First Things First

Jan 15, 2011 02:31

Disclaimer: This is pure fiction.
Pairing: Taguchi Junnosuke / Kamenashi Kazuya
Rating: PG
Betaed by: beltenebra and csad, who were a great help! Thank you again, ladies. :-)
Word count: A bit over 5,000 words.
Story notes: This is my help_pakistan story for the wonderful krysyuy, who wanted Junno/Kame and let me run with it. krysyuy, you've been very patient - I hope you think the ( Read more... )

jpop, fanfic, junno

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krysyuy January 15 2011, 10:19:53 UTC
It was fate. *___________* My reward for finishing my assignments, except I'm still in the middle of finishing them and I cheated and already read it. -bricked- OTL I couldn't help it! D:

And YES, I did enjoy it. Very, very, very much. This is totally the type of story I fall in love with. Sweet and funny and real with a dash of angst and misunderstanding here and there. I love the theme of first times and how you carry that from beginning to end, bringing things full circle. Plus a happy ending! ♥____________♥

Soooo... I'll pretty much be quoting a ton of my favorite moments/sentences/etc w/ some commentary, which will probably mostly consist of LOLs, ♥s, '*o*'s and maybe the occasional sane comment outside of my flailing. Y'know, just fyi. -coughs- >.>;; I'm sorry in advance if I get repetitive. And... start!

That's the moment when he knows that this is what he wants to do. He wants to be up on stage, making people smile and be happy. He wants to do something so people can forget about being stressed and sad and tired, even just for an hour or two.
Aww. Mini!Junno in papier mâché armor! ♥ Precious image. Btw, Junno's POV is brilliant and really just makes me want to hug him all the time. The fact that he wants to be on stage and be the reason for people to smile and be happy, even just for a little while... I've actually thought that about him myself, like that's part of the reason he's so easygoing and okay with being teased, etc. Aside from the fact that he's a total M.

Even better: Having someone buy you that first sweet potato and then watch you eat it, his own potato forgotten in his hands.
I found this to be very romantic for some reason. Very soft, very real moment in time.

Basically, it's like biting through a bitter candy shell to get to the delicious chocolate center: A necessary step on the way to something wonderful.
I adore this analogy.

** Since then, Junno's been careful to pick lovers with plenty of self-confidence. It increases the "I like you, but it's over"-ratio even more, but being dumped is still better than making someone miserable.
BTW, love all the footnotes w/ the side-info. A lot of them made me smile. Or in the case of this one, it made my heart ache a little bit. Here's Junno, being more selfless than selfish and I love that about him.

It's like everyone except Junno is some kind of telepath.
I have to reiterate how on board I am with Junno's POV. He's so adorably puzzled and I love the honest trail of his thoughts...

He's in love with Kazuya, too.
♥♥♥ Quoting just because. >.>;; Thank you for adding in the 'Kazuya'! *____________*

The first time he calls Kame "Kazuya", he gets a short, odd look from narrowed eyes, but nothing more.

It's a bit of a let-down, truth be told. Junno'd expected more of a reaction… a hint of startlement, perhaps. Or a smile. Yes, one of those wryly amused, crooked smiles Kazuya gives him sometimes, the ones that say you're a weirdo, and I like that about you.

Junno wishes he could remember the first time Kazuya smiled at him like that, but he can't. It was a long time ago, and he must not have been paying proper attention.
I'm trying not to quote whole sections b/c I'd just end up copying and pasting the entire fic in a comment (XD;;;), but I had to quote this whole thing because I love it so much. Definitely one of my absolute favorite parts. It tugged at my heartstrings in a good way. Like, it ached, but it was a good kind of ache. I love how you describe Kame's crooked smiles and how it's like a smile just for Junno in how they say "you're a weirdo, and I like that about you". I can totally picture that smile. (Don't mind me! Delusional Fangirl moment. xD)

(Cont’d below)


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