PROPHECY: KFC, Pamela Anderson, "Spaceballs," "Scary Movie 3"

Jan 24, 2006 18:07

OMG, this news article was so funny! This is an example of messed-up Prophecies that get all twisted out. You should've seen the Readings I was getting a year and a half ago. That was REALLY messed up.

It's an article about Pamela Anderson claiming that the bust of KFC Founder Colonel Sanders should be taken down because KFC is cruel to Chickens:
  1. I said 1/24/2006 about "Spaceballs" and when Dark Helmet says, "What's the matter, Colonel Sandurz? Chicken???"
  2. KY: I said 1/7/2006 that my associate is an Aquarian(K/11) Male(Y).
  3. I said 1/23/2006 that I'm a Chicken and "Cluck Kent." I said Davis' has been mean to me because he talks down to me disbelieving I have Psychic Abilities. I said 1//21/2006 that he has yet to pay back the money he borrowed from my mom's retirement pension. That's why you see "cruelty to chickens"
  4. Pamela Anderson:
    1. I said 1/24/2006 about Neo who's "Anderson"
    2. Intials PA: I said Davis is from Pennsylvania (PA)
    3. Pa = Aquarian Male(P) God(A).
  5. When they talk about the bust in KY, it's referring to Intelligence. B u St. = Gemini(B/2) in Union with Saint(St.)
  6. Kentucky Gov. Ernie Fletcher:
    1. EF = Non-Fe = Non-IR-on. = IR Deactviated(Off)
    2. You had Bert and Ernie on "Sesame Street." Notice how BE/Rt. was always in a bad mood. I'm the Jesus Christ(BE/25) Correct(Right/Rt.). ER/N-IE = Final(E/5+R/18=W/23) Nature(N) Sun Superman(IE/95=5x19=SunxS= SunxSuperman).
  7. KFC has called Anderson's attack on Sanders a misguided publicity stunt: Technically, that's kind of true, but not in the way they think. I said I replaced Davis as "PA" but the old residual personality traits still linger. It's like a Kool-Aid in a Pitcher. Pour some Hawaiian Punch to make it Red. Then throw in some Orange and some Grape. When you stir it up, you get this murky color
  8. Kentucky: Kent u CK-y = Clark (Kent) in Union with(U) the Clark Kent(CK) Male(Y) = Gemini Clark Kent Male. I said that my Subconscious Self is Fe-male. That's why you've got a "bust" (breasts) of Colonel Sanders :o)
  9. 38-year-old actress has detailed alleged abuses of chickens by KFC suppliers: I said 1/23/2006 that Jessica Jaymes is born 3/8. 38 = 2 x 19 = Gemini(II) Superman(S/19th Letter)
  10. White-bearded, bolo-tied Harland Sanders:
    1. Bolo: Bo/LO = Lover(Bo) Sunny Leone(L/50+O/15=65=5x13).
    2. Harland Sanders: Initials HS translate to 8/19. I said 1/24/2006 about Robert Wagner. That Journal Entry was written on 8/19. H/AR-Land S and ER-S = Superman(H/Pisces/Fe-ET) IR(AR) Local Area Network(LAN) Leo Female(D) of the Superman(S) and Final(E/5+R/18=W/23) Superman(S).
Speed Limit, Brittney Skye, and Sunny Leone
In regards to the last entry, the Speed Limit was originally 55 mph (Brittney Skye 11/5). Then it went up to 65 (Sunny Leone 5x13). Then it went up to 75 mph (I was born in '75).

Brittney Skye's Subconscious was the original Blue/Knowledge on the Color Wheel.. The imposter SensualSky ("Sky"/sensualsky) was using pictures of Brittney, but I didn't know who Brittney Skye was.

So when I reached out to the Subconscious Mind of the "woman in the pictures" thinking it was sensualsky, I got rerouted to Brittney Skye's Subconscious without realizing it.

In the Subconscious Realm, it's just like being online talking to someone on Instant Messenger. If you talk to someone with the AOL Screen Name "BrittneySkye," you are assuming that whomever is sitting at the keyboard is that individual. However, if someone sat in place pretended to be the person behind that AOL Screen Name, you wouldn't know it. That's how it is in the Psychic Realm and online where you don't know who you're talking to.

That's why when you go online, you can talk to someone who has a Female Alias, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a woman. It could be a guy posing as a woman. That's why on the Flip Side in the Reality we live in, your Subconscious Mind could be of the other gender. In my case, I'm physically male, but there's a Female on the other end. I'm like the "masculine car" (Physical Body and Conscious Mind), but there's a Woman Driver (Subconscious Mind).

