Sick!Chase Fic List, Part 2 (Titles D-H)

Jan 02, 2025 08:00

Sick!Chase Fic List, Part 2 (D-H)

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll want to give Chase a hug. Enjoy!

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This is part 2 of the Sick!Chase Fic List. We've now collected so many fics that we had to split it into several posts! Scroll up and down to see the full list, or go to Part 1 (A-C), Part 3 (I-N), Part 4 (O-S), and Part 5 (T-Z). Part 1 also contains an introduction to Sick!Chase fanfiction, and details about what types of data we include in this list.

Key: Sites where you can read each fic: [LJ] Livejournal; [FF]; [AO3] Archive of Our Own; [DW] Dreamwidth; [SQ] House Fan Fiction Archive (Squidge); [other] another site. (WIP) Work in progress. OFC Original female character. OMC Original male character. Pairings: a slash between character names indicates a relationship or pre-relationship that is romantic or sexual, unless otherwise specified; a comma between character names indicates the main characters in a story where there is no particular type of relationship explored. Diagnoses refer to Chase only, and are listed alphabetically behind spoiler bars; highlight/select text to view them. * Recommended fic or series.
Fics by Title, D-H
Damage [FF] by SpreadTheWord / puppy-wuver (8,762 words. Rated T) Because in the end we are nothing more than broken people living broken lives, driving our broken cars home to our broken families, waiting for the day when we can break down. Diagnoses: depression Damage Control [SQ] by Adrienne S. (House/Wilson. 3,427 words. Rated PG-13) Post 3x15 "Half-Wit". House watches Wilson do damage control after his actions. Diagnoses: emotional hurt Danse Russe [FF] by Cap'n Pirate Monkey (Chase/Cameron. 1,699 words. Rated M) He smells delicious, of warmth and of maleness, and Cameron feels she could breathe it in forever, bathe in it, drown in it … The missing scene from 2x07 'Hunting', and what transpired between Chase and Cameron the night before and the morning after. Diagnoses: cuts/lacerations Deadly Accident, A (WIP) [FF] by GregsMadHatter (No pairings. 3,201 words. Rated T) When investigating a patient's home, a doctor gets caught in an accident and everything gets worse from there. Can House and his team diagnose what is wrong before they have to look for another teammate? Dear Body [FF] by When-Rabbit-Howls (House/Chase. 15,994 words. Rated M) Chase comes to the realization that beauty is more than visible bones… with the help of House. Sequel: You (WIP) [FF] by When-Rabbit-Howls (House/Chase. 36,680 words. Rated M) As Chase tries to come to grips with what he has done to himself, House to takes the life-altering step of changing his commitment to the younger man. * Dear God, I Don't Believe in You [ LJ] [FF] by Verbal_Kint10 (House/Wilson/Cuddy/Chase friendship; House/Wilson strong friendship. 39,151 words. Rated T) When what starts out as a trip to a seminar goes wrong, House must figure out how to play hero outside of the hospital, and it's harder than it looks in the middle of nowhere. Diagnoses: knee injury Decay and Renewal [FF] by norbooboo (Foreman/Chase familial friendship. 25,731 words. Rated T) When a bomb inflicts damage on the hospital and two members of the diagnostics department will things ever be the same? Diagnoses: apraxia; blindness/vision loss; bruises; catatonia; coma; cuts/lacerations; dehydration; head injury; malnourishment; sprain; speech/voice disorder Degree of Hurt, The [FF] by Merlin71 (Chase, Cameron. 1,168 words. Rated T) Tag for Finding Judas. Cameron and Chase talk. Sort of. Diagnoses: bruises; emotional hurt Demon Called Deception (WIP) [FF] by darkbird36 (Chase, Foreman. 