Here's a sick perverted version of what's been happening as a result of Davis' actions that surfaced in the news because of Davis' ignorance:
- I said 2/28/2006 that Davis keeps doing dumb things intervening and interfering with what I'm doing on a Planetary Scale
- I said 2/28/2006 that that Davis just tunes me out
- I said 2/28/2006 that Davis believe I have Psychic Abilities, much less Power of any sort that has far-reaching Planetary Influence
- I said 2/28/2006 that "I got myself pregnant with ideas"
- Virginia: I said I'm the Virgin/IA
- Tammy Skinner:
- I said Davis is Aquarius the 11th Sign
- K = 11th Letter
- S-K/I-NN/ER = Superman(S) Aquarius(K) God(I) Valentine(2-14/NN) Final(E/5+R/18=W/23)
- Tammy shot in the abdomen was arrested Tuesday afternoon and charged with illegally inducing an abortion by shooting herself, resulting in the death of her full-term baby girl:
- When you try to kill a thought or an idea, it results in murder.
- When you try to kill a thought that is about to be started, it's an abortion
- Age 22: V = 22nd letter
- Assistant Deputy Commonwealth's Attorney Marie Walls has said a murder charge could not be considered unless the baby had breathed on her own before dying: WA/LL-S = Washington(WA) Good(LL/Non-L/7) Superman(S)
- "If I had known how bad off she was, I would have tried to get her help," Larry Skinner said, tearfully: That's what everyone thinks, but I'm the same rut. I asked for help from people telling what happened to me. However, people diidn't believe my story. My friends stopped talking to me because they didn't know how to deal with me. They didn't want to confront and voice their opiinions. Scott was the only one who was brave enough to say anything, but he went through my mom to do it and it wasn't for the help I requested. It was for my mom to intervene had have me put under Psychiatric Evaluation and put on Medication
- "She needs help. She needs a lot of help": I've been floundering and saying that for almost two years now suffering financially at the hands of Davis and trying to hold the Planet together. The help that people want me to get is to "cure" this "mental illness" peopl think I have
This is why I get so upset:
- I keep manifesting Signs that I do indeed have Psychic Abilities, but I get ignored.
- I keep asking people not to interfere with what I'm doing because it's a delicate balance, but I get ignored and people still walk all over me
- I ask Davis to stop asking me for money and to clean up his mess, but he doesn't do anything and he doesn't listen to my advice on how to fix his problems
I said 2/27/2006 that I was trying to delete Davis out of the Program because he's a problem. He's mucking up the System and his dumb ignorant actions shake the balance.
I'm going to state once again about the
Legal Custody Prophecy from "Legally Blonde" regarding Visitation Rights and who is the Parent. Once people actually validate that I am the Male Virgin Mary, the Black Community is going to try arguing that
I said Davi(S) = Davi(D) and therefore he has a case when it comes to division of assets or whatever ownership.
I want to make it CLEAR that during this ENTIRE PROCESS:
- Davis didn't believe I had Psychic Abilities or that I was the Virgin Mary
- Davis is a STRAIGHT Male and never in his wildest dreams would perceive me as a Fe-Male
- Davis has been unsupportive through this entire ordeal and just tunes me out when I talk about Psychic Phenomenon
- I said that he's been taking credit for all the Business Leads that come through the business when it's quite OBVIOUS that I've been using my Psychic Abilities to pull or tug people in
- Davis believes it's all him who's doing it
If Davis wants to play the game of treating the Business and all the Leads he garners as his own and through his efforts, then it runs parallel to mine where I've been cultivating my own "Psychic Business Leads and Contacts" on my own and without any of Davis' help.
- The Business Davis has where he pays himself first is HIS child because managing a business or a company is like nurturing a child until it is ready to be independent and manage itself
- The Psychic Powers that I develop and have been slaving over for the last two years without any help is MY child that I'm nurturing
So if Davis or any of the Black Community think he can suddenly going to be able to waltz in out of nowhere and say, "Well, I'm David the Husband of the Virgin Mary" taking credit for that Title he's sadly mistaken.
I rotated him out and he had nothing to do with the original conception:
- H was given a name beforehand the same way I was given a name when I was conceived
- I was given a name beforehand
- Sunny Leone was given a name beforehand
- Isabella Valentine has her own name
- Scott has his own name
- Heidi, my classmate has her own name with the Initials HEG
- Adult Star Jessica Jaymes has a specific name that was used in calculations
- Adult Star Brittney Skye has a specific name that was usd in calculations
None of those poeple helped contribute to when I was raising this Child. Davis may have a name, but that was written out long ago. You go by what they've contributed and how much effort they've put in.
The only reason why I get mad is that I invested a lot of time and money BEFORE this Psychic Incident occurred. When I'd talk to him hoping for some support, Davis never understood what was going on and would just shrug it off and go back to talking about his business deals. He'd change the subject back to something more interesting and what he thought was more important.
I fired the original staff members because their screw-ups were harming people's lives around the Planet the same way Davis is doing now. It's interesting how we talk about inanimate objects not getting credit but as soon as it's a living human being, we go court over such things.
