Here's a news article about the condition of the remaining surviving miner of the Sago Mine Blast in Virginia. The fact that the daughter's name was Isabel just says it all :).
- The surviving miner's daughter is named: Isabel:
- My name is Isabelo
- I said 2/9/2006 about the Scott Peterson Trial where the authorities were looking for evidence around Point Isabel
- I said 2/8/2006 about Isabella Valentine symbolized by the Shuttle Independence in "Armageddon"
- I said 11/8/2005 how Isabella chewed my ass out claiming there's no relationship between her Psychic Powers and Nicole Kidman. I said 4/7/2005 that Nicole Kidman's daughter is named Isabella
- Randy McCloy = Horny(Randy) 11xFemale/100(1100/MC-Roman Numerals) Dominant(C) Sunny Leone(L/50+O/15) Male(Y)
- Rand's words: "Anna, I love you so much. To my son, trust in the Lord. To my daughter, stay sweet."
- Anna = AA with NN in it = Gemini(AA/II) with Valentine(NN/2-14) in it. That's Isabella Valentine
- Randal III is the Son:
- R and AL = Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) and IR(1-12/A-L)
- Ran D-Al = Executed/Carried Out(Ran) Leo Female(D/500/5XX) IR(AL
- Randal McCloy tells Isabel to stay Sweet:
- SW-E/ET = Southwest(SW) Sun(E) Alien(ET)
- SW/EE-T = Southwest Gemini Sun(EE) Female(T)
- Sunny Leone's best friend in San Diego is Aimee Sweet. AS = 33 on the Periodic Table = 3 x 11 = C x K = CK = Clark Kent
- Sunny's other friend is Aria Giovanni. A(RI)A = Gemini(AA/II) with 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) in it. G-I/O-Van/NI = God(G) God(I) Sun(O) IR(Van-They Go/Spanish) Final(N/14+I/9=W/23)
- Initials A/S = 1/19 = 119 = 11/9 = My friend Cliffy
- I said 2/5/2006 that Sunny Leone = Scott Boone
- Initials AG = Non-GA = Non-2 = 5 = Leo = Sun
- Randy McCloy, 26, is the sole survivor of the underground blast:
- Of all the people two years ago, I was the only one who believed in the Planet and set aside my entire Life because the Planet's needs took more importance over my own. Everyone else was selfish or ignored the warnings. That's why you see Death
- I bet if you use the Decryption Code on the names of the other 12 miners that died, they most likely alignt to Erin (Sara Wilcox), Sky (Alexandria Joy), Isabella (Alison Zaichers), and Charlie (Howard K. Kamil).
- 1 survived, 12 died: 1/12 looks like IR
- 'It's a Miracle He Survived' They have no idea how much so
- Randy McCloy spent more than 42 hours in a mine polluted with carbon monoxide:
- Carbon Monoxide = CO
- CO translates to the Letters 3/15
- I said 2/9/2006 that C/O translates to 3/15 for SensualSky. She symbolizes the Carbon Monoxide poisoning (CO) that killed Bliss and Scott. Her "Poisonous Letters" she sent two years ago blasting me symbolize how the people who believed it. That's why if the families and loved ones are looking for someone to blame, they can thank SensualSky for her little stunt she pulled.
- 15-month-old Isabel: I said 9/8/2005 that O = 15th Letter for the Sun. Isabella Valentine was using pictures of SUNny LEOne.
- Mother Eleanor Green:
- EG = 57 = LA on the Periodic Table for Los Angeles. Green = God
- G/Re-EN = God(G) Rabbit(Re) Heaven(EN/Non-NE/SW)
- Anna says she's not sure why it took so long for officials to turn over Randy's note: That's because Isabella, Sky, Erin, Bliss and the others were boycotting my messages and notices. They refused to read any of them so you see this backlog of missing Letters.