10,624 words. Rated M) Chase, Foreman, a crazed gunman, and a hostage situation. Denuo AU Series [other] by Macx & Lara Bee (House/Wilson; Chase/OMC; several pairings from other fandoms. Rated PG-13 to NC-17) A multi-fandom series with supernatural themes. The House section of the series has 21 stories, 4 of which include some sick!Chase content. For fic titles, descriptions, and links, see our Denuo AU series - House section fic list. Diagnoses (occurring in various parts of this series): bruises; car accident; concussion; cuts/lacerations; emotional hurt; fatigue; flail chest; fractures; hemothorax; loss of consciousness; lung injury; muscle weakness Despite All My Rage [FF] by fluffy2001 / fluffykitty2001 (16,089 words. Rated T) Unless Chase found a way to deal with his inner rage, the consequences would be dire. Ch. 1 songfic, the rest story. One keyword, Taekwondo. * Die Another Day [ LJ] [FF] [DW] by bookgodess15 (House/Chase. 26,356 words. Rated T) House is having some serious bad luck. Errant baseballs, falling telephone poles, collapsing balconies, leaking gas lines… And if that wasn't enough, who the hell picked Chase to be the knight in shining armor? Differential Diagnosis [FF] by Koieeshnakof (No pairings. 2,733 words. Rated T) House is bored and needs a new case. What better way to while away the time than to try to find something wrong with a member of his own team? Diagnoses: fractures; medical exam Disapointed, Disillusioned and Deserted [FF] by Normalscaresme (Chase/Cameron. 322 words. Rated K+) Chase's thoughts after Cameron leaves. Diagnoses: emotional hurt Disappointments [FF] by WindStar (16,573 words. Rated K+) Robert Chase has to see a Psychologist once a year to stay at PPTH. She makes him tell her his story… and across the ocean his father is telling his own. Childhood is a wonderful, terrible thing, no? Doctor's Orders [ LJ] [FF] [SQ] by Lex / alexiscc2000 (House/Chase established. 1,235 words. Rated T) Some very fluffy HouseChase. Diagnoses: dizziness; fever; flu Don't Let Go [FF] by Principessa Di Morte (30,090 words. Rated T) House, Chase, and Wilson have been taken from the very place they thought safe and dragged through their darkest fears. Now, returned home, beaten and teetering on the edge, they have to gather themselves and try to return to life. But is that possible? Don't Send Flowers [ LJ] by HifaLootin / hi-falootin (Foreman/Chase. 3,397 words. Rated NC-17) Chase has a cold. Like that matters. Don't Tell Me Cause It Hurts [FF] by LipGlossLies922 (House/Chase established. 6,144 words. Rated M) Chase goes back to Australia to think his life over, leaving House with a zealous Wilson. Can Wilson make House fall in love with him? Sequel: We Gotta Stop Pretending (WIP) [FF] by LipGlossLies922 (House/Chase established. 5,323 words. Rated T) House needs to watch over "suicidal" Chase, who hates this attention. Don't Wait (WIP) [FF] by forever is never forever (Chase/Park. 20,081 words. Rated T) While recovering, Chase get a late night visitor. And a new romance? Set after 8x11 "Nobody's Fault." Dr Robert Chase [blog] [LJ] [ other] [other] by [author unknown] (Foreman/Chase; House/Wilson. 9,457 words. Not Rated) My name is Robert Chase (or so called DownUnderHairWonderBoy) and originally I come from Australia. But I work as a doctor in New Jersey. I'm a Diagnostic Medicine fellow in House's Team at the PPTH. I'm specialised in Intensive care. The rest can be read on my blog if you want to! Diagnoses: cold/rhinovirus; drug reaction/interaction; drunk; encephalitis; Epstein-Barr virus; memory loss; mononucleosis; pneumonia Note: This appears to be part of a role-playing fanfic 'verse in which the other characters have their own blogs. Links to each of those blogs are in the sidebar of Dr Robert Chase [blog]. Edge, The [FF] by sernity1806 (Chase, House. 638 words. Rated T) This is an alternate ending to 2x08 "The Mistake." What pushed Chase over the Edge and will House be there to save him? Diagnoses: suicide attempt Elevator Alert [FF] by SilverMidnight52 (House/Chase. 1,063 words. Rated T) Wilson is trapped with Chase in an elevator when Chase passes out. Can Wilson help Chase? Will Chase and House finally get together? Diagnoses: eating disorder; headache; loss of consciousness Sequel: Be Any Place Else [FF] by SilverMidnight52 (House/Chase. 