PREDICTION: "Crash'" Producer Flat Broke, "Ironic" by Alanis

Mar 10, 2006 22:50

Here's a Prediction regarding the Oscars:
  1. "Crash": I said 3/6/2006 that the reason why "Crash" won is because it's about me and symbolizes me. That's why it was a Dark Horse that came out of nowhere.
    Independent Producer Cathy Schulman: Initials CS = Dominant(C) Superman(S)
  2. She still faces a court fight against producer Bob Yari, who is furious that he was deprived of the chance for his own moment:
    1. Bob Yari = Lover(Bo) Gemini(B/2) Male(Y) IR(AR) God(I)
    2. Y-A/RI = Male(Y) God(A) 5/29(RI/Rhode Island)
    3. It's a twisted variation of me because I said I'm pissed at Davis because he hasn't been paying me what he's been taking in
    4. However, on the flip side, I'm Cathy Schulman who is flat broke
    5. I said I'm Fe-Male and I got screwed over by everyoen
  3. Joining the short-lived Savoy Entertainment, Schulman got a crash course in film production on the fly:
    1. I learned on the fly or last minute
    2. S-A/Voy = Superman(S) God(A) I Go(Voy-Spanish)
  4. He turned on the famous Ovitz charm:
    1. O/V-I/T-Z = Sun(O) Sun(V) God(I) Female(T/20/XX0 Aquarius(Z). I said Davis is Aquarius
    2. Famous Ovitz Charm: I said Davis is charming
  5. Somehow, Ovitz discovered her meetings. "I was trying to maintain my ethical compass and do what was right," Schulman says. "But in pursuit of what was right for the group, I fell into a trap":
    1. I said that I fell into a trap trying to fix things for other people two years ago
    2. Ovitz discovering those meetings is a variation of me. However, because I fired people I couldn't trust, my personality got infused in there and you see my "Hunting Abilities" and "Hunting Skill" able to sniff things out through Ovitz
    3. That's an example of how you can get different layers of my personality conflicting with one another
  6. According to her 2002 wrongful termination lawsuit against Ovitz, "When Ovitz learned of Ms. Schulman's truthful disclosures . . . in a rage, he immediately terminated Ms. Schulman":
    1. Two years ago, I fired people from the old team of the "God Corporation." but it was because they were unable to "wake up" their Conscious Minds
    2. I terminated those people in my company, but notice that it's my "firing abilities" paired up with a Davis Symbol with "Z" for Aquarius
  7. She lost the suit and was ordered to pay $3.6 million to Ovitz during arbitration, but the award was vacated in 2004: It's a variation of who hasn't paid me. However, because I shifted my own "Honest" Personality in and serve as Female, that's where that "Luck Factor" kicked in with Schulman
  8. Amid the Ovitz litigation, she filed for bankruptcy:
    1. What you're seeing is inner conflict
    2. I finally realized that with the Power of Interpretation, the best way to defend against Subconscoius Charlie being a thorn in my side and try to steal the powers was just to re-interpret the Signs to all point to me
    3. Subconscious Charlie was supposed to symbolize Satan with me as God. However, it was just easier to reinterpret the Signs to where I'm both Satan and God because then it's just internal conflict and not some outside and uncontrollable nemesis or separate entity detached from myself. At least if I play both roles of God and Satan, I can just do a reasoning process.
    4. I don't have to wait for approval from the other party. That's how Subconscious Charlie was punishing me because he thought he held all the cards. Since he wasn't the one hurting for time, he thought he could just sit and wait me out while I was slowly bleeding to Death
  9. "It's my greatest strength and weakness. It's the same thing that made me fight tireless battles to get 'Crash' to the screen without pay. I don't suffer wrongdoing well. I right wrongs with legal battles. I want to pave the way for people who follow me not to let this happen": That's what I'm doing. I'm paving the Training Manual so that anyone following in my footsteps doesn't have to go through the crap I went through
  10. On the five films Schulman made with Yari, he paid for her overhead, found international investors, invested some of his own money and controlled the purse strings. He asked Schulman to defer her producing fees on the projects, which included the Sundance films "Employee of the Month" and "Thumbsucker":