- 1996 Gold Ford Taurus:
- '96 = 12 x 8. I said 2/8/2006 that my mom is born 12/8
- Gold = AU on the Periodic Table. I said 12/29/2005 that Gold is Au on the Periodic Table.
- AU = (1)(21) = 121 = 11 x 11 = Washington State, Isabella Valentine's B-Day, and Sunny Leone's Boyfriend's B-Day
- Taurus: Sunny Leone is born 5/13 and a Taurus. I said 1/4/2006 that the Mind is like a Car
- "I dream a lot," she says. "I see everyday things at home, like God's telling me when I'm asleep that everything's going to be OK." Her Subconscious Mind is in communication with everyone around the Planet.
- Emily Bazar: I said 7/14/2005 about Hurricane Emily
- Sago = S-A/Go = Superman(S) God(A) IR(Go-Spanish)
- Virginia = Virgin/IA. I said 2/9/2006 that I'm the Virgin Mary and I o' WA(IA).
I've been working on a Theory that it's possible to transfer energy or electricity to re-energize or speed up the process of Healing. It's where you "beam over" Electricity or Energy to that individual like on "Star Trek" where one Starship to another sending a Repair Crew.
I said I'm like the U.S.S. Enterprise-E. So I've been seeing if it's possible for me to beam my Repair Crew and Tech Experts over to Randy McCloy, which is like a Damaged Starship. If we're talking about Electricity and Energy, I figured that by transferring or lending energy to his Starship (Randy McCloy's body), it might invigorate or energize the cells in his body because there's more energy there.
Plus, if you have a lot of Knowledge, the Tech Support on the U.S.S. Enterprise can beam aboard a Repair Crew that has all the Raw Materials and resources to clean up the wires and repair the Ship's Systems to get it going again. I believe it's possible to forward the Schematics using the U.S.S. Enterprise's onboard Computer to research the information (do a Psychic Google Search) to tap into the Knowledge and Experience of the Subconscious Minds of Doctors around the Planet that know the Human Physiology well and can lend their expertise to the Repair Crew that is going in and repairing the Damage.
It's all Theoretical, but I figured that if the body of Randy McCloy is eating to generate Electricity and Energy to nourish the cells, why can't you just draw from the Electromagnetic Field composed of Electricity to do an Energy Transfusion providing already converted Energy that the human cells in Randy McCloy's body can use to do healing.
It takes energy to convert matter into other matter. However. if you can get that power source or electricty from a different outlet, you can conserve energy being used for the processing phase and redirect it to other vital systems for a speedier recovery.
That's how you'd get a Paladin that has the power to Heal and use "Lay on Hands" like in RPG Video Games.
Pa/L.A.-D/in = Father(Pa) Los Angeles(L.A.) Leo female(D) Final(I/9+N/14=W/23)
Sky's Mean Letter
This is the Letter dated 6/30/2004 from Sky. That nasty woman went and sent derogatory letters to my friends Scott and Bliss. Bliss ate it up and sided with Sky.
That's why in the whole irony, you have Fantasy and Reality and an inversion:
- I said 1/10/2006 that I'm a South Kitsap(SK) Male(y) or "SK-y"
- I said I'm FEMALE even though I'm male
- My name Isabelo female even though it should be Female as Isabella
- Bliss is CHRISTine and a Female Jesus Christ when she should actually be Male
- I use REAL pictures and Sky uses FAKE pictures of Brittney Skey
- I use my REAL name RODILLON and Sky uses a FAKE stage name of SensualSky
- Sky uses a Fake Nickname while SK-y is a TRUE statement because I went to South Kitsap High School(SK) and I'm Male(Y)
It's the Planet's way of showing Mirror Images.
If all of my Information is TRUE then the other information would be the OPPOSITE, which is FALSE.
I said 2/4/2006 that I have the Title of Queen Isabelo the Gemini (Queen Elizabeth II) and Virgin Mary because I'm a REAL Virgin and Virgin Born in May or "Ma(R)y". It allows me to play the Role of MOTHER and take a BITCHY attitude and LAY DOWN THE LAW.