1,629 words. Rated T) After Chase passes out in the Elevator what does House do to save him? Diagnoses: eating disorder; nightmares Empire (WIP) [FF] by Summer Laura (House/Chase; Chase/Cameron. 3,843 words. Rated K) The enigmatic House and his brother James rule supreme over their corner of stately England. Second only to the great Lord Rowan Chase could his bastard son Robert, ostracised and excluded, be the key to House's power? Ephebos (WIP) [ LJ: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13a 13b 14a 14b 15 16a 16b 17 18a 18b] [FF] by Calico17 / athousandshards & Beenie / chittibang [Zuckermund] (House/Chase; Wilson/Foreman; 63,600 words. Rated M) AU. Gregory House, doctor of medicine, lives on the tightly structured island state of Panagado where ancient Greek ideals are the privilege of any respectable man. When a boat arrives from a faraway country carrying young men for the inhabitants as potential disciples, House unexpectedly finds himself intrigued by the seventeen-year-old Robert Chase, and takes him under his wing. Diagnoses: anxiety/panic attack; bites/stings; bruises; cuts/lacerations; dizziness; fever; heat stroke; hemophilia; loss of consciousness; nosebleed; pain; sunburn Companion Piece: House's House in our fic Ephebos [ LJ] by Calico17 / athousandshards & Beenie / chittibang [Zuckermund] (236 words. Not Rated) Photos and a floorplan to give you an idea of what the fic's setting looks like. Diagnoses: (None) Escape [FF] by Mild Peril (32,344 words. Rated T) Chase refuses to obey House, and House can't be having that. Investigations prove that something somewhat more sinister is going on. Diagnoses: beaten up/assault; choking; depression; fractures; hypothermia; overdose; pneumonia; suicide attempt Every Second [FF] by entercreativename (Chase/OFC; House/Wilson friendship. 27,574 words. Rated T) Chase mysteriously falls ill and it is up to House to discover the cause. ChaseOther woman. HouseWilson friendship. Hypothesized history behind House and his team revealed. Diagnoses: xxx Every Year… [other] by crazy_cat_girl (4,773 words. Not Rated) Chase is drinking alone and House is curious. Chase is sick and House, as usual, makes matters worse. Diagnoses: concussion; cuts/lacerations; drunk; falling; flu; loss of consciousness Everybody Lies [ LJ] by moondustwolf (460 words. Rated PG) Chase is falling and House can't won't help him. Diagnoses: depression; suicide Everybody Lies… Except Chase [ LJ] [FF] by rosworms / Pip3 (House/Chase. 5,507 words. Rated G) Written for the Chase ficathon on livejournal. Inspired by prompt 38: Chase tells everyone at PPTH what he thinks of them. Everyday Superheroes / Power Generation AU Series by hannahrorlove / hannah / cosmic-tuesdays & akire_yta / verbosemofo (House/Wilson friendship; House/Wilson slash; Chase/Wilson; Chase/OFC.) A multi-fandom series with supernatural themes. There are 9 House stories within the larger 'verse, some of which include significant sick!Chase content. For fic titles, descriptions, and links, see our Everyday Superheroes / Power Generation AU Series fic list. Diagnoses (occurring in various parts of this series): accident-misc.; AU/supernatural Everyone's Got Something [FF] by LemurLou (5,743 words. Rated T) A look at the pasts of the PPTH doctors. There are some ships. I've tried to create snapshots to help people understand why these doctors are the people they are today. Everything has a Reason [ LJ] [FF] by Pinku Aisu Kuriimu / pinkuro (Chase/Castiel. 2,497 words. Rated T) After the Apocalypse is over, Dean goes to the PPTH, and Castiel feels he should stay. When he looks at a blond Australian doctors called Chase, he suddenly feels it's because of him. Supernatural crossover. Diagnoses: exhaustion; insomnia * Exit Wounds (WIP) [ LJ: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8] [FF] by enigma731 (Chase/Cameron. 