You Found Me: a Heisei Kumi Fanfic (7/19)

Feb 27, 2015 01:03

Author: ryosukekoibito
Pairing: Takachii, Chiitaro
Rating: R/NC-17
Warnings: Consensual sex between minors, Violence, Minor Character Death
Genre: Slice of life/Coming of age
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone. The end.
Summary: This is the story of how little Chinen Yuri grew from a young, homeless boy to the leader of a faction of a growing Yakuza group; and learned a lot about life, love, who he was, and what he wanted in the process.
A/N: So this is another instalation in my Heisei Kumi AU! You do not need to have read any of the other fics in that AU to read this one, as this one introduces the world through Chinen's eyes. If you're curious about it however, I have written 6 other fics for this AU, 3 multi-chaps, and 3 oneshots. You can find them at my Lj, their titles are: My new Family, A Kumi-cho's Duty, The Kumi-cho, Gaining Your Love, The Christmas Acquisition, and Sequence of Upsets. Please take a look if you'd like! ALSO, if you have read some of my other Kumi fics, and are wondering where this one fits in the timeline, this one takes place a couple of months after The Christmas Acquisition, starting in the spring of 2006, and going on from there!
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

   And it was with this contemplation about love in mind that when they got back to the hotel Chinen pulled Takaki onto the bed, kissing him and wrapping his little legs around Takaki's waist, trying to convey just how wonderful the day had been, trying to show Takaki just how happy he was, with his lips. Takaki responded in kind, and soon the older teen was pulling away from him to search the bedside table for lube and condoms, and Chinen whined a little, hooking one arm around Takaki's neck and arching up off the bed so that their bodies pressed together, and he groaned out
   "Takaki-kun..." Takaki leaned in, nearly smothering Chinen with his weight as he kissed him, and the older teen said
   "Call me Yuya." Chinen looked up at him in surprise, but Takaki was looking right back at him with conviction in his eyes, so Chinen tried it, saying
   "Yuya-n!" The word came out mangled at the end, Takaki having scooped him up and rolled over, switching their positions just as he'd gone to speak. Takaki giggled, looking up at him, his hair a mess on the pillow, and he asked
   "Yuyan?" Embarrassed, and not used to being teased, Chinen pursed his lips, flicking his bangs out of his eyes, and he said
   "Oh, shut up." He paused, hovering on the cusp of indecision for a moment, before deciding what the hell, and he tacked on "Yuyan."
   After the sex, Chinen was curled up squished against Takaki's chest, fitting as much of himself as he could up against the older boy, Takaki's arms wrapped around his shoulders, when Takaki sighed, glancing toward the window out at the sky where night had fallen.
   "I have to get home. Hikaru said he needs me to help him teach the little ones how to play poker tonight; it's going to take ages. I don't know why he doesn't just get Yabu and Taiyo to help him. I mean, they're both terrible bluffers, but..." He trailed off, instead letting a sigh escape his lips. After another few minutes the older teen stood up and got redressed, giving Chinen a kiss on the cheek and promising to be back soon.
   This time, as promised Takaki did return, and from that point on Chinen saw the older boy at least three times a week. He'd show up at any time of the day or night, content to just lie around and talk, always willing to treat Chinen to a meal. Despite him being around so much more than before, Chinen found that now that they were getting to know each other, and spending their time doing other things, they were actually having less sex than previously. Although he didn't understand it, Chinen liked it. He liked spending time with Takaki, liked having something to do aside from study.
   It was at the end of June when Chinen asked Takaki why the older boy was so eager to just wander the streets and waste time with him. They had been on a mission to find a birthday present for one of Takaki's housemates, some boy called Inoo that according to Takaki only liked the piano and another boy called Daiki. But as they could give him neither a piano or a person, they were having a hard time picking a gift, Chinen losing interest and letting his thoughts wander, contemplating why Takaki had wanted to bring him along on this excursion, when he was obviously no help at all.
   "Yuyan, why do you spend time with me?" Takaki looked away from the big floppy hat he'd been examining, eyebrows sharply scrunched together at the question.
   "Well, it's just...what are you getting out of this? When we're not fucking, I mean." Takaki's expression was almost angry Chinen realized, when he looked up at him, but he was completely serious. Takaki huffed, as if frustrated with the question, but then he brushed Chinen's bangs out of his eyes and said
   "Chii, I spend time with you because I like to be around you. Because I like you for you, not just because of the sex-although that's great too. I hang out with you because we're friends, and that's what friends do." His voice was serious and honest, and Chinen nodded, as Takaki smiled and scooped him up into a big hug. Chinen accepted Takaki's answer readily, happily, yet in the weeks to follow he would contemplate if this attachment he felt to Takaki was simply friendship and nothing more. He'd never felt attached to anyone before in his life and he couldn't help but think that perhaps this feeling was more than friendship. That perhaps this was what love was.
