Davis called me up again tonight at 10:15 pm. I picked up the phone and was talking to him. He was asking me what he should do about cashing in an American Express Travelers Check. He's got so many unpaid bills that he's got to scrounge around.
I ended up listening to his same old complaints:
DAVIS: Geez, I'm stupid. When the guy was asking how much, I said, "Three to Five Thousand."
I've heard this complaint from him for over THREE YEARS of him trying to close on people:
- I said 2/26/2006 that I've told him what's wrong with his approach.
- I told him that I was a sales trainer and a top seller
- He even MET my former Division and Regional Sales Directors
However, because he's a terrible closer and he doesn't listen, he just keeps on making the same mistakes.
I'm always complaining about him because he's borrowed so much money and always finds himself floundering when it comes to the close. I keep telling him that getting people to agree to use your services and getting people to PAY are two different things:
- I can talk to people about the Decryption Code, Math Formulas, Astral Charts, and Psychic Readings.
- People can say, "Wow! That's impressive!" and "God... You are so good!"
- However, when I tell them, "Oh, BY THE WAY, I'm God, Jesus Christ, and the Virgin FUCKING Mary, how they respond and whether they BUY INTO YOU, is another story."
This comes to back to closing.
Regardless of whether people think I'm FULL OF SHIT or not, we still come back to HOW GOOD DID I CLOSE ON SOMEONE?
A product is a product. The Cardinal Rule of Thumb in Sales and Marketing isn't the Product, it's SELLING YOURSELF
- Do you actually have a FUCKING CLUE about what you're talking about or do you sound like a scam?
- Do you sound KNOWLEDGEABLE in your Field of Expertise, or do you sound like a Scam?
- Have you done your Research and know all about your Competitors or are you just blowing smoke up people's asses?
- Do you know how to handle OBJECTIONS and the most common Frequently Asked Questions that would cause poeple doubt?
- Is your Product that you're promoting RELIABLE and ACTUALLY WORKS or is just a PIECE OF SHIT that you're trying to trick people into buying only to find out that it doesn't do what it's supposed to do once they get it
All these things make up your CLOSE and whether someone is going to put money into you or not.
In this case, CONCEPTUALLY, the Planet set it up as a basis of Comparison where I'm asking you to PA/Y me and put M.O./NE-Y into me:
- PA/Y = Father Male. I'm PA/IR (Geminii/II)
- M.O./NE-Y + Mission Objective(M.O.) Mother in the Sun(Ma in E/Maine) Jesus Christ(Y/25)
- The Capital of Maine is Bangor
- Bang(OR) = Bang (V in Philosophy) = Bang (Leo the 5th Sign) = Bang (Sun) = FUCK THE SUN
If people think I'm a S/CA-M (Superman/S California/CA Poison/M/Scorpio) or a S-C/Am (Superman Dominant Father), that's F in E by M.E.
- F in E = Sex(F/6/Non-9/Non-I/Non-God) in Sun(E/5/Leo)
- Fine = "Ending" in Music
What's REALLY PATHETIC is that even if I'm total scam, I must have some REALLY DAMN GOOD SELLING SKILLS if I can get people to continue listening and feeding them my "Bullshit" longer than Davis can.
You'd THINK that if I can "Tr-I/CK" people into falling for me being the next M.E./SS-IA/H that I must have some pretty DAMN GOOD SALES SKILLS because you're REALLY have to be a fucking good Salesperson when it comes to convincing them that you're GO/D...LMAO
- L(MA)O = LO with MA in it = Sunny Leone with Mother in it
- LMAO = Laugh Your Ass Off
- I said you're supposed get rid of the A/SS (God Gemini Superman)
- You're supposed wean yourself off of Relgioin
- That's why Florida is shaped like a Penis, California is shaped like an Ass, and Washington would be the Ba/CK.
I once mentioned two years ago before I even developed my Psychic Abilities, I said that Jesus Christ was a Salesperson. Scott replied to my Journal and said it was actually Paul:
- PA u L = Pennsylvania(PA) in Union with(U) Bad(L/Non-7)
- I said 2/28/2006 that Davis is from PA and B-A-D born 2-1-4 (Valentine's Day)
- You had "Puff the Magic Dragon" by Peter, Paul, and Mary
- Davis is Pa u L
- My name is Rod slang for Penis, and Peter is slang for Penis
- Mary would be the Virgin Mary
' - I'm Gemini or 2 so I'd be Peter and Mary
- I could even Paul if I'm Pa/IR and being B-Ad :P
- B-Ad = 2-14 = Gemini/Communication(2) Advertisement(Ad)
That's why the I said the Planet has a perverted sense of humor and covered all the bases. B-AS/ES = Gemini(B/2) Clark Kent(AS/33-Periodic/3x11/CxK) Northwest(ES/Non-SE/NW).