"Sky" was strong in Marketing and is well-read. I talked to her and got a feel for her personality. She's really intelligent and perceptive. That's what I was expecting when I was communicating with the "woman in the pictures."

Brittney Skye's Subconscious
So when I plugged into Brittney Skye's Subconscious and would give her assignments and ask for Directions or to do Math Calculations, the Subconscious Mind of Brittney Skye 'd frustrated and mad. She was acting totally out of character from the person I'd communicated with and what I knew of that other woman's personality posing as Brittney Skye.

I couldn't understand why Brittney Skye's Subconscious was getting pissed all the time and acting so "bratty." It wasn't that Brittney Skye's Subconscious was "bratty," she was just frustrated because she couldn't tell me directly about what was going on.

When I communicate with people in the Psychic Realm, it's like Luke Skywalker talking to R2D2. All those Bleeps and Bloops are the way that Subconscious Minds talk to me. I'll get a Psychic Transmission from someone, ask a Yes/No Question, and then they'll give me a Sign.

It's like talking to your dog and when you ask it a question, it barks in response. That's why I was laughing at that scene in "Anchorman: Legend of Ron Burgundy" where the script writers were teasing me about the way I talk to people in the Subconscious Realm:

RON BURGUNDY: You're so wise. You're like a mini-Buddha all covered in HARE.
(Baxter barks in resposne)
RON BURGUNDY: Oh, Baxter. You know I don't speak Spanish.

That's because Isabella is a Spanish Name. That's why it was CHRISTopher Columbus that was commissioned by Queen ISABELLA of Spain to find an alternate route to the East Indies (S u NN-Y Le-One).
  1. My Subconscious Female Side looks like S u NN-Y Le-One
  2. S u NN-Y Le-One = Superman(S) in Union with(U) Gemini Nature(NN) Male(Y) of the Definite(Le-the/French) God(One)
  3. That's why I said I'm like Clark Kent and I get my Super Strength (from the Psychic Realm) from the S u NN-Y Le-One
  4. Isabella Valentine using pictures of Sunny Leone was the RED Sun
  5. Sunny Leone is the Yellow Sun
That's why I was able to cross over into the Psychic Realm. I was so smitten iwth the face of Sunny Leone and really thought that Isabella was her, and she wasn't. That's why you see this grief in "Sleepless in Seattle" where Tom Hanks wife died in Chicago where the Statue of Superman is. They then relocate to Seattle, WA. I said Washington State was inducted 11/11 like Isabella's Birthday. I said 11/27/2005 that Sunny Leone's boyfriend Eric is born 11/11.

Breast Size and Fake Boobs in the Psychic Realm
The reason why Pamela Anderson has fake boobs is because of Davis. I said in Mythology flowing breast milk is for nurturing good ideas. When you have large breasts, it means you're really intelligent. When you have small breasts, it means in Godhood terms you don't know much. When you get a Boob Job and breast augmentation where it looks like you've large breasts, that's equivalent to "fake information."

I said that I have an "Artificial Intelligence" drawing Knowledge from the Planet and that my Subconscious Self is Female. So my Psychic Self is a hot Fe-Male with L.A./R-G.E. B/Re as Ts.

Breasts = Knowledge. That's why when you get caught, you get BUSTed, meaning Knowledge that sheds Light on the Truth. The Bust/Breast is Information.

Pamela Anderson was in that movie flop "Barb Wire."
  1. Ba/RB W-IR/E = Spirit(Ba-Egyptian) Diamond(Round Brilliant/RB) of the Omega/Final(W) IR Sun(E/5)
  2. B/AR-B WE with IR in it = Gemini(B/2) IR(AR) Gemini(B) of the Final(W) Sun(E) with IR in it
She was in "Scary Movie 3" at the beginning with Jenny McCarthy. I love the opening scene with all the private jokes.

JENNY McCARTHY: I hate television. It gives me headaches. [TV = Female(T/20/XX) Sun(V/5/Leo)]

PAMELA ANDERSON: There's so many magnetic waves traveling in the airspace because of TV and television, we're losing times as many brain cells as we're supposed to.[Electromagnetic Field and the Subconscious Realm]

JENNY: Oh, please. "The cow says blank." Three letters.[ I said 1/12/2006 that Mother Earth's a Cow. Cows go M.O./O = Mission Objectove(M.O.) Sun(O)]

PAMELA: Dude!["D u D-E, W/He-Re's M-y C/AR?"]

