes were slightly wild, wide and on edge. Despite that they had this honest, pure element, and the way he looked at Chinen was different than anyone had ever looked at him before. It was as if this boy was connected to him on some new, amazingly deep level, and he felt as if every nerve was tingling with a new energy under Morimoto Ryutaro's gaze. After a moment however, the younger boy looked away, pulling himself to his feet. Chinen too scrambled up, and he found that they were about the same size once they were both standing next to each other.
   All of the boys in the kitchen had grown quiet by this point, and Shoon directed Morimoto toward that room, saying gently
   "Let's introduce you to everyone, Ryutaro-kun." The older boy had a small box in his arms, presumably full of Ryutaro's things, and he set it down by the stairs, Chinen following them into the kitchen. Introductions were quickly made, Chinen himself going last. He watched as this new boy's eyes flitted around the room, taking everything in, and Chinen observed the way Ryutaro reacted to each of the boys in the house as they were introduced. His face didn't give much away.
   Ryutaro was extremely proportionate, none of his features were defining in that they looked large or small or wide or narrow in comparison to the rest of himself. He was small, but he wasn't built petite like Chinen, and he wasn't thin or lanky like Yuto or Yabu. He―to Chinen's utter relief―didn't have any tattoos. But he also didn't have any defining scars or freckles. He was muscular, but they all were, and it wasn't like the boy looked much different from any other kids his age. He didn't smile, but he didn't frown either, throughout the introductory process, just giving them all little nods of acknowledgement after they'd introduced themselves.
   Chinen was fascinated by him, and he kept an eye on Ryutaro throughout the afternoon. He watched the way the younger boy sized Yamada up as soon as he was made aware of the fact that it was Yamada whom he'd be sharing a room with. His eyes swept shrewdly over Yamada's form, catching on the long sword the older boy had slung on a strap over his shoulder. It was slightly tense, Yamada obviously rather uncomfortable with the way Ryutaro was looking at him, scooting a bit into Yuto's side, but then Ryutaro gave a small noise of approval, and Yamada let out a breath, the group all moving into the living room.
   It was a few hours later, Yuto and Taiyo going to make dinner when Shoon asked Hikaru to take Ryutaro's things upstairs. Hikaru nodded, immediately abandoning the game of cards he'd been playing with Yabu and getting to his feet. Shoon returned his attention to the young boy at once, but Ryutaro was obviously not pleased with Shoon's decision, and Chinen noted the reluctance with which he allowed Hikaru to scoop up the little cardboard box Shoon had deposited at the foot of the stairs and disappear into the upper level of their home, taking it out of view. Ryutaro was obviously protective of his box, and it only took him a moment before the separation became too much for him to bear, the new boy excusing himself from the conversation the Kumi-cho had been engaging him in and following Hikaru. Takaki, who had curled up on the couch next to Chinen, snorted, murmuring into Chinen's ear
   "He doesn't trust us." As Chinen watched Ryutaro disappear from view he nodded in agreement. It was obvious in how tense the younger boy was that he didn't trust the rest of them living in the house. Yet, if he wasn't willing to trust them, then why had he come to live with them? Why would he give up the chance of being able to stay with this little brother that he obviously cared so much for, to live with people that he didn't trust? It didn't make any sense. But it seemed too personal a question to ask the day he met the kid, so Chinen kept his queries to himself.
   Chinen stayed glued to Takaki throughout the next few days as per usual, but he couldn't help but watch the Morimoto boy, fascinated by him; fascinated by the way that every time their eyes locked he felt a zap of electricity run down his spine. Morimoto would catch him staring, and sometimes he'd ignore him, but other times he'd stare right back, almost challenging Chinen to do something, and in those times Chinen would feel so understood and completely exposed that he would pull his gaze away, still feeling the younger boy's eyes on him long after he'd diverted his attention elsewhere.
   That wasn't to say that Chinen saw a whole lot of Morimoto Ryutaro. The younger boy would participate in Shoon's morning study sessions, and he would occasionally spar with the Kumi-cho or some of the other boys, but he spent a great deal of his free time out of the house, wandering their territory on his own. Chinen didn't understand it at first―it was quickly made apparent that the younger boy wasn't shy, and he didn't hold anything against any of them, often spending the evenings with the rest of them; participating in card games with Taiyo and Inoo, or arguing just for argument's sake with Yamada. But then it hit him one day, as he watched Ryutaro sigh, staring wistfully at the door, what must be happening. Ryutaro hadn't given up on finding his little brother like Chinen had assumed he had. He was still looking. So one day, nearly a week after Ryutaro's arrival, Chinen found the younger boy sitting alone in his room, sharpening a knife, and plopped next to him on the floor.
