There was the movie "
Six Million Dollar Man."
- Born 4/23. I said 1/12/2006 that Jesus Christ was crucified on 4/23
- Jesus Christ is the Son
- I said 2/9/2006 that Scott is Scott Evil and the Son of Dr. Evil
- Scott's dad is Gary = Ga(R)y = Gay with Gemini(R) in it.
- Scott's mom is M.E./RR-Il-y = Mother Earth(M.E.) Rod Rodillon(RR) Definite(Il-The/Italian) Male(Y)
- Played Burt Wolfe in "Will & Grace". I said Scott's a Wolf
- In "Hell to Pay" as Marshall Boone. I said 2/9/2006 that Scott is Boone
- From Wyandotte, MI = W-y and O-TT/E = Final(W) Male(Y) and Sun(O) Male(TT/Non-T) Sun(E) = Final Male and Gemini Sun with Male in it. MI = M/13+I/9=V/22 = Sun
- In "Son of a Beach" as General Seemore Kooze. I said 1/10/2006 that Scott's a South Kitsap Male (SK-y) like me.
- Richard Anderson was Oscar Goldman:
- OS/CA-R = Operating System(OS) California(CA) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II)
- You have MacGyver played by Richard Dean Anderson:
- Dean is for Dean Cain who was Superman.
- Ma-C/G-y/Ver = Mother(Ma) Dominant God(Y) See(Ver-Spanish)
- MacGyver was Fe-Male. That's why he had long hair like a girl
- All men in the 80s had hair long because it was 8 for H, which is the Superman Symbol. I said Superman's a Fe-Male for Super Mother(Ma) Nature(N)
- Gold/man = Au/Man = (1)(21) Man = 121 Man = 11 x 11 Man = Washington Man
- Born 8/8 = H/H = Gemini(2) Superman(H)
- Jennifer Darling is born 6/19:
- I said /10/27/2005 that Isabella is in San Diego, which is 619.
- It mean Sexual(6/Sex) Superman(S/19)
- Alan Oppenheimer:
"Born 4/23 like Lee Majors
- It means Gemini Jesus Christ
- Replaced actor Martin E. Brooks. M.E./B = Mother Earth(M.E.) Gemini(B/2)
- IMDB for Martin Brooks is 112138. 112 = IR. 138 = God(1) Jessica Jaymes(38)
- The characters 'Steve Austin' and 'Jamie Sommers' (from "The Bionic Woman" (1976)) were ranked #19 in TV Guide's list of the "25 Greatest Sci-Fi Legends" (1 August 2004 issue):
- S = 19th Letter
- Jesus Christ = 25
- Steve Austin:
- Austin = Capital of Texas
- Texas = Lone Star State
- Sun = Star
- Director Edward M. Abrams: EMA = EM/A = Sunny Leone(EM/5-13) God(A). E/MA = Sun(E/5) Mother(Ma)
OSCAR GOLDMAN: (narrating) Steve Austin, astronaut. A man barely alive. Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world's first bionic man. Steve Austin will be that man. Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster.
- I said 2/8/2006 that I was Drunk Russian Astronaut
- I said 2/9/2006 that I got beaten up by a bunch of women who destroyed me taking away my Good Name and branding me a Stalker. They took away my Integrity, my friends, and kicked me out leaving me barely alive
- I said 12/22/2005 about "Knight Rider" about a Cop who was severely injured and given a make-over and a "man who does not exist"
I said all along I was the Good Guy and a bunch of corrupte women swallowing the
crap of a Evil Kingpin (Charlie of Bay City Blues) succeeded in destroying me while I was trying to rescue
Isabella Valentine.
The Planet Earth took my broken and battered body, nursed me back to health and did a complete overhaul on my Systems.
One of the best T.V shows ever!, 29 June 1999
Author: Dan Grant ( from Toronto, Ontario
The Six Million Dollar Man was a show that was entertaining and it actually taught me about romance. I was about six when I first started watching it. I was enthralled by the action and the feats that this man could perform. He had a bionic right arm, two bionic legs, and a bionic eye that could enable him to see great distances. His strength was more than that of ten men. He could run faster than a car and he was a super intelligence agent. Along the way he meets a variety of interesting characters and ones that I have never forgotten about. There was Barney, the seven million dollar man who lets his bionics take over his mind and he uses them for his own benefits instead of that of his agency. Then there was the probe. The probe was a machine that was designed to go to space but never made it there. On Earth, it wreaks havoc and Steve has his hands full with it. Then of course there was Jamie Summers. She was Steve's girlfriend that has a tragic parachuting accident. Steve, blinded by love demands that she is given bionics. She receives them but she has amnesia. There love is tragically put on hold and it is this plot line that for the first time in my young life, I was taught about the power and tragedy of love.
