1/? of "Quicksilver" (Numb3rs/Cal's Immortals crossover)

Jun 03, 2010 23:12

Title: Quicksilver.

crossover of Numb3rs and Cal's Immortals.
Dedicated to & written at the request of: Mustangcandi.
crossposted to my lj and to SaveColby
Author: Keenir.
Pairings/Characters: Charlie, Hannah, Val (Molly), Colby, Amita, Kim (Wren), Janet,
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The hunt is afoot.
summary of part 1: Charlie has been kidnapped.

Spoilers: Soft Target.
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters.
Warnings: none, actually.

At the Airport:

Charlie was busy holding Amita's hand, planning with her their honeymoon in England, smiling with her about what they might do with the house upon their return. So it is understandable that he didn't hear when his named was called initially.

"Mr. Eppes?"

"Sorry," Charlie said, turning to face the airport official who was standing by him and Amita, aluminum clipboard held at the ready. "I'm Professor Eppes. Can I help with anything?"

Looking mildly apologetic, she said, "I'm afraid I need to ask you a few questions, sir. It shouldn't take more than a minute, but I'm told it's all national security and you have to come."

"Can I have your name?" Charlie asked. "It's standard."

"For record-keeping purposes, yes," she nodded. "Connie Hammett," and rattled off a series of numbers. "Now...?"

Charlie nodded, turned to Amita and told her, "I'll be right back. They probably want me to swear I won't leak anything classified while I'm over there."

Amita nodded and stepped out of the line, taking a seat on the far-from-plush chairs, figuring that this wouldn't take long, and then she would have Charlie all to herself the entire plane ride and the length of the honeymoon. I made sure Susan will be nowhere near him at any time, Amita thought to herself.

While Amita was thinking that, Connie was escorting Charlie to behind one of the security doors, keeping her badge in plain sight. "Are we -?"

Interupting Charlie, Connie said, "There's no need to fear, Professor. We're almost clear."

"Clear?" Charlie repeated, not liking the sound of that.

She nodded. "I could inject a vial of chemicals that would paralyze your higher brain functions while letting you keep walking and breathing, but, personally, I would prefer to avoid using that as long as I can."

"There's no such chemical," Charlie said, confident.

"You shouldn't play chicken with me, Professor Eppes," Connie said. "I eat chicken."

"Let me guess - if I make one wrong move, you inject me with the vial that may or may not exist?"

"Just so. And if I think you're about to make that wrong move, you get the vial."


"I know. Though, on another matter, after that incident with the emails to Pakistan, Professor, that oath you mentioned? It would be sensible."

"I'm sorry?" Charlie asked.

"No need," said Connie, who was known as Hannah Marlowe.

* * * * *

At Immortal divisional HQ San Francisco:

Wren Min and Molly Mai Philips stood at attention before the desk of Max Flask, the alpha and omega of the Immortals.

"At ease," Flask said. "How many times do I have to tell you two that?"

Min shrugged. "What's the mission?"

"You know, maybe its not better I told Callie that I didn't need to know what she does to light a fire under you."

"I've been on the sidelines for a week, sir," Min said. "No missions, nothing to get the blood pumping."

"Callisthenics," Flask said.

Philips was by this point looking at her shoes, waiting for the orders.

"There's been a kidnapping," Flask told them. "The person in question consults for almost every branch of the federal government, and more than a few of the state and local. Because of that, there's a big bruha over who gets to search for him. In the end, it came down to either us or Homeland Security."

"We are lucky," Philips said.

"Not on this," Flask said. "Not only does it bear the hallmarks of one of Marlowe, but."

"But?" Min asked. "What's bad about going after Marlowe?

"You're going in, Molly," Flask told Philips.

"Thank you, sir?" she answered, not sure why this was unlucky.

"You'll be going after Marlowe, who's kidnapped one Professor Charles Eppes."

"Oh." That's why.


"And you're going to take Min, Poe, and Kotsonis," Flask said. "Min, you're driving."

"And you, sir?" Min asked, inwardly grinning.

"I'll be here unless I'm called out on an errand," Flask said. "Also, make sure Kotsonis and Agent Chen don't meet. I didn't like putting out the fire from that the last time."

Min and Philips both nodded.

"Sir?" Philips asked.


"Are you sure I can't drive?"

"Time is of the utmost," Flask said.

Well, yes, sir, but I like my stomach where it is. "Understood, sir," accepting it, though far from happy with it.

"Look on the bright side," Flask told her.

"Bright side, sir?" Min asked.

"I could have told Poe to drive."

Min winced.

To Be Continued.

series, crossover, meme tv shows that should be, callie, christina chang, kelly hu, numb3rs, numb3rs fanfiction, val eng, val, meme tv shows they should have made, sarah wayne callies

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