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Pre-Party Preparations! [Open to those who offered to help set-up / bring stuff] poetryinfashion October 3 2008, 03:49:41 UTC


fox_shuuichi October 3 2008, 15:14:59 UTC
Kaoru hadn't quite asked for help, but Kurama couldn't help wanting to be there early to lend whatever aid he could - and even if Kaoru didn't need help setting up, he could at least add to the atmosphere, right? Flex his powers a bit and leave the backyard and whatever floral decorations they might be using looking full and fresh?

So he made his way to Eagle's Splendor, his arms full of assorted fresh flowers - might as well give Kaoru some things to choose from, as well as conserve a little bit of energy, not growing plants straight from seeds - and dressed in one of the finer tunics the Hitachiins had designed for him, a deep yellow trimmed in green.

He shifted the flowers in his arms carefully to free one hand long enough to knock on the front door and announce his presence.

"Kaoru? Hikaru?" he called. "I hope I'm not intruding..."


(The comment has been removed)

fox_shuuichi October 3 2008, 15:34:33 UTC
It was, Kurama supposed, rather odd that he was now closer to Kaoru than to Hikaru, given that he had suffered through the kidnapping and subsequent rescue with Hikaru. But Kaoru seemed to be the more personable of the two, the more outgoing, and Kurama had gotten more familiar with him because of it.

Which, of course, was not to say that he was any less fond of Hikaru, nor any less protective. So he returned the smile easily and sidled into the shop.

It was also not particularly strange to him that he could tell them apart. Spend enough time with a pair of twins, and you started to see the subtle differences - and there were plenty between the Hitachiins. Hikaru was immediately identifiable as he opened the door.

"Thank you, Hikaru," Kurama said honestly, stepping inside and turning to hold his arms out, presenting the flowers.

"The two of you didn't really ask for anything, but I thought I might offer some help? At least, in the way of fresh flowers and such - it's the least I can do."


Party Time! - The Showroom poetryinfashion October 3 2008, 03:50:29 UTC


Re: Party Time! - The Showroom whatisyourwish October 3 2008, 07:02:10 UTC
Yuuko arrived at the Hitachiin party exactly on time. Since it was a Hallowe'en party, she was dressed as a gothic witch. She thought it was rather appropriate.

"Hello, everybody," she said lightly. She smiled at the room in general.

There were some interesting clothes displayed in the showroom, and in the centre was a table of sweets and cakes. They looked delicious. This would be fun, especially once she found the liquor. She approached the twins.

"You must be Kaoru and Hikaru. It's a pleasure to meet you."


Re: Party Time! - The Showroom poetryinfashion October 5 2008, 20:01:50 UTC
Kaoru brightened at her approach and whispered to Hikaru, "Yuuko."

Being nearly 17, the boys were still quite interested in the attire of girls on their bodies as well as on mannequins. "Look at this..." Kaoru murmured, "All of the accessories... and the splash against the black..." He smirked over at Hikaru. "Looks straight off the rack doesn't she?" Hikaru nodded quickly before turning his attention to other guests as they quickly entered, so Kaoru stepped back a little so as to engage Yuuko in a little more conversation before speaking to another guest.

Kaoru merely motioned around him and asked, "Well... what do you think?"

The other curiosity would be if she knew it was Kaoru or thought it was Hikaru...


Re: Party Time! - The Showroom whatisyourwish October 6 2008, 03:37:30 UTC
Yuuko smiled down at him. She found him a rather charming child, very different from Watanuki or Doumeki.

"I think it's just charming," she said, "It's lovely to meet you in person, Kaoru-kun."


Party Time! - The Backyard poetryinfashion October 3 2008, 03:50:59 UTC


omnomeyeballs October 3 2008, 09:09:16 UTC
Such a curious little city. So full of innocence and darkness, so full of secrets. It was almost like a playground for him. After all, as... frustrating as it was to lack his full power, he was a nightmare-- an immortal-- and if what the others said were true, he would likely be back to his full power within a couple years, perhaps a decade at most, and then, and then... Oh, not just this island, but this whole world would become his playground.

