Log: Thread [Tsuna + Mukuro] Closed

Dec 07, 2008 11:22

WHO: Tsuna and Mukuro
WHAT: Resolving some issues or at least attempting to
WHERE: Photo shoot studio
WHEN: 7 Dec, Sunday (after the photo shoot)
WARNING(s): Er...

What is this 'text' that you speak of? orz )

mukuro rokudo, *log: complete, *log: thread, *log, sawada tsunayoshi

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Comments 100

OTL I ARE SLOW BOT SORRY xx100dontkillme December 8 2008, 07:23:39 UTC
Dressed down in one of his favorite ratty tees (one a fellow photographer friend had designed, off white with the words: 'Smile with your eyes (:' at the back) and stonewashed jeans, the brunette fiddled with the dials of his SLR. For a second, the camera blanked out and Tsuna felt a small bloom of panic. Frowning, he poked at the buttons for a display of the images.

Did he just delete the last shot of Mukuro and Chrome-san? Oh no. Did the camera capture it? Did the Mac save it? Oh no, dear god please. Crap.

Pacing around in circles, he hadn't noticed that the cords of his laptop, tripod, lights and camera had tangled round his sneakers.


lol it's fine~ ;D ♥ manipulater December 8 2008, 07:38:46 UTC
Mismatched eyes shined with amusement as they watched the brunette pace about in a slight frenzy. However, they widened just a tad when Mukuro noticed a web of cords being formed from the man's pacing. No doubt within a few minutes, the young photographer would trip and fall if not warned properly and that would do more harm than good.

The manager hesitated for a moment before calling out in his usual amused tone. "You should probably stop or the consequences will be more dire than if you continued," he advised, hoping that he wouldn't startled Tsuna too much. He had intended to prevent a disaster, not create one.


FAILBOT IS HERE WITH FAILMUSE ♥ xx100dontkillme December 8 2008, 07:48:23 UTC
The brunette thought he had sent everyone off. Apparently not. Because he definitely heard Mukuro's voice and the brunette stopped, dead in his tracks, lifting his gaze from the black screen of his SLR to search the empty studio. He shouldn't have because at once the web of wires tightened and he lost whatever balance