Log: Cornered [Thread] Tsuna + Mukuro [Closed]

Feb 23, 2009 08:21

WHO: Tsuna and Mukuro
WHAT: The two of them meet after the book launch.
WHERE: Narkisim Square, the launch venue --> ?
WHEN: 20 February 2009, Friday late afternoon
RATING: G, for now
WARNING(s): ... Nai.

To the corner of 1st and Amistad )

mukuro rokudo, *log: on-going, *log: thread, *log, sawada tsunayoshi

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manipulater February 25 2009, 16:08:51 UTC
Mukuro would have said something about leaving the gate open but kept his lips sealed. From what he saw, Tsuna didn't live in a dangerous neighborhood, so the brunette would be fine for the time being. Still, instincts and slight cautiousness made him want to close and lock the gate himself but suppressed the feeling. Though he doubted anything would happen, if something did that would place Tsuna in danger, he'd place himself on the front lines.

Still with the dog in his arms, Mukuro followed after the younger man, promptly taking off his boots as best he could before stepping further than the entrance. Pardon the intrusion.

Looking around, he'd gotten the same feel as he had from looking at the exterior. Homey and lived in. It was nice and he said so in an offhand comment.


xx100dontkillme February 25 2009, 16:28:07 UTC
The house was smaller than the ones on the same street but it was the only thing he could afford then and to be honest, the brunette couldn't imagine living in a big place on his own. Toeing a pair of indoor slippers to Mukuro, Tsuna quickly took off to set up the tiny kitchnette, all elbows and knees as he threw everything together, banging against everything possible. Cooking was always a big affair for him. He wanted everything perfect, perfectly edible.


manipulater February 25 2009, 16:34:00 UTC
"Need some help?" Mukuro asked as he watched Tsuna gather everything that would be needed to make whatever it was that the brunette planned on making. And it only just occurred to him that he didn't know what the other was planning. Traditional Japanese or maybe something exotic? It wouldn't hurt to ask. "What are you making anyway?"


xx100dontkillme February 25 2009, 16:40:28 UTC
"N-no!" Tsuna squeaked, nearly dropping the mini hot-pot as he hurried to get the ingredients off the stove. "No I'm good, really." Except Mukuro might not have heard it in the cacophony of sounds in the kitchen.



Late D: /didn't see the notif ;; manipulater February 25 2009, 17:14:20 UTC
He wanted to say something against that, that it was the least he could do to help since Tsuna had done more than enough for him. Cooking and inviting him into his home, really it was more than Mukuro had asked for. But he knew the brunette could be downright stubborn when Tsuna wanted to be and he didn't want to be on the receiving end of the other's amber defiant but determined gaze.

"Suki yaki, huh. Well, if you're sure," he said, giving the other another chance to reconsider the help.


it's okay love xx100dontkillme February 26 2009, 02:04:02 UTC
"O-of c-course!" Tsuna started, happily setting up the mini hot pot in the middle of his small dining table, all limbs and angles again as he tried not to bump against his guest (to no avail). He stopped short, suddenly realizing what had been bugging him for a while. He had forgotten again.

"Y-you don't like it?"

Cue kicked puppy face.


manipulater February 26 2009, 02:50:53 UTC
Having one pup on his hands (literally) was one thing, but having another would be his doomsday.

Honestly, he didn't care what they ate, as he learned not to be a picky eater. Food had been somewhat of a luxury in his day; good, decent tasting food at least. Mukuro would have had that if he hadn't messed around when he was younger and avoided his guardian's house like the plague, but that was the past and now he knew better. He held a quiet appreciation for the culinary arts and those who practiced it, producing the various creations that they did.

Mukuro shook his head with a soft chuckle, amusement showing on his face but assurance in his eyes. "Suki yaki is just fine, Tsuna."


♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ xx100dontkillme February 26 2009, 03:10:48 UTC
Relief coursed through his veins and he visibly relaxed. "T-that's good!"

Inwardly he was making little air fists, glad to be able to do the least for someone he cared for. He was just about to go back into the kitchen when he decided to take a step further. Etiquette 101: Fine Dining. Sort of.

