First Things First

Jan 15, 2011 02:31

Disclaimer: This is pure fiction.
Pairing: Taguchi Junnosuke / Kamenashi Kazuya
Rating: PG
Betaed by: beltenebra and csad, who were a great help! Thank you again, ladies. :-)
Word count: A bit over 5,000 words.
Story notes: This is my help_pakistan story for the wonderful krysyuy, who wanted Junno/Kame and let me run with it. krysyuy, you've been very patient - I hope you think the ( Read more... )

jpop, fanfic, junno

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Comments 66

krysyuy January 15 2011, 01:30:39 UTC
ZOMG. *_________________________________* -bounces-

I was just on my way out when I refreshed the page and saw this. -EXCITED LIKE WHOA- Unfortunately, I really do have to go now, but I will totally leave proper flailing feedback later. ♥♥♥

-hugs!- Thank you, thank you, thank you!


rheasilvia January 15 2011, 01:41:48 UTC
Ooh, I was just about to write you an email - but you've found the story already! It's almost like fate. ;-)

But seriously: Thank you for your patience and generosity! I really hope you enjoy this. (If not, don't hesitate to tell me! I take criticism well, and I mean it when I say I welcome all kinds of feedback.)


krysyuy January 15 2011, 10:19:53 UTC
It was fate. *___________* My reward for finishing my assignments, except I'm still in the middle of finishing them and I cheated and already read it. -bricked- OTL I couldn't help it! D:

And YES, I did enjoy it. Very, very, very much. This is totally the type of story I fall in love with. Sweet and funny and real with a dash of angst and misunderstanding here and there. I love the theme of first times and how you carry that from beginning to end, bringing things full circle. Plus a happy ending! ♥____________♥

Soooo... I'll pretty much be quoting a ton of my favorite moments/sentences/etc w/ some commentary, which will probably mostly consist of LOLs, ♥s, '*o*'s and maybe the occasional sane comment outside of my flailing. Y'know, just fyi. -coughs- >.>;; I'm sorry in advance if I get repetitive. And... start!

That's the moment when he knows that this is what he wants to do. He wants to be up on stage, making people smile and be happy. He wants to do something so people can forget about being stressed and sad and tired, even just ( ... )


krysyuy January 15 2011, 10:22:44 UTC

For a moment or two Jin flails and hops more angrily, but then he starts laughing too, teetering dangerously. Junno lets go of his leg, and they both collapse onto the nearest bed, helpless with hilarity.
This made me laugh. I love how the tense situation is sort of diffused, and through something Junno did. It could have escalated, but because it's Junno and he's calm and not prone to violence, he chose not to take it a step further. This was a wonderful moment between Jin and Junno.

"Yeah, really. I'm a horse of a completely different color." He isn't a mysterious, unfathomable kind of guy. If he takes someone by surprise, it's just because they haven't been paying attention.This totally hits home for me because I find that to be absolutely, completely true about Junno. Kind of reminds me of the whole GIRLS situation, what with people jumping on the 'Junno-is-AWESOME' bandwagon and me thinking 'Umm, he was awesome all along'. I mean, I myself didn't have the greatest first impression of him when I first got into KAT-TUN ( ... )


rockthecliche January 15 2011, 02:42:13 UTC
SYLVIA WOMAN WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO ME. my heart is like, pounding out of my chest or something and i'm dying because oh my GOD this is SO SWEET and holy god your kame is AMAZING and just. sylvia. SYLVIA.

brb spazzing like crazy you brilliant, brilliant woman. ;___;


rheasilvia January 15 2011, 15:32:00 UTC
:-))))) *blush*

You like it! I am so glad! :-)))

this is SO SWEET and holy god your kame is AMAZING and just.

Do you know how great this is to hear? Because sweetness and good Kame, that was both very important to me to get right here! And this is the first time I'm writing Kame in a main role, so, me = nervous...

