SPN: 3.12 and TW 3.07

Feb 22, 2008 18:52

Nobody else wants to talk to me about fic?

Anyway, last night I managed to watch SPN live even though we don't have cable and live in a basement. executorvs built an antenna out of a hand weight, a piece of cable and part of a juicer. It was kind of awesome to watch. The picture was a it fuzzy, but at least we didn't have to wait for the torrent.

Supernatural: Jus in Bello

I still love Bela and I want her to have sex with Dean more every time she does something fucked up to them or they do something stupid because of her. It's a sickness, I don't know.

Mostly I loved this episode. The tattoos. THE TATTOOS. God, I want that story. And the underlying message that you have to sacrifice, you *have* to because if you don't even more people will die. I wonder if they learned that one. I wonder why they had to and where, exactly, this is going. I have a feeling it's going to hurt.

Sam gets scarier every episode. I laugh when I look back and think that I used to think Dean was the dark one. The going dark is taking awhile, but I think it's fairly inevitable at this point that he's going to get there.

It was awesome to see Hendrickson again. Last night I was actually really mad at them for killing him off. Usually I fully appreciate their willingness to kill secondary characters and show that this is a world with consequences where people will die, but this felt too predictable. It was the first time SPN has killed off a character and I've thought "that was stupid" instead of "well, of course. Obviously." HOWEVER, upon further reflection, I am not convinced Hendrickson is dead. I am basing this mainly on the lack of a body, all of his untapped potential and by "untapped potential" I don't only mean "homoerotic tension with Dean," though that was nice too and the fact that, for everything SPN gets wrong (and I have a list) it tends to hit those emotional notes right and last night I was just thinking "I expect more from you, show." So I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt. Hendrickson isn't dead, but it's better if Sam and Dean think he is so they learn the sacrifice lesson. In my head, this is the way of it.

Lilith! Interesting. And super creepy. I anticipate that this will continue to be super creepy, but that dealing in a truly compelling way with the Lilith myth is something that they will get wrong. But I will probably be distracted at the time by the emotional gut punch of Sam being evil and Dean dying, so, you know. At least I know what to expect from you, SPN.

Torchwood: "Dead Man Walking"

I like Owen. I . . . like Owen.

That was unanticipated.

TW pretty much pulled an SPN last night, where the emotional stuff was excellent, but the logistics not so much. Like, I loved everything with Owen and Jack. LOVED. And I liked the Owen/Tosh stuff even, and who would have thought that? I love how Martha gets along with Team Torchwood. I love the nod to Gwen's history with Owen, even if it STILL wasn't brought up explicitly. I liked the glove and mention of Suzy. What is this, Torchwood? Continuity? Can it be?

And then, Owen, what? Beat Death in a fist fight? I'm confused! I don't really care because the emotional stuff matters more to me, so whatever. But, seriously, I don't get it.

It will be really interesting to see what they do with this next week. I don't want Owen gone from the show, but bringing him fully back to life would be a cop-out. I want desperately for them to impress me. We'll see.

P.S. Let me know when the cheap plastic crap comes in the mail? Just so I can make sure everybody got it.

supernatural, torchwood

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