People think it would take a really long time to sit around filling in all the different Alphabet Pairings and Combinations for the Acronyms.
Yes. It would.
Oh, like I don't know...maybe a couple million years. It would be where you create one word a day while you're waiting for Humankind to evolve with bipedal locomotion :P.
- 1,000,000 years x 365 days = 365,000,000 days
- 365,000,000 days = 365,000,000 words
- The English Language alone has the most. I looked up it up a while back. It was less than 1 million. I think It was only 500,000 even.
- The second largest language only had 200,000 words in it
Even if you include all the Spanish Languages with 6 Different Conjugations, I still estimate it's roughly less than 365,000,000 words :o).
I reckon that when you're a big-ass Planet orbiting around the Sun and you have nothing else better to do, I'd get to work and do that. If you want to talk about Patience, that's a prime example :o).
However, bear in mind, we come back to the Definition of Time. There's even that
Joke about Man talking to God they always tell that nails it right on head.
A man walked to the top of a hill to talk to God.
MAN: God, what's a million years to you?
GOD: A minute.
MAN: Well, what's a million dollars to you?
GOD: A penny
MAN: God... Can I have a penny?
GOD: Sure... In a minute.
That's Planetary Humor that explains what it's like conceptually for Humans in relation to Larger Objects. People just naturally take this Egocentric Perspective that everything revolves around them.
So based on Human Logic, "obviously" there's nothing larger than them that could be alive :P.
It never occurs to them that some objects have longer lifespans and therefore their concept of time is relative to their size or mass. You'd think that some of the most brilliant scientists would be able to come reach that conclusions considering you've got Math and Proportions.
You createa Proportion with Means and Extremes (x / y ) = (a / b) If you know what three of the four numbers are, you can calculate the fourth:
- The Planet is a Super Computer
- The Planet weighs "X" amount of metric Tons
- A laptop weighs "A" mount of metric Tons (obviously a fraction or less than one)
- A laptop takes 5 minutes("B") to finishin installing a program
- In order to find out what 5 minutes to a Planet-Size Super Computer is, Calculate "Y"
We live on one BIG ASS PLANET. It's one Heavy Mofo :o).
So I guarantee you that number you get regarding what "5 minutes" would be relative to a Planet our size is going to a really really really big number that is most likely a figure larger than a couple centuries or even hundreds of thousands of centuries.
So HYPOTHETICALLY, when we talk about the Planet that manifests Weather Phenomenon, Hurricanes, Tidal Waves, Tsunamis, and such that take WEEKS or MONTHS that's pretty fast by Planetary Standards.
Fruit Fly Analogy
To Humans, that's slow because we have shorter life spans. I said about the Fruit Fly Analogy:
- Frut flies only live for FOUR HOURS
- Assuming they only live for "100 years" in "Fruit Fly Time"
- That means that by they reach the "age of 25" ONE HOUR has already passed
That means that they only have TWO HOURS to contemplate their existence :o)
- Then they spend their "retirement years" as their Final Hour
That's how short HUMAN BEINGS ARE in comparison to Fruit Fly.
That's why I said "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" makes a morbid joke about the Sperm Whale that was a missle that was going to destroy the "Heart of Gold" Spaceship when it enters the Planet's Atmosphere. They used the Improbability Drive and it convered to two missles into a Sperm Whale and a Bowl of Petunias.
The Bowl Petunias was pissed off at Arthur Dent. It saw Arthur Dent there and was pissed because every time it gets reincaranted and dies some horrible, there's Arthur Dent. That's why he gets so mad and uses one of is next Reincarnations to hunt Arthur Dent down and kill him.
The Sperm Whale is hurtling toward the Earth and gains consciousness. It's all excited, gaining awareness, looking around as it's plummeting to the ground. It comes up with the name for it.
