Oh God, Ryan Ross

Feb 20, 2008 18:07

No, seriously. Ryan Ross.

OKAY. So I have reservations about the new album, I do. And I have been known to bemoan the [B word] comparison and wax nostalgic about how much I miss the eyeliner (so what if I wasn't totally in the fandom then. Shut up) and go on and on about my passionate, irrational (slightly embarrassing) love for A Fever You Can't Sweat Out.

And then Ryan Ross says (regarding their experiences in the last three years), "It would be wrong to sit down and then write an album which said that everything sucks. It doesn't. Life can be great. You can be happy." And I actually TEAR UP because I am, in fact, that ridiculous. I totally adore them and I have never felt like this about any celebrities before and I don't understand it and my fannish self from a year ago would probably be horrified by current fannish behaviors and it's all a little alarming (and sometimes arguably creepy!), the intensity of the fangirl love that I don't actually know what to do with. But I don't care. I love them so much more than is in any way rational or reasonable or logical. Gah. ♥ ♥ ♥ forever

axis of emo, my neuroses: let me show you them, patd

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