So when I say that Charlie FUCKED UP and KILLED that Mattie Stepanek on 6/23/2004 it's the TRUTH. It means I had reason to chew his ass out for MURDER. That's why I got pissed last year.
Personally, I think that when someone's DUMB actions results in someone getting KILLED, that is GOOD REASON to get ANGRY on behalf of the deceased individual's grieving family and friends whose KILLERS should be brought to JUSTICE.
Initials Mattie Stepanek = MS = Scorpio(M) Superman(S). I said Isabella is Scorpoi(M). She's the one who got killed of in the Spirit Realm and Mattie Stepanek was the mirror image that got MURDERED as a result of that fiasco.
That's why I always say that if you're going to take me on and challenge me, you better make DAMN SURE you're on HIGH MORAL GROUND when you go off on me because if you FUCK UP and are WRONG and people get INJURED or KILLED because of your half-assed assumptions, I'm going to come back and CHEW YOUR ASS OUT and I will make sure that your FUCK-UP is blasted ALL OVER THE NEWS to make sure that all 7 BILLION PEOPLE on the Planet knows what you did.
That's the Power of Communication. That is why I am C/L.A-RK K-en-T.
I work for the Daily PLANET.
Rod Rodillion.. You wanted my attention. You Have it NOW.
Who the hell do you think you are Rod? Do you realize what you are doing is called STALKING???? You are not some MAGICKAL guy from a book, and frankly it is an INSULT both to Piers Anthony who created a wonderful character and to Bink that character to compare yourself to them. You are not My ANYTHING and I am not YOUR anything. You have NO "psychic" powers and frankly you didnt give ME or ANYONE else any type of power. I have NO WISH to contact you. NONE. ZERO. ZILCH. I don't want to have ANYTHING to do with you. You are a little pathetic man with NO FUCKING LIFE, who stalks people. Why would anyone want to involve themselves with you? You crossed a line today Rod, you were banned from our company for a REASON. A REASON so big that ONE girl was in FEAR for her LIFE and had to MOVE to get away from you.
Yes absolutely YOU are the reason I have screening on all of my journal comments. The moment I thought that I was safe in letting MY friends write to me, what do you do LESS THAN 20 MINUTES after I lifted the BAN? Email ME. YES I don't answer your emails nor your attempts to contact me. I deleted everything I had ever gotten from your for a reason. I DONT WANT TO TALK TO YOU. I would think that my immediately slapping the ban back on and ignoring your message would have gotten the point across, but I was apparently overestimating your intelligence level. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD. Don't you think if I had wanted to talk to you I would have found a way? Nobody tells me who I can and can't talk to. NOBODY.
Plain and simple, you are creepy. I wouldn't associate with you in real life, why should I subject myself to you online? Yes we had a few calls together. AND YOUR POINT IS? I do calls with ALOT of people, People who stay in the NORMAL realm, and dont go stalker and obsessive. People I enjoy talking to.
Here is your SIGN ROD. GO THE FUCK AWAY. LEAVE US ALONE, WE WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. Is that PLAIN enough for you? Are you having PROBLEMS understanding that?
How DARE you, HOW FUCKING DARE you accuse Charlie of killing someone. How DARE you make a MOCKERY of a childs death by RANTING about it and laying blame on Charlie. What Charlie and Lucy do with THEIR company is NONE of YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS. Who the FUCK do you think you are? You are NOBODY. NOTHING to Me or ANY of the Girls here. How DARE you call Charlie at home harrass him and DEMAND that we pay attention to you. FUCK YOU ROD. Charlie is one of the BEST people I know, and you slandering him is a load of crap. You are a little boy who has had your toys taken away from you. In this case, the toys were us. So you are retaliating. Grow the HELL UP and get a life. Now you seem to think, by reading a few journal entries, and placing a few calls, you are experts on our lives and who we are as people.