18,950 words. Rated T) Grief feels like a fathomless pit, waiting to swallow him boundlessly the moment he gives in. Chase has been resisting it for years now, afraid that he will never reach the bottom if he allows himself to slip. An AU follow-up to 8x11 "Nobody's Fault." Diagnoses: anxiety/panic attack; bleeding; cardiac arrhythmia; clot/embolism; emotional hurt; endocarditis; hallucinations; hypovolemic shock; mobility impairment; pain; PTSD; spinal cord injury Note: The author cites the song Exit Wounds, by The Script, as one inspiration for this story. Music and lyrics are here: [ youtube]. Faith (WIP) [FF] by Rei-Kuhori / kuhori_rei (No pairings. 4,613 words. Rated T) The team has their hands full with a gripping case, and tensions are high. But everything goes to pieces when Chase falls ill as well… with completely different symptoms than the patient. * Fall Down Seven Times [ LJ] [FF] by Aenisses Thai (Chase, House; House/Wilson friendship. 4,581 words. Rated T) One act of kindness in this vast wasteland of disdain… Character study of House and Chase, with Wilson thrown in for fun. Falling Apart [FF] by Super Vanilla Bear (Chase/Cameron. 4,301 words. Rated T) A lot of damage can happen to a couple in a week. Set after 6x04 "The Tyrant." Diagnoses: anxiety; bleeding; cough; falling; fever; fractures; insomnia Fatal End (WIP) [FF] by chase88 (2,525 words. Rated T) When Chase and his daughter find a dead puppy and a note, they couldn't believe past the fact that the animal was dead. Then there is an attempt on Chase's life and it only gets downhill from there. * Father Figure [ LJ: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8] by clarkangel & moondustwolf (21,636 words. Rated PG-13) House sends Chase to help a clinic patient, and things go drastically wrong. In the aftermath, Chase is fussed over and pretends to be fine, and House is yelled at and uncovers quite an interesting secret. Fathers and Sons [FF] by Naja Melanoleuca (Chase, House. 4,578 words. Rated K+) House and Chase talk about fathers and sons. Diagnoses: emotional hurt Fathers and Sons From a Distance [ LJ] [FF] by sagga_bott (House/Chase; House/Chase familial; Chase/OFC. 7,793 words. Rated T) House and Chase find out that Chase's father is still alive and it changes the relationship between them. Diagnoses: fever; organ donation; peritonitis Fehltritt [Misstep] [FF in German] by Beenie / chittibang (Chase, House. 1,285 words. Rated T) Nach dem Tod einer Patientin fühlt Chase sich schuldig. House erwischt ihn im Spindraum und stellt ihn zur Rede. Mein erstes "House"-fic. Oneshot.       [After the death of a patient, Chase feels guilty. House catches him in the lockerroom and confronts him. My first House fic. Oneshot.] Diagnoses: emotional hurt Feminine Persuasion, The [ LJ: 1 2 3] [FF] by AndreaLyn / lovely_ambition (Chase/Wilson. 11,809 words. Rated M) Chase meets a woman named Anya and things get definitely different when he wakes up a woman. Things get worse when Chase falls for someone he definitely shouldn't. Crossover with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Fevered Dreams [FF] by Lafayette1777 (Chase/Park ambiguous. 1,115 words. Rated T) In sickness and in health, they say. Chase and Park are getting a head start on that. Diagnoses: fever; flu; headache; nausea; nightmares; pain; tinnitus Fight or Flight [ LJ] [ LJ] by johanirae (Chase, House. Rated PG) So, this one time House was waiting in an airport in England, and he ran across this little kid. No kidding, the kid was Australian and crying cause he couldn't find his parents, I'm serious! Diagnoses: attachment disorder; child abuse Figure in Dogs [FF] by holadios (8,688 words. Rated T) How does Chase figure his last year on earth? Facing a death sentence cancer diagnosis, this is Chase making his last memories with Cameron and the one thing every cancer patient should have: a dog. Diagnoses: cancer; death Final Hour [FF] by Gray Aibou (988 words. Rated T) Chase's father has passed, after struggling for six months to fight the sorrow, he does something no one would have ever suspected. Diagnoses: suicide Fire In The Belly [FF] by Xandiwasmahomei (24,670 words. Rated T) Children are a natural part of life, but for some, they're just unexpected. Don't want to give too much away now… First Stage, The [ LJ] [FF] [SQ] by onehoureternity / its-never-lupus / BlueGemEyes (House/Chase. 