I wish I could be prouder of it, but it was taken with a pretty crappy compact digital. For some reason, though, a lot of people are searching for photos of the Stratosphere Tower. It consistently gets up to 20 views per day. I'm puzzled, but welcome the traffic.
Rules: * take a pic of yourself right now. * don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair...just take a picture * post that picture with NO editing * post these instructions with your picture
I recently completed a project I called “365 Days of Julia." Between April 13, 2007 and April 12, 2008, I took a photo of myself each day*. It actually turns out to be 366 because of leap year, but who’s counting? Would you like to have a peek? You can view a composite poster or the photo set on Flickr. Viewing all the thumbnails side by side now
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I've just solved a mystery that has been puzzling me for some time: why this picture tops my list of most-viewed photos on Flickr. The photo is unexceptional, taken in poor lighting at my cousin's wedding, but it has been viewed a curious 154 times.
Apparently, there is a popular band among youngsters these days called the Jonas Brothers, one of
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Along the lines of my current 365 Days of Julia project, Jonas has decided to initiate a project of his own: Year of Geocaching. Starting January 1, he has made a point to find at least one geocache every day and to take a photo of himself in the process. Click the link to see his progress so far. Now we'll just have to hope he doesn't suffer
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Yesterday morning as I was driving to work it was -17°F. No joke. I was surprised and thankful that my poor little car managed to produce some heat for me.
Flickr Stats can be a source of amusement. A few days ago, someone viewed one of my photos of a plate of spaghetti and broccoli. Their search terms had been: joy alive oil chomp model. WTF? I
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