    1. On one hand I was Orvitz who paid and invested my own family's money
    2. On another level Orvitz is Davis who has been having me "defer" payment on all the loans. He's just been collecting all the money for himself to pay his bills while he has me on "deferred payment," which is indefinite. All the while, I've been like Schulman bleeding financially, getting stress from being nagged by my family Davis borrowed all that money from, and having to raise a family
    3. When she got back and found that "Crash" was a runaway success, she thought she might start seeing some money: I thought that Davis would be doing the same thing where he'd finally be able to start throwing some money my way, but he doesn't tell me about any of the deals he closes on. He says he closes on a lot of things, but I don't even get a fraction of whatever it is he takes in. Because I don't complain or confront him directly, I'm low priority even though I really am the most important who should be getting paid. I shouldn't even have to ask Davis about it.
    4. You see the same behavior with the way he borrows my personal items. He hasn't returned any of the electronic equipment I asked for. He even pawned it behind my back
  11. Schulman and Nunan filed against Yari last month, she has not been paid for any of the work she did for him:
    1. I've not earned a cent from this
    2. Davis may claim he's given me money, but anything that ws given to me went directly to paying off that Indonesian Project
    3. He was using my Bank Accounts for the personal DBA and would instruct me to withdraw money deposited in that account and hand it over to him in cash. So it's all on record as having gone into my account, but what you don't see is where the money went. All you see are cash withdrawals of lump sums of money.
    4. The only way you can trace Davis or an unusual pattern is how from March 2003 - August 2004, you see these withdrawals and overdrafts. Then when my accounts got canceled, Davis was forced to get his own bank accounts. As soon as Davis stopped leeching off of me, his own bank accounts started falling into overdrafts while my bank accounts "mysteriously" cleared up and where I stopped falling into overdrafts because Davis stopped borrowing money from me and left me alone
    5. However, Davis now holds it over my head that since I'm not his driver anymore (because he pawned the car and my family "confiscated" it until he pays me back), that's why you see how Davis slipped up when I asked him on the phone when he can start paying me and he just laughed and said, "You don't do anything"
    6. This is coming from someone who is talking about how he could really screw this one guy Mark Shelton who isn't being a good reference for him. He doesn't realize that he's in the same boat with the way he treats me. Davis doesn't realize that he could be caught for embezzling and there are enough people that are pissed off at him that could form Class Action Suit against him and would love to get their hands on me.
    7. That's why I've been distancing myself on that level where I don't want to know what Davis has been doing because I don't want to get dragged into whatever mess he makes. That's why I keep hammering on what I said 1/26/2006 about Kansas City Chiefs Player Len Dawson who was associating with a Bookie who got indicted. They started investigating the relationship between Dawson and that Bookie to find out what his involvement was. It turned out Dawson was innocent. That was me. Davis is the Bookie
  12. Yari has called the lawsuit "a shameful misrepresentation of the facts" regarding the Bull's Eye partnership:
    1. That's a twisted variation of one side of me that has been ticked at the women accusing me of being a Psychotic Stalker
    2. On another level it's Davis who will be stating the same thing about me and my complaints about him
  13. Director Ed Zwick is developing its fantasy epic "The Lions of Al-Rassan":
    1. Zwick = Z/Wick = Aquarian(Z) Wick
    2. AL = IR
    3. RA/SS-An = Gemini(R) God(A) Gemini Superman(SS) Indecisive(An-Indefinite)
In regards to what's going on between Bob Yari and Cathy Schulman, this is where that Decryption Code comes in handy. Everybody's going to be giving their own interpretation of events and coloring things.

