Apr 30, 2008 20:07

WHO: Lenalee Lee, Daisya Barry, Yu Kanda
WHAT: Kanda is missing again, Daisya is fighting the Call and Lenalee is dealing with dreams and visions of the two boys she loves as bloodthirsty cats. The two try to find some comfort.
WHERE: The Exorcists' home
WHEN: The morning after Lenalee's nightmare

Neither one of them had slept . . . )

Ω daisya barry, Ω kanda yuu, Ω lenalee lee

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Comments 73

sh_hereisgone May 1 2008, 01:01:14 UTC
Daisya looked at her and smiled weakly. "Nah," he said softly. "I'm fine." Truthfully, he didn't want to sleep because when he did, he had nightmares about going to the jungle, following the Call, and letting everything he loved go. He was sick with worry for Kanda, but more than that, he was absolutely stricken at the way the swordsman had treated Lenalee.

Both of them, actually.

He closed his eyes and leaned against her anyway, but he knew he wouldn't sleep. "Did you manage to rest?" he finally asked softly, looking up at her. "Those nightmares... are you still havin' 'em?"


hiheelboots May 1 2008, 01:10:36 UTC
"I rested a little," she said. "The nightmares are still there. And when I'm awake, there's visions. Flashes." She leaned her head against his. "I'm fighting them. I have to. I want to help you, and I want to help Kanda." She sighed, and decided to say something halfway cheerful. "I met a lot of nice people through my journal last night. You'll probably be meeting some of them soon, they want to help."

She didn't want to tell him the last thing that had been in her journal, her frantic and futile effort to keep Aya from answering the Call. Knowing that Ken had ended up in the same condition would absolutely crush Daisya -- and make him vulnerable again.


sh_hereisgone May 1 2008, 01:12:47 UTC
"Ah," he said softly, putting his arms around her and resting his head against hers. "Maybe you should sleep here, huh? I'll be just fine..."

He smiled at the mention of the people she'd met. He'd tossed his own journal out the window - literally - after trying to bring Kanda back. It hadn't been successful, and it was making it harder for Daisya to resist the Call. He had literally forced Schuldich, House, and Kanda into the back of his mind. His first concern - his only concern - was for Lenalee.

Slowly, he reached up to stroke her hair, closing his eyes again. "'m sorry to put you through this," he whispered. "I'm... startin' to feel better, though."


hiheelboots May 1 2008, 01:27:22 UTC
"Daisya, it's not your fault," Lenalee said. "None of it is. It's just a sickness, and you'll be able to fight it." The cat vision snapped into her head again, as vivid and terrible as if she'd suddenly been dropped headfirst into the jungle, and she tensed, but once again forced a counterimage into her head of Daisya as he had been at the ball.

This is what he really is, she told whatever inside her was causing this. Not the animal.

The vision faded again, and she relaxed, feeling more exhausted than ever. She forced herself to keep talking, though, for his sake. "When you're well," she said, "we'll go back into town. We never got to go to that bakery, did we? And we need to stop back at that shop and get you a couple more scarves."


madmugenskillz May 3 2008, 03:14:27 UTC
"That's not going to work," Kanda spoke up from a rooftop. He had seen Daisya and Lenalee leave the house, and followed them. He didn't dare come down, not wanting to be near them. The Call seemed to be even louder in his new cat-ears when those two were close. Extended claws trailed along the roof's edge to help keep his balance. His black tail twitched back and forth behind him.

"It'll just keep coming back," he continued. "You can't get rid of it."


hiheelboots May 3 2008, 03:29:35 UTC
Lenalee suddenly stopped in her tracks. The image of the bloodthirsty cat slammed into her mind's eye a split second before she heard the voice. She clenched her fist and grit her teeth, willing it to go away.

I can't help him if I don't, she thought, forcing her mind to fill with an image of Kanda, as a child, standing in front of her with a sword almost as big as him, telling Leverrier he would make sure that he never hurt Lenalee ever again.

She sagged a bit against Daisya as she looked up, and saw the figure on the rooftop. She gasped, putting a hand to her mouth, as she saw the silhouette, and panic rose inside her.

No, she thought, it's not too late. His form is still mostly human. He can still be saved.

"Kanda?" she called up to the silhouette.


sh_hereisgone May 3 2008, 03:36:41 UTC
Daisya supported her and stared upward. His heart felt like it was in his throat. He remembered all the times while they were training, and the times they'd sat alone around at the fire when Tiedoll had gone to a neighboring town. There were so many things, little things that he probably should have seen sooner... things Lenalee had told him about.

None of that seemed to matter anymore, though - at least not to Kanda.

He looked upward, but said nothing. He didn't know what he could say that wouldn't come out stained with the tears he'd been reluctant to shed.


madmugenskillz May 3 2008, 03:46:11 UTC
Despite it being the dead of night, Kanda could see the two of them clearly, every fine detail. And he could sense their fear. So, terror truly did have a scent. He heard their restrictive breathing as easily as he heard Lenalee call his name.

He gripped the edge of the roof slightly tighter, tail twitching faster, ears flattening. He crouched down a little, as if to preparing to pounce, but didn't move any further than that.

The Call was extremely strong now. To finish the process that had started within Daisya. To make Lenalee one of their own.

His lips curled back a little, in reaction to the inner turmoil that had yet to cease within himself. Fuck you, cat, he silently snarled at the Call, and it seemed to try to increase its hold on him. Persistent little fucker ( ... )


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