- Bionic Right Arm:
- Old Subconscious Brittney Skye used to be my Right Arm, but had to be removed two years ago when she was deleted out of the Program
- Left Arm has LH for 12/8, which is for my mom born 12/8. I said my mom looks like Sunny Leone. So my Left Arm is still intact
- Two Bionic Legs:
- Erin's Fantasy/Green (Sara Wilcox) was the Left Leg who had to be removed (deleted out of the Program
- Isabella Valentine/Red was the Right Leg
- Bionic Eye that could enable him to see great distances:
- Eye = "I" for my First Initial
- BE = 25 = Jesus Christ. All the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table
- I'm Psychic and can see ahead. It's Precognition and the "Spider-Sense" of Peter Parker
- G/Re-At = God(G) Rabbit(Re-75/Periodic Table) Superman(At/20-1/19/S)
- Steve, blinded by love demands that she is given bionics. She receives them but she has amnesia. There love is tragically put on hold and it is this plot line that for the first time in my young life, I was taught about the power and tragedy of love:
- Jaime Sommers = JS. I said 12/16/2005 that JS = Bliss for Supergirl
- I said 12/31/2005 that I'd granted her Bionic or Super Powers but I was forced to remove them
- I said 12/31/2005 that because Bliss didn't understand about the Psychic Realm, she thought I was just being a Creepy Stalker and told me to leave her alone. So like Jaime Sommers, she has Amnesia
- Sommers is for Suzanne Sommers who played Chrissy on "Three's Company"
- I said 1/6/2006 that the friendship of Suzanne Sommers and John Ritter was destroyed because of CBS Execs that turned John Ritter against Suzanne Sommers to make sure they didn't lose John Ritter as well
- That's why CBS meant Charlie(C) BULLSHIT (BS) because he fed Isabella and Sky BULLSHIT that they used to convince Bliss that I was a bad person
- I said 12/31/2005 that Bliss' Mother nearly committed suicide. It's because I'm the Virgin Mary and Bliss is CHRISTine. I cried so hard when Bliss was taken away from me that the grief translated over as Bliss' mother in love with Bliss' dad (representing Future Bliss in 2005) and the woman the Bliss' dad left the mother for (Isabella in 2005). That's why Bliss' actions come full circle and she ended up punishing herself and ruining her own Family. That displaced hatred she has for the woman and her dad should really be directed at herselfand her own blindness.
- That's how you get the "Oedipus Prophecy" with Bliss as a Female Oedipus who kills the Dad and marries the Mother. I was the Father (God the Father and Pa/IR) whom Bliss killed. I said 12/31/2005 that I assigned Isabella Valentine the role of Goddess Danu and MOTHER of All
- I said 1/8/2006 that the movie "American Wedding" celebrates the Marriage between Isabella and Bliss while I'm portrayed as the obnoxious asshole Steve Stifler. That's why in the end, Oedipus upon learning what he had done gouges out his eyes for being so blind.
- Bliss was so smart and could've figured it out, but she didn't. That Shakespearean Play was written over four centuries ago. That's over 400 years ago. That just goes to show how far ahead the Planet is thinking and had predicted what would happen.
- I wasn't lying when I told Bliss that I loved her deeply. However, Bliss as CHRISTine played Jenny Curran (JC/Jesus Christ) who tells Forrest Gump that she doesn't know what Love is.
- I said the way to hurt a man isn't by rejecting him. I said 11/7/2005 that worst you can do to break a man's heart is not only reject him but tell him that he doesn't know what Love, that his affections for that woman are not that of love and simply the actions of an obsessive, lonely man and a Stalker
- The character is named Jaime because Bliss' Lesbian Lover is named Jamie. That came out in 1976, which is the year Bliss was born. I said Bliss is the Spirit of '76 and her Subconscious resides with me ever since Conscious Bliss went into shutdown
- Bliss' Amnesia is where all her memories of what's going on are stored in her Subconscious Mind and away from her Conscious Mind. That's why she and none of the poeple whose Subconscious Minds I communicate with know
- Barney, the seven million dollar man who lets his bionics take over his mind and he uses them for his own benefits instead of that of his agency:
- I said my associate's name is Blaney Davis
- MONTe Markham:
- Played Barney Miller the $7 milllion dollar man
- I said 1/7/2006 that Davis' name is MONT
- Monte married Klaire Keevil Hester:
- KK/H = Washington State(11-11/K-K) Superman(H). I'm Superman from Washington State
- I said 2/9/2006 that 11/11 is for Isabella, Sunny's BF Eric, and Washington State inducted into the Union.