The brunette pulled out a chair and made a small sweeping gesture to Mukuro.

"A seat sir?" And then Tsuna burst out laughing, not before setting Pesto on the floor. Bad dog!


/gathers hearts, treasures them manipulater February 26 2009, 03:27:34 UTC
Another chuckle escaped as Mukuro sat down in the offered chair. Really, Tsuna was making this long day worthwhile with his efforts. And that was a fact that he appreciated.

"Such a gracious host you are," he said, settling in his seat. He would have turned his attention to the brunette who was busy in the kitchen, but small whines were catching his ear, making him look in the direction that they were coming from. The brown dog was looking up at him with the most pitiable expression on his face. Normally he wouldn't be suckered into such faces, but he did indulge the pup a little by patting it on his head.

"What's your dog's name?" Mukuro asked, belatedly realizing that he didn't know the furball's name.


♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ xx100dontkillme February 26 2009, 03:33:13 UTC
"Pesto!" Which reminded him that yes he needed to stock up on that sauce too.

Gathering the little bowls of assorted toppings (meat, veggies, tofu, sauces, etc) onto a tray, he shuffled out, balancing the food and at the same time trying to side step his dog which was making all sorts of sad noises.

OH! He had forgotten to feed Pesto!

Carefully settling the tray down, he gave Mukuro an apologetic look. Tsuna dashed off into the kitchen again, digging in the lower cupboard for pet supplies. Yes! Found it! And he promptly proceeded to bash his head against the stove. "H-ahah-a," he laughed it off like an idiot again.


/takes them all, keeps to self manipulater February 26 2009, 03:43:01 UTC
For some reason or another, Tsuna seemed to be getting into more accidents since they had met up. Whether it was just a spot of bad luck today or something else, Mukuro didn't know but he did inwardly wince he heard the loud bang coming from the kitchen area. He didn't like the fact that Tsuna was trying to cover it up with a forced laugh, but knew that was just how the brunette did things so that people wouldn't worry about him.

"Are you alright?" He asked, proceeding to stand up from his seat to see the damage again.


oh possessive eh ♥ xx100dontkillme February 26 2009, 03:48:32 UTC
Mukuro didn't get to see much because Pesto had charged at Tsuna, attacking his tray of food even before it had time to touch the ground. The brunette rubbed the sore spot on his head, wondering if it was the same spot that he hit as just now. It probably was but it wasn't like he hadn't gotten used to his klutzy self. He was usually more coordinated alone, just that when there were people around, Tsuna got a little more panicky, worried he would screw up.

The brunette ran a finger down the head of his dog and smiled stupidly. Onii san once said that his dog loved him in a strangely violent way. It was probably true but Tsuna would not give this dog up for the world. Never.

"Let's eat?" He pushed the rice to Mukuro and stirred the soup in the hot pot.


Re: oh possessive eh ♥ manipulater February 26 2009, 04:02:22 UTC
Lips pressed into a line before he let out a silent sigh. Mukuro knew it was pointless then to ask Tsuna once more if he really was alright. He just hoped that there wouldn't be any noticeable bruising tomorrow since the brunette hadn't bothered to put any ice on it.

Sitting back down, he took the rice after saying the customary 'Itadakimasu' before beginning to eat, savoring the taste in his mouth. After a long day's work, this was a little piece of heaven, if he knew what heaven was like. But at the moment, if he had to describe it, that was it.

A momentary silence before a muttered "Thank you" escaped his lips.


xx100dontkillme February 26 2009, 04:06:41 UTC
Tsuna gave thanks the same moment Mukuro thanked him, so he missed it and he didn't need it. He did things because he wanted to, not for gratitude and the brunette genuinely liked Mukuro. Sometimes he wondered if it was solitude that drew him to the other or because he liked to see smiles on faces. Perhaps both.

Adding in the meat and eggs, he stirred the broth and adjusted the flame of the mini stove. It was cooking nicely and oh! Mukuro wasn't eating much.

Tsuna frowned and piled a truckload of cooked stuff on Mukuro's plate.


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