LETTER: My Mom - Dreams and Aspirations

Jan 21, 2006 01:21

You can tell a lot about a person from the way their parents speak to them. The thing that saddens me most is that with the Psychic Abilities I developed and the level of influence I have, my mom would've been proud of me. I know her Subconscious Mind already knows, but sometimes you wish that her Conscious Mind as well as that of Scott, Isabella, and Bliss knew what really happened.

I don't even have the heart to really tell her about the Scientific Theories I came up with and have been able to prove. My mom has never been good at math. She's really good at English. She's a devout Catholic and she prays. Same with my grandmother. Same with my Aunt who is a Sunday School Teacher down in San Diego. My cousin Helen is also devout. She once cried over her Fish when it died and lit a candle for it when we went to Church.

To: Rod
From: Mom
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 13:30:40 EST
Subject: Re: I Love You


I love you too. Sometimes it's very diffuciult to be a loving son, especially if the parent has made mistakes where he's concerned.

Genes could only take a person so far. Likewise upbringing and example. At some point, circumstances take over. What we should do and shouldn't do in life is sometimes irrelevant. It's what circumstances dictate we do that matters.

A life spent fearing the worst isn't worth living. It doesn't matter whether your dreams ever come true. It's the dreaming that counts. A person without dreams is a very sad creature.

A man is only as good as he sees himself. See yourself as a winner. Take the bull by the horns rather than waiting for it to gore you.

May God in His infinite mercy grant us the serenity and peace of mind that can only come from the sure and certain knowledge that we both love each other.

Let's both move forward with hope and optimism.

Take care,
This letter from my mom is an example of why I was so disappointed and hurt about the things that Isabella and Bliss said about me. They've never met me. Maybe you can't tell about a person from a picture, but there are other telltale signs that show about what kind of person you are. My mom is a very wise person, and she did the best she could raising me despite all the angst, turmoil, and grief I caused her. However, the values she inculcated in me and the way she raised me really did pay off.

I talk about the Title of "Virgin Mary" and "Mother Superior," but if you really want to admire a Mother and the sacrifices she made for her one and only son, you should look to my mom and know she raised her son well. I'm a product of my mom. She used to yell at me, but she always gave a reason why. If you're going to get mad at your child always state a reason why. Don't punish them without reason because will remember.

When I was in a financial rut and had fallen into hard times because I trusted in Davis, my mom was the one who kept on bailing both of us out. Davis can make up whatever statements he wants about me, but I can guarantee you that if he ever tries to slander my mom or make her out to look like she's at fault, he will lose and look really bad. People may question my Mental State, but when they probe or interrogate my mom, they'll be able to see where I developed my Analytical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills.

Your parents, family, and friends say a lot about your upbringing and the type of person you turned out to be. As I said, the reason why I am upset at Davis isn't about me wanting anything, I just want my MOM paid back. I'm not even thinking about my welfare. I'm thinking about my mom who sacrificed to keep Davis floating over the last three years. My mom gave up that money and didn't want anything in return from me. She did it in suppport of my dreams and aspirations.

To me, Davis' actions and negligence is offensive when it comes to the exploitation of a Mother's Love for her Son. My mom has repeatedly said that she doesn't trust Davis and her track record. However, she would capitulate and do what she could to help me float financially while we chased Davis' pursuits. Davis would just continue to borrow money. My mom is on a fixed income on a retired teacher's salary and she's paying out the nose by these credit card companies charing her interest on the money Davis borrowed.

That's offensive to me and why I am unhappy. Like I keep saying, you can beat me down, insult me, call me a fraud, and laugh at my theories, but don't disrespect my mother. Whethere I deserve the mistreatment and abuse I get is one thing, but my mom is an innocent victim of greed and selfishness. This goes beyond Davis. This also comes back to Chris P. and the Indonesisan Film Crew that mutined and shoved me with a $45,000 debt July 2003 because of their own selfishness.

It's my mom who had to pay for it. You can put the blame on me for being "gullible" and too trusting because I didn't sign the proper contracts and get written signatures of who owes who money, but it's just a signed sheet of paper. If people don't want to pay you, they won't pay you. We had a signed contract that indicated that the Indonesian Project and the Copyright belongs to us. However, that didn't stop people from taking it. What do they care happened to me? It's not their problem.

This is where we come back to how sad society has decayed to where there is no longer any moral decency in the world. That's why it disgusts me when you see all these people pitying the severely battered and bruised whale limping in the Thames River symbolic of what's going on. It's like, "Save your pity." People weren't there for you when you needed them.

I get so sick of seeing those Bulletins of people posting about how "Christ died for our Sins." Oh, spare me. Like those people would ever lift a finger. If I walked up to them, those very people would be hypocrites and laugh at my "dumb Scientific theories" and scorn me for being a "broke, deadbeat and a bum." A lot of people give lip service and think they'd pass the test on piety and being good, but they haven't really been tested.

Let's see how open-minded those very people are when their Religious Beliefs are challenged.

personal, scott, family, davis, letters, relationships, isabella, parenthood, bliss, bio, love, wisdom

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