However, when you'll see embeddd tags surface when you plug that Decryption Code into the Bob Yari and Cathy Schulman's:
  1. Full Initials
  2. Full Names
  3. Date they were born and Astrological Sign
  4. The Names of their Spouses
  5. The Names of their Children
  6. What High School they went to
  7. What State they were born
  8. What Car they drive
  9. The License Plate on their car
  10. The street address they lived on and the past street addresses they lived on
  11. The name of their pets
  12. What brand, model, and year cars do you drive
THAT is how SPECIFIC that Decryption Code gets. When align it with the story I posted on my Blog, it serves as a Key Code. When you align all the Letters, Names, and Numbers, you'll see this hidden Instructions that indicate what they're doing and how their personalities were crafted.

There are so many things that their Subconscious Minds chose for a reason that give clues as to what kind of Conscious Mind is operating and doing the things it's doing.

That's how it is with Davis. He can say whatever he wants, but all I have to do is point to his birthdate, state, full name, and abbreviations and you always see something surface about what he's been doing unconsciously.

That's why people don't realize how much CRAP I have to put up with. What I did two years ago was cleaning up a huge mess that was all out of pocket and under what a normal budget is. However, not only do I not get credit for it, but I'm bleeding financially.
  1. I said 1/20/2006 that I was that Whale that was limping into the Thames River.
  2. I'm exhausted all the time and not getting enough sleep.
  3. I don't have any personal life.
  4. I have to deal with my own mother nagging me like a deadbeat. It's so disheartening being shoved with this responsibility taking care of the Planet and you can't even tell your own mother that you're fine and that she's only adding more stress to a job you're not even getting paid for. It's like one of those unfortunate Volunteer Positions where it's just sucking the life out of you
  5. You get jeered at by people who don't believe you have this Psychic Ability and think you're just delusional. So not only are you crazy, but you don't even get credit for your work because people think it's too awesome or just plain impossible for one mere mortal to do all of this
  6. You have a self-centered Business Associate who thinks that you don't do anything and just sit around doing nothing. So therefore he feels justified in not cutting any of the profits he makes even though much of his business contacts and leads were derived through me pulling leads to him and expecting him to be the breadwinner for the both of us so I could be the "housewife" and "take care of the child."
That's how pathetic the role is. That's why I wasn't kidding when I said I'm the most underpaid B/L.A.-CK Fe-Male on the Planet with the most important job of Motherhood and managing a Planet.

Things are so bad that I'm not even asking to be paid for what I'm worth, which is in the millions or hundreds of millions of dollars since it's the most important, I'm just praying for enough of a break so I can have all my mom's debts paid off and where I can have enough food to eat without worrying the next month if I'll be able to eat.

This once again comes back to this underlying resentment. I don't complain or say too much about it and try to maintain an upbeat personality because that's my natural inclination, but one of my sore points that really gets to me is that I had to give up my dreams and freedom to take care of a child.

I understand the value of it for the good of humankind, but it still is a slap in the face that everyone else gets to pursue tehir own dreams while I got held back and am forced to take care of a kid. You get so beaten and worn down after a while.

Personally, I think I've maintained my sanity better than most people that would've gone mad from the information overload and the stress. However, it doesn't help my case that I can't even count on my friends and family to be supportive because thye don't believe I have Psychic Abilities either.

So not only do I not have any support from friends or family, but I have to be sort of in hiding or seclusion not making any waves until I can pull myself out of this weakened financial position.

I have to worry about juggling Divination/Psychic Readings, building a Psychic Training Manual from scratch, update the Scientific Theories, figure out a marketing campaign, and find a way to make some money to survive.

I'm just so worn down, and it's depressing to think that I have to brace for a whole bunch of Skeptics, Critics, Religious Figures, World Leaders, and Opponents who are finally going to realize I do have Psychic Abilities. However, instead of people embracing me with open arms. I'm going to get put through the wringer. Everybody is going to have to test me until they're 100% satisfied that there was no foul play involved, that the information I've provied is true, and that my intentions are not malevolent.

All the while, I have to do this while nursing the heartache of a lost love over a woman who never existed and was just a picture of someone's face. You did all this stuff for the Love of a woman ended up not being the person in the picture. One of the shameful things about it is that when I take a good hard look at myself, I know I wouldn't have gone to such great lengths and crossed over into the Psychic Realm if Sunny Leone hadn't been so pretty.

