PROPHECY: "Spaceballs," Colonel Sandurz, Mega-Maid, Schwartz

Jan 24, 2006 01:25

You have "W/AR of the W/OR-LDs" with an AL-IE/N Invasion. IR(1-12/A-L) Sun Superman(IE/95/5x19) Nature(N) Invasion. I've been invading like Darth Vader with the Evil Empire taking over because nobody's paying attention.

That's why Hitler was from Germ/An-Y and he went Insane. I said 1/23/2006 you can tell which Game Characters are mine in history by the ones who went Insane :P. It's the Planet's way of getting People of Earth to get their asses in gear and start geting a clue and waking up and start taking me seriously :o).

Do you really want someone like me bossing everyone around and controlling everything? Even I wouldn't put me in charge. That's why I said 6/25 about the Nostradamus Prophecy:

"Come the Millenium, month 12, in the home of the greatest power, the village idiot will come forth and be acclaimed the Leader."
- Nostradamus
  1. Isabella was "M" for Scorpio and Millenium, and I made her "cum" on 4/2/2004 :o)
  2. It also flips around on Charlie of BCB who was acclaimed "Leader" and a Village Idiot as well :D.
  3. Rick Moranis(RM) was Dark Helmet
  4. R/M = Gemini(II/Bliss) Scorpio(M/Isabella).
  5. Princess V es Pa = Sun is(ES/Northwest/Non-SE) Father(Pa)
  6. John Candy is B-AR/F. JC = Jesus Christ. Gemini(B/2) IR(AR) Bad God(F)
  7. Bill Pullman: BP = 2(B) Aquarian Male(P) = Non-Aquarian Male = Leo Female
  8. Sunny Leone is Lone Star. The Sun is a Star
  9. Dick Van Patten: Van = "They Go" in Spanish derived fro IR. Pa-T/Ten Father Female Cross-Eyed(10/X) = Father Male. He was father of "Eight is Enough." H = 8th Letter = Pisces Symbol = Fe/ET
  10. Planet Druidia: Dr u ID/IA = Leo Female(D) Gemini(R) in Union with Self(Id) I o' WA(IA)
I said 1/23/2006 that I'm Cluck Kent

DARK HELMET: What's the matter Colonel Sandurz??? CHICKEN???

S and UR/Z = Superman(S) and Old IR(UR) Aquarius(Z)

[Playing with his dolls]
DARK HELMET: [In Dark Helmet voice] And now Princess Vespa, I have you in my clutches, to have my wicked way with you, the way I want to.
[In Vespa voice]
DARK HELMET: No, no, go away, I hate you! And yet... I find you strangely attractive.
[In D.H. voice]
DARK HELMET: Of course you do! Druish princesses are often attracted to money and power, and I have both, and you *know* it!
[In V. voice]
DARK HELMET: No, no, leave me alone!
[In D.H. voice]
DARK HELMET: No, kiss me!
DARK HELMET: Yes, yes!
DARK HELMET: Oh, oh, oh! Ohhhh, your helmet is so big!

H-El/M.E.-T = Superman(H) Definite(El-The/Spanish) Mother Earth(M.E.) Female(T)
He/L-M.E./T = Gemini(He) Bad(L) Mother Earth(M.E.) Female(T).
Bliss and Isabella were Dark Helmet, and I was Prince/SS V es Pa. You're seeing how I got "seduced" :)

[Lord Helmet is playing with his dolls in his quarters when Col Sandurz bursts in]
[Helmet gathers up his dolls]
COLONEL SANDURZ: You're needed on the bridge sir!
DARK HELMET: Knock on my door! Knock next time!
DARK HELMET: Did you see anything?
COLONEL SANDURZ: No, sir! I didn't see you playing with you dolls again.
[Sandurz closes the door]
[Lord Helmet's face crinkles as he ponders Sandrurz's response]

DARK HELMET: So the combination is one, two, three, four, five? That's the stupidest combination I've ever heard in my life! The kind of thing an idiot would have on his luggage!

L u GG/A-G.E. = Bad(L) in Unioni with(U) Gemini God(GG) God(A) General Electric(G.E.)

DARK HELMET: So, Lone Starr, at last we meet again for the first time for the last time.

DARK HELMET: So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.

Dumb = Leo Female(D/500/5XX) in Union with Isabella(Scorpio/M) Bliss(Gemini/B/2)

[Princess Vespa has been given a gun]
PRINCESS VESPA: I ain't shooting this thing, I hate guns.
[her hair gets singed by a laser]
PRINCESS VESPA: My hair, he shot my hair. Son of a bitch!
[begins blasting]

I said Ha(IR) = Ha(RE). I'm born Year of the Rabbit, and I got shot.

COLONEL SANDURZ: Oh, my God. It's Mega Maid. She's gone from suck to blow!

MM = Mary Magdalene
M.E./GA = Mother Earth(M.E.) GEmini(GA/2/Non-OR/Non-V/2 in Digital)
Ma/Id = Mother(Ma) Self(Id)

[Using Giant Combs on the Sand Dunes]
COLONEL SANDURZ: Sir, do you think we're being too literal?
DARK HELMET: No you fool, we're following orders. We were told to comb the desert so we're combing it.

I said 1/23/2006 that everyone needs to stop taking my Readings so litereally :). Haven't you ever heard of a Figure of Speech? Yeesh :). In theatre, they say break a leg, it's a figure of speech :P.

