First Things First

Jan 15, 2011 02:31

Disclaimer: This is pure fiction.
Pairing: Taguchi Junnosuke / Kamenashi Kazuya
Rating: PG
Betaed by: beltenebra and csad, who were a great help! Thank you again, ladies. :-)
Word count: A bit over 5,000 words.
Story notes: This is my help_pakistan story for the wonderful krysyuy, who wanted Junno/Kame and let me run with it. krysyuy, you've been very patient - I hope you think the story is worth the wait!

Summary: Junno has issues with first times.

It's horrible, of course. First times always are, Junno finds - at least when it comes to sex.

Other first times can be pretty great.

As always, feedback of all kinds - positive and negative - is very much appreciated!

jpop, fanfic, junno

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