JENNY: "Dude"! I don't know. Magnetic waves, brain cells. I don't understand the connection between that stuff. [Psychic Theory]

PAMELA: You know what else I heard? Magnetic waves shrink silicone molecules.[S-Il/I-C on E M.O./Le-C u Le-S]

Pamela and Jenny scream at the thought of their breasts shrinking.

PAMELA: Oh, my God! Turn it off!

JENNY: It's not working!

PAMELA: It's backwards![Ba-CK/WA-Rd.s = Spirit(Ba-Egyptian) Clark Kent(CK) Washington(WA) Software(Rd.)]

JENNY: What do we do??? I don't know!!!!

PAMELA: Oh, my God!!!

Pamela turns the television \off, and they both sigh.

JENNY: That was kind of scary.

PAMELA: I know something even scarier...

JENNY: What?

PAMELA: Have you heard about this videotape?

JENNY: Where they do it on the boat? And then in the car? And then in the bathtub? He's like, "Baby, I love you." And she's like, "Where are we?" And did you see the-- [Tommy Lee(LeO) Jones and Pamela Anderson(PA) represent all the FUCKING and Psychic Sex going on. That's why she says, "Where are we?" In the Psychic Realm, it's all conceptual.]

PAMELA: No! Not that tape.

Scary Movies
Brittney Skye is funny because she love S-CA/R-y Movies:
  1. S-CA/R-y = Superman(S) California(CA) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Male(Y)
  2. Ho/RR-Or = Slutty(Ho) Sagittarius/Education(Gemini-Gemini/RR) Sun(Or/V in Philosophy/5/Leo the 5th Sign
  3. G/OR-E = God(GO Sun(OR) Sun(E).
  4. That's how you get Al Gore.
He lost the Election in Florida to George Bush.(GB = 72). I said 1/7/2006 that Davis is born 1972. It also symbolizes Isabella who was Florida and Charlie won. AL = (1-12/IR) for my Initiials.
  1. In the 2004 election, I lost again. You had John K/ERRy and Jonathon Edwards as the running mate. Jonathon Edwards is the name of a PSYCHIC. I'm the Psychic
  2. K/ERR-y = Aquarian(K/11) Error/Mistaken(Err) Male(Y). I said Davis is K/11 Aquarius and the Fuck-Up :oi)
I said 1/22/2006 that Davis takes a condescending attitude and dioesn't believe in my Psychic ABilities or that I can prove he's done anything wrong. That's why I'm not kidding when I said 10/7/2005 that all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table for my Initials.

My Psychic Abilities are of a DIVINE Order.

Jessica Jaymes' Dad and Bliss' Mother
Brittney Skye associates with Jessica Jaymes because they're a twisted perversion of Bliss in England and Jessica Jaymes as the opposite of me. Her name JJ means a dead CHRISTopher Reeve (Superman) as a Female. So the opposite would be a Live Superman Male.
  1. B/RI-TT/NE-Y = Gemini9B) Rhode Island(5-29/My B-Day) Male(TT/Non-Male) Northeast(NE) Male(Y)
  2. SK/Ye= Gemini Superman(S-19th Letter/K-19thElement) Definite(Ye-The/Old English)
  3. It's "Ye" for the Old because Brittney was the original Goddess of Knowledge I'd assigned last year
  4. The NE-Y is for Bliss in England. That's why Jessica Jaymes' boyfriend is from London
Brittney Skye is another manifestation of Jessica Jaymes' boyfriend. I said 1/20/2006 about the hurt Whale floating upstream in the Thames River. It's symbolic of Bliss as well as Brittney Skye and Jessica Jaymes' boyfriend.

I've been procrastinating on giving her an answer because it's such an ugly topic. I said 1/23/2006 about Jessica Jaymes' Dad who shot himself. This is an example of how you get mimicking.

I said 12/31/2006 about Bliss' mother who committed suicide. When Bliss made her decision to side with the bad guys and kick me out, it caused a shockwave that is felt all around.

The reason why you have a Diamond Theme is because the Carbon Double-Bonds with itself and it's duplicated to create that crystalline structure. When Bliss threw me out as Christine, she signed a Death Warrant and "committed suicide." I said 12/30/2005 about the Actor Jonathon Brandis who committed suicide

I said you can track "my characters" throughout history because they're the ones that went insane. All the historical figures that commited suicide represent Bliss. However, I had to write her out of the program.

