Log: Cornered [Thread] Tsuna + Mukuro [Closed]

Feb 23, 2009 08:21

WHO: Tsuna and Mukuro
WHAT: The two of them meet after the book launch.
WHERE: Narkisim Square, the launch venue --> ?
WHEN: 20 February 2009, Friday late afternoon
RATING: G, for now
WARNING(s): ... Nai.

To the corner of 1st and Amistad )

mukuro rokudo, *log: on-going, *log: thread, *log, sawada tsunayoshi

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Comments 92

xx100dontkillme February 23 2009, 14:43:32 UTC
Mukuro sure was busy, Tsuna thought as he made his way to the exit of the event, avoiding all eye contact or attempts at conversation. Today, he wasn't Vongola Decimo (people had been worried his constant connection with members of a competing company would damage for his image). Today he was just Tsuna, roving reporter. Dressed down in jeans and tee, complete with glasses and a pageboy's cap, he was granted access as part of the media. But even after four dozen shots, he had barely glimpsed the man of the moment, forget about even meeting him face to face (in hope of conveying his congratulations personally for an event well done). The brunette was about to give up when the target presented himself, nose buried in his PDA. Tsuna smiled, shuffling forward, face hidden behind his DSLR.

"Mukuro-san would you care for a picture?"


manipulater February 23 2009, 14:55:23 UTC
Pausing in his steps at the question, Mukuro inwardly let out a tired sigh.

Really, he'd thought everyone that had a camera had gone already and who knew how many bright lights flashed in his face within the past several hours. However, it was his job to not disappoint the company and the general public, so he plastered that now straining polite smile and turned to face the person who had addressed him. His mind went into overdrive, trying to identify who the person before him was, trying to put a name to the figure.

It was only a few seconds later that he should have been able to recognize the person on the spot. Brown hair and shining ambers hidden behind glasses. Not to mention the voice, which admittedly, he hadn't heard in a long while.

But instead of calling the younger man out on it, the smile become the less straining one, more natural. "Oya, I didn't think there were still people here who were taking pictures. But I wouldn't mind." Not if it's you.


xx100dontkillme February 23 2009, 15:04:24 UTC
Before Mukuro had a chance to finish his piece, Tsuna had already snapped half a dozen shots, without flash. Different angles, varied focus, one model, one photographer. The brunette wasn't sure if he had been recognized but if this was a game, he wasn't going to lose. Pulling the bill of his cap a little lower and carefully hidden by his camera, he zoomed in some and steadied his grip to adjust the flash function.

"Ever the professional Rukudo Mukuro-san." Tsuna had to bite his lower lip to keep from laughing.


manipulater February 23 2009, 15:11:44 UTC
"Of course. In such situations, it's only natural. I do represent my company after all," Mukuro recited, long ago memorizing the lines that he fed to the usual reporters who wanted a few words with him and asking him the very same question. Normally he was more laid back when dealing with people, but he didn't want to clean up his own messes when he could have easily prevented them. He had enough to deal with after all.

But now was different. The person before him wasn't one of the usual information and rumor hungry reporter, but he would play this card a little bit longer. Besides the very slight teasing when introducing Spanner to Seta-san, this was the most easy-going fun he'd had all day. It was relaxing.

"Any more questions you'd like to ask of me?"


manipulater February 24 2009, 01:41:58 UTC
He brushed aside brunette locks to better see the damage done. A red spot was forming and there was a chance that it could bruise as well, but luckily for Tsuna, his hair could cover it up easily enough. Mukuro refrained from touching the area around it, knowing it would be tender to even the gentlest of gestures.

Mukuro's gaze lowered from the forming spot to amber, noticing that pain was being brushed away by happiness. What was the cause of it, the PR didn't know. He just blinked his eyes in slight confusion.

"Does it hurt?"


xx100dontkillme February 24 2009, 01:50:05 UTC
Drawing his face away from the other (stupidstupidstupidame!Tsuna), the brunette laughed awkwardly, pushing his fringe down to cover the bruise. Something was missing. Oh. His cap! Dusting it off the ground, he quickly covered the spot and flashed Mukuro a tilted half smile, except it turned out looking more like a frown (not that he knew it of course).

"No of course not! I've got a hard head. Ha ha ha."

More hollow laughter (ow ow ow).


that icon isn't going to work this time manipulater February 24 2009, 01:57:48 UTC
There was a small spark of anger, just a tiny one, but it was enough to bring a small frown of Mukuro's own to his lips. He knew Tsuna was lying, it was easy to tell. After all, he was practically a master in the lying department. Plus, it did help that the brunette wasn't the best of liars as well.

He didn't really want to play this card, especially in their first meeting after so long, but...

"What happened to a little honesty, Tsuna?" He asked quietly, only allowing the other to hear.


oh u like this rainbow cute admit it xx100dontkillme February 24 2009, 02:07:14 UTC
This time the blush deepened and as much as he would like to look away, Mukuro's accusation held him there. Heavy and stinging like a virtual axe on his back. Tsuna bit his lower lip, guilt ridden and a little torn. It felt like he was 15 again, back in the classroom caught for falling asleep.

Inhaling deeply, he lifted his gaze, fire in his belly, light in his eyes.

