various and sundry

Feb 20, 2008 23:28

1) arsenicjade's Love Meme. This is awesome. GO!

2) I have not watched the new TW ep yet, but executorvs just watched "Reset" and came in and said to me poor Tosh! Everyone she loves dies. And my first thought was JUST LIKE SAM WINCHESTER. What if Sam dated Tosh? Would that result in both of them dying? And from there I devolved into WHAT IF DEAN SLEPT WITH JACK and then the whole train of thought *ahem* devolved entirely. But yes. SPN/TW crossovers would be awesome. Especially if they gave me the Dean/other slash I crave.

3) About half my Mardi Gras stuff went out yesterday and the rest will go out tomorrow. (I needed more envelopes). Some of you who live in distant places may look at the shipping cost and go O_o. DO NOT BE ALARMED. I had a budget for mailing plastic crap to lj and I did not go over it. There are those of you in distant places from whom I solicited addresses. There are those of you who will get surprise plastic crap because I had your address lying around and felt like it. I pretty much stuffed envelopes with beads until I ran out of cool stuff. I only kept back the really big medallions or the super heavy beads (like the ones I got whacked in the head with at Endymion. WOW, did I get whacked in the head. It was this GIANT string of gold beads. It knocked my glasses off and the captive ball out of my cartilage piercing and I had to sit down. My first thought when I could see again was "was that at least something cool? Did we get it?" because I am hard core like that. adronai's best friend was pretty sure I had a concussion, but executorvs and inbetweens kept me awake until the dizziness went away. I had a line of giant bumps on my head. I was so mad that I didn't have bruises because really, if something is going to hurt that much? There should be visible evidence).

4) It looks like MCR is adding back the NOLA date. AND Baton Rouge. *crosses finger* I could see them TWICE. I WOULD DIE OF AMAZING.

5) So today I was thinking about fictional kinks and the stories that hit them. And I am going to give you a list of ten of my top emotional porn fics. These are not my *favorite* fics - that would probably be a different list (though most of these are excellent - I don't care what buttons are being pushed; I can't get over bad writing). These have nothing to do with my top ten ACTUAL porn fics - that would be a VERY different list. Some of these are not in my fandoms, some of them are. Some of them are not in pairings I care about, some of them are OTP fic. Some are fandom classics, some are guilty pleasures. What they all are is a very *particular* kind of story - usually epic first time (or lovers coming back together) that hit a very particular emotional button. They are all canon universe and they are all LONG. I didn't include anything with fewer than three parts to it.

They are also all slash, which is something I have been overanalyzing all day and I could totally ramble right now about the conclusions I have come to about that, but I'll spare you. Basically, this is a trope that appeals to me in het as well, but when I'm reading to push this button in fandom (as opposed to seeking out the specific pairings I am invested in) I want the queer narratives that I don't get so much outside of fandom and I tend to gravitate toward slash. Also, there is a TRAGIC shortage of epic femslash, you guys. TRAGIC.

1. For Other Meanings of Tsunami by jocondite. Bandom (Panic at the Disco) - Brendon/Ryan.
OKAY. So Brendon/Ryan continues to be the bandom pairing of my heart, no matter how many other pairings I love or fics I read. So much of what I love about them is potential for angst, but this? This is my Brendon/Ryan feel good fic.

2. The Epic of the Lambs by withdiamonds. Popslash - Justin/Lance.
I don't care about popslash most of the time. This fic hits every emotional button I have.

3. Going Deep by AnneZo Once a Thief - Mac/Vic
One summer I devoured every Once a Thief fic on the internet. This was my favorite. Huge, epic, first time with bonus GOING UNDERCOVER TO POSE AS A COUPLE. This is chalk full of fic cliches and I love everything about it.

4. Prometheus Unbound by germaine_pet AtS - Angel/Spike.
Before I read this fic, I would have said it was impossible to get Angel and Spike to a place where they could say "I love you" and have it be in character. Lynne did it. If I have an Angel/Spike feel good fic, this is it.

5. The Jared Padalecki Untitled Project"> by esohpe cwrps - Jared/Jensen.
This is hugely long, with drawn-out, aching tension. And the payoff is so satisfying. I READ THESE THINGS FOR THE EMOTIONAL PAYOFF which, believe it or not, has very, very little to do with the actual sex scene most of the time.

6. Transfigurations by Resonant. Harry Potter - Harry/Draco
This was the first Harry/Draco fic I ever read. It may have been the first HP fic I ever read. I blame it in large part for my continued shipping of H/D.

7. Beyond Wild Moor and Fen and A Gryffindor and a Slytherin by furiosity. Harry Potter - Harry/Draco
I love H/D, but I think it almost takes epic length fic to even get them to the point where they can stand to be in the same room. (Hence the fuckton of H/D epics that exist and the HOURS OF MY LIFE I have lost reading them). It's hard to actually write H/D and keep it in character - canon character, not fanon character, as much fun as that is. This fic does it. And then it does it AGAIN from Draco's pov. AWESOME.

8. Unequivocal by stereomer - Bandom (My Chemical Romance) - Frank/Gerard
Okay, so I know everybody in bandom has read this, but I love how intricately this is tied to canon. So them and so perfect.

9. Toward the Limit of Maps by dontyouwaitup - The OC Seth/Ryan.
Okay, I know I was completely remiss and never commented on this. Mostly because I don't even watch The OC. I do not, and have never, watched The OC. But that didn't matter. I found this when looking for dontyouwaitup's SPN fic. And then I read it because it looked like long, slow-build first time fic, And oh. Was it ever.

10. The Shoebox Project - Harry Potter - Remus/Sirius.
Okay, so I know everybody IN THE WORLD has read this, but I didn't read it for a long time because I'm not always that interested in Marauder's Era. And then I did read it. And then I understood. Because this has to be one of the most satisfying pieces of fanfiction I have ever read. The build up is excruciating, but that makes the payoff even better.

I could so keep going. I could make a list just of bandom fic, though I would have to include shorter ones too then. It's interesting that three of these are HP and that was never even my fandom.

(Bandom is interesting because while this is the kind of fic I want to read, it was never the kind of fic I wrote. And suddenly . . . bandom makes me want to write it. ALL THE TIME. Bandom makes me want to write epic first time fic and schmoopiness. It makes me want to write romantic comedy based AUs. I'm not writing romantic comedy based AUs because that's so not me or my writing style, but . . . I kind of want to right now. I don't even recognize myself, seriously. I didn't think I would feel the buildup and the payoff when I was writing it myself the same way I did when I was reading, but when I was writing "Unreliable Narrators" I really did. Which was sort of awesome).

ANYWAY. Tell me your emotional porn fics - guilty pleasure or fandom classic. And tell me how the PORN-porn ties into that for you, because it doesn't really for me, but sometimes I get the feeling I'm in the minority with that. What's your bullet proof kink? What will you ALWAYS read for? .

axis of emo, mcr, supernatural, fandom, my neuroses: let me show you them, torchwood, links, wishlist, fannish_promiscuity, patd, btvs/ats, harry potter, mardi gras: 2008, overanalyzing_my_inner_monologue, full_of_fannish_glee

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