2/? of "Quicksilver"

Jun 04, 2010 03:49

Title: Quicksilver.

crossover of Numb3rs and Cal's Immortals.
Dedicated to & written at the request of: Mustangcandi.
crossposted to my lj and to SaveColby
Author: Keenir.
Pairings/Characters: Charlie, Hannah, Val (Molly), Colby, Amita, Kim (Wren), Janet,
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The hunt is afoot.
summary of part 2: Getting together.

Spoilers: Soft Target.
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters.
Warnings: none, actually.

In the Car en route:

"You win," Nathan said, looking at the magnetic checkerboard on the seat between them.

"These things happen," Janet said.

"Your fault," Min said to Philips.

"Excuse me?" Philips asked.

"You said not to drive so fast the checkers can't stick to the board."

"Before you ask," Janet said to Nathan, "yes she has done it."

"And then she made me and Rani clean the car," Philips said.

"Because you failed to warn me ahead of time that you both get carsick."

"At speeds of 150 miles per hour. I think that's a damn good reason."

"Not an excuse this time?"

"Um," Nathan said, and stopped himself - this time - before saying 'um, ladies.' "I thought you said that Marlowe doesn't do something in public unless it'll strike...us," said Nathaniel Poe, formerly of the FBI.

"That's right," Janet Kotsonis said, sitting in the back seat of the car while California zipped around the car.

"So why steal a mathematician?" Poe asked, and didn't understand why everyone else was looking at Philips. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I went to High School with Charlie," Philips said. "And his brother Don."

"There was a catfight, I bet," Janet said in a stage whisper to Nathan.

"Between Charlie and Don, yes," Philips said. "They know me by my birth name - Valerie Eng."

"You're a Valerie?" Janet teased. "Were your parents hippies?"

Min coughed.

"Yeah, I know, but you're at least cool."

"Remind me of that when you need my -"

Nathan coughed and waved his arms a little. "Um, can we focus back on the case? Or the mission, or whatever you want to call it."

"We're to meet Callie in LA," Min said. "She's there with her boyfriend enjoying some time off. And we should all probably avoid talking to Don Eppes while we're there."

"Why...oh god, you too?" Janet groaned.

"What can I say, he was legal," Min said. "To him, I'm Kim Hall."

"Great. Now that we've synced our watches and know what names to keep an ear out for, can we just put a bullet in Marlowe and get back home?"

"Problem?" Val asked.

"I'm going to miss Flashpoint."

"You know, they have this newfangled invention out on the markets. Something called a D-V-R, I think."

"I like watching it play out live," Janet said.

"So the jumping around in time doesn't bother you?" Poe asked, hoping he wasn't treading on dangerous ground.

"If it did," Min remarked, "she would have shot her tv the first time she saw a commercial."

" 's truth," Janet said. "And on that note, I should call Callie, make sure she finds us a place to crash."

"It was twice," Kim said. "And we all survived them both."

"Hey Nate," Val said, "now you know why we never like to let her drive."

"I wasn't curious," Nate said.

"I'll pretend you didn't say that as quickly as you did," Kim said.

On the phone, Janet said, "Huh. Is that so? Well I'll be sure to pass that tidbit along, but - you're sure?" Janet listened carefully. "You do know we don't bug our own phones, right, Callie? Or is it my ears - and not those of some hypothetical minder - that you're trying to melt?" Janet mouthed to the others, 'She's describing Colby again. Vividly.' "Understood," she said to Callie. "Me? Well, if you insist.

"We'll be there. Try not to lick Agent Granger to death before we get there." Smiling, "Why? Well, you do remember that he's met Molly before, right?"

Janet looked at the phone like she'd been hung up on, and said, in a surprised tone, "She laughed, said she'd see us soon, and hung up."

Val shook her head. "That's kind of the point of ending a conversation."

"Maybe," Janet allowed. "Though, Kim, maybe we should let Val out here and she can get home in time to see Flashpoint. That way, at least one of us will know what's happening to Jules."

"Something's got your goat, and it isn't the Greek waiter at CiCi's," Janet said. "What's happening over there?"

"The FBI called in a friend of theirs," Min said.

"Good for them."

"Ian Edgerton."

The car got very quiet very fast. "Another mutual friend?" Poe asked.

"He's jealous," Val said.


"Not you," Min told him. "Edgerton. Val and Ian are vying for the position of being the best sniper."

"Didn't you say you didn't have a clear shot?" Janet asked.

"I should have tried," Val said. "If we don't try, we can't get better."