   "Why'd you do it?"
   "What?" Ryutaro sounded confused and slightly taken aback. This was the first time Chinen had gone out of his way to talk to the newer boy.
   "Why'd you agree to move in? You're still looking for that brother of yours." Ryutaro huffed in surprise, setting his blade aside and turning to look at Chinen.
   "You finally decide to break the silence, and you approach me with this?" He asked. It was Chinen's turn to be surprised.
   "Finally decide to break the silence?" He muttered questioningly. Ryu nodded.
   "Yeah. I know that you know I've noticed the looks you give me―which should really bother me, by the way. I figured you'd come and talk to me soon. But I didn't expect this."
   "Yeah. No one else has noticed that I'm still looking for Shin." Chinen considered that.
   "The Kumi-cho has probably noticed. You can't get much by him." He commented, and Ryutaro shrugged.
   "You're the first to mention it."  Chinen didn't know how to respond to that, so he didn't, just quietly considering the younger boy's face for a moment before reaching out and poking him in the cheek. Ryutaro smacked his hand away, but the look he fixed Chinen with didn't have any malice in it, just curiosity and confusion. Chinen found himself smiling a bit. That made Ryutaro frown, and he sighed, his body heaving with the action. "What the hell d'you want?" He asked, and though his words were crude, they too were delivered softly, without any harshness in them, and somehow Chinen knew he wasn't mad.
   "I-" Chinen found himself floundering. What did he want? He didn't know what drew him to Ryutaro, all he knew was that he wanted to be around him, to understand him. And he knew that he liked the way he felt when they looked at each other; liked the tingling sensation he got when their skin brushed. He couldn't find the words to explain the way he felt; he couldn't tell this boy what he thought, and he found himself dodging the question by scrambling to his feet and making for the door, feeling wholly embarrassed.
   He sought comfort in Takaki's arms, curling up in the older boy's lap silently, and Takaki held him willingly, placing gentle kisses on his cheeks and rubbing his back until he relaxed. Chinen avoided meeting Ryutaro's persistent gaze that evening at dinner, and that night he and Takaki went to bed early, fucking before they fell asleep. Takaki took his time that night making Chinen feel good, touching and holding and kissing him, and Chinen managed to forget completely about Ryutaro by the time the older boy finally slid inside him. And the next morning when they went down for breakfast he clung to Takaki, deliberately avoiding Ryutaro until the morning study session Shoon had them attend, and even then continuing to avoid the younger boy, spending all of his time explaining the Pythagorean Theorem to Yamada and Yuto. But he could only avoid Ryu for so long.
   "I don’t really care.” Ryutaro declared around midday, flopping down onto the couch next to Chinen. The younger boy was looking at him, glancing sideways without moving his head. Chinen couldn’t help but turn, and when he did look over at the younger boy, Ryutaro looked away, glancing down into his lap.
   “I don’t really care what you want from me. I…I didn’t mean to make you leave.” He sighed, seeming at that moment much older than he really was. “That’s not right. I mean, I do care but I don’t mind, I guess.” He seemed to give up on words at that point, a slight blush on his cheeks, and they sat in silence for a few moments, Chinen surprised by the sudden serious conversation. But then the younger boy just added “You haven’t been looking at me.” He sounded genuinely disappointed, and he swallowed blinking and clapping his hands on his knees before standing up, and Chinen realized that this whole thing was Ryutaro’s way of trying to apologize for making him leave the day before. But now he was leaving, and Chinen unconsciously reached for Ryutaro’s hand, snagging it right as the younger boy took his first step toward the front door.
   “I’m looking at you now. I mean-” It was Chinen’s turn to feel awkward and embarrassed. “-d’you want to study or something together? I can help you with math.” Ryutaro glanced back at him in surprise.
