various and sundry

Feb 20, 2008 23:28

1) arsenicjade's Love Meme. This is awesome. GO!

2) I have not watched the new TW ep yet, but executorvs just watched "Reset" and came in and said to me ( spoilers )

axis of emo, mcr, supernatural, fandom, my neuroses: let me show you them, torchwood, links, wishlist, fannish_promiscuity, patd, btvs/ats, harry potter, mardi gras: 2008, overanalyzing_my_inner_monologue, full_of_fannish_glee

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netweight February 27 2008, 00:59:11 UTC
Err. I feel for you? (Honest to god, totally no mockery intended.) I can find Wincest occasionally hot but I mostly read it because it gives me the immediate connection between the characters even if it's through the shortcut of pairing them off. In other words, I read it primarily for the emotional pay-off - they hit the right sort of buttons. Even if many times I get to the sex and think that topples it over the line into something I don't need, I already had my dose of the thing I *am* looking for. And I know that I could just look for gen that would fit this bill but 1) the Wincest is more readily available and 2) I haven't found all that much gen that comes close to what the show already gives me.

Dude, I always feel like I should explain my logic for reading Wincest because I do read loads of it and enjoy it but it's not *exactly* what I'm looking for. It's just that it's the closest thing most at hand.

I understand your differentiation. When I say I don't differentiate all that much it doesn't mean that I don't differentiate at *all*. For instance, "Underwater Light" would go into 'pushes my emotional buttons' while "The Shadow of His Wings" would go into 'pushes my brainy buttons' - but they both go into 'favourite fics'.

I *was going* to write long post-Chosen Buffy/Faith. (Long for me anyway.) Hell, I even have the beginning written and I know how it would end too. Then Joss screwed me over. -.-

Buffyverse doesn't lend itself to slow build first time because the universe was so insular and the patterns kept being played again and again. So that not only any two characters were likely to have had in the past, were having in the present or would be having a relationship in the future, that relationship would also be a repetition or a mirror to some other relationship in the verse. (One thing that I found myself thinking again apropos some slash wank reported on fandom_wank was how Buffyverse being one's first fandom invalidates from the start the perspective of "oh noes, those two characters would never do each other omgwtf!!1eleventy")

Outside POV recs: The Idea of an Island (SPN, Gen), Things That Don't Exist (HP, Gen)*. You've read Maya's out-take off UL that's a series of outside pov's on Harry and Draco in that universe, right?

Other things that I like: unusual formats and use of multi-media. SPN fandom is bringing really interesting stuff in. :)

I totally will let you know when your stuff arrives. ;)

And hey! Who would you slash Dean with? I'm curious.


*Full disclosure too *g*. I beta'd this. It's the fic to blame for *getting* me into HP.


redbrickrose February 27 2008, 16:15:47 UTC
I can find Wincest occasionally hot but I mostly read it because it gives me the immediate connection between the characters even if it's through the shortcut of pairing them off. In other words, I read it primarily for the emotional pay-off - they hit the right sort of buttons.

And that makes sense. I used to read it a lot for just that reason - except that it really was ultimately unsatisfying because the shortcut never *quite* worked for me and the emotional pay-off was never really what I wanted. Like you say, it was just the closest thing available. (Though there are a few gen fics that did do what I wanted and there are a few wincest fics that I like, even if it never totally works for me, except for, like, once.) Also - I think I used to read it to hit the ust first time button too (bullet proof kink - as long as the writing is good, it trumps the incest!squick), but it could never really hit that button either because I always found it innately tragic, which . . . sort of negates the kink.

Interesting what you say about Buffyverse. I think you're completely right too and this:

Buffyverse being one's first fandom invalidates from the start the perspective of "oh noes, those two characters would never do each other omgwtf!!1eleventy is very true.

Thanks for the fic recs!

As for who I'd slash Dean with . . . there aren't really that many canon characters are there? That friend of his from "Sin City" who is now dead. Henrickson. Otherwise, crossovers! Jack Harkness! Gunn! (but then you have weird Gordon issues). Make someone up! I'd read Dean/OMC. (I don't actually know why I have such a burning desire for Dean/other slash - probably because I so rarely see it done well - but I really, really do).


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