1,053 words. Rated NC-17) Chase refuses to believe it’s over. Diagnoses: asphyxia; beaten up/assault Sequel #1: He Doesn’t Look A Thing Like Jesus [ LJ] [FF] [SQ] by onehoureternity / its-never-lupus / BlueGemEyes (House/Chase. 752 words. Rated NC-17) Picks up where 'First Stage' left off. House is as arrogant and demanding as ever, and Chase is pretty much powerless to resist him. Diagnoses: rape/sexual assault(?) Sequel #2: Goodnight Nobody [ LJ] [FF] [SQ] by onehoureternity / its-never-lupus / BlueGemEyes (House/Chase. 1,793 words. Rated NC-17) Chase has to come to terms with the fact that his relationship with House is disintegrating. Things aren’t going to be pretty once it ends for good. Diagnoses: emotional hurt; drunk; suicide Five Sleeples Nights [ LJ] by dragonsbloodink (1,331 words. Rated PG) As the title implies, snapshots of five nights in which Robert Chase never slept. Diagnoses: emotional hurt; insomnia Five Things [ LJ] by eudaimon (No pairings. 1,110 words. Rated PG) Things like this do not happen to one of their own. Diagnoses: meningitis; respiratory arrest For the Better or Worse [FF] by chase88 (4,801 words. Rated T) Chase had never had to worry about a life and death situation before, but when a patient spreads a deadly disease onto him, it's a matter of what will be done before it's too late. For the Death of a Wombat [FF] by SilverMidnight52 (Chase, House, Wilson. 1,219 words. Rated M) Chase finally breaks. Can House save him before it's too late? Or is Chase too far gone? Diagnoses: child abuse; suicide Forgive Us Our Trespasses [ LJ] [FF] by papillon-chaotique / mae-vaughan (Chase/Cameron. 6,031 words. Rated T) If only he could just snap his fingers; if only he could pinch himself; if only Cameron were beside him, gently shaking him from his tormented slumber and reassuring him with a tender touch that it was nothing more than a dream. Diagnoses: anxiety/panic attack; emotional hurt * Four Going on Forty [FF] by quack675 / quack3790 (House/Chase familial. 45,747 words. Rated T) Chase was a precocious little tyke, wasn't he? Diagnoses: AU/supernatural Fragmented Pieces [FF] by NoDaybutTooDay (House/Chase; Chase/OMC. 39,488 words. Rated T) When Chase admits a secret to Cameron and House overhears, how will he react? Diagnoses: rape/sexual assault Sequel: Jersey Boys (WIP) [FF] by NoDaybutTooDay (House/Chase established. 8,518 words. Rated T) The sequel to Fragmented Pieces. Genderf*ck Crack!verse AU Series by various authors (mostly Rated NC-17) Everyone at PPTH suddenly becomes the opposite sex (and perpetually horny, sex-crazed maniacs). This series began with a fic called "The One Where They're Girls," by thedeadparrot, who then encouraged others to contribute works in the same 'verse, yielding a multi-author, mostly-chronological series. For titles, descriptions, and links to fics and companion pieces, see our Genderf*ck Crack!verse AU Series fic list. Diagnoses (occurring in various parts of this series): AU/supernatural; pre-menstrual syndrome Ghosts [FF] by enigma731 (Chase/Cameron. 2,603 words. Rated T) Two years in the ER have taught Cameron that the danger you plan for is rarely the one worth worrying about. Post-ep for 5x22 "House Divided." Diagnoses: allergic reaction/anaphylaxis; drunk Ghosts of the Past (WIP) [FF] by Kchan88 (42,782 words. Rated T) When Chase finds his stepmother as the team's newest patient, his life starts going down a path he could never have expected. Others from his past return, and he finds himself facing one of his greatest fears: Lung Cancer. Diagnoses: cancer; car accident; cardiac arrhythmia; concussion; cough; emotional hurt; fever; fractures; nightmares; sprain; vomiting Gift from Heaven (WIP) [FF] by GregsMadHatter (3,504 words. Rated T) After a fatal accident, Dr. Robert Chase is offered one more chance at life, but this time, he has a gift that he can't comprehend. Diagnoses: car accident; death; loss of consciousness Gin-Soaked Boy [ LJ] [DW] by pwcorgigirl (Chase/Cameron; mention of Chase/other. 