But for now, he would interest himself with these, with the amusing little mortals here, their fears, their desires, their secrets, their unusual powers... Oh, he had no doubt. They would keep him entertained for quite some time.

So, as he drifted among the crowd, "eyes" hidden by dark, reflective, he smiled, and bowed, and introduced himself, his tongue silver, his wit razor, every bit the Arlecchino that his harlequin costume identified him as.


smokeandwires October 3 2008, 21:00:30 UTC
It was a costume party that didn't know it was one - that was what Youji thought. He'd come dressed normally, if not a bit fancier; dress to impress, after all, but there were quite a few people in Halloween getup milling about.

Fashion was fine, and he could talk his way around it if there was a girl to impress, but that wasn't actually on the top of his list for once. Youji was a bit wary that Natalia had been invited as well and kept himself on guard for when she showed up.

He decided he would at least have the decency to smoke outside and made his way to the backyard, unlite cigarette in mouth. A man with sunglasses was making the rounds and Youji waved to him. "Gotta light?"


pinkprincegirl October 4 2008, 17:52:32 UTC
Having not been on the invitee list, Utena made her way to the backyard, dressed in the only way she knew how - as a prince. Smiling back at Natalia, searched the crowd for a familiar face.

"Pretty lively party, isn't it? It looks like everyone's dressed up." Out of the people she saw there, there was only one head she recognized - and it happened to be sporting white hair and sunglasses. She felt a little uneasy about the guy, but he hadn't yet given her reason distrust him, and it certainly wouldn't hurt to say hi. "Come on, I know that guy!" She said, offering an escort's elbow to Natalia before she made her way over to Youji and the Corinthian.


Party Time! - Hitachiin House poetryinfashion October 3 2008, 03:51:51 UTC


Re: Party Time! - Hitachiin House wotwottimespot October 4 2008, 01:22:57 UTC
The Doctor was quite, quite proud of his costume. He had spent a whole half a week working on it, even going so far as to take time off of Matsuri's sunroom. She had been so excited about the party, after all, and he wanted to be as entertaining for her - and not to mention Rose - as entirely possible. He'd never in his life wanted to be any sort of Captain Jack except for comedic purposes, and now was the perfect opportunity for that.

"'Scuse me! Pardon me!" Squeezing his way through the crowd, he beelined for the sweets, Matsuri in tow. He hoped, for her sake and the sake of all the villains in this new world, that nothing would happen to stir his temper.


hyper_thief October 11 2008, 00:40:22 UTC
Rikku, carried to the Hitachiin's house party on Gojyo's back, was happy that she was able to come to a party she was invited to. It took little convincing; promising her boyfriend she wouldn't seek out trouble, she wouldn't argue, and she wouldn't run away, before she was able to go. And, her boyfriend promised he'd try to let Rikku meet Hakkai and 'Shu-chan.' She wanted to meet some of Gojyo's friends, since he had met most of hers at the party she threw a couple weeks back. So she wanted to meet some of his special and close friends. She could barely remember Hakkai and Shu-chan from back where she first met Gojyo; at the beach looking for Sea Dragons ( ... )


inthecenterfold October 20 2008, 03:42:40 UTC
"I know, I know - gimme a bit, they said they'd be here, but you never know with these guys. Hakkai's not much for parties," Gojyo explained while he looked around for a bit.

How the heck had she managed to get friends as rich as this? It was WAY more elaborate than anything Gojyo had seen in his lifetime.

"This place is damn big so it may take some time t' find 'em..." There was a grimace evident in his voice. "But I promise not to come back 'til I do." He gave her a well-meaning wink before taking off.

Since he was already in the house, he decided to check the first floor around there first. If all else failed, he'd head out to the yard area, maybe snag some grub and bring Rikku back some as well, before finally heading to the fancy-shmancy business area. Gojyo hadn't thought to dress up beyond his jeans and jacket, but at least he had the decency to wear it closed while inside a building, right?


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