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Party Time! - The Showroom poetryinfashion October 3 2008, 03:50:29 UTC


Re: Party Time! - The Showroom whatisyourwish October 3 2008, 07:02:10 UTC
Yuuko arrived at the Hitachiin party exactly on time. Since it was a Hallowe'en party, she was dressed as a gothic witch. She thought it was rather appropriate.

"Hello, everybody," she said lightly. She smiled at the room in general.

There were some interesting clothes displayed in the showroom, and in the centre was a table of sweets and cakes. They looked delicious. This would be fun, especially once she found the liquor. She approached the twins.

"You must be Kaoru and Hikaru. It's a pleasure to meet you."


Re: Party Time! - The Showroom poetryinfashion October 5 2008, 20:01:50 UTC
Kaoru brightened at her approach and whispered to Hikaru, "Yuuko."

Being nearly 17, the boys were still quite interested in the attire of girls on their bodies as well as on mannequins. "Look at this..." Kaoru murmured, "All of the accessories... and the splash against the black..." He smirked over at Hikaru. "Looks straight off the rack doesn't she?" Hikaru nodded quickly before turning his attention to other guests as they quickly entered, so Kaoru stepped back a little so as to engage Yuuko in a little more conversation before speaking to another guest.

Kaoru merely motioned around him and asked, "Well... what do you think?"

The other curiosity would be if she knew it was Kaoru or thought it was Hikaru...


Re: Party Time! - The Showroom whatisyourwish October 6 2008, 03:37:30 UTC
Yuuko smiled down at him. She found him a rather charming child, very different from Watanuki or Doumeki.

"I think it's just charming," she said, "It's lovely to meet you in person, Kaoru-kun."


Re: Party Time! - The Showroom poetryinfashion October 10 2008, 03:18:15 UTC
"Man we are just not doing so hot tonight," Kaoru admitted as he laughed wryly. "Was it that obvious?" He assumed she would know what he was talking about, but maybe not. It was a pretty big deal to the twins, but more and more tonight people were distinguishing them.


Re: Party Time! - The Showroom whatisyourwish October 10 2008, 04:57:01 UTC
No doubt most people would probably have trouble distinguishing twins, but she never had those sorts of problems.

"I wouldn't say that it's obvious, but I can tell," she said with an enigmatic smile. "I must say that you have put together quite a lovely party, Kaoru-kun."


darkknightfall October 3 2008, 08:42:56 UTC
Bruce had shown up a little early to check everything, making sure there were no explosives, no hidden psychopaths lurking under the floorboards or hanging from the ceiling, but, thankfully, it seemed as if nothing was wrong, and nothing was going to go wrong. At least, judging by the interior and exterior-- as well as the surrounding buildings, not that he had told the twins that he had quietly checked these as well.

Knowing Kaoru and Max, at least, would hassle him endlessly if he decided not to show up in costume, Bruce decided to go for something decidedly less than flashy: something that would let him blend in with the crowd more, avoid notice, allowing him to watch for potential threats and problems more easily.

Attired in the fashion of Sherlock Holmes, save for the color of the attire (black, gray, and dark blue as always), complete with a smoking pipe (not filled with anything but air), and a magnifying glass, and, concealed beneath his coat and jacket, his utility belt ( ... )


poetryinfashion October 5 2008, 20:13:04 UTC
It took some time before Kaoru managed to free himself from the deluge of people who arrived, but he was glad to see that among them was in fact Clark Kent himself, the man who had encouraged Kaoru through the first tentative steps toward self-awareness, self-preservation for the sake of those around him. The auburn-haired Japanese boy had taken matters into his own hands in ways he'd never thought would be possible until he was at least 20 or older. Maybe until his parents had passed on - not that he'd ever wished for such a thing.

Finally, he made his way over to the design that Clark was looking at. Will he know it's me? "It pays the bills... funded the backyard project, after all," he said simply.


Re: Party Time! - The Showroom shewalksindeath October 3 2008, 13:12:38 UTC
Sabriel ran her fingers over the keys of the piano, not playing, just admiring. It was honestly a beautiful instrument, something she felt strange to be allowed to play at all, but lucky. Next to the mannequins, too, she felt inadequate, though she'd chosen to keep her dress simple to suit the music she'd be performing - black, well-cut, and though perhaps a little historic it was still quite lovely on her figure. Her bells she brought out out of habit and an abundance of caution, planning to tuck them under the piano bench, but her sword she'd left behind, safely stored at home ( ... )


walker_dog October 3 2008, 15:20:45 UTC
The Dog had come along for several reasons, really - to lend her Mistress whatever aid she could with her collar, to protect the Abhorsen should the need arise (which was why it didn't bother her as much that Sabriel had left her blade behind), and to meet even more people who might scratch behind her ears.