You don't know SHIT about me or anyone else here. We are strong women with MINDS you pathetic piece of shit. We dont NEED to be told how to live our lives. NOT ONE of the girls in this company wants to talk to you, and for the record, we were given a CHOICE in the matter. Nobody forced us to stop talking to you. We CHOSE it. What does that tell you Rod? That in itself is a pretty big SIGN dont you think?
We don't NEED to live off of someone elses energy like some bottom feeder to prove that we are important and have something to talk about. You talk about psychic vampires. Look at yourself. You have NOTHING. You FEED of the lives of girls you don't even KNOW. Even your FRIENDS think you are Creepy and have mentioned that fact to Me personally. Look at what he is doing. Be careful. These are things I have been told from YOUR FRIENDS.
I am not linked to you by ANY means. Get the psychiatric help you so desperately seem to need. Focus on YOUR OWN LIFE and GET THE HELL OUT OF MINE. I dont think I can make it any clearer than THAT. There is your SIGN Rod.
I post this because I'm not afraid. I told the Truth the entire time and that my Readings were CORRECT:
- I said 11/2/2005 that Charlie goofed up and his actions led to the Death of Mattie Stepanek on 6/23/2004
- If someone wants to blast me about accusing someone of murder, that's fine. However, when I submit evidence contrary shedding new light on the situation that proves my case, I deserve to be heard
- I said that my Readings were accurate and I was foced to endure Defamation of Character all ganged up on me
"How dare me"?
How dare YOU.
That's why I said that as long as I keep on producing a consistent track record of Predictions and Signs that align what I post in my Journal hours or days before what surfaces in the News, then it means that
I was RIGHT and they were WRONG.
I post this so that if people years from now wonder why I'm so bitchy and standoffish, it's because I got blasted by a bunch of WHITE PEOPLE that blew me out of the water when I was telling the Truth. I say this so that the BLACK Community doesn't think I'm singling them out because of Color.
The WHITE Community and the WOMEN fucked up just as badly.
That's why as the Virgin MOTHER, I tell all the bratty little K-Ids "WA/I-T UN-T/IL YO u R F/At-He/R G.E./Ts Ho/M.E."
- WA/I-T = Washington(WA) God(I) Female(T/20/XX)
- UN-T/IL = Non-Female(un-T) Definite(Il-The/Italian)
- YO u R = God(I-Yo/Spanish) Old IR(UR/VR in Old Alphabet) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II)
- F/At-H/ER = Bad(F/6/Non-9) Gemini Superman(At-H) Final(E/5+R/18=W/23)
- Ho/M.E. = Slutty(Ho) Mother Earth(M.E.)
It means the "Washington God Definite God Superman Electrifies or Activates the Planet Earth Defenses." That's how you get Darth Vader who uses the Force.
Force = MA
That's how you get "Army of Darkness" with me pissed off like Ash.
ASHLEY: Now I swear the next one of you primates even *touches* me...
Ash cocks his shotgun and blasts the pit monster causing it to fall back into the pit.
ASH: Now listen up, you primitive screwheads. See this? This... is my boomstick! The 12-gauge double-barreled Remington. S-Mart's top of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for about $109.95. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger. That's right. Shop smart. Shop S-Mart. You *got* that?
- Boo-M/St-I/CK = Lover(Boo) Scorpio(M) Saint(St.) God(I) Clark Kent(CK)
- R.E.M. in G-T/On = Random Eye Movement(R.E.M.) in God(G) Female(T) Activated(On)
- R-EM in G-T/On = Gemini(R) Sunny Leone(EM/5-13) in God(G) Female(T) Activated(On)
- S-Ma/Rt. = Superman(S) Mother(Ma) Correct(Rt.)
- S = 19th Letter. K = 19th Element so S-Mart = K-Mart
- G ran D = God(G) Ran Leo Female(D)
- R-Ap/Id-S = Gemini(R) Mother(Ap/Non-Pa/Ma) Self(Id) Superman(S)
- WA/L-Nut = Washington(WA) Bad(L/Non-7) Crazy(Nut
- C-O/Ba-Lt. Dominant(C) Sun(O) Spiritual(Ba-Egyptian) Light(Lt.)