It's a personal slap in the face showing how Superficial a person can be. We all have this high opinion of ourselves until we really find out that we're Superficial. I talk about such high-minded ideals of Nobility, Honor, and doing the Right thing. However, I'm a hypocrite like everyone else. If I had known that Isabella Valentine was not Sunny Leone, I wouldn't have tried so hard or at all to help her. If Isabella had just been a "plain" female, I wouldn't have done all the things I did in the so-called "Glorious Name of Love."

That's a sad thing you have to live with showing I'm just as superficial as all the other males who are attracted to women by their physical beauty and not what's inside. I knew it long ago because in 11th Grae Lori Hinds had a crush on me. She was nice in every respect. A great friend and fun to talk to. However, I wasn't interested in her because she didn't meet my standards of "Pretty."

If you think that I'm not off the hook, you're wrong:
  1. Lori Hinds was born 12:09 am the exactly same day 5/29/1975
  2. LO/RI = Sunny Leone(L/50+O/15=65=5x13) 5/29(RI/Rhode Island)
  3. Initials LH = 12/8 = My Mom's B-Day and Teri Hacther's B-Day
It's the Planet showing me how I turned down someone all because she wasn't pretty enough. I never forgot that though. That's why I'm sympathetic toward people who are plain-looking or unattractive.

Do you know my first kiss wasn't romantic. It became the subject of interest and people had a betting pool. I wanted my first kiss to be something special and instead it was reduced to that. On top of that, it wasn't even natural. It was forced because I didn't want to kiss my Prom Date, but because Steve Reid (Re/Id) and Lori Hinds were waiting at the front door, watching me, I didn't want to look like a Dick.

So I kissed Wendi Johnson, but there was no feeling in it, and I have always resented it deep down because I felt that just like Virginity it was something robbed or taken from me because it was forced. Call it a "Forced Virgin Kiss" if you want. I don't say anything about it, but I never forgave any of them for that.

In "40 Year Old Virgin," they talkabout how Virgins are "putting the Pussy on a Pedestal." Maybe I am and that's just something dysfunctional in me, but I can say the same thing about people who lie:
  1. When you lie enough times, it becomes natural
  2. When you kiss enough times, it's no longer any big thing
  3. When you fuck enough times, it's no big deal
  4. When you trick people into spending money enough times, it's no big deal
I'm well aware of what deprivation does. I get excited and nervous just holding a girl's hand or sitting next to her. Having a girl physically lay her hand on mine or touch me in any Platonic way is arousing ot me. That's what it's like being deprived of intimacy.

That's exactly what the Planet needed when it had me cross over into the Psychic Realm. I wanted so badly to believe that someone as beautiful as Sunny Leone could fall in love with me that I was whipping my Psychic Flagella tail so hard and so desperately that it pierced through the Electromagnetic Field serving as the Shell for the Earth as a Planet-sized Ovum.

That's how you get this Phenomenon. I've had 17 years worth of Virginity all pent up and no relationships with women and wanting so badly to think that someone as beautiful as the woman in those pictures could love me that I fought hard into crossing over into the Psychic Realm.

That's why the night that Isabella and I had last spoken was April Fool's Day 2004. It's a Reminder that I was the April Fool. That's the tragedy of love. It goes to show that Love and wanting to be Loved so badly will make someone do the most outrageous things. That's how you get Superman whose powers come from the Sun(ny Leone).

That's why you see that sadness that comes in the movie "Cast Away" where I was Tom Hanks stranded on that island and the only thing keeping me going was a picture of Helen Hunt in the grandfather's pocketwatch. Helen Hunt is for Helen of Troy. Sunny Leone is Helen of Troy. That's why my cousin Helen who is 5 years older than me looks after me like a sister.