WHALE: Oh! What's that! It looks like...Gr-- Groouuu-- Groooooou---- Ground! Ground! ... I wonder if it will be friends with me?
Guess who that is. That would be ME (ROD). I'm the FUCKING WH/AL-E, meaning Gemini Fina(W-Final/H-Pisces-Final)l IR(AL) Sun(E/5).
I like gained consciousness and I'm hurtling toward the Planet and go SPLAT and die. That short period of Consciousness symbolizes my Life Span as my Conscious Mind and Physical Human being and then I die.
I told you it's sick, but it's funny. That's the Planet's way of teasing me with dark humor about my life.
PLANET: (talking to Rod) This is what you look and sound like. The Whale that's going to go splat.
That's how long my life is condensed in that brief Consciousness of the Whale falling from the Sky. It's discovering all these miraculous things about Life only to be dead in the next couple seconds. That's what it looks like from the Perspective of a Planet watching me.
I'm just a flicker of Light or a Spark. It's the same way my Biological Father's sperm traveled from him up my mom's Vagina, pierced through the shell of the Ovum, and then deposited my dad's DNA.
This Physical Body I have is the Sperm Casing.
When I came upon this Revelation a couple months back, I felt a twinge of remorse and sadness for that one tiny Sperm that worked its ass off flipping its flagella tail like a madman trying to beat out 220 million other sperm to get chosen.
No one ever knows what happens to our Sperm after it enters and is done with its job.
Black Widow Spider
That's why I said the Planet "honored" this sacrifice by creating the Black Widow Spider. The Black Widow Spider immediately eats the male after it is impregnated. People find this barbaric, but it symbolizes the Circle of Life and what happened to me.
That's why I can give you proof of Intelligent Design:
- That red mark on the ASS of the Black Widow Spider was INTENTIONALLY shaped like an RED HOURGLASS
- The Red Hourglass represents TIME relative to the Planet
- The Planet Earth is the Black Widow Spider
- I'm the Male Spider that got consumed or "eaten"
- The Human Female Ovum is like a Black Widow Spider
- The Sperm is like 220 million Male Spiders trying to get chosen
- The one that gets chosen gets EATEN
That sacrifice of the Tiny Sperm is what gives birth to YOU who is now sitting there reading this.
This comes back to why I get disgusted when people commit suicide or get involved in gang violence or Wars in Iraq over petty squabbles.
What a waste of Life. You should be pitying that poor little Sperm that had to swim its ass off in your Mother's Vagina to beat out all those other sperm just so you could your life or, worse yet, commit suicide because you're depressed because some man or woman dumped you, you lost your job, or your life isn't exciting.
You were granted "Godhood" over your human body. You are the CEO of your own body and it does what you tell it. You are your own Company and you as a Company will succeed or fail based off your decisions.
It's all about what you do with your life and your attitude.
Did you know that two years ago, I was tricked into believing that I only had days to live and could die at any moment. So when I was going through "Psychic Boot Camp" I was rushing my ass off trying to get everything all set up.
As a Parent and the Mother, I ddi the best that I could to teach the best values and everything my mom taught me. When you think you're going to die the next day or know your days are numbered, you reprioritize your life and how you do things.
So from end of June 2004 - August 2004, I was rushing and cramming all the Knowledge I could because I was worried that I might not make it. I could be dead tomorrow or the next day, and I wanted to make sure that if I set up these Global Commands and where my "God Children" (Blue, Red, Green, and Black) have to go on without me as White/Justice, that I'd installed the best values of humankind.
That's why I won't take crap from people when they tell me I'm a Guy and am not a Mother. I WAS MOTHER. I had to be the Mother. I had to watch over my God Children. I would yell at my God Kids when they'd act selfishly and cause a Tornado, Hurricane, or Violence on the news. I would get so mad because I raised them to know better.
People wonder why I'm still broke. I got no help thanks to Davis. Plus he was also under Mind Control of Subconscious Charlie. So Davis, who didn't have the common sense or reasoning abilities would act selfishly and try to borrow more money. Maybe he's innocent on some level, but his ignorance is a Sin in my eyes.
There's only so much you can blame on ignorance. Why do you think people go to jail for INVOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER.
Even if you say "OOPS! It was an accident," you may not get caught on Voluntary Manslaughter, but you'll still be charged with Involuntary Manslaughter. Loss of Human Life through your own NEGLIGENCE is still an offense.