- Hair Trigger = Hare Trigger
Ash yelling at thos people is the equivalent of MY Intelligence and Knowledge compared to the everyone else on the Planet still living in the Middle Ages. That's how far advanced my Knowledge is compared to everyone else.
All these people who have been chewing my ass out going off on me are the Medieval People in the movie "Army of Darkness."
I said I'm of Royal Blood.
I said 9/22/2005 that I'm Rodimus Prime and True He/IR to the Throne and could've been King, but decided not to.
Ash stands on top of the display counter with a shotgun aimed at the She-Demon
ASH: Lady, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
SHE-DEMON: Who the Hell are you?
Ash cocks his shotgun.
ASH: Ash. Housewares.
[A/SH = God(A) Gemini Superman(SH)]
[AS/H = Clark Kent(AS/33-Periodic Table/3x11/CxK/CK) Superman(H)]
[Ho u SE/WA-Re/S = Slut(Ho) in Union with(U) Penis(Southwest/SE) Washington(WA) Rabbit(Re) Superman(S)]
SHE-DEMON: I'll swallow your soul!
ASH: Come get some
Ash confronts the She-Demon blasting it full of shells until it falls on the ground dead.
ASH: (narrating) Yeah, sure. I could've been King. But in my own way... I am King
Ash takes the sexy Cashier Register Girl he rescued in his arms serenading her.
ASH: Hail to the King, baby ;)
Ash kisses her dramatically.
I'll give you three guesses on who Ash is.
Fog Lifts for Sago Mine Survivor
By Emily Bazar
(Feb. 9) - Randy McCloy, like other coal miners trapped in the Sago Mine last month, wrote a goodbye note to his family.
It begins with his full name, written crisply atop a small piece of paper - "Randal L. McCloy Jr." - followed by a series of heart-wrenching farewells to his wife, Anna, and their two small children. "Anna, I love you so much. To my son, trust in the Lord. To my daughter, stay sweet."
He assured them that he didn't fear death. "I'm not that afraid," Anna recites from the letter, which she received less than two weeks ago and revealed for the first time to USA TODAY. "Don't grieve long. I want you to be happy in life."
Anna McCloy believes she still has a chance at that happiness. Her husband is alive. Randy McCloy, 26, is the sole survivor of the underground blast that rocked the International Coal Group's Sago Mine early Jan. 2, producing toxic gas that killed 12 other miners.
Family members and doctors say his progress has been remarkable. When Anna says Randy's name, she says, he turns to her. She feeds him up to three meals a day - he prefers Taco Bell and Wendy's to hospital fare - which he chews and swallows on his own. He scratches his face, sometimes puckers up to kiss his wife and laughs out loud. Anna says he's even managed to say a few words, but she won't say what they are.
"I've never thought I would be that excited about one word he'd say," she says. "It's like having your baby say their first word."
When a reporter visited HealthSouth MountainView Regional Rehabilitation Hospital on Monday, Randy had just finished a rigorous physical therapy session and was napping. He opened his eyes briefly when his wife entered the room.
He slept peacefully on his side under a thick gray blanket as Anna ran her hand through his hair. There were no tubes connecting his body to medical machines. His skin was healthy and pink.
Randy, a nearly 6-foot-2 rail-thin outdoorsman, looked like any other guy taking a nap.
'It's a Miracle He Survived'
Randy McCloy spent more than 42 hours in a mine polluted with carbon monoxide. When he was rescued, he was unresponsive. He suffered kidney, lung, liver and heart damage, according to Russ Biundo, medical director of the rehabilitation center. McCloy was moved there from West Virginia University's Ruby Memorial Hospital two weeks ago.