   “Honestly, no. I don’t want to study any more than I have to.” He declared, and Chinen let go of the younger boy’s hand. “But we could play a game or something.” Ryutaro offered quickly, turning to face him, looking down at him tentatively. Chinen found himself nodding.
   “Okay.” Ryutaro didn’t smile, just nodding back, but he sounded eager as they discussed what game they would play, his eyes bright. It was the first day the younger boy spent completely in the Kumi house, not once leaving to go out and search for his brother. It was a wonderful afternoon, Chinen enjoying their time together immensely, loving learning every new, little thing about Ryutaro in a way he’d never enjoyed anyone before; not even Takaki. They spent the rest of the day together, escaping to the room Ryutaro shared with Yamada and hanging out; the games eventually naturally devolving into conversation, Ryutaro showing Chinen a picture of his brother, while Chinen told him of the older sister he had but didn't really know.
   Chinen found himself opening up to Ryutaro in a way he’d never done with anyone before, the way Ryutaro looked at him-as if he already knew Chinen, knew him well-made it easier than with most people. It reminded Chinen of the way Shoon looked at him, but the two gazes were not quite the same. Perhaps it was due to the age difference. Perhaps it was that while the Kumi-cho held this almost superhuman perfection to him, Ryutaro was more of an individual, more open. He let Chinen see his imperfections, and whether that was intentional, or simply because he didn’t know how to cover them up, it made Chinen like him even more.
He enjoyed spending time with Ryutaro, and as the weeks passed he found himself spending more and more time with the younger boy. Ryu was different than Takaki. He was smart, sharp and stubborn, and his opinions-especially when it came to someone's character-seemed to Chinen unwavering. He was everything Takaki wasn't, and yet he, like Chinen's friend, amazingly enough wanted to listen to him, and spend time with him. As the weeks pass Chinen finds that the more he learns about Ryu the more he wants to learn, and he finds himself gravitating toward the younger boy whenever he's home. And despite the more constant contact, the electricity Chinen feels in Ryutaro's gaze doesn't go away, it still just as strong and breathtaking as the day they'd first met. It sends warm shivers down his spine.
   If Takaki notices Chinen's newfound bond, he doesn't mention it; he seems perfectly content when Chinen curls up in his arms, the older boy murmuring compliments into his neck. Takaki adores him, Chinen realizes, and he loves the attention. Though they spend less time throughout the day together, their nighttime activities grow even more active, Takaki pulling Chinen to him whenever he got the chance. Their housemates seemed to notice the affection shared between the two of them-for Chinen would often reciprocate-and it resulted in some of the other boys asking if they were a couple, something Chinen violently denied. Sure he liked Takaki, the older boy was a great friend, but he'd come to the conclusion that he wasn't in love with him. That he never had been.
   It was nearing a month and a half since Ryutaro had come to live with them when there was a knock on the door during dinner. Taiyo and Inoo had been telling a story, the others listening enthusiastically; but when the rapping was heard they all fell silent at once. There was a mutual air of surprise amongst all of them-no one ever knocked on their door. Ever. Chinen sent a confused glance across the table to Yamada, the older boy just shrugging. So instead he turned to Shoon, hoping their leader could provide some explanation for the interruption.
   "It seems we have a visitor." The older teen declared, as the person outside knocked again. He looked over at Chinen calmly. "Chinen, please get the door." Chinen nodded, slipping out of his seat and padding over, tense, ready for a fight as he pulled the door open. It was a boy, taller than him, with delicate looking facial features, his eyes wide. They stared at each other in surprise, and Chinen could feel all of his housemates eyes on him, curious as to who the intruder was. Chinen didn't know this kid, so he asked.
   "Who the hell are you?"
   "Kyomoto. My name is Kyomoto. I have to see Morimoto-san immediately. It's urgent." Chinen frowned, but he heard the sound of chair legs scraping against the floor as someone got to their feet, and he turned to see Ryutaro walking over, his eyes serious, his pace quick.
   "You've found him?" The younger boy asked, his attention completely on this Kyomoto boy. The kid nodded.
   "We think so."
   "Then let’s go." The two rushed out into the night, Ryutaro not explaining anything, just sending Chinen a quick backwards glance as he ran out the doorway. Chinen still didn't know who that boy was, but he could infer what was going on. The people Ryu had looking had managed to find his brother at last.


multi-chap: you found me

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