   Time flies by and the days get hotter, and as consequence Takaki starts visiting later, taking Chinen out once the sun starts to go down. They wander the streets and watch everyone else returning to their homes, and as they walk Takaki tells Chinen all about his housemates. He tells him about how Yuto challenged Taiyo for his prized top bunk and just ended up with a black eye, and how Daiki beat Yabu at chess, and about how glad he is that the next birthday they're celebrating isn't until August, because he hates having to pick out presents.
   It's during one of these conversations in mid-July when they get attacked. The sun had finally set, the night bringing with it cooler temperatures and a slight breeze, and they had wandered down into town, taking alleys so as to avoid the general population, people Takaki referred to as 'katagi'. Takaki was laughing about something Chinen had said, and Chinen was looking up at him, watching him in the moonlight when suddenly the older teen froze, the smile sliding off of his face, his eyes latching onto something ahead of them. Chinen turned his attention to their path, looking out to see just what it was that had made Takaki so serious. It was three boys, all of them bigger and obviously older than himself, and they had been leaning up against the outside wall of a convenience store, talking quietly amongst themselves. The unfamiliar boys seemed to notice them at the same time Chinen spotted them, and they pushed off of the wall, getting to their feet. Takaki cursed.
   "Chii, run." He muttered. Chinen looked up at him, confused. "These fuckers are bad news. Get out of here." Takaki's words were sharp, but his eyes were wide and slightly fearful, and Chinen's gaze flicked back to the group blocking their path, understanding now that everyone was gearing up for a fight. He felt Takaki tense beside him as the menacing group drew closer. "Chinen, what the hell're you doing?! Fucking run!" Takaki said, physically shoving Chinen back the way they had come, not taking his eyes off of their opponents. Chinen heard one of them chuckle, and he looked up to see them pointing at him, and he saw Takaki glance back at him frantically, and in that moment he decided that he wasn't leaving the older boy to get beaten up by these guys. He could handle another fight.
   One of the enemies broke away from the other two, running at them, and Takaki braced himself, ready, but Chinen dashed out to meet the guy halfway, barreling right into his stomach before kicking straight up to slam his foot into the underside of the bigger guy's chin, snapping his head back. He arched backwards and to the left, pushing himself into a cartwheel to get to his feet, and as he did so the other two opponents rushed at them, Takaki grabbing one by his collar and slugging him in the face. Chinen felt a foot connect with his back and he stumbled forward, catching his balance and spinning around, swinging his foot out and nailing his assailant in the chest, making him falter.
   The first guy lunged at him, wrapping his arms around Chinen's shoulders and lifting him in the air, but Chinen curled up, folding himself in half and wrapping his legs around his captor's neck tightly, the bigger guy letting out an enraged yell of surprise and reaching up to pull him away. Chinen hung there by his ankles, suspended around the guy's neck, and he rammed an elbow into his stomach, causing them both to go crashing to the pavement. He scrambled to his knees, crawling on top of the guy while he was still disoriented. He took the guy's head in his little hands, ramming his opponent's skull into the pavement a few times, before he felt another strong pair of arms yank him up, the person they were connected to muttering a string of shocked sounding curses.
   As he was lifted he caught sight of Takaki, his companion taking a punch to his gut, doubling over with the force of it. Chinen was forced around to face his attacker, a punch landing on his jaw, the fist large and painful, jarring him. He flipped backwards out away from that guy, onto his hands before kicking out, catching the guy's throat with his foot. The guy made a horrible wet sucking noise, doubling over, and Chinen flipped back into his feet, kicking the backs of his knees and making his enemy fall to the pavement so that he was kneeling down, and he kneed him a few times in the face before turning away.
   He immediately saw that Takaki's opponent was also down, Takaki giving the guy one last kick to the ribs before meeting Chinen's eyes, and the two of them took off, Takaki grabbing Chinen's hand as they ran, practically dragging him along so that he didn't fall behind. They left their assailants there in the alley, broken and thoroughly beaten, but they didn't go far-just a few streets over-before Takaki stopped, one hand on his chest as he caught his breath.
   "What the hell was that back there?!"
   "What?" Chinen wasn't sure what it was exactly that Takaki was referring to. Was it the attackers; because if so Chinen had no idea who those people were.
