Log: Cornered [Thread] Tsuna + Mukuro [Closed]

Feb 23, 2009 08:21

WHO: Tsuna and Mukuro
WHAT: The two of them meet after the book launch.
WHERE: Narkisim Square, the launch venue --> ?
WHEN: 20 February 2009, Friday late afternoon
RATING: G, for now
WARNING(s): ... Nai.

To the corner of 1st and Amistad )

mukuro rokudo, *log: on-going, *log: thread, *log, sawada tsunayoshi

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xx100dontkillme February 25 2009, 03:43:01 UTC

Tsuna had known it was coming somewhere between the 9th and 10th eatery they passed but seeing the look in Mukuro's eyes made his heart clench a little.

"It's okay!" He laughed it off carelessly, waving the apology away. "My stupid cravings! So what do you want to eat?"

Diversion tactics 101 get!


manipulater February 25 2009, 04:01:48 UTC
He really didn't like to disappoint but in this case, Mukuro guessed it was inevitable. He would try to figure out a way to make it up to the brunette, just as he did with the gundam model he assembled with some assistance. It was only a matter of how now.

But putting that aside to think about later, Mukuro thought about the question presented to him. What did he want to eat? Does it really matter?

"Anything's fine with me," he replied nonchalantly. It was the truth, mainly because he hadn't had anything since that cup of coffee in the morning before he left. The whole day hadn't afforded him the chance to get a bite until just now.


xx100dontkillme February 25 2009, 04:26:26 UTC
Anything? Tsuna's eyes danced, darting for someplace to feed Mukuro. He would have preferred to eat at home but he didn't want to drag Mukuro around. The other could be... tired. Oh no.

"Are you tired?"


manipulater February 25 2009, 04:32:23 UTC
Tired might be an understatement for how Mukuro was feeling at the moment, but he didn't want Tsuna to be overly concerned with him. This was their first meeting in a while and he didn't want to cut it shorter than it should be. When would they get this chance again?

"Not particularly," he answered in a vague sort of way. Not the entire truth, but it wasn't like he was outright lying either. "I'll be fine."


OMOCHIKAERI xx100dontkillme February 25 2009, 04:42:57 UTC
Mukuro's answer did not sit well in Tsuna. It could be the weak quirk of the other's lips, or the darkness beneath his eyes or maybe just the way his movements were a little more languid than he remembered. Or simply intuition.

But it was most probably logic. It had been a long day and he could imagine it was worse for the man who single-handedly executed a flawless event for the industry giant. His first event for that company no less. Tsuna sighed quietly.

"So I get a choice?" And before Mukuro could answer, Tsuna was leading them to the nearby convenience/grocery store. They were going home. His.


X3 manipulater February 25 2009, 04:55:59 UTC
One blink and then two.

If he hadn't been who he was, Mukuro would have sputtered and asked what Tsuna was doing. Instead, he just ran through questions as he was dragged along by the brunette, weaving through the crowds and crossing a number of streets, until they'd reached one of the few grocery stores in the area. No doubt his face showed his questioning thoughts as they entered the place.

He might not have sputtered, but he did decide at that moment to ask the younger man. "What are we doing here, Tsuna?"


OMOCHIKAERI MURURO-SAN! xx100dontkillme February 25 2009, 05:02:22 UTC
"Dinner!" Tsuna said as he pushed a little cart round, stopping at selected aisles and shelves, comparing prices, nutrition value and freshness of the produce, completely forgetting to ask if Mukuro liked vegetables or not.


/fits into your pocket manipulater February 25 2009, 05:21:36 UTC
A couple more blinks as he followed along with Tsuna and watched him pick up various items, some going into the cart and others placed back on the shelf, as he thought about what the other said.


Given their current situation, it was easy to deduce that instead of going to one of the numerous restaurants in the area, making the meal was the favored option. And whether he wanted it or not, Mukuro was warmed at the idea. Right at that moment, having a home cooked meal sounded much more luxurious than any of the extravagant places in the area.

However, he wasn't the best cook in the world, only knowing enough to get by easily enough. He could help though and pay for the ingredients. It was the least he could do if Tsuna planned to do the cooking. And when it came time to pay for everything, Mukuro handed over the necessary amount of money to the cashier, ignoring any protests the brunette might have had.


YOU'RE GONNA GET TAKEN HOME MURURO SAN xx100dontkillme February 25 2009, 05:29:10 UTC
Tsuna was fishing for his coins when Mukuro steered him out, all expenses paid. He could gawk and protest all he wanted but Mukuro was adamant. It made him want to smile and he did, after profuse expressions of gratitude.