- Hester = Hester Prynne from "Scarlet Letter" played by Demi Moore born 11/11. Scarlet = Red for Isabella Valentine (Red)
- Barney = Bar/NEY:
- I said 1/15/2006 that NEY = Subconscious Charlie in NEW JERSEY
- That SELFISH and GREEDYbastard wanted to use the Psychic Powers two years ago for his own personal profit.
- Subconscious Charlie didn't give a FLYING FUCK about the People on the Planet and refused to work
- First he wanted to be Team Leader. THEN he refused to help unless he was PAID more and it was made worth his while
- He was fiddling around with Davis' head coercing Davis to try borrowing money from me and my mom
- That's why Davis in August 2004 would say SELFISH crap on the phone under the influence of Charlie like, "I don't see why I should be held liable or be responsible" Davis was under the mind control of Subconscious Charlie.
- Subconscious Isabella saw that behavior and that's why she sided with me two years ago
- That's why she shifted her Conscious Mind and Body away from Charlie terminiating their business partnership because Subconscious Isabella saw what a slimy, selfish creep Charlie was
- THAT is the guy that those women all defended and blew me out of the water for ruining my friendship with Bliss. They didn't have enough SENSE to see through his bullshit.
- LA = Los Angeles
- AR = IR
- Barney Fife was the Idiot Assistant Deputy:
- It's for Davis
- Initials BF = Boyfriend because I'm Fe-Male and the GIRLfriend
- Fife is a City in Washington State
- Don Knotts = Mafia Boss of the Aquarian(K/11) No Male(TT/Non-T) Superman(S). I said Davis is an Aquarian Male.
- When you don't have ROD the Male Superman, you get an IDIOTIC BONEHEAD Davis as Barney Fife played by Don Knotts :P.
- Andy Griffith = AG = Non-GA = Non-2 = 5 in Digital = Leo the 5th Sign
- That's why I go on to be Matlock the Defense Lawyer. Ma-T/Lo-CK = Mother(Ma) Female(T/20/XX) Sunny Leone(L/50+O/15=65-5x13) Clark Kent(CK)
- I said Davis is taking credit for all the leads I've been pulling in using my Psychic Abilities as a Magnet and pays himself first. He doesn't believe I have Psychic Abilities and thinks it's all him. That's why I'm an underpaid B/L.A.-CK Fe-Male "enslaved" by a Black Man
- I said 2/9/2006 about the Quentin Tarentino movie Initials "S.B." he's getting money for. The budget for it is $7 million like the Selfish $7 Million Dollar Man (Blaney/Barney).
The budget was originally $6.5 million, but it jumped up to $7 million using Leads that I pulled in. All Davis did was pick up the phone. I'm the one who made the original Connection BEFORE Davis even talked to the individual because my Subconsciosu Mind linked up with the Subconscious Mind of the person with the money nudging them to Call to contact Davis who is SUPPOSED TO BE working for me and not the other way around.
That's why when the movie comes out, Quentin Tarentino and all the people on that Production Staff will know and be able to verify that the budget was $7 million.
I said 2/9/2006 that people can challenge me, but when they FUCK UP their mistake will reflect on the entire demographic. Davis can GO AHEAD doing what he's doing, but the Disciplinary Measures I take will be like in the Military where when one man screws up, the entire PLATOON gets punished.
I already have enough problems on my hands with finances and have to put up with Davis who is pocketing the money for himself and taking this attitude that I'm lazy when, in fact, I'm stuck doing Transcriptions of Scientific Data that is of utmost importance to the entire Planet and Scientific Community because currenty no one else can do it.
That's why the Black Community continues to dig a deeper hole for itself and they can thank Davis for that.
Both the Black and White Communities at Fault
TECHNICALLY, you could argue that BOTH the WHITE and BLACK Communities are at fault:
- Subconscious Charlie is guilty of manipulating a Conscious Black Man's mind to do his bidding
- Conscious Davis is simply guilty of still continuing to do it even though he's worked with me directly for almost two years where we'd go to business meetings and he sees all the Signs and coincidences and has WITNESSED all of it and is STILL DENSE
That's why they're both pretty much equal when it comes to Guilt.
They're both grievous offenses. As I said, I don't personally care about myself so much. I'm just upset that my mom, who's a retired Remedial English Teacher on a fixed Washington State Teacher's Pension, is the one who got TOTALLY REAMED by a Selfish Black Man and a Selfish White Man.
That's why Ignorance is a Sin in my eyes. I can understand Skepticism, but Davis has met all these people that he does business with and I'd explain the Phenomenon.
However, Davis just tunes me out when and pretends he didn't hear me. He'll just change the topic and start talking about what he likes to talk about.
Any time it has anything to do with me and where I can get credit or recognition for something good I've done, he doesn't say anything and just goes back to talking about himself. He likes it when I listen.