That's why if the African-American Community tries to go off on me about the way I complain and bitch about Davis, I have a whole LAUNDRY LIST of complaints:
- I said 8/22/2005 that he is guilty of causing a race car to spin out of control and kill two people.
- I said 2/27/2006 that Kevin was the name of the person who hung his girlfriend off a balcony
- I said 2/27/2006 that Kevin is the name of Isabella's Boyfriend
- I said that Isabel(O) = Isabel(LA)
- I said Davis is an Aquarian = 11th Sign and K = 11th Letter
- Kevin starts with K
- It's stating that Kevin is Davis making that the THIRD "Psychic Homocide" that he's committed through Involuntary Manslaughter
This is what comes of IGNORANCE. That's why if the Black Community tries to come at me thinking I'm being unfair, they're going to look REALLY BAD with all the evidence because Davis is my business associate and has been going to all the meetings.
If you summon up a roster of all the people he's done business with in the last two years and their names, the Decryption Code will show that it remains consistent. Davis is even working with a 2nd Pair of Twins. I said I'm a Gemini Twin.
He is just walking around in his own little world. I get accused of being insane, but Davis is just as crazy on another level.
Do you know what they say about Sociopaths vs. Psychopaths?
- Sociopaths are aware of what they're doing, but they continue doing what they're doing
- Psychopaths are not aware of what they're doing
- You could argue that with all the homocides and killings taking place because of Davis' negligence that he's a "Psychic Psychopath."
In the Subconscious Realm, he isn't aware of his actions but just keeps on doing his own thing even after I've told him NUMEROUS TIMES that I have Psychic Abiliities. He just tunes me out.
That's why I got mad tonight. He was complaining to me how he can't seem to close on anyone and I was covering what needs to be done and how he needs to fortify his presentation.
Do you know what he did?
Hung up or changed lines on me without me knowing. If it's one thing I hate, it's being hung up on. Davis does this where he switches lines to take another call and won't tell you. There have been times where I'll be talking for five minutes on the phone and I don't even know he's no longer on the line and I'm just talking to NOBODY.
That's how PATHETIC it is. This is how I get treated. I have some of the most valuable and important information, and I get tuned out. That's why if/when I get out of this rut and people discover my identity, they shouldn't be surprised if I have a standoffish or aloof attitude.
When I tried to get people to listen, people were tuned out or would hang up on me.
As well know, as soon as you're FAMOUS, people come out of the woodwork trying to cozy up to you. This is the shitty attitude I've had to put up with Davis.
I can't stand the fact that we're both BROKE because his debts spilled over into mine and he won't listen to my fucking advice because he fronts this attitude that "since he hasn't seen me do it he doesn't feel he can take me seriously."
That's such crap. I told him I have numerous sales trophies and I even showed him 350+ Pink Receipts from my old job of all the customers I closed on and it shows that my Average Order was four times that of a regular sales rep.
I've got TROPHiES and PLAQUES hanging up in my room of my accomplishments. Davis doesn't has NOT ONE FUCKING TROPHY ANYWHERE that shows that he knows what he's doing when it comes to closing on people.
That's why I get pissed that Davis can be such a MORON who doesn't listen and does his own thing because he thinks he's so damn smart when after 3 years, he still can't close correctly. That's why he gets bits and pieces and only a FRACTION of what his services are worth.
I may sound like a nagging wife bitching about Davis as my "business spouse" who can't bring home the bacon and keep us afloat, but I HAVE GOT MY OWN PROBLEMS managing this damn Planet. So when people have the gall to come criticizing me about being "lazy," go away.
You don't know my life or me. You don't know the responsibiliites I have that deal with making sure that few people get BLOWN UP in Iraq. I'm the one who does damage control in the background behind the scenes making sure that few people die in horrible traffic accidents, that South Korea doesn't hit the button and set off a Nuclear War, and pacify massive groups of people in the Middle East.
THAT is my job, and I can't even count on Davis to do ONE SIMPLE FUCKING THING like learn how to close to save his God DAMN Life because that bald head of his is lodged so far up his sorry
ass because he can read the FUCKING SIGNS that are so OBVIOUS.
That's why I get so mad. You can't even count on someone to do a simple thing as keeping the business afloat.