"Those organs, for the most part, have recuperated. He's an extremely strong young man," Biundo says. "It's a miracle he survived, no doubt about it. I've never seen anything like this, and we deal with brain injuries every day."
Now, Randy is breathing on his own. A tracheotomy tube was removed Tuesday.
"He has improved remarkably," Biundo says. "Still, we have a long way to go."
One major question remains unanswered: How bad was the damage to Randy's brain, the organ most sensitive to oxygen deprivation? At this point, doctors say, they don't know and can't predict how much he will improve or how long it will take.
But they're heartened that he is moving his limbs, tugging at his hair and making "purposeful movements," Biundo says. "These movements show his nervous system is reconnecting. Obviously, I want more."
The key to Randy's long-term prognosis is communication, Biundo says. He is undergoing two hours of physical therapy and one hour of speech therapy daily. Once Randy is able to speak or otherwise express himself, doctors and his family will have a better sense of his "cognitive abilities, his memories, his emotions," the doctor says. "Communication allows us to peek into his inside," Biundo explains. "Communication is the link."
Randy responds most to his wife, Anna, who spends nearly all of her waking hours at the bedside of the man she's been with since she was 13 and he was 14. Just about the only time she leaves is to catch about three hours of sleep each night at a nearby hotel. Expenses are being covered mostly by workers' compensation and a fund set up for the family.
(Contributions may be sent to Randal McCloy Jr. Fund, c/o Clear Mountain Bank, 1889 Earl Core Road, Morgantown, WV 26505.)
During the week, Anna's parents care for their two children, Randal III, who is 4, and 15-month-old Isabel. On weekends, the kids are with her and visit their dad here.
Anna, 25, has a sweet smile and a gentle manner. She hasn't set foot in their home in Simpson, about 45 minutes away, since the day of the blast, and refuses to return until Randy goes with her. "I cannot go back in that house without him. That's our house. We go home together," Anna says.
She limits his visitors and keeps his most personal breakthroughs private. Casually pretty in a T-shirt, jeans and tennis shoes, she says she spends most of her time talking to Randy, telling him about the kids and bantering about his love of fishing and deer hunting.
She also plays his favorite music, Metallica and Hank Williams Jr., and plans to add a CD of their wedding song, Amazed, by Lone Star.
The McCloys on their wedding day Who is Randy McCloy?
He's the sole survivor of the Jan. 2 underground blast in West Virginia's Sago Mine. The explosion produced toxic gas that killed 12 other miners.
She says she lives for the little breakthroughs, which have been coming more often.
"It's like he's in a fog, and this fog has to disappear," she says. "As it disappears little by little, more pieces of Randy come through."
At first, Anna and her brother-in-law, Rick McGee, say Randy didn't connect with them at all. Now, they believe, he interacts with them - through his eyes, sounds, movements and facial expressions - about a third of the time.
"Before, it was more of a blank stare," says McGee, 36, who is married to Anna's sister. "Now, he'll turn his eyes to you and look you in the eyes when you talk to him. You can look at his eyes and know if it's him."
Anna says there are other ways to tell when Randy is shining through the fog. Like laughter. Anna says Randy laughs so hard his teeth show.
Sunday night, when Anna and Rick were in Randy's room, Rick asked for some hand lotion. Anna found some and joked, as she handed it to him, that it was "butt cream."
"Randy started laughing really hard," she recounts.
Anna says Randy is biting his fingernails - a habit that used to annoy her - and once put his hand over his mouth when he coughed. He scratches his face and leg. McGee says Randy once tried to grab a washcloth from him. Randy's mother, Tambra Flint, 43, says he can drink from a straw.
"He's trying real hard," Flint says. "You see emotion on his face. There's times when he's there and times when he's not."
Randy's youngest brother in a family of five kids, Chris McCloy, 20, says Randy grabbed his hand and rubbed it on his face during one particularly emotional moment.
"I was thanking him for always being there for me, and that we had our whole lives together to do fun things," Chris says.