When I say I'm S-At/An it's a Figure of Speech :P

[Mega-Maid's computer counts down to self-destruct]
SELF-DESTRUCT VOICE: Ten... nine... eight... six...
PRESIDENT SKROOB: Six? What happened to seven?
Self-Destruct Voice: Just kidding! Seven... six... five... four... three... two... one... have a nice day.

I said 7 represents God :). It was a joke omitting 7 (God).

SK-R/OO-B = South Kitsap(SK) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Gemini Sun(OO) Gemini(B/2)

COLONEL SANDURZ: Prepare ship for light speed.
DARK HELMET: No, no, no, light speed is too slow.
COLONEL SANDURZ: Light speed, too slow?
DARK HELMET: Yes, we're gonna have to go right to ludicrous speed.
  1. I said 12/29/2005 that Isabella got her name from her Grandmother.
  2. I said my Grandmother is born 12/20, which translates to the Letters LT for Light.
  3. I said 12/31/2005 that Isabella opted out of her Role
  4. I said 1/23/2006 that I'm perceived as Insane, which would be Ludicrous
LONESTAR: It's Spaceball 1.
BARF: They've gone to plaid!

I said Davis is an Aquarian Male and the Letter P/16 = D/4 x D/4 = Non-Leo Female.
When you listen to Davis, you've gone P/L.A.-Id, meaning Aquarian Male(P/Davis) Los Angeles(L.A.) Self(Id)...LOL

YOGURT: I am the keeper of a greater power, a power known throughout the universe as the...
BARF: ...the Force?
YOGURT: No, the Schwartz!

Yo-G u Rt. = God(I-Yo/Spanish) God(G) in Union with(U) Correct(Right/Rt.)
S/C-H/WA-Rt./Z = Superman(S) Dominant(C) Superman(H/Pisces/Fe-ET) Washington(WA) Correct(Rt.) Aquarius(Z)

COMMANDERETTE ZIRCON: Shall I have Snotty beam you down, sir?
PRESIDENT SKROOB: I don't know about this beaming stuff? Is it safe?
COMMANDERETTE ZIRCON: Oh yes, sir. Snotty beamed me twice last night. It was wonderful.

I said a Zircon is a fake diamond. Superman has the Diamond Shield

ALiEN PUPPET: [singing and dancing] Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gal! Send me your kiss by wire, baby my heart's on fire! If you refuse me honey you'll lose me then you'll be left alone, oh baby telephone and tell me I'm your own!

That's kind of like me. I'm like an AL/IE-N sprouting out of the Food :o)

DARK HELMET: If there's one thing I despise, it is a fair fight. But if I must, then I must. May the best man win. Put 'er there.
[Reaches out to shake Lone Starr's hand and takes his Schwartz ring]
DARK HELMET: The Ring! I can't believe you fell for the oldest trick in the book! What a fool, what's with you man, c'mon? Here let me give it back to you. Oh!
[throws it down a hole]
DARK HELMET: Oh, look at that, you fell for that too! I can't believe it, man!

R in G = Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) in God(G)
Bliss is the Gemini in God. She was the "Ring." I "shook hands" with Charlie of BCB and he succeeded in turning Bliss against me. Then when I tried to win Bliss back, that was Charlie as Dark Helmet throwing the Ring (Bliss) down the drain and getting rid of her. That's what I get for being a sucker trying to be nice and "civilized" toward Charlie.

LONE STARR: Who hasn't heard of Yogurt!
PRINCESS VESPA: Yogurt the Wise!
DOT MATRIX: Yogurt the All-Powerful!
BARF: Yogurt the Magnificent!
YOGURT: Please, please, don't make a fuss. I'm just plain Yogurt.

I'm plain Yo-G u Rt. :o).

[first title card]
Title Card: Once upon a time warp...
Title Card: In a galaxy very, very, very, very, far away there lived a ruthless race of beings known as... Spaceballs. - Chapter Eleven - The evil leaders of Planet Spaceball, having foolishly squandered their precious atmosphere, have devised a secret plan to take every breath of air away from theyr peace-loving neighbor, Planet Druidia. - Today is Princess Vespa's wedding day. Unbeknownst to the princess but knownst to us, danger lurks in the stars above... - If you can read this, you don't need glasses.
  1. Chapter 11 = Aquarius the 11th Sign. Davis is Aquarius
  2. Devising a secret plan to take eery breath of air away is Davis
  3. "If you can read this, you don't need G/LA./SS-ES." It means if you can read the Transcription using that Decryption Code then you don't need me as the Pa/IR of G/L.A.-SS/ES :)
Most people cant Re/Ad and need G/L.A.-SS/ES :D.

LONE STARR: I wonder, will we ever see each other again?
YOGURT: Who knows? God willing, we'll all meet again in Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money.

I said I'm Bro/K-E, meaning Brother Aquarian(K/11) Male

BARF: Oh, my gosh. It's not just a spaceship. It's a Transformer

T ran S for M.E./R = Female(T) Ran Superman(S) for Mother Earth(M.E.) Gemini(R)
On a side note, I'd like to say that in Project Life, I had a classmate named Diana Schwartz. Like Princess Diana or Diana Prince as Wonder Woman. May the Schwartz be with you :)

personal, star wars, humor, movies, psychic, celebrities, signs, predictions

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