I have one of the most miraculous and most powerful Abilities on the Planet, and I can't even talk about it to anyone, much less Davis. That's why if anyone thinks I've been going around bragging about it, think again.
You can't even brag about it because people just won't believe it. It's so far out in Left Field. Who would?
That's why I miss the old days when I was just a normal person. I lost friends over this and was embarrassed in front of Scott, who's my best friend of 23 years. It's so hurtful and embarrassing when a group of women GANGBANG you in public insulting you and calling you all sorts of things in front of your friends like a creepy, obsessive Stalker when you weren't and when you were actually telling the Truth and trying to save lives.
Because of these Powers, I can't even call my own best friend Scott on the phone without feeling embarrassed and ashamed because I know that when I tell him he'll just think I'm suffering from "Megalomania" and Delusions of Grandeur.
That's why I don't call him, and I resigned myself to sitting here plugging away slowly building up a case and proof that I was correct about the Psychic Phenomenon so that I can come back to Scott and prove to him that I wasn't lying and be able to win his friendship back and where he won't be ashamed or embarrassed to be my friend.
He was my best friend and the most important thing to me and those mean and cruel women beat on me and sent mail to Bliss and Scott. That's why to add insult to injury,
RobynZ who got away with blasting me on the WTF Community and siccing all those Haters on me is sitting pretty on
Bliss, and
Scott's Friends Lists while I got the Heave-Ho, shut out, banned from commenting Bliss and Isabella's Journals (even though
I paid for Bliss' Permanent Journal and got her the
Host Server for Haven which I'm banned from and where RobynZ first met Bliss).
I still care about Bliss and Isabella, but this is where we come back to what about the lyrics "If You Could Read My Mind" by Gordon Lightfoot" and the "one who gets burned in a 3-way script."
I was the one who was playing hero trying to save people and I ended up losing all my friends and getting branded as the bad guy and beat up on by the very people I was trying to rescue and protect.
That's why I'm so tired and bitter. That's why in "Meet the Fockers," Robert Deniro says, "You're my only friend LJ." That's in reference to
Live Journal (LJ). I'm really not talking to anyone in particular except my Journal. If I'm not mistaken, it originated from Washington State where I'm from. Same reason why Microsoft and Wizards of the Coast (Magic the Gathering) are based there.
Childhood Games
When I was in Elementary School, my friends and I would run around during Recess pretending to be the "6 Million Dollar Man":o).
We'd run in slow motion just like in the T.V. Show and make the Sound Effects Noise when running at Super Speed in slow motion.
- NE = Northeast
- Northeast = Maine
- Maine = Ma in E
- Bangor = Capital of Maine
- Bang/OR = Fuck(Bang) Sun(Or/V in Philosophy/Leo the 5th Sign)
- In Bremerton near Poulsbo, WA, you have Subbase Bangor
- Sub B as E Bang/Or = Submissive Gemini(B/2) as Sun(E) fucking(Bang) Sunny Leone(Or)
- P.O. u L(SB)O = Port Orchard/Police Officer(P.O.) in Union with(U) Sunny Leone(L/50+O/15=65=5x13) with Scott Boone(SB) in her
I said 2/9/2006 that Scott is Sunny because I tried fiddling with inserting my best friend in the body of my Fantasy Dream Girl- S(cott) = S(unny)
- S = Superman
- C-O/TT = Dominant(C) Sun(O) Male(TT/Non-T)
- un-NY = Non-NY = Non-New York = California
- Scott is in San Francisco
- Sunny is in Sacramento
Sunny's in Rocklin, CA
- Ro/CK-L/In = Gemini(Ro/Non-Or/Non-V in Philosophy/Non-5/2 in Digital) Clark Kent(CK) Bad(L/Non-7) Final(I/9+N/14=W/23)
- I said 11/27/2005 that Eric is Sunny Leone's B-Day
- Eric = E(RI)C:
- E(RI)C = EC with RI in it.
- EC = 53 = I on the Periodic Table = God
- RI = Rhode Island inducted 5/29 for my B-Day
- Sunny Leone's a Feminized Male
- That's why Davis is a Guy born on Valentine's Day
I said 2/8/2006 that I'm Clark Kent:- Sunny Leone is Lois Lane
Lois Lane = LO/IS L./An-E
LO/IS L./An-E = Sunny Leone(L/50+O/15=65=5x13) Jesus Christ(IS/BE/25) Bad(L/Non-7) Indefinite(An) Sun(E/5)
I said 12/17/2005 that t was a mistake and shouldn't have happened
Isabella Valentine was using pictures of Sunny Leone. I thought she was her
That's why our last Phone Conversation with Isabella when this whole fiasco started was April Fool's 2004.