He has the GALL to BITCH and COMPLAIN about how he doesn't like the name of the new web site that I gave him:
- He screwed up his finances and made so may enemies with people whom he didn't deliver services as promised that he said to change over to a different web site no longer wanting to use the Business Corporate site I'd dumped $10,000 into
- The reason why he can't afford to buy a new web site is because his credit and bank accounts are SO FUCKED UP that he doesn't have any credit cards and his Bank Debit Card is disabled because of OVERDRAFTS
- He's so fucking broke he always has everything sent to him via Western Union and money order where they take 10% chunk out of emergeny wire transfers. He can't have them wire transfer directly to his own personal bank accounts because they're in overdraft and they'll DEDUCT what he already owes
That's how FUCKED UP HIS FINANCES ARE. Because I was dumb enough to trust his business advice $20,000 debt of what he asked me to charge on it has been ACRUING INTEREST for THREE YEARS at 12%. My mom and I are STILL paying for it.
Then he has the NERVE to ask me after PAWNING MY CAR for $3,200 June 2005 promising to bail it out a month later which he didn't and where my Aunt had to cough up $5,200 before the Title belonged to the Auto Pawn if paying me $5,000 will be enough to get the car back and no longer under the ownership of my family so he can have me as his personal driver again.
Even if I could bail my car out, I wouldn't want to be his Driver again working for NOTHING and where he BORROWS money and gives me AWFUL directions.
Do you want to know what Davis used to do when he'd have me "pick him up" as his personal Chauffeur? He'd tell me to meet him at his place, and I'd be standing outside his door for 15 - 30 minutes.
The LONGEST I've waited was 45 minutes outside his apartment door looking like a fucking moron. I got so tired of standing, I sat down in front of apartment door looking like a bum.
The LONGEST I've waited outside his door is SIX HOURS because he couldn't pay the FUCKING CELL PHONE BILL that was on my account that was the ONLY phone number you could reach him.
That's why I told him over SIX TIMES over that two year period he was squatting on my Cell Phone Bill not paying that he needs to make the Cell Phone billa PRIORITY. You have a business that relies on Communicaiton and you have no business office. If that's what you're going to do, the CELL PHONE and Communication Line should be the TOP PRIORITY.
That's why I would complain and call Davis an "abusive business spouse." I was always LOW PRIORITY because he'd just pay other bills first and just rely on me to go borrow money from my mom when hew as unable to pay
He was always leaning on me.
And why do I have to put up with all this SHIT? To balance out the Black Community. The Planet is INTENTIONALLY making Davis so GOD AWFUL to embarrass the Black Community SO BADLY that they won't be able to effectively ask for any special treatment or complain about how they're being mistreated.
The Planet knows EXACTLY where the Black Community stands and where it's headed by always getting easily offended when Causasians take any sort of action against a Black Person and the Black Person automatically assumes it's Racisim.
Davis was given the SPECIFIC PERSONALITY TO TICK ME OFF so that it would reinforce my own opinions and be able to stand up to the Black Community when they make demands for special treatment and have this grossly distorted view that they're being oppressed.
We already have Black History. Where's the Irish History or Chinese History?
As I said, that's why the Black Community is going to get the hugest shock of their lives and feel like throwing up when they find out that all those CENTURIES worth of Slavery in the U.S. is to COMPENSATE for Davis the BONEHEAD who enslaved a Jesus Christ Figure shoving him and the V-IR/G-IN MOTHER into DEBT.
It also sends a message about Affirmative Action and what happens when you just put anyone in there who isn't properly trained or qualified. You've got some really qualified WHITE PEOPLE who know what they're doing, but they're getting passed up for Jobs because of Affirmative Action and where you have a scenario where a White Person hiring a White Employee over a Black Employee or promoting a White Employee over a Black Employee must automatically be assumed to be Racist.
YES. I admit Racism exists. It SUCKS. However, I guarantee that if the Black Community just keeps on punishing the White Community and White people who weren't even BORN during the Slavery period, you're going to get another Germany.
Do you know why the Germans were unhappy? They got PUNISHED after World War I. They were so miserable and unhappy that they EMBRACED Hitler as their Savior.
Do you want to see how HISTORY is repeating itself?