For now, though, she stayed close to her Mistress, curled up beside the bells under the piano bench, their magic warm and familiar against her side. She'd had to shrink herself a bit to fit comfortably, but that was all right - it was getting easier the more often she did it.

She smiled, hearing the music, and the subtle magic behind it. It slipped through her, almost, pulling at the marks in her collar, at the magic that formed her - and at that which inhabited the bells, which rang softly. The Dog found herself humming a bit, too, almost against her will. It was simply a sympathetic reaction to the soft magic floating about.


Re: Party Time! - The Showroom necroshmancer October 5 2008, 14:09:38 UTC
Jade heard the sound of music being played and slowly followed the melody to its source, which turned out to be a girl playing the piano. Her dress, like many of the ones in this world, seemed odd to him, but it was still lovely.

His suit was similarly a little off to him, as there were no Auldrant tailors in Rivelata, and he had to settle for something that had a hint of familiarity to it, black -in a style he was told was "regency"- with a gold vest and an ample cravat. He thought that he looked a little ridiculous, but Natalia had assured him he looked quite dashing.

Jade deposited his wine glass on the piano and leaned forward, addressing the girl: "I'm a rather tolerable pianist myself, could I interest you in a tune a quatre mains?" He started to remove one of his gloves, as if she had already agreed.


Re: Party Time! - The Showroom shewalksindeath October 5 2008, 15:09:22 UTC
Sabriel's gaze flickered towards Jade and back to her hands - for a tolerable pianist as she was, it was perhaps a good idea to keep her eyes on the keys as much as possible. But into the keys and slightly towards him she gave a small smile, and resolved her piece like the twinkling of bells.

Lifting her fingers off the keyboard, she could look at him properly, and reply. "That would be lovely," she said politely, with the etiquette of one who had taken classes on manners but the distance of one who hadn't liked it much. Nonetheless, she slide down the bench towards the bass notes, leaving him room at the treble end.

"I'm afraid piano is not my forte," Sabriel told him apologetically. "And I don't know the standard repertoire, even for my world, which I'm sure is different in yours. But I have a knack for improvisational harmony, if you'd still like to give it a try."

Knack, of course, wasn't really the right word, though she did have the innate sense of music that came with being a Charter mage; spell was technically more ( ... )


Re: Party Time! - The Showroom poetryinfashion October 5 2008, 21:32:57 UTC
Kaoru was finally getting to mingle about as he heard Sabriel playing and Jade sat down next to her. He headed in the general direction of the piano, hoping to check in with one of the night's musicians as well as how Sabriel herself was finding the piano.

And then he saw Jade and Kaoru balked considerably. Standing off to the side, facing them both, Kaoru could not contain his shock. "Colonel... Jade... Curtiss... oh my but it's been ages hasn't it!" He shook his head a little and gradually a smile broke out across his face. "I can't believe it... well I can because I see the occasional notes you leave in the journals but wow..." He shook his head again, still smiling.

He turned to Sabriel and remarked, "If he wants to play, please allow him to do so... I can't believe I completely forgot to invite you, Jade! I really need to keep a list for the birthday party... And that you play... that shouldn't come as a surprise either, I guess, but... WOW!"

It really was turning out to be more of a reunion than Kaoru had ever expected.


walker_dog October 5 2008, 21:53:11 UTC
The Dog's hackles had risen a little at the approach of the Colonel, no less so because she could sense the Abhorsen's mild disapproval, but when he appeared to pose no significant threat - and Sabriel acquiesced to his request - she relaxed again.

And then there was a new voice, and a face she recognized from the journals, and the Dog gave a happy yip and wriggled out from beneath the piano bench, assuming her normal size as she did so.

She bounded over to Kaoru, tail wagging enthusiastically, tongue lolling from her panting mouth, and proceeded to bounce on her hind legs, trying to get a solid lick to connect with his face.

No talking, at least. Not yet.


necroshmancer October 6 2008, 00:19:41 UTC
Jade lifted the tails of his coat and sat down next to Sabriel, his fingers hovering over the keys for an instant. "I have to admit my knowledge of music is from a strictly academic standpoint... imagination is not my strong suit." He smiled at her, with that strange smile that didn't quite reach his crimson eyes. "And since imagination is not a virtue that the military cultivates in its men, I will have to rely on you to add a little whimsy to my melody ( ... )


shewalksindeath October 6 2008, 02:22:09 UTC
Jade was a much better pianist than she was, that was immediately clear, but Sabriel's competence was such that she could, indeed, keep pace, provide whimsy, and with a touch of magic make their piece sound like a rather extraordinary feat of artistry.

Of course, it was slight cheating, but Sabriel had never been one to follow the rules.

She smiled softly into her fingers, unable to help listening to his conversation; this colonel, far more so than the one she'd met at home, had sass. She liked it.


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