TW: 2.05&2.06; SPN: 3.11

Feb 19, 2008 00:59

You guys. MCR originally had tour dates in New Orleans, Baton Rouge and Houston. Now all of those dates are gone from the myspace page and the closest date is Austin. Sadness! I can't go to Austin! I don't have time or money for that. I just orchestrated a massive cross country road trip to ensure that I got to see stoned at the disco since they're not coming here (or near here at any convenient time) either. Cobra Starship is coming here. I like them best.

ANYWAY. Moving on.

Torchwood: "Adam"

I was more or less distracted from this episode by the events of "Reset" but I liked what we got here. It was interesting to see a more confident Tosh. I always love her, but I loved seeing that side of her too. And it was nice to see Owen being the one in unrequited love for awhile, though surprisingly I actually kind of like him better as an asshole. Owen grew on me when I wasn't paying attention. He's still not my favorite character and Tosh is still too good for him, but I enjoy the role he plays in the team. The Gwen-forgetting-Rhys thing was probably a sign of things to come which makes me kind of sad. I really, really dohre want the Jack/Gwen vs. Jack/Ianto thing DEALT WITH though, and I hope we get that. Originally I really thought they were headed to some kind of confrontation, at least between Jack and Ianto about what their relationship is - they've certainly done some of the groundwork for something like that - but now I'm not so sure. Between Jack's childhood trauma and the events of "Reset," they have a lot to deal with and we are half-way through the season. And this is TW and you can't exactly count on continuity. (Though they're doing much better!).

re: Jack's childhood trauma. I'm curious about it, but if they need Jack to have trauma I sort of wish they'd dealt with the Doctor/immortality stuff on TW more directly. There is angst *gold* there, but even last season at the height of the Doctor obsession, it was just sort of implied. The hand was never even explained, despite the fact that we saw Jack being super creepy over it. I feel like TW assumes too much knowledge of the parent show when it comes to Jack's issues. Who doesn't give us much in the way of his backstory before he met Nine and Rose, but there's definitely stuff that happens there that's important to him as a character. There are times when I miss Dr. Who Jack, I'm not going to lie. Not s3 Who Jack where he was a shadow of his former self, but Jack circa Who s1, with the charm and the humor and the oozing sex all over everything and not quite so much Angel-type angst. I watch "The Empty Child" and "The Doctor Dances" and miss that Jack. Don't get me wrong, I still love Jack and I know they needed character development for him to carry the spinoff, and obviously that Jack was before the game station and the Doctor obsession and the immortality, which by all rights fucks him up some and there *was* angst even then, what with the missing two years from the time agency. Still I am not as interested in this newly introduced childhood trauma as I wish I was. I am reserving judgment. Maybe it will be more compelling when we know more.

Torchwood: "Reset"

I really enjoyed this episode, though the bugs actually grossed me out a lot and the idea of having those things GROWING INSIDE OF YOU freaks me out beyond words.

MARTHA!! Hi, baby. I love you; I've missed you. Please make out with Tosh. Or alternatively, have sex with Jack since you tragically failed to do so in Dr. Who s3.

It was good to see Martha and it was cool that she fit in so well with the Torchwood team. Also, I'm glad Ten got her the job with UNIT. It felt a little like fan service, since Rusty & Co. had to know how upset a lot of people were with Ten's treatment of Martha at the end of Who s3, but I don't care. It was very effective fan service and Martha was as awesome as ever.

Okay, so Owen.

Owen has been growing on me, but I've made no secret of the fact that he's never been my favorite. As such, I realize how bad it sounds when I say that it wouldn't bother me if he stayed dead. But. It wouldn't bother me. HOWEVER - I'm not actually saying that because of how I feel about Owen at all. I was sad at his death scene. It was very effective. I'm saying that because I tend to respect shows more when they show me how high their stakes are. When AtS killed Doyle nine episodes into s1, that was intense and ballsy and showed they weren't fucking around. SPN would probably have lost me after s1 if John Winchester hadn't stayed dead because I wouldn't have been able to take them seriously. If TW had the guts to actually kill off a main character, I would be impressed; I really would.

That said, I'm about 99% sure Owen will get better some time in the next two episodes. I really can't imagine they will leave him dead. This is Rusty, after all.

Supernatural:"Mystery Spot"

I don't even know. I don't actually have commentary here so much as incoherent flailing. The trickster! Yay, continuity! This show, it is not subtle. Sam, you can't save your brother. GET IT? GET IT? DO YOU? Sam will be a wreck without Dean. GET IT? GET IT? DO YOU? Sometimes I wish SPN had more nuance - but then I don't care all that much because of the emotional porn.

How scary was Sam without Dean? Totally scary. And SAM KNOWS WHAT THAT'S LIKE NOW. Dean doesn't know, but Sam's lived all that time without Dean - and omg, that has to fuck him up PERMANENTLY. They really better deal with how fucked up Sam is because of this or I will be very disappointed because Holy shit there is no way he is getting over this. EVER. He is just going to be more intense and Dean is going to get it even less and man, Sam is so totally the badass, fucked up one now. I used to think Dean was the more fucked up of the two. I . . . really don't think so anymore.

*flails**flails**flails* this show, you guys. That's all I got. I am so glad we get more episodes the season because it would have been so upsetting to have to wait all summer to see what happens with Dean's deal.

axis of emo, mcr, supernatural, torchwood

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