SIGNS: Bachelet Chile's First Female Prez, Legos, "Love Boat"

Mar 11, 2006 10:21

Here's a funny Sign in Politiics :o)
  1. Michelle Bachelet is the new President of Chile:
    1. BACHEL(ET) = BACHEL(OR) when ET(Alien) = OR(Sun)
    2. That's why I'm a Bachelor who's a Single Male.
    3. That's why as a Single Virgin Male that no Woman wants, I have a Bachelor's Degree!!! :o)
  2. I said 3/10/2006 that , "I'm just Poor Boy. Nobody loves me!":
    1. I said I'm Queen Elizabeth II as Queen Isabelo the Gemini
    2. That's why I said 11/24/2005 that Queen's Lead Singer was Freddy MERCURY, which is the Ruling Planet of Gemini and V/IR-Go :o)
    3. P.O./Or = Port Orchard(P.O.) Sun(Or). I'm extremely P.O./Or!!! :o)
    4. I'm also Extremely RI/C-H = 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) Dominant(C) Superman(H)
    5. When I'm P.O./Or, I "Poo R" = Poo Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) = Poo Communicaition = Shit out information!!!
    6. I don't complain much, but when I get abused and mistreated, I become very POO-R
  3. Outgoing President Ricardo Lagos:
    1. L.A./Go-S = Los Angeles(L.A.) IR(Go-Spanish) Superman(S)
    2. L(A)GOS = L(E)GOS
    3. Le/Go-S = Definite Fr.(Le) IR(Go-Spanish) Superman(S)
  4. Con = With in Spanish
    1. Con = Con Artist
    2. Wit/H = Witty Superman
    3. When I switch Gears and use Spanish, I'm being a "Witty Superman" and a "Con Artist" using "IR" to mena "Go" for "God" LOL
  5. Carne = "Meat" in Spanish:
    1. M.E./At = Mother Earth(M.E.) Superman(At)
    2. C-AR/NE = Dominant(C) IR(AR) Ma in E(Northeast/NE)
I said that Davis is always playing games with me and being S/NE-A/K-y.
  1. Davis is a K/Id (Aquarian Selfish)
  2. When he plays games with me, he's playing with LEGOS!!!
  3. I said Davis is Aquarius and Z = Aquarius
  4. I said 1/7/2006 that Davis is Nuts and a Del Monte Bananas, which is a Maniac
  5. That's why Davis is Zack the Lego Maniac!!! :o)
  6. Z-A/C-K = Aquarian(Z) God(A) Dominant(A) Aquarian(K)
"Zack! Zack! He's a Lego Maniac!"
  1. I said that Davis and I work in the Entertainment Field
  2. Ent. = Entertainment
  3. Z = Aquarius
  4. Id = Self
  5. Pre(Z) = Pre(S-ID/Ent)
  6. Aquarius = Superman Selfish Entertainment
That would be Davis when he's being a Superman Selfish Entertainment :o). I wasn't kidding when I said Davis was specifically born on 2/14/1972 in Pennsylvania as Year of the Rat and with the Initials BLD :o).

Did I mention the part of how when people screw me over, the Planet has a whole bunch of embedded insults in Brand Name Products that compare Adult's immature and selfish behavior to that of Kids' Toys Kid's Cereals? :o)

That's why Davis is Pringles:
  1. PR in G-Le/S = Public Relations in God(G) Definite PA(Le/The-Fr.) Superman(S)
  2. Davis is from Pennsylvania (PA)
  3. Pa = Pop
  4. "Once you P/O.P., you can't stop!!!"...LMAO
That's why I'm HEALTHY Food and other people who feed you CRAP are feeding you JUNK FOOD:
  1. I said I'm 1/8 Chinese
  2. J/UN-K = Cross-Eyed Un Aquarius = Non Non Aquarius = Aquarius
  3. That's why in China, boats are called "Junk"!!!
  4. Bo-AT = Lover(Bo) Superman)
  5. Davis is born Valentine's Day, which is Love
  6. Definition of Junk: A Chinese flatbottom ship with a high POOP and battened sails.
That's why I keep saying that Davis is so FULL OF SHIT...LMAO