Just by my Journals alone, you're creating another HITLER. You're creating ME (ROD) as another HITLER. Why do you THINK that Hitler went crazy later on in his Political Career after he dominated with the THIRD REICH:
- TH-IR/D = Female(T) Superman(H) IR Leo Female(D)
- RE-I/CH = Rabbit(Re) God(I) Dominant(C) Superman(H)
There are a lot of FLUSTERED WHITE PEOPLE out there that will believe anything INCLUDING a "Crazy Person" like me who is coming up with all this information and MIGHT BE JUST CRAZY ENOUGH to believe I'm a Jesus Christ Figure if it will rescue them.
How do you like THAT shit?
That's why it's important to know History and the Political Tides that created a World War.
- Axis = Earth on its AXIS
- The Earth spinning on its AXIS creates the Electromagnetic Field
- I said that I control the Electromagnetic Field
I keep warning people OVER and OVER again that they've got to get me out of this MESS. It means spreading the word and paying attention.
People think I'm a raving lunatic, but I know my shit. And the last thing we need is a Religious Civil War that surfaces in the Heart of the U.S.
The last thing I want is a bunch of Neo-Nazis coming across me and then proclaiming me as their Savior. That would be messed up.
That's why Carol O'Conner stopped doing "All in the Fmaily" even though it was a successful show. It was supposed to be making fun of chauvinist pigs. INSTEAD, it backfired and all those chauvinists were all CHEERING Archie Bunker as being the representative of a "model citizen" and the way people should be.
I'm like Carol O'Connor. Don't make me a friggin' Hitler :P
If this information fell into the wrong hands like the Neo-Nazi Camp, they'd have a FIELD DAY with this information. There could be riotiing, gang wars, and chaos because you'll have drawn lines between African Americans that are pissed off and Neo-Nazis embracing my Journal as proof forwarding their cause and that they're "doing the right" thing.
That's how AWFUL this is.
This also comes back to why people shouldn't ignore History. You should know why things happened so that mistakes don't happen again.
I keep saying over and over again that I'm not Racist. That's the most disconcerting and frustrating thing about this all. It's also sad that you have all these Black People praising the Lord when they don't realize that if my calculations are right about my Identity (which they are) that they're praising a God that's pissed off at them because one of their own people representing them is being a DUMBASS aggravating things and making it worse.
That's perverted, sick, and twisted irony for you.
That's why I said I have a SHITTY JOB. Any fool knows you don't go around be a HITLER and talking about how the Black Community is "wrong" and actually owes people unless you have a Death Wish and want to end up DEAD really fast.
There are a lot of pissed off Black people with Guns, and they're not afraid to use them. The last thing you want is someone murdering my ass and then taking my Journal, extracting their own personal meaning, and then using it to go on Crusade.
Do you want to know why KKK wear White Hoods? It means a Justice Ho-OD, meaning Laws and Humanitarian Ideals in a Slutty Overdose FUCKFEST. It means overdoing Humanitarian Ideals to where you make so many Laws that it creates Red Tape and Bureacracy to where no one can a single or take actions. It's where you've got rules on just about everything right down to etiquette on the way you should pee in the toilet based off of Time Respective Zones.
It's called Micro Management.
It's when you manage every little detail and don't even give people freedom of thought. That's how you end up with Dumb Race of People that can't think on your own. That's why I keep saying Religion is a crutch. Going by what some book told you 2,000 years ago is really outdated.
Now do you understand why I get so mad and exasperated? I already have to live in fear. If you get enough people who complain about your Journal because it's Racist, offensive ot women, etc. is a great way of getting shut down. Even when that wasn't what you meant.
However, in today's society, it doesn't take much to get people to gag you and shut you down. Just get enough complainers and you'll be removed.
It's true I've written Laws that govern over the Psychic Realm, but when you have too many Laws, you complicate things. However, you're caught between wanting to simplify things, but having to be TECHNICAL and SPECIFIC to keep all the opportunists and sly people from exploiting loopholes.
That's why I'm like a frazzled Mother trying to discipline a bunch of Selfish, BRATTY K/Id's that don't want to listen and just keep on doing what they're doing unaware of the negative repercussions of my actions.
That's why you SHOULD be laughing. The only way to clear this crap up is by conceptually dressing up like a friggin' Transvestite Queen wielding Authority and proclaiming to be a Male Virgin Mary and Cross-Dressing Jesus Christ.
You want to talk about fucked up. Now THAT is fucked up.