"I'm sorry I kinda... got caught up with shopping. Ha ha ha," he said sheepishly, cuffing the back of his hair as he shifted the bags to his other hand. He was walking without looking again but it's okay, he decided, it was his neighbourhood after all. At that thought, he suddenly stalled.

"Have you been to my house before?" He asked, peering intently at the other.


Hee~ ♥ manipulater February 25 2009, 05:39:40 UTC
Mukuro waved off the apology, not at all bothered about the detour shopping trip. However, when the brunette posed that question on him, he glanced over at the brunette. They were going to Tsuna's place? He had wondered before and asking had slipped his mind. Amber stared right into his red and blue.

"As far as I know, I haven't been there," he replied, the honest truth. Mukuro would have remembered if he'd ever been to Tsuna's house. "So, if we're going to cook at your place, then it'll be a first for me." He fought with the urge to ask why the other had asked that question at all.


Want another first? xx100dontkillme February 25 2009, 05:53:27 UTC
"No that's two 'firsts' Mukuro," Tsuna thought out loud, counting mentally.

"Coming to my house for the first time, cooking for you is another first!" The brunette chuckled to himself, like a private joke or a secret only he knew.

He knew this place like the back of his hand, avoiding all the little puddles from the day before, the car parked slightly on the curb, the neighbour with an angry dog chained to the gate, the little vase of flower in memory of someone dead or something else he didn't know at the corner of the sidewalk.

"Welcome?" Tsuna announced as he unlocked the gate to his tiny two floor house.


How many are you willing to give? manipulater February 25 2009, 13:48:31 UTC
Taking a moment to look at the exterior of the house, the only word that Mukuro could come up with at the moment to describe it was quaint. There was a certain feel of about the place made it distinctly the brunette's, though not entirely warm like the person who owned it. It was probably because he had a feeling that Tsuna didn't share the place with anybody; still homey, but lacking in the fireplace cozy feeling that he normally associated with the younger man.

At least it was much better than his own apartment.

"A lovely place you have for yourself," he commented, following after Tsuna, still taking in the sights.


Depends on how many you want (: xx100dontkillme February 25 2009, 15:04:42 UTC
His chest swelled a little as something akin to pride rose inside him at Mukuro's compliment. His grin stretched a little more as he tried not to look too proud of his humble abode. It was everything he ever wanted, a place of his own. The brunette was just about to tell Mukuro about the accidents he had in the house when Pesto came bumbling out like a furball rocket launcher. Except not to Tsuna, but to Mukuro. And the dog wasn't alone. Tsuna gaped.

There was another stray in his yard, this time it was a orange tabby cat. It was a she, Tsuna decided as he made his way slowly to the mother cat (heavy with child). She was hobbling a little, tired and afraid. He sighed mentally.

Oh boy.


Hum hum~ lol manipulater February 25 2009, 15:18:59 UTC
So Mukuro had been a little off on his assumption that Tsuna lived alone, if the energetic dog circling around his feet were any indication. His eyes followed the little furball, amusement playing on his features as he knelt down and held his hand out for the dog to smell and familiarize him with. By the happy bark and wag of it's tail, Mukuro assumed that he'd been accepted and petted the soft fur.

But his attention was temporarily diverted by the whine of another animal, this time a cat. A pregnant cat, that was tired but cautious, not wanting to endanger the young she was carrying. From the lack of collar, there was a chance that she was a wandering stray.

"What will you do?" He asked, referring to the cat while still giving the dog a little attention.


Depends on what you want O: xx100dontkillme February 25 2009, 15:32:56 UTC
Pesto was not pleased to be slighted just because there was new animal in the house competing for number one pet. In terms of cute, the brown pup was sure he was on par unless they counted the kitties that weren't exactly born yet. He pawed at Mukuro's ankle, making sad little sounds and begging to be held. Attention seeker.

Tsuna shrugged, the cat refused to come any closer. Bristled and wary against them as it edged for the unlocked gate, ready to bolt "I... I don't know," he said, chewing his lower lip and shooting a pleading look at Mukuro when he noticed that Pesto didn't look too happy with the new girl.


Saa, I wonder. lol manipulater February 25 2009, 15:43:32 UTC
Seeing the look directed at him and hearing the little whimpers, Mukuro glanced down at the dog only to be faced with sad eyes. For a moment, he didn't know what he should do. Pick up the dog or just leave him to Tsuna. However, he deduced that if it wanted attention from his owner, it would have gone to Tsuna first before approaching a complete stranger. With a mental sigh, Mukuro picked it up into his arms and scratched it's head. Just for now.

His gaze turned back to the cat that was edging away. "Perhaps you should inform an animal shelter that there is a pregnant cat on the streets. There's a chance something could happen when she gives birth," he suggested, absentminded in his task with the dog in his arms.


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