"Well, you'll get Marlowe, and that'll move you up, right?" Nathan asked.

"You're right," Val said, thanking him.

"So," Kim asked, "If Don happens to ask -"

"Assuming you can't make a clean getaway," Val interjected, knowing how unlikely that was.

"- how, shall we say, your dear husband is faring?"

"You're married?" Nathan asked.

"Tell him the truth," Val told Kim.

"That you were about to marry a Cambodian spy?" Janet asked. "Or that you killed him?"

"He's dead," Val said. "That's all Don needs to know. It's safer that way."

"You're the boss, boss," Kim said.

"And Pete wasn't a Cambodian spy," Val said.

* * * * *

At the Meeting Point, LA beachfront property:

"Wait a minute," David said. "If you knew that Colby was involved with Callie all this time, then why joke about him and me?"

Nikki just looked at him. "You're more fun."

Colby shrugged. "Don't look at me."

"If you ladies are done gossipping," Ian said, "then maybe we can get back to work." To Callie, "And I don't care what government agency sent you," Ian told Callie, "I'm here to recover Charlie from the madwoman who abducted him." Edgerton pumped his shotgun for dramatic effect. "And I always get my man."

"Like I said," Liz said to her partners.

"Actually," Colby said, "I thought you said -"

"I know what I said, Granger," Liz said. "Any idea what's keeping your friends, Callie? I don't know how long we can keep Edgerton from running off and making friends."

"They'll be here," Callie said. "Right about..." trailing off as a car pulled up, its passengers jumping out as soon as it stopped. "Now."

"That's creepy," Colby said. But reallly sexy with how your lips shape the words, full of patience and anticipation and - God, I think I'm going into withdraw.

"You must be the FBI," Poe said.

"We would be," Colby said. "And who might you be?"

"Nathan Poe, former FBI."

"Great," Ian said. "Why don't your friends tell us whatever pseudonyms they're using this week, and we can go do some real work." And Edgerton saw the surprised look on Poe's face as Poe saw Liz. "Hey, buddy, you got a problem?"

"No, uh, no, not at all. I'm just surprised."

"She's not her," said the Immortal next to Poe, said to him. "Similar, sure."

"And you are?" Nikki asked.

Looking up from her UNC sweatshirt, the Immortal woman removed her NYC baseball cap and adjusted her posture. Now the sweatshirt wasn't baggy. Now her hair flowed differently over her shoulders. Now they recognized her:

"Fatima Uthman," Colby said.

"Agent Hall?" David asked.

"That'd be me," Kim said. "To both. And you really weren't supposed to be there in the first place, Mr. Granger." To Callie, Kim said, "Sniper's in position."

"So we're using...?" Callie asked, and Kim nodded. "Are we sure she won't rub out Edgerton first?"

Kim smiled. "We did manage to convince her that she should rub her victory in his face beforehand."

"You're kidding me, right?" Ian asked. "You brought her too?"

"Yep, the boy's running scared," Kim said to the FBI, who chuckled.

"So," Nikki asked, "what agency are you with?"

"Yes," Callie said. "Sorry, but that's not something we're allowed to tell the public."

"We're FBI," Liz said.

"This isn't a matter of departments or pay grades. This is just a fact." To Kim, "Sync?"

Kim and Callie each put a finger in one ear and worked their jaws like they were chewing gum or on an airplane. Once that was done, "Okay," Callie said. "Comm frequency is shared."

"Kotsonis, you still doing recon of the area?" Kim asked. "Sounds like fun," Kim answered.

"They like showing off," Ian said.

Kim said, "Kotsonis wants to know, and I quote, 'What pissed down your neck to make you like this, Edgerton?' I'm kinda curious about that myself."

"I'm taking that to mean none of you read the report?" Edgerton said, amused at that.

"Aw hell."

"Yeah, that."

"That's it?" Kim asked.

"What, like that wasn't enough?"

Liz stepped between the two of them. "Look, whatever's going on with you, whatever history you share, save it til after we get Charlie safe and sound."

"I can agree to that," Kim said.

"Good," Callie said, mouthing 'thank you' to Liz. "Now all we have to do is wait for the call."

"From your boss?" David asked.

Callie shook her head. "From Marlowe - the woman holding Charlie captive."

"Riight," Nikki said, "and she's just going to call us?"

Right then, Liz's and Callie's cell phones rang.

"Know your enemy," Kim said. "And when you can't do that, know your opponent."

to be continued.

meme tv shows that should be, callie, christina chang, kelly hu, numb3rs, numb3rs fanfiction, val eng, val, sarah wayne callies

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