When Tom Hanks finally gets rescued from that island and comes home, he finds out that Helen Hunt is already married and has a kid. It was the same heartbreak that came with finding out that Sunny Leone already has someone.
  1. That's why you see 8/22/2005 how the San Francisco 49ers Football Player mysteriously collapsed and died on Valentine Leone's B-Day. It's from the heartache and grief that was heard all around the world. When a God suffers heartache, it's felt all around the world.
  2. That's why you see the Virgin Mary Statue crying in Sacramento near where Sunny lives on 11/26, which is Charles Schulz's B-Day symbolizing Charlie of "Charlie's Angels" as the Voice of God
  3. It was supposed to be that way though. The best person to give Power over the entire Planet is to the person who didn't want it and wanted something else, which is a Virgin Male who wanted to be loved by a beautiful Penthouse Pet Model whom he thought he was talking to on the phone.
  4. Heartache serves as the Stop-Gap for Corruption because the person didn't get the one thing they wanted most and knows that all the Power in the World can't make someone fall in love with you so therefore Power granted to him is useless or doesn't interest him compared to all the Power-Hungry, Greed, and Selfish People on the Planet who would kill to have the Power that I have
  5. There's also the sorrow of knowing that once you commit yourself to this role, you'll never know if a woman ever loved you for you as a person or just because of your Power and Rank, which is another quiet grief that you have to live with
  6. That's why Godhood is very much like being an Adult Star and where you're detached from everyone and can't get close to anybody and that takes a toll on someone who's a Virgin Male and never had a girlfriend because no woman ever found him interesting
  7. That's why "She Will Be Loved" by Maroon 5 always serenades me with that line "I know where you hide alone in your car Know all of the things that make you who you are." All 7 billion Subconscious Minds around the Planet know what's going through my mind and you don't even have any Privacy with your thoughts.
On top of all the other stress I have in my life, I have to done this ridiculous role of being a Male Virgin Mary and Drag Queen in order to exert a Title over a bunch of ungrateful, immature brats on the Planet that are so busy fighting amongst themselves that they need Planetary Arbrition and someone to sort them and put them in their places so they'll stop fighting over petty things.

That's how I got draftd. That's why Maximus in "Gladiator" who was a well-decorated War Hero was ready to go home. I was ready to go home. I served my time in the military. However, Marcus Aurelius charges him with one last and final task of giving the power back to the people.

That's why there are some times where when it gets really tough that I really do look forward to when I complete my task and just sleep. When I sleep, I mean finally just rest in peace and slip away in Death and be finally done.

However, I can't leave until I'm sure that the Planet's Will is carried out.

What will really be sad is if I spend my entire life doing this and by the time I'm done, I'm just a shriveled old man whose entire life has passed him by and when he's finally done with his task, he won't know what to do with himself.

That's how you get the song "IR on IC" by Alanis Morissette:

By Alanis Morissette

An old man turned ninety-eight
[98 = IH = Incredible Hulk]

He won the lottery and died the next day
[I won the Psychic Powers and got "murdered"]

It's a black fly in your Chardonnay
[Davis is Char/Do-NN/A-y]

It's a death row pardon two minutes too late
[I finally got my Psychic Abilities to work]
[Too bad it's after I got crucified by all the women]

And isn't it ironic...dontcha think

It's like rain on your wedding day
["Rain" by Madonna]

It's a free ride when you've already paid
[I'm already Pa/Id]

It's the good advice that you just didn't take
[People don't take my advice and will be kicking themselves later]

Who would've figures

Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly
[I play it safe]

He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye
He waited his whole damn life to take that flight
[I've been waiting in solitude for 7 years]

And as the plane crashed down he thought
[Davis is the P/Lane = Aquarian Male Lois Lane]

"Well isn't this nice..."
[Davis crashing and burning financially]

And isn't it ironic...dontcha think

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've figures

Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
[Li/Fe = Fire(Li-Chinese Iron(Fe)]

When you think everything's okay and everything's going right
[You'd think it's going right]

And life has a funny way of helping you out when
You think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up
[Seems so]

In your face

A traffic jam when you're already late
[J/Am = Cross-Eyed Father = Mother]
[L.A/Te = Heavenly Non-Alien]

A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
[K/NI-Fe = Aquarius(K) Final(N+I=W) Iron(Fe)]

It's meeting the man of my dreams
[I'm the Ma/N of Yo u R D/Re-Am/S]

And then meeting his beautiful wife
[WI/Fe = 5/29(WI) IR Activated(Iron)]

And isn't it ironic...dontcha think
A little too ironic...and yeah I really do think...