1,203 words. Rated T) Guilt runs through you like your own blood. Diagnoses: drunk; emotional hurt Glass Walls [ LJ] [FF] by Ophium / Adrenalineshot (57,796 words. Rated T) When a new patient lands in House's hands, it becomes clear for him and his team that more is at risk than this man's life. Letting him die might mean losing one of their own in the process. God Awful Tie, A by alanwolfmoon / rileyspork (House/Cuddy; Foreman/Cameron. 40,149 words. Rated PG-13) [ LJ: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12a 12b 13 14 15 16 17 18] [DW: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12a 12b 13 14 15 16 17 18] House treats some odd diseases, but even he doesn't know the cure to the one affecting PPTH. Diagnoses: AU/supernatural God Doesn't Want This [FF] by fluffy2001 / fluffykitty2001 (Chase/Cameron. 17,054 words. Rated K+) My version of the inveitable Chase breakdownangst. Chase treats an empath who can see through all his deep secrets. He is now forced to deal with the years of pain that has haunted him. House has a radical plan to help him. Good Boy (WIP) [FF] by SnapeFreak4everrr (No pairings. 3,598 words. Rated M) Set directly after Finding Judas. Chase is fed up with House and life. When a strange nurse drugs him will life be the same for anyone? Diagnoses: AU/supernatural Grip [FF] by Rei-Kuhori / kuhori_rei (No pairings. 7,718 words. Rated T) Dr. Chase has played an important role in solving all the medical mysteries bombarding the team. But when all of a sudden Chase is the victim, can House crack a case without him? H5N1 [ LJ] [FF] by enigma731 (Chase/Cameron. 2,100 words. Rated T) It starts with a horrific rumor, which becomes a headline, which turns out, in the end, to be true. Vignette written for housefest. Diagnoses: emotional hurt; exhaustion Hairless Wombat, A (WIP) [FF] by Agent H.E.R.O (No pairings. 6,482 words. Rated K+) Chase needs someone to pick him up from the hospital. Who else but Wilson comes to his aid? No slash. Sensitive topic of cancer. Diagnoses: cancer Half Human [FF] by Miss Lestrade (House/Chase friendship. 2,350 words. Rated T) After the events of Human Error, Chase questions himself and his life. There seems to be only one option: suicidal. Can House see past his own faults and help him? Diagnoses: depression; suicidal ideation Hangman [other] by darkjoker & kohl_rimmed_eye (22,536 words. Not Rated) Chase is gradually being broken down by Wilson and House's arguments over him and over their own twisted friendship. Happy Birthday, Wombat Boy (WIP) [FF] by ClashChick (6,543 words. Rated T) Chase gets sick, and we see bits of his backround, living with his alcoholic mother and absent father. Diagnoses: appendicitis; child abuse; emotional hurt; falling; fractures; loss of consciousness; pain; penetrating injury; septic shock Hard Way, The [FF] by Firetop (11,689 words. Rated M) A new Chairman of the Board. And once again Chase runs a foul of him. Hardly Painless [ LJ] [FF] by alanwolfmoon / rileyspork (House/Chase ambiguous. 348 words. Rated M) It was five years since Remy disappeared. Diagnoses: emotional hurt Prequel #1: Beginning, The [ LJ] by alanwolfmoon / rileyspork (Chase, House. 590 words. Rated PG-13) Chase goes to House before leaving. Diagnoses: (None) Prequel #2: Chasing Chase, Finding Home [ LJ] by alanwolfmoon / rileyspork (House/Chase ambiguous. 1,635 words. Rated PG-13) House goes after Chase and finds him, then loses him, then eventually finds him again. Diagnoses: drunk; emotional hurt Prequel #3: Lost [ LJ] by alanwolfmoon / rileyspork (House/Chase ambiguous. 1,049 words. Rated PG-13) They find her. Diagnoses: concussion; vomiting Haunted [ LJ: 1 2] [FF] by Pinku Aisu Kuriimu / pinkuro (Chase, House. 