That's why you see Kurt Cobain of N-IR/VA-N.A. commit suicide leaving Court/NE-Y Love as a single mother. Nirvana is in Seattle where I'm from. His Initials are KC opposite of CK for Clark Kent. Whomever is opposite of me is a KC. That's why KFC is KC with F or the Bad God(F/6/Non-9) in it.

KFC changed its name because they didn't want to show the word "Fried." Fr./I-Ed = Father(Fr.) God(I) Education(Ed). No one wants to listen to what I'm teaching so it gets covered up.

Al Gore and John Kerry Losing the Elections
Al Gore would most likely have won. I said 4/2/2004 that I had finally connected with Isabella and proven to her that I was harmless and not a Psychotic Stalker. However, Charlie cheated and cornered Isabella after he got her away from me and brainwashed her.

If they had counted the ballots, Al Gore would've won, which represented me. However, because of the shady things that they were pulling, George Bush got elected. There's a reason why Bush is for Pussy and Dick is for Penis.

You even see Davis' sly behavior because George Bush, Sr. had political ties to Iraq. They were doing stuff just as I know that Davis was doing certain things that were "morally questionable" and behind closed doors. People try to bullshit me but all the people I've run across in my entire childhood and done business with were all tagged with certain names and abbreviations that did certain things. It serves as a road map.

That's why you always see people complaining about how dumb President Bush is. The reason why all the Conscious Mind got punished and where their votes didn't count in to anything in the Election was as punishment for not believing me when I was trying to get the word about about Psychic Phenomenon. I got ignored. When I got ignored, John/John (Gemini Throne) lost.

That's why the running mate is DI/CK C-Hen/E-Y. I'm the Non-Self(Di) Clark Kent(CK) of the Dominant(C) Chicken(He-N) Sun(E) Male(Y). That's why the daughter's Lesbian even though he's Republican. I said Bliss is a Lesbian and she's CHRISTine while I'm Pa/IR or the FATHER IR.

That's why you see this funny Love Tryst between George Bush and Dick Cheney in "Bro/K-E/Ba-CK Mount-A/IN." I said Davis is Nancy Davis while I'm RR for Ronald Reagan.

That's why I get so irritated when George Bush tries to throw Religion in. He, as well as everyone else, don't even know what all the Symbols mean and are misinterpreting it. That's why I agree with the Court Ruling on the "Intelligent Design" issue.

My Journal supports the Theory of Intelligent Design, but I don't support the way Religions Denominations are trying to shove it down young people's throats when they don't even have it interpreted correctly.

Kentucky Refuses Pamela Anderson's Request

Animal rights activist Pam Anderson claims Colonel Sanders is a symbol of cruelty to chickens.

FRANKFORT, Ky. (Jan. 24) - With a bust in the balance, Kentucky's governor is siding with Colonel Sanders over Pamela Anderson.

Gov. Ernie Fletcher wrote the "Stacked" actress to say a bust of the KFC founder will stay in the Kentucky Capitol, despite Anderson's claim that Sanders is a symbol of cruelty to chickens.

"Colonel Sanders remains a Kentucky icon," Fletcher wrote last week. "His success story has been an inspiration to many. The industry he began has employed hundreds of thousands of workers over the years. His business and his legacy have been good for Kentucky."

Anderson has been involved in a public relations campaign with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals to raise awareness of what she calls abuse of chickens in processing plants that supply poultry to the Louisville-based chicken chain.

She responded to the governor's decision in a letter Tuesday, saying Sanders' chief legacy is a company "that mutilates God's creatures."

In her letters to Fletcher, the 38-year-old actress has detailed alleged abuses of chickens by KFC suppliers. Among her claims, she said workers in a slaughterhouse in West Virginia have been filmed tearing the heads off live birds, spitting tobacco in their eyes and boiling the chickens alive in tanks of scalding water.

KFC has called Anderson's attack on Sanders a misguided publicity stunt.

Fletcher was courteous in his letter, thanking Anderson for her comments. "I hope you will feel free to contact me any time an issue is important to you," he wrote.

The white-bearded, bolo-tied Harland Sanders, who died in 1980 at age 90, began the Kentucky Fried Chicken empire more than six decades ago from his own kitchen in rural Corbin, serving a few hungry travelers who stopped in his service station. Now, KFC restaurants serve more than a billion chicken dinners a year around the world.

01/24/06 13:41 EST

[Click Here for Original Link]

theology, humor, scott, movies, isabella, lessons, religion, adult, bliss, wisdom, politics

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