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've figures

Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
Life has a funny, funny way of helping you out
Helping you out

Oscar-Winning 'Crash' Producer is Flat Broke
By Anne Thompson - Analysis, Reuters

Cathy Schulman is in the middle of a nasty lawsuit with another producer, Bob Yari.

LOS ANGELES (March 10) - It's been a bumpy ride. Accepting the fifth best picture Oscar ever awarded to a woman, independent producer Cathy Schulman landed on the stage of Hollywood's Kodak Theater on Sunday along with writer-director Paul Haggis as one of the credited producers of "Crash."

But while Schulman, 40, has a lot for which to be grateful, including a supportive husband of 12 years and a 5-year-old daughter, she can't entirely savor her win. She still faces a court fight against producer Bob Yari, who is furious that he was deprived of the chance for his own moment onstage because of rulings by the Producers Guild of America and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. And at what should be a career pinnacle, Schulman finds herself flat broke. "I have the interesting distinction of having made five movies in a row without ever being paid," she says. "I can't pay my bills."

As a girl, she always was driven to succeed. After her adored father, who taught laser surgery at Yale, died in a car accident when she was 18, Schulman studied playwriting at Yale. But after she mounted several plays in New York, a friend suggested that she find a job in the movie business to pay the rent.

After two years assisting producers Earl Mack and Michael Taylor on such films as Kathryn Bigelow's "Blue Steel," Schulman moved to Los Angeles to work for Barbara Boyle, co-founder of the innovative co-financing company Sovereign Pictures. In four years, Schulman moved from assistant to production executive as she helped to assemble such international co-productions as "My Left Foot" and "Cinema Paradiso."

She next spent three happy years as co-director of programming at the Sundance Film Festival, helping to shine a spotlight on such rookie directors as David O. Russell, Robert Rodriguez, Paul Thomas Anderson, Lee Tamahori and Bryan Singer. In an industry where most production executives learn how to read scripts, watching so many finished movies was "great training," she says.

Sundance board member Tom Rothman brought Schulman, who wanted to make movies instead of just select them, over to specialty distributor the Samuel Goldwyn Co., where she was involved in acquisitions and production on such films as "The Madness of King George," "The Perez Family" and "Much Ado About Nothing." Schulman even discovered young Australian actor Russell Crowe in "The Sum of Us." "We only worked on movies under $12 million," she says. "I got a sweet spot for making manageable movies in that range."

Joining the short-lived Savoy Entertainment, Schulman got a crash course in film production on the fly. There, she met head of physical production Betsy Danbury, who later became her right arm on "Crash." After Savoy CEO Victor Kaufman pink-slipped most of his staff, he sent Schulman out to sell the remaining slate in a fire sale. "I got to meet the heads of the studios," she says. Paramount Pictures chairman Sherry Lansing bought "A Simple Plan." New Line Cinema bought "American History X."

Universal Studios president Ron Meyer put Schulman together with on-lot producers Michael Lobell and Andrew Bergman, and she learned about studio-level producing on the ill-fated Demi Moore movie "Striptease" and "Isn't She Great," starring Bette Midler as Jacqueline Susann. "We had fabulously fancy-schmancy offices at Universal," Schulman recalls. "I learned how to make big-budget movies, but they were not the kind of movies I was interested in."

Around 1998, Schulman and managers Rick and Julie Yorn started to fantasize about starting a production management company. So when former CAA chief Michael Ovitz recruited the Yorns to join his new Artists Management Group, they introduced him to Schulman. He turned on the famous Ovitz charm. "I'll never forget it. We had that classic meeting at his house with all the artwork, the servant with water on a silver tray with a doily over it," she recalls.