They all say Randy shows signs of frustration when he's trying to move his legs and they won't cooperate. "He'll sit in his room and try to lift his legs," McGee says. "He picks his pant leg up."
He even expresses food preferences, Anna says. Although Randy still has a feeding tube for his medicine and for those days when he doesn't eat enough by mouth, Anna tries to hand-feed him meals as much as possible. His favorite is soft tacos with pinto beans and cheese from Taco Bell, but he has also eaten Wendy's cheeseburgers and fries and other fast-food fare.
He doesn't care for hospital food.
"If it's something he doesn't like, he spits it right out," Anna says.
Letter Written in Mine Surfaces
On Jan. 28, Anna says, she was surprised by an unexpected communication from Randy.
Mine officials told her that Randy had left a note for her and the children in the mine after the blast. Some of the other Sago miners were reported to have written notes in their final hours, at least a few in an unsteady hand with words trailing off the page.
Anna McCloy is suing her brother-in-law for taking pictures of her comatose husband and selling them to the National Enquirer. Read Full Story But Anna says Randy's note, written on the front and back of a small, lined piece of paper, was in a strong, steady script. "His handwriting was perfect," she says. "The letter was perfect."
Anna's mother, Eleanor Green, and McGee say they have seen the note, too. Anna has committed key parts of it to memory. She didn't show the note to a reporter because she didn't want to reveal his most personal comments.
"He wasn't worried about himself," she says. "He was worried about how his wife and kids were going to feel." She says he signed the letter "Daddy."
"I cried when I read it," Anna says. "We used to write love letters in school. This was the best love letter I've gotten from him."
Many Mysteries Remain
Anna says she's not sure why it took so long for officials to turn over Randy's note, but that she got it along with his hard hat. They told her it was found in the lunchbox of miner Jackie Weaver, one of the 12 who died.
Randy's lunchbox was discovered in the mine a few days ago, she says. None of the food or drink, including his water bottle, had been touched.
It's not clear what Randy did or where he was after the blast, or how he survived while the others perished.
Anna, Rick and other family members, including his mother, credit God. And they surmise that Randy may not have been with the other miners for the entire time. Perhaps, they say, he was in another part of the mine where the air was cleaner.
When Randy came out of the mine, his fingernails were chipped and fingertips were "torn up," more than usual after a shift in the mine, McGee says. Coal bits, he said, were embedded under his nails.
"He was feeling his way through the mine," McGee believes. McGee also works at Sago. He and Randy trained together for their mine certificates in 2000. They wanted jobs that paid better than just about anything else around.
Randy didn't want Anna to have to work, especially with their first child on the way. The two had started dating in the seventh grade and married on June 30, 2001.
A job in the mines, danger aside, could provide well for the family, Anna says.
"He'd do anything he had to do to keep me from working," she says.
Randy, whose job was to install ceiling supports in areas that had already been mined, worked four days a week from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Anna prepared his lunch every night before going to bed. She filled his lunchbox with water, soda, treats like snack cakes and chips, and two sandwiches. His favorite was bologna and cheese. He left the house every morning about 4:10 after kissing the kids while they slept and telling them, "Daddy loves you, and God loves you."
Anna walked him to the door, where he kissed her and said, "Love you bunches. God loves you, too."
After she saw his taillights disappear, she'd go back to bed. In the evening, Anna says, she watched out the kitchen window for his 1996 gold Ford Taurus.
Anna says she misses those everyday rituals the most, even the things that annoyed her, like when Randy didn't shut the toilet lid or left coal dust in the shower. "I'd do anything to have that back," she says.
Biundo says it will take time before Randy can return home. "It takes many, many weeks, months," Biundo says. "I think we'll see a lot more recovery within the next few months, two to three months."
Anna says she perseveres by thinking about their life together again and fulfilling their plan to have another child.
In the meantime, she looks to sleep for small comforts.
"I dream a lot," she says. "I see everyday things at home, like God's telling me when I'm asleep that everything's going to be OK."
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