4,661 words. Rated M) "His eyes stopped focusing on anything else but her. He was scared, he was terrified. No, it couldn't have followed him half way around the world." Diagnoses: asphyxiation; AU/supernatural; burns; cardiac arrest; drowning/near drowning He Killed Her One Stormy Night [FF] by chaseluv4ever (8,913 words. Rated K) A patient brings Chase's darkest memory back into his life. How will he deal with it? Hero Game, The [FF] by Super Vanilla Bear (Chase/Thirteen; Chase/Cameron. 5,424 words. Rated T) A car accident provokes Chase to be Superman. Hidden and Found [ LJ] by alanwolfmoon / rileyspork (House/Chase close friendship. 8,916 words. Rated PG-13) Chase and House, Witness Protection, finding things that are hidden. Diagnoses: gunshot wound; mobility impairment; pain Hold Your Breath And Count To Ten [FF] by RachelRainbows (House/Chase. 672 words. Rated T) "You've always known it would happen." Chase ignores the problem, finds the solution, fails to fix it and see's everyones colors. Diagnoses: depression; suicide attempt; synesthesia Sequel: Exhale at 20 [FF] by RachelRainbows (House/Wilson/Chase. 518 words. Rated T) It's 6 months before you move in with House… Diagnoses: phobia; suicidal ideation; synesthesia Home [ LJ] [DW] by alanwolfmoon / rileyspork (House/Chase. 743 words. Rated PG) Five times House cooked for Chase. Diagnoses: emotional hurt; inflammation; pre-syncope Home Inside, The [FF] by SamanthaBlue (19,358 words. Rated M) Chase's mother was taken from her family by the government as a member of the Stolen Generation. How it affects her son, years later, as he searches for the home she lost. Horror Day [FF] by HumanGuineapig (5,179 words. Rated K+) Chase thought it was just going to be another day, until a mad man with a gun comes into the hospital looking for revenge… Diagnoses: beaten up/assault; gunshot wound; loss of consciousness House of the Rising Sun, The [FF] by LadyPaperclip (Chase/Wilson. 4,483 words. Rated M) Apparently, seeing your boss shot down in front of you is traumatising. Diagnoses: drunk; hangover; insomnia; nightmares; PTSD How Do You Deal [FF] by Firetop (Chase, House. 7,640 words. Rated M) A horrible crime brings the skeletons out of the closets. Sequel: Dungeons and Dragons [FF] by Firetop (House/Chase familial friendship. 15,502 words. Rated M) Chase comes back to work, but he's not the same. Hug [FF] by LickMyThermometer (Chase, House. 1,714 words. Rated T) Angsty oneshot. Post ep 4x08 "You Don't Want to Know." After the new ducklings knock House out and run tests on him, someone stops by his office with news. Diagnoses: emotional hurt Human [FF] by HauntedPast (House/Chase established. 2,598 words. Rated T) Chase has a migraine. House is nice. Diagnoses: migraine; vomiting Sequel: Daybreak After Godliness [FF] by HauntedPast (House/Chase established. 3,793 words. Rated M) House and his little wombat 'chat' after Chase is feeling better. Never knew a human could be so divine… Diagnoses: (None) Hypnose [Hypnosis] [FF in German] by Calico17 / athousandshards (Chase/Cameron; House; Amber. 14,734 words. Rated T) House versucht, sein Schlafproblem und die Anwesenheit der toten Amber auf eigenwillige Weise zu lösen, und bittet Chase, ihn zu hypnotisieren. Dabei erhält Chase unfreiwillig Einblicke in House' Psyche. Season 5.       [House tries to resolve his sleep problem and the presence of the dead Amber in an unconventional way, and asks Chase to hypnotize him. Chase receives involuntary insight into House's psyche. Takes place in season 5.] Diagnoses: allergic reaction/anaphylaxis; drunk Hurt [FF] by MistressDarkGir (House/Chase. 4,384 words. Rated M) House get's a surpise guest late on night. But what the hell happened to Chase! Diagnoses: beaten up/assault; rape/sexual assault Hurt [ LJ] [other (audio)] by sasskitten (House/Chase. 1,045 words. Rated PG-13) Chase is numb inside until he forces himself to feel. Diagnoses: emotional hurt; self-harm

fic list, sick!chase

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