As president of Ovitz's Artists Picture Group, Schulman was making $600,000 a year, putting together a slate of low-budget movies like Edward Burns' "Sidewalks of New York." But by summer 2000, Ovitz's AMG was starting to crumble. APG had a deal with French company Canal Plus that came under the supervision of Universal after Universal's merger with Vivendi. Suddenly, Schulman's projects met a closed door, with Universal refusing to greenlight them, she says.

In frustration, Schulman that December arranged private meetings with Meyer and CAA agent Bryan Lourd to see if she could resolve the impasse. Somehow, Ovitz discovered her meetings. "I was trying to maintain my ethical compass and do what was right," Schulman says. "But in pursuit of what was right for the group, I fell into a trap." (Schulman has been deposed in the ongoing case involving private detective Anthony Pellicano and allegations that he wiretapped and otherwise probed the backgrounds of prominent entertainment industry figures.)

Called into an audit interview by Vivendi, Schulman says she was counseled by her lawyer to tell the truth. She answered questions about how much time and money she spent on about 50 projects, unwittingly revealing details of APG's accounting on the Canal Plus deal.

According to her 2002 wrongful termination lawsuit against Ovitz, "When Ovitz learned of Ms. Schulman's truthful disclosures . . . in a rage, he immediately terminated Ms. Schulman." She lost the suit and was ordered to pay $3.6 million to Ovitz during arbitration, but the award was vacated in 2004.

In the film community, while many respect Schulman's taste and acumen as a producer, some question her business judgment when it comes to the men with whom she works. "Cathy's emotionality makes her a good producer on-set," says one producer, "but gets her into trouble in business."

Schulman admits that she has been "saddened and angered" by the time spent fighting those legal battles. Amid the Ovitz litigation, she filed for bankruptcy. "I bring the same total commitment and passion to movie projects and to managing my process," she says. "It's my greatest strength and weakness. It's the same thing that made me fight tireless battles to get 'Crash' to the screen without pay. I don't suffer wrongdoing well. I right wrongs with legal battles. I want to pave the way for people who follow me not to let this happen."

While searching for equity investors interested in low-cost, high-quality movies, Schulman brought Yari in as an investor in Bull's Eye Entertainment, which she founded with her partner Tom Nunan, a former television executive at UPN. Yari brought her the script for "Crash" and asked if she wanted to make it. She loved it and, with Haggis, lured a top-flight cast.

On the five films Schulman made with Yari, he paid for her overhead, found international investors, invested some of his own money and controlled the purse strings. He asked Schulman to defer her producing fees on the projects, which included the Sundance films "Employee of the Month" and "Thumbsucker." That left her in the financial lurch on more than one occasion, including her stint in Prague shooting the $17 million "The Illusionist." When she got back and found that "Crash" was a runaway success, she thought she might start seeing some money. According to the complaint Schulman and Nunan filed against Yari last month, she has not been paid for any of the work she did for him. Yari has called the lawsuit "a shameful misrepresentation of the facts" regarding the Bull's Eye partnership.

"Twice, I've built companies for powerful men who've gotten pissed off . . . and sued me," Schulman says. "In defending myself, I'm considered litigious, like I'm the problem."

Now separated from Yari, Bull's Eye has several upcoming TV series, including CBS' "Crash" and "Angela's Eyes" at Lifetime as well as some pictures in development at Focus Features, DreamWorks and Fox Searchlight. Director Ed Zwick is developing its fantasy epic "The Lions of Al-Rassan" at Warner Bros. Pictures. Schulman is trying to put together a financing company with silent investors.

In the end, Schulman sees her "battle wounds as badges of honor," saying: "It's been a hard battle to succeed in this crazy career as a female indie producer. It was the greatest reward to end up with an Academy Award. 'Crash' is amongst 78 other movies that are considered American classics. I feel proud that this amazing exploration of fear made people feel something about the lives they are living, all over the world."

03/10/06 03:04 ET

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personal, music, ethics, movies, business, women, davis, law, crime

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