In conclusion: Yay! :-)

(Also: Your icon needs a fanfic of it's own, I think. ;-) )


rockthecliche January 15 2011, 15:51:55 UTC
i can't even believe that you've never written kame in a main role because i think this is the most IC i have ever read kame, ever, in the history of me reading fics with kame in them. right down to his 'leave me ALONE' moods (you used the word 'snit' and i bowled over with laughter because it was so junno and so fitting and that's the most perfect word for it, ever) and how it took awhile for him to let his guard down and really, honestly, if i didn't love ryo/junno so much, i'd be begging you to keep writing kame/junno. *____*

(lol that icon. and all the possibilities! i'll have my people work on this (although i should probably write you your drabble requests first. i'm such a slacker. ._.))


rheasilvia January 15 2011, 17:34:16 UTC


Woman! Seriously? I don't even know what to say to that! Except - wow! Thank you, I am totally flattened by the praise! :-))

(And oooh, yes, write my drabble requests! Please! :-) Didn't mean to distract you... *g*)


greatfountain January 15 2011, 03:21:06 UTC
I don't think I've ever commented on your fic before? But I am totally a creepy mouth-breathing fangirl who loves everything you've published, oh my god your grasp of all of these people floors me, let me breathe your air, etc etc. Um.

I love the way you've structured this--and the footnotes basically killed me. Your Junno voice is, as always, perfect, and your Kame is just. He's just. Ugh he's awesome. I can't even articulate how I feel about your Kame but it's wonderful. *______*

And this is so sweet and adorable and the recurring firsts are so awesome and. just. God self this is an embarrassing first comment to leave, I'm basically incoherent beyond I LOVE THIS.


rheasilvia January 15 2011, 15:40:20 UTC

LOL! ♥

It's great you enjoyed the structure and the footnotes - they were something of an experiment, and I'm happy it worked! And that both Junno and Kame worked for you is even greater to hear. Characterization is one of the things that's always most important to me, and this is my first time writing Kame as a main character, so - yep, SO good to hear he worked! :-))

BTW: I don't think this is an embarrassing first comment to leave at all - to me, it seems like a really wonderful first comment! Thank you for leaving it - I am very glad to know that you like the story so much. :-)


greatfountain January 15 2011, 16:36:17 UTC
lmao sorry that comment was so creepy! I'm just... a really big fan.

:3 I adore your characterizations, quite honestly, and it doesn't seem like your first time writing Kame at all. ♥♥


rheasilvia January 15 2011, 17:08:44 UTC
It wasn't creepy at all! I thought it was very cute. :-) And enormously flattering, too! Nothing wrong with that at all. *g*

I adore your characterizations, quite honestly, and it doesn't seem like your first time writing Kame at all.

It is totally wonderful to hear that! :-)



fazlyn_n January 15 2011, 03:33:22 UTC
I've read Junno/Kame before...Once or twice...But I dont even remember did I finish it up coz halfway the pic of Junno and Kame doesn't really register for me...And believe me, I'm a Kame-centric that welcome any Kame-pairing...

So when I read this, I cant really explain to you how much I LOVE IT...

It seems so real, I'm totally absorb into it...I can really imagine Junno with all his cheerfulness and Kame with all his Diva glory...OMG...I LOVE IT...

I'm saving this fic and will definitely read it more than once...
Props to you for such an AWESOME fic...

I mught even add Junno/Kame to my sidebar soon thanks to you...



rheasilvia January 15 2011, 16:30:39 UTC
It seems so real, I'm totally absorb into it... I can really imagine Junno with all his cheerfulness and Kame with all his Diva glory

This is such a wonderful compliment! What more can any author hope for than that the story - and the characters! - will seem real? :-)) I'm very glad to hear the sotry worked so well for you!

Props to you for such an AWESOME fic...

*blush* Thank you! It's great you like it so much!

*hugs back*


(The comment has been removed)

cute icon. :-) rheasilvia January 15 2011, 16:34:20 UTC
Thank YOU for your wonderful feedback! :-) I'm very glad you enjoy this story so much - that it (and the characters!) seems real to you and touches you is really great. :-)

I really miss your Ryo/Junno fics.

I haven't abandoned those two, never fear! In fact, once I've finished editing the epic story I've been working on for YEARS now,

It's wonderful to know you like my Ryo/Junno stories too, and are looking forward to more of them. That's incredibly encouraging!


Re: cute icon. :-) rheasilvia January 15 2011, 16:35:44 UTC
Eeek, part of my response got erased... meant to say that once I finish that epic story, there'll be a LOT more of my Ryo/Junno, and I hope you won't get tired of it. :-)


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