various and sundry

Feb 20, 2008 23:28

1) arsenicjade's Love Meme. This is awesome. GO!

2) I have not watched the new TW ep yet, but executorvs just watched "Reset" and came in and said to me ( spoilers )

axis of emo, mcr, supernatural, fandom, my neuroses: let me show you them, torchwood, links, wishlist, fannish_promiscuity, patd, btvs/ats, harry potter, mardi gras: 2008, overanalyzing_my_inner_monologue, full_of_fannish_glee

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Comments 14

aurora_84 February 21 2008, 15:56:58 UTC
It knocked my glasses off and the captive ball out of my cartilage piercing and I had to sit down. My first thought when I could see again was "was that at least something cool? Did we get it?" because I am hard core like that. [info]adronai's best friend was pretty sure I had a concussion, but [info]executorvs and [info]inbetweens kept me awake until the dizziness went away. I had a line of giant bumps on my head.
Oh God! I'm ashamed for giggling when I read this. *pets your poor head*

And man, I have so many fic kinks: amnesia! first time! pretending to be lovers! weird-ass mind-reading devices/telepathy (I love my scifi fandom \o/)! well-written long, angst (but with a happy ending)! pining and not-so-unrequited-as-previously-believed crushes!


redbrickrose February 21 2008, 16:13:20 UTC
It was pretty funny, actually. But only later.

I love amnesia and pretending to be lovers and god knows I love well written, long, angsty with a happy ending first time stories. More than just about anything.

So if you had to pick one fic to rec, based purely on your subjective emotional buttons, what would it be?


aurora_84 February 21 2008, 17:19:26 UTC

So if you had to pick one fic to rec, based purely on your subjective emotional buttons, what would it be?
Oh man, I don't think I would be able to do that. It would be an SGA fic, definitely, because we know awesome fic, but it really depends on my mood. Right now, I'm thinking everyone should go and read Straight as a Circle, wherein John Sheppard, the gayest member of the USAF (no, really! :D) gets de-gayed by an Ancient device (again: ILU scifi!). It's so heartbreakingly awesome, with the longing and the angst and the awkwardness and the pining and subtle touching and just everything about it.


redbrickrose February 23 2008, 00:23:36 UTC
Oh, yeah. That is exactly what I'm talking about. I don't watch SGA either, but that is another fic where it didn't even matter.


netweight February 21 2008, 23:49:02 UTC
The idea of Dean slash is just hot, man. *Hot*. (And I have experienced s similar crossvover devolvement moment myself. Also, yesterday I was watching an episode of SV 4 and god, Lex and Jason and my mind exploded from hot ( ... )


redbrickrose February 23 2008, 00:39:17 UTC
And I want Dean/other slash because while I can read dark, fucked-up wincest, it is impossible for me to find Wincest hot. It's not hot. It's tragic. It is, in fact, too tragic to be hot ( ... )


netweight February 27 2008, 00:59:11 UTC
Err. I feel for you? (Honest to god, totally no mockery intended.) I can find Wincest occasionally hot but I mostly read it because it gives me the immediate connection between the characters even if it's through the shortcut of pairing them off. In other words, I read it primarily for the emotional pay-off - they hit the right sort of buttons. Even if many times I get to the sex and think that topples it over the line into something I don't need, I already had my dose of the thing I *am* looking for. And I know that I could just look for gen that would fit this bill but 1) the Wincest is more readily available and 2) I haven't found all that much gen that comes close to what the show already gives me ( ... )


redbrickrose February 27 2008, 16:15:47 UTC
I can find Wincest occasionally hot but I mostly read it because it gives me the immediate connection between the characters even if it's through the shortcut of pairing them off. In other words, I read it primarily for the emotional pay-off - they hit the right sort of buttons.And that makes sense. I used to read it a lot for just that reason - except that it really was ultimately unsatisfying because the shortcut never *quite* worked for me and the emotional pay-off was never really what I wanted. Like you say, it was just the closest thing available. (Though there are a few gen fics that did do what I wanted and there are a few wincest fics that I like, even if it never totally works for me, except for, like, once.) Also - I think I used to read it to hit the ust first time button too (bullet proof kink - as long as the writing is good, it trumps the incest!squick), but it could never really hit that button either because I always found it innately tragic, which . . . sort of negates the kink ( ... )


darksylvia February 23 2008, 03:19:25 UTC
I like the long fics, but there always seems to be a larger quantity of good fic that is short, you know?

I watched the first season of the OC after I read a bunch of charming seth/ryan fic. *sigh* I love them. And I love the fic you mentioned.


redbrickrose February 24 2008, 07:29:59 UTC
There's definitely a larger quantity of good fic that is short and there are short fics I absolutely love, it's just harder for them to hit this particular button. There are short fics that can but only if it's a fic about a pairing whose textual interaction is based around slow-build UST so I don't need that from the fic because canon gave it to me. That mostly applies to het ships, though, since those are the pairings that tend to have that kind of dynamic in the text. (Mulder/Scully, Mal/Inara, Kara/Lee - exception to this might be House/Wilson. Also, despite the fact I am now a Brian/Justin shipper to the core, I shipped Brian/Michael for the entire first season of QaF because of this). I am a SUCKER for that dynamic - give me enough UST and you WILL win me over.


darksylvia February 25 2008, 03:47:07 UTC
Oh, man, I do love some UST. It's true--that's what I write a lot, too. But I only like it up to a point. There needs to be consummation, or I'm super disappointed :D

I can totally see the Brian/Michael shipping for the first season. I was more in favor of the Brian/Justin, but I think that's because I identified with Justin more :D And after S1, Michael started to annoy me :D

♥ Mulder/Scully.


redbrickrose February 25 2008, 07:21:25 UTC
I never wrote much of it until recently. Bandom seems to bring it out in me.

I agree, though, that there needs to be consummation. I need the payoff - and the longer the build up, the better the payoff has to be.

I always kind of liked Brian/Michael, but I definitely ended up being a die-hard Brian/Justin shipper after the end of s1. The prom won me over.

This is the only QaF icon I have left. :)


0nlymemories February 24 2008, 05:00:35 UTC
Info on the date changes, pls??? (omg, so much flist, so little brain.)


redbrickrose February 24 2008, 07:24:40 UTC
From what I've heard they're still April 24 (NOLA) and 25 (BR), but the venues are still TBA. That does make me nervous. I really, really hope they come here. There's no way I get to see them otherwise.


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