That's how you get the "Love Boat"
  1. It came out in 1977, which is IR or Year of the Snake
  2. Gavin MacLeod was Captain Stubing:
    1. Mac/Le-OD = Mother Dominant(Ma-C) Pennsylvania(PA/Le/The-Fr.) Overdose(OD)
    2. Mac/Leo-D = Mac Leo Leo Female = Mac Aquarius Female.
    3. I said Davis is a B/AD (2/14) Aquarian Male. OPPOSITE would be a Good Aquarian Female
    4. That's why Wendy Iwaszuk in Junior High was WI = Wisconsion
    5. She's the Aquarian FEMALE and was the SWEETEST, NICEST, and MOST TRUSTWORTHY person.
    6. The flip side would be a sneaky connoving Aquarian Self-Centered Male, which is Davis :o)
  3. Ted Lange was Isaac Washington:
    1. I'm from Washington State
    2. I said 11/3/2005 Isabella was Lucy the Bartender
    3. She's Valentine like Davis. The Sneaky Female Bartender would be an HONEST Male Bartender when it's inverted :o)
    4. I said Isabella had me call her up on April Fool's 2004 and then when I got in trouble with Charlie, she snuck away letting me take the heat
    5. Because of that stunt, I lost my friend Bliss who is now on Isabella's Friends List, and both of them think I'm a Psycho Stalker!!!
  4. Teri Hatcher was a Loveboat Mermaid. She went on to be Lois Lane
  5. Fred Grandy was Burl Smith (a.k.a. Gophe)r:
    1. I'm GO-P/He-R. Go = IR-Spanish
    2. I'm Gopher always hitting all the women on the Love Boat!!!
    3. Notice the P = Aquarian Male
    4. G/O.P.-He/R = God(G) Operating Procedure(O.P.) Gemini Gemini = God Operating Procedure Sagittarius = God Operating Procedure Higher Learning
    5. I said Communication is SEX. So as a TEACHER I would UPLOADING "Information Sperm" into Students' "Brain Vagina" making them "pregnant with thought" and helping them "give birth to ideas"
  6. Jill Whalen was Vicki Stubing:
    1. VI(CK)I = V II with CK in it
    2. VII with CK in it = Sun(V) Gemini(II) with Clark Kent(CK) in it
    3. I said I'm FE-Male, so I'd be VI(CK)I
    4. VI/CK-I = Sexual(6/Sex) Clark Kent(CK) God(I)
I once did an essay for my English Professor, Dr. Louis Graham, at Olympic College:
  1. I was comparing the similarties between "Love Boat" and "Star Trek: The Next Generation." I said both Captains were Bald
  2. Davis is Bald
  3. Captain Picard was Pa-T/RI-CK Stewart
  4. Pa-T/RI-CK = Father(Pa) Female(T/20/XX) 5/29(RI) Clark Kent(CK)
  5. That's why I'm the HIDDEN FEMALE and it's a Trick
  6. I said 2/17/2006 that I'm a Cheap Dirty Whore. That's why "turn T/RI-CK/S"
  7. That's why Davis is AFRO-Dite and a Transvestite Prostitute. He tries to turn T/RI-CK/S as well :o)
One of the things I liked about Isabella Valentine as a Phone Sex Operator is that when she cums hard, she's a screamer. The whole neighborhood can hear her cumming with how hard she screams.

When you S-C/Re-Am, you C/Over your IRs:
  1. S-C/Re-Am = Superman(S) Dominant(C) Rabbit(Re/75-Periodic/1975) Father(Am/Non-Ma/Pa)
  2. C/Over = Dominant(C) Over
  3. IR = EAR
It means that when the Superman Dominant Rabbit Father, you become Dominant over the IR/Superman.

Are you following the Symbolis and Abbreviations that the Planet set up?

It took all the Letters in the Alphabet and assigned Variables so that when you do natural responses, all the Words attached to your Natural Responses reveal an underlying Operating Procedure of how you should conduct yourself when managing your Psychic Abilities.

Pretty ingenious, huh? :o)

This also goes to show that anyone who tries to challenge me can "roll the dice and take their chances" as Jack Nicholsen said.

However, let me warn you that the Planet has stored up thousands, possibly even millions, of Insults, Jokes, and Gags for anyone who tries to go against the Operating System I'm trying to pass on.

All the people who try to challenge me were all loaded with abbreviations and embedded tags in their names and when they were born so that when they try to attack me, the Planet will just light the fuse on their names and personal information that will tie them to silly or idiotic characters everyone has seen on television.

That's why I'm Bugs Bunny. Every time people try to pull Elmer Fudd, Tazmanian Devil, or Daffy Duck on me, I just pull out my bag of tricks :o). I have all kinds of toys to playing.
  1. An example is how Davis is a Slinky
  2. SL in K-y = Sunny Leone(SL) in Aquarian(K/11) Male(Y)
  3. Notice how a slinky is a coil that just goes around in Circles
  4. Davis just goes around in Circles!!! LMAO
I'm a Yo-Yo:
  1. Yo-Yo = I-I (Yo-Spanish) = II/Gemini
  2. I'm really good at doing an "Around the World"
  3. I could never figure out how to "Walk the Dog"!!! ROTFL
  4. I said 1/1/2006 that Bliss is a Dog!!!
  5. Bliss is another Gemini or a Yo-Yo
As the Gemini Virgin Mary, that's how you get YO-YO MA!!! ROTFLMAO

Get it??? It's punny!!!

Bachelet Is Chile's First Female President
VALPARAISO, Chile (March 11) - Michelle Bachelet, a Socialist pediatrician who suffered prison, torture and exile under Chile's military dictatorship, was sworn in as the nation's first female president on Saturday.

Bachelet took her oath before Senate President Eduardo Frei at the crowded Hall of Honor of Chile's Congress in this port city near Santiago. Outgoing President Ricardo Lagos removed the white, red and blue presidential sash he was wearing and handed it to Frei, who placed it on Bachelet.

The 54-year-old president appeared relaxed and waved her right hand in response to salutes from people in the stands.

Some 30 foreign leaders and several prominent women, including Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, attended.

Bachelet's inauguration marks a deep cultural change in this male-dominated, conservative society, where divorce was legalized less than two years ago, abortion remains illegal, and women often earn up to 40 percent less than men doing the same work.

Already, she's challenged the traditional power structure by appointing what she calls a "parity government" - with equal numbers of men and women at more than 250 key jobs. She made the appointments without the traditional, lengthy negotiations with the political parties.

In addition, Bachelet has also vowed to promote legislation that would force political parties to include a certain percentage of female candidates.

Bachelet was elected to a four-year term in a Jan. 15 runoff vote to replace Lagos, a fellow Socialist. Bachelet served as Lagos' defense and health minister.

At an International Women's Day celebration, Lagos called Bachelet's election "proof that we have expanded the limits of what is possible in Chile nowadays."

A separated mother of three, Bachelet is the first elected Latin American leader who didn't rise to power with the help of a powerful husband. She says her victory reflects profound changes in Chilean society.

Bachelet is the daughter of an air force general who was tortured and died in prison for opposing the 1973 military coup led by Gen. Augusto Pinochet. She, too, was briefly imprisoned and tortured before being forced into exile.

She is expected to maintain Lagos' free market economic policies that have made Chile's economy one of the healthiest in Latin America. The country had a $5 billion surplus in 2005.

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