"Okay, it hurts."

A pregnant pause and a softer afterthought, "...s-so?"

Somewhere at the back of his head, he knew he sounded like a spoiled child, stupid even, like he was challenging Goliath and losing, big time.


xx100dontkillme February 25 2009, 03:43:01 UTC

Tsuna had known it was coming somewhere between the 9th and 10th eatery they passed but seeing the look in Mukuro's eyes made his heart clench a little.

"It's okay!" He laughed it off carelessly, waving the apology away. "My stupid cravings! So what do you want to eat?"

Diversion tactics 101 get!


manipulater February 25 2009, 04:01:48 UTC
He really didn't like to disappoint but in this case, Mukuro guessed it was inevitable. He would try to figure out a way to make it up to the brunette, just as he did with the gundam model he assembled with some assistance. It was only a matter of how now.

But putting that aside to think about later, Mukuro thought about the question presented to him. What did he want to eat? Does it really matter?

"Anything's fine with me," he replied nonchalantly. It was the truth, mainly because he hadn't had anything since that cup of coffee in the morning before he left. The whole day hadn't afforded him the chance to get a bite until just now.


xx100dontkillme February 25 2009, 04:26:26 UTC
Anything? Tsuna's eyes danced, darting for someplace to feed Mukuro. He would have preferred to eat at home but he didn't want to drag Mukuro around. The other could be... tired. Oh no.

"Are you tired?"


manipulater February 25 2009, 04:32:23 UTC
Tired might be an understatement for how Mukuro was feeling at the moment, but he didn't want Tsuna to be overly concerned with him. This was their first meeting in a while and he didn't want to cut it shorter than it should be. When would they get this chance again?

"Not particularly," he answered in a vague sort of way. Not the entire truth, but it wasn't like he was outright lying either. "I'll be fine."


manipulater February 25 2009, 16:08:51 UTC
Mukuro would have said something about leaving the gate open but kept his lips sealed. From what he saw, Tsuna didn't live in a dangerous neighborhood, so the brunette would be fine for the time being. Still, instincts and slight cautiousness made him want to close and lock the gate himself but suppressed the feeling. Though he doubted anything would happen, if something did that would place Tsuna in danger, he'd place himself on the front lines.

Still with the dog in his arms, Mukuro followed after the younger man, promptly taking off his boots as best he could before stepping further than the entrance. Pardon the intrusion.

Looking around, he'd gotten the same feel as he had from looking at the exterior. Homey and lived in. It was nice and he said so in an offhand comment.


xx100dontkillme February 25 2009, 16:28:07 UTC
The house was smaller than the ones on the same street but it was the only thing he could afford then and to be honest, the brunette couldn't imagine living in a big place on his own. Toeing a pair of indoor slippers to Mukuro, Tsuna quickly took off to set up the tiny kitchnette, all elbows and knees as he threw everything together, banging against everything possible. Cooking was always a big affair for him. He wanted everything perfect, perfectly edible.


manipulater February 25 2009, 16:34:00 UTC
"Need some help?" Mukuro asked as he watched Tsuna gather everything that would be needed to make whatever it was that the brunette planned on making. And it only just occurred to him that he didn't know what the other was planning. Traditional Japanese or maybe something exotic? It wouldn't hurt to ask. "What are you making anyway?"


xx100dontkillme February 25 2009, 16:40:28 UTC
"N-no!" Tsuna squeaked, nearly dropping the mini hot-pot as he hurried to get the ingredients off the stove. "No I'm good, really." Except Mukuro might not have heard it in the cacophony of sounds in the kitchen.



manipulater February 26 2009, 04:16:35 UTC
Mismatched eyes widened slightly at the amount of food Tsuna was piling on. Now Mukuro was hungry, having not eaten all day, but the more that the brunette put on his plate, the more he wondered if he would finish everything. If the PR didn't know better, he would have thought Tsuna was acting like a parent or spouse, making sure he ate enough. Mukuro wasn't sure what to make of that thought but what he did know was that if he didn't stop Tsuna, then he really wouldn't be able to finish it.

"Tsuna, I think that's more than enough for now," he said, hoping to stop the younger man. Then he pointed out, in an attempt to divert from himself, "You should be eating too."


xx100dontkillme February 26 2009, 11:40:21 UTC
Tsuna was just about to pile on the sashimi when he heard the edge in Mukuro's tone. His chopsticks caught in mid-flight reversed back to his own territory and touched down awkwardly, crisscrossed and embarrassed, like himself.

"I am... but you're the guest!" Tsuna explained.


manipulater February 26 2009, 14:19:32 UTC
"That may be so, but you don't have to wait hand and foot for me," Mukuro mused, a wry smile forming. He appreciated what Tsuna was doing, really he did, but he figured he could feed himself. But he didn't like that the happy air around the other was dissipating, so instead he started to pile a few things onto Tsuna's own plate. "If you insist though, I'll just have to do the same for you."


xx100dontkillme February 26 2009, 14:26:10 UTC
Tsuna decided that Mukuro had to be seeking revenge but he wasn't going to sit there while someone piled food on his plate. Standing, he counter-attacked.


Till they both had a mountain of food and there was nothing to use as ammunition. Tsuna grinned.


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