That's why I don't blame Scott or my other friends to have ditched me, stopped talking to me, and think I should go in for therapy! :P
This is the BULLSHIT I have to put up with and have everyone look at you like you're raving lunatic. That's the absurdity of it all. That's why if you think your life sucks, stop complaining. It's not as pitiful as mine.
I couldn't even get a some nice pussy or get laid. You can't even talk about that without Women's Rights Activists being all up in arms calling you a Chauvinist Pig.
Which comes back to why I said I'm a Fe-Male and have the technical definition as the male Vi-IR/G-IN Mother :P.
Only God could convert figure out a way to convert an anatomically male human into a Female Virgin Mary.
I said Communication is Sex. That's how you get Go/D who like a Flower impregnated himself as the V-IR/G-IN Ma/R-y.
Ma-St. u R-Ba-Te = Mother(Ma) Saint(St.) in Union with(U) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Spiritual(Ba-Egyptian) Non-Alien(Te)
Because Scam Artists are always trying to "LURE" you with "BAIT" and "impregnate" you with "ideas," you combat it by beinga Master Debater :o).
When people try to bullshit me and throw me off course, I just start MASTER DEBATING...LMAO
I said Communication is Sex. When Telemarketers call you on the Phone trying to "impregnate you with ideas" that thought process or rationalizing yourself out of buying something would be you MASTER DEBATING :o).
When you don't want believe this SHIT about me claiming I'm God, Jesus Christ, or the Male Virgin Mary, you're MASTER DEBATING.
You're using a Dildo:
- D-Il/DO = Leo Female(D) Definite(Il/The-Italian) IR/S(D-O/4-15/Tax Day)
- Di/L-DO = Non-Self(Di/Non-Id) Bad(L/Non-7) IR/S(D-O)
- Di/Ld-O = Non-Self(Di/Non-Id) Upload(LD/Non-DL/Non-Download) Sun(O)
I said 1/16/2006 about the Dirty Limerick Prophecy with the Man from Natucket There once was a man from Nantucket,
Whose cock was so long he could suck it.
[C-O/CK = Dominant(C) Sun(O) Clark Kent(CK)]
[L on G = Bad(L/Non-7) on God(G)]
[S u CK = Superman(S) in Union with(U) Clark Kent(CK)]
He said with a grin
[G-RI/N = God(G) 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) Nature(N)]
As he wiped off his chin,
[WI-P/Ed = 5/29(WI/Wisconsin) Aquarian Male(P) Education(Ed)]
[C-H/IN = Dominant(C) Superman(H) Final(I+N=W)]
"If my ear were a cunt I would fuck it!
[Ear = IR]
[C-unT = Dominant(C) Male(Non-T/Non-20/Non-XX/Non-Female)]
That's dirty humor from the Planet comin' straight atcha :o). Why do you think Limericks are IR is H :o).
That Limerick is prophecizing how the MALE VIRGIN MARY got PREGNANT and how it couldn't have been by a Human Male because it's biologically and physiologically IMPOSSIBLE. That's the RIDDLE explaining how GOD impregnated a VIRGIN MA/R-y. I'm the Mother(Ma) Gemin(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Male(Y). I said I'm a Virgin. I said I'm Go/D or IR/D in Spanish.
That's why "I'm a self-made Ma/N" (Mother Nature) or M/An (Scorpio/Mystery Indefinite).
When you hear something, that's "AUDITORY SPERM" impregnating your "BRAIN OVUM" with THOUGHT. That's why the EAR/IR qualifies as an AUDITORY VAGINA. I fucked myself in the IR and got myself PREGNANT with thought. I then gave birth to or CONCEIVED an idea. That's why they say you SEED or PLANT ideas in people :).
That's why I make anyone who's trying to "impregnate me with their ideas" where a Con/Dom, meaning to Trick the Person who is trying to DOM you into submission and thinking their way :).
If someone tricks me into buying into their ideas, I take a "M.O.-RN in G A-Ft/ER Pi-LL" meaning the Mission Objective(M.O.) 2-14(R-N) in God(G) Knowledge(Pi/Blue) Good(LL/Non-7).
You should take my advice considering
I'm a C-He/Ap D-IR/T-y W/Ho-Re :o).
I'm always "pregnant with ideas" and know what are GOOD ideas (Kids growing up to be full-fledged ideas) and BAD ideas (brats that grow up to be problems in society).