   "Fuck-" Takaki stood, looking Chinen over in the light of a nearby street lamp. "-are you okay?" Chinen nodded. His heart was pounding in his chest, and he had taken a few hits, his jaw pulsating a bit where that second guy had punched him, but he was fine. Takaki shook his head in disbelief. "You destroyed those guys."
   "I've learned gymnastics pretty much my whole life." Chinen explained, looking up at Takaki and grinning. "It's helped me a couple of times, when I've been bullied."
   "That was amazing." Takaki declared, and Chinen reached up for the older boy's face, pulling him down for a kiss, and Takaki wrapped his arms around Chinen's waist, picking him up and kissing him again, trailing the kisses down his neck and burying his nose in Chinen's chest. Chinen just held on until Takaki pulled away, saying seriously. "I'm just glad you didn't get hurt, you fucking idiot." He set Chinen back down so that his feet were on the pavement. Chinen could see a new thought forming, as Takaki's expression changed, and he scratched at the back of his neck, his fingers playing with his hair, and he said "I've got to report that to the Kumi-cho. He'll want to know that the Wakaba are hanging around in our territory." He looked down apologetically at Chinen. "D'you mind if we just call it a night?"
   Chinen found himself agreeing to that. He didn't know what the Wakaba were, but he honestly didn't much care. The adrenaline rush he'd gotten from the fight was wearing off, and in its absence a wave of relief that neither of them was really hurt washed over him so strong that he felt himself feeling weak. He was suddenly exhausted, and eager to get in his bed. So he fell into step next to Takaki and led the way back to the love hotel, Takaki asking him one last time if he was definitely okay before leaving him there at the door, taking off at a slight jog into the night.
   Chinen didn't hear from Takaki for two days after that, the older teen bursting into his room way to early one morning and shaking him awake. Chinen was thoroughly pissed at being woken up so abruptly, without due warning or any attempt at gentleness, and he kicked out at Takaki, nailing the older boy in the shoulder with his foot before curling back into the blankets, burying himself in them. He attempted to ignore the older boy completely, but Takaki was persistent, nagging him and yanking on his pillow and insisting that he wake up. Eventually Chinen just shot up to a sitting position, saying sharply
   "What the hell could possibly so important that you have to be this obnoxious, Yuyan?!" Takaki seemed taken aback by Chinen's anger, freezing for a second, before sitting on the edge of the bed, looking like a puppy that knew its owner would forgive it for whatever wrongs it had done. Then he said
   "Listen. So after that fight we got into the other night, I talked to Shoon about the whole thing and I told him how you singlehandedly destroyed those two guys all by yourself. He was really impressed." That got Chinen's attention. Takaki's boss guy, a man in a position of power in the yakuza, found Chinen impressive? Chinen found that despite himself he was no longer angry with Takaki, now simply curious, and he listened attentively as the older boy continued. "So I asked him if you could move in with us, and he's decided that-if you want to-then you've got a spot in our home."
   Chinen froze, numb with disbelief at Takaki's words. There was no way this was actually happening. There was no way.
   "You're lying." He announced. He hadn't been expecting something like this. He didn't know how to react to this. Takaki just shook his head.
   "Nope. I want you to come and live with us. I mean, this was never a permanent living situation. This is no way to live, in a love hotel. And well, you'd be sharing a room with me, but it'd still be a home." Chinen just stared at Takaki, shocked. He'd started to forget the fact that their situation was really a temporary thing, that he would need to find somewhere to truly live. But even so he'd figured that Takaki wouldn't be one to offer a solution. And even if he were, he definitely wouldn't offer this.
   "You want me to go live with you, in your house with your family?"
   "Yeah. And it's not just me. Kumi-cho is totally on board with it. And the other boys are fine with it if he is." Chinen just sat there, trying to figure out what these weird feelings in his chest were, as Takaki continued. "The only thing is that by moving in you kinda are joining the Kumi. So you'd be one of us. You'd be part of the family." Chinen nodded, and the two to them fell into silence, Chinen still trying to take all of the information in, when Takaki asked "So....what do you think?" Chinen looked up at him, feeling a little overwhelmed, and he fought with words for a few moments before he squeaked out
   "Can you give me a few hours to think about it?" Takaki hopped up off of the bed, nodding and clearing his throat embarrassedly, and he said
   "Yeah. Of course. I'll come by tonight, before dinner, and you can tell me then. How's that sound?" Chinen nodded, and rather awkwardly the older teen exited, leaving Chinen sitting there in his bed with a life changing decision in his lap.


multi-chap: you found me

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