- How is it that none of the paint stores every sue painters for having used their paint to make their artwork?
- How come photomats that develop the pictures for award-winning photos that go for millions of dollars don't get credit?
- How is it that whatever web hosting site for or whatever multi-million dollar web site does complain about how theyd on't get credit?
When I pointed out about Davi(S) = Davi(D), I was pointing to other instances:
- My mother has a specific Full Name that predates before Davis
- My Stepdad has a specific Full Name PDR
Now it suddenly makes sense as to why my stepdad has been saying he wants all of my mom's inheritance written in his name if she dies first without any of it given to me. He wants it under the condition that if my mom dies first all her assets (which are worth more than his) be completely turned over to him. He "assured" my mom that he'll dispense my inheritance to me but it has to be written all over to him.
I didn't think much about this until now:
- P in my stepdad's Initial is for the Aquarian Male, which is Davis.
- My mom's total worth is worth about three or four times that of my dad
- I said I'm the Virgin Mother so my mom represents me
- Davis represents my stepdad
- My mom has been fretting and worrrying that if she dies, my stepdad will inherit everything and not give me anything
I told my mom that I didn't care. Money is money and nothing more. I always felt I was resourceful enough to make my own money and survive even if my stepdad decided to be a
"male Evil Stepmother" like in Cinderella.
It's no wonder my mom has so much anxiety because she is afraid that I'll be left with nothing if she dies and my stepdad takes everything. That would be Davis. My mom said that the reason why she was worried was if my stepdad ever remarried after she died and the new wife would sink her claws into my mom's inheritance going through my dad.
That's the same scenario where if Davis has any part of this "Intellectual Property" the Black Community or someone would be the new "Wife" that would be having Davis spend the Inheritance or be riding off of it.
What people don't realize is that for the last two years, I'd been offering an olive branch:
- I told Davis saying that he could make a lot of money and profit off of this if he played his cards right and capitalized on my Psychic Abilities he could make a lot of money
- I told Davis that if he promoted me or sold me as an individual who does indeed have Psychic Abiliites, that we'd close on more business deals
- Davis never took me up on it
- When I would talk to Davis about it, he would tell me comfortable talk about it and that it's like I'm trying to impress a religion upon him
- In fact, he'd be uncomfortable when I'd be talking about it to potential clienst we'd meet during business meetings. I'd know the reason why they had specifici names and what they did and would be explaining my Psychic Theory. Davis would get uncomfortable and want to change the subject
That's why it would really SICKEN me, if anyone tries to convince Davis or everyone else that Davis has any claim to this.
I don't think it's fair to give credit to someone whom you KNOW didn't believe in you or your abilities and made it clear that during the time they were with you that they didn't want to discuss the matter and would associate themselves in any other capacity BUT that.
It's like a Child. If my Psychic Abilities were a real flesh and blood human being and Davis had been a stepfather who completely ignores the child and refuses to acknowledge it exists, why should the stepfather suddenly be trying to ride off the Child's popularity and benefiting off of the Child's Fame and Status when it was quite clear that he didn't do a thing for a child or give it any affection or love whatsoever.
It's only because it's now Celebrity or with Power that Davis would try claiming any ownersihp or parental rights. That's why
Elle Woods in "Legally Blonde" makes the point about the child, "Why now? Why suddenly THIS particular child?" It was directed at any person who claims to be the parent or like the husband of the Virgin Mary. Davis was NEVER there. In fact, as soon as the money ran dry and I refused to ask my mom for more money to pay for the Cell Phone Bill back in October 2005 after THREE repeated months of where Davis promised to get off my Cell Phone Line and get his own plan, Davis tried angling towards and hinting that I should just return back to Washington State and go back to school. He was being roundabout and feeling his way and testing the waters about having us terminate teh business relationship we have and terminate the company "so that he can work independently."
I'm not stupid. Davis thinks I'm deadweight now because:
li>I don't have the car. Thanks to him he pawning it June 2005 and where they had to bail it out since he couldn't raise the money to rescue it
- I refuse to borrow more money from my mom to keep the Cell Phone up so it went dead and fell into delinquency. Since he couldn't squeeze anymore money that way, he was finally forced to go get his own Cell Phone Plan. He tries to tell me that we could have saved money from March 2005 - October 2005 if we had gotten another Cell Phone Plan. We did. He borrowed $200 to start a plan with Nextel, but because he was $50 short, he didn't qualify for the unlimited Plan. So the account got canceled and he went back to using my Cell Phone Plan again. He has the NERVE to talk to me about how I don't do my research when he did the exact same thing by not doing his research with the Cell Phone Plan with Nextel back in Spring 2005.
- He has already stopped using the Web Site.
That's why if anyone from the NAACP or African-American Community tries to take me on thinking I tricked or fooled Davis out of any inheritance or money owed, I don't think so. I know exactly what Davis did.
Anyone paying attention to the way Davis handles his finances and how he is weak when it comes to using Computers knows that his Cognitive and Reasoing Skills would have difficulty understanding the Decryption Code and Math Formulas.
That's why I get so mad on how you have to literally fight on every little point tooth and nail to make sure that no one tries to get an upperhand on you. Any time it comes to Power, Money, Property, and Assets, you'll get all kinds of people that will come out of the woodwork trying to get their share of what they think they deserve.
I even gave Davis some friendly advice and said when you make money don't tell people how much you earn because once they know, they'll all come knocking on your door with their hand out.
No offense to my relatives, but they'll be that way on certain counts. That's why it's interesting how my own cousin kicked me out of my aunt's house and shouted at me two years ago saying, "You're a burden to us." The reason why he got pissed was because DAVIS had borrowed $3,000 from my aunt and AS USUAL wasn't able to pay it back. So when my aunt offhandedly mentioned it and my cousin got wind of it, he was FURIOUS.
This ONCE AGAIN comes back to how Davis screws things up. My mom in Washington State was mad at the way that Brian who is only a couple months older than me was taking on the role of Parent and treating me like a kid in order to "teach me some discipline."
He was so mad and said, "Why did you borrow from my mom? Why didn't you borrow from yours?"
That was a true statement and a poor reflection on Davis. That comment STUNG because I couldn't tell my cousin that the reason why I couldn't borrow anymore money from my mom was because Davis had already LEECHED $45,000 off of my mom and she was FLAT BROKE. Even if my mom did have money stashed away in Equity, Davis was the one who kept on pressuring me to borrow "on behalf of the business."
This was during the time where I'm managing the Planet and trying to quell Hurricanes and Natural Disasters and I'm getting talked down to like a Kid. I never held it against my cousin. I knew why he was pissed and I didn't bother to try explaining it.
That's why it still stings when Davis says dumb things like, "Wow, it sure is amazing how we lasted as long as we did [in the business]." Yeah right. Because he was borrowing off my mom and driving her into the ground financially.
That's why it still really makes my blood boil at the thought of any African-American Special Interest Group that is going to try throwing its weight around with me years from now thinking that Davis, who's African-American, can be used as a bargaining chip justifying special treatment or that belief that I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for the help of a Black Person.
The Planet knew that the African-American Community would try pulling that on me and exploiting that kind of leverage. So the Planet had Davis continually make gross errors and commit so many heinous financial mistakes, lie about what happened to the $15,000, and go to jail EARLY.
That's how messed up it is. Davis' actions have to be so awful that it would silence the Black Community. As a matter of fact, the White Community should be THANKFUL because it's all the SHIT from Black People being dumped on one innocent person who didn't do anything to deserve that treatment.
I have to go through this CRAP in order to balance things out. Rather than the White Community having to suffer at the hands of the Black Community, you designate one Guinea Pig who is the sole focus of all of that mistreatment and abuse in order to balance things out.
All that crap got redirected to ONE INDIVIDUAL. That's why I have to wear the Title of Virgin Mary and Black Fe-Male in order to shield myself from criticism as well as show that I have the Mental Alacrity to be able to sidestep most of the blame that will try to be shifted on me as well as have the Intellectual Resiliency to translate and transcribe Law and any Legal Entanglements that will be brought against me by various Special Interest Groups.
It's supposed to showcase my understanding of Law and prove to the Lawyer and Judges that I have the Reasoning Skills as well as the Know-How when it comes to writing Laws that affect the Psychic and Physical Realm.
We also see what happens when people don't listen to me and I end up having to clean up after everyone's mess they made. That's why people don't understand how hard my job is and what was asked of me. This was a major clean-up task be assigned to me and a lot of crap that I have to wade through and fix.
That's why I keep saying I EARNED the Title of Virgin Mary, Superman, and Queen Elizabeth II.
Pregnant Woman Charged With Shooting Herself
Tammy Skinner is charged with illegally inducing an abortion in the death of her full-term baby girl.
SUFFOLK, Va. (March 1) - A woman who told police she had been shot in the abdomen was arrested Tuesday afternoon and charged with illegally inducing an abortion by shooting herself, resulting in the death of her full-term baby girl, police said.
Tammy Skinner, 22, also was charged with using a firearm to commit a felony and filing a false police report when she came to police headquarters at noon at the request of investigators, Suffolk police spokeswoman Lt. Debbie George said. Bond was set at $15,000.
Skinner called police on a cell phone early Thursday and said she had been shot. Emergency personnel found her at a Suffolk car dealership and took her to a hospital.
A charge of inducing an abortion is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $100,000 fine. Assistant Deputy Commonwealth's Attorney Marie Walls has said a murder charge could not be considered unless the baby had breathed on her own before dying.
George declined to discuss a motive in the case.
Skinner's father, Larry, told The Virginian-Pilot newspaper of Norfolk for a story published Tuesday that he has believed for some time that his daughter was depressed.
Family members said the single mother worked for temporary services trying to support her two younger children, girls ages 4 and 1. A couple years ago, her stepsister died from brain cancer, and Skinner's depression has increased since then, her father said.
"If I had known how bad off she was, I would have tried to get her help," Larry Skinner said, tearfully, adding that his daughter doesn't need to be in jail. "She needs help. She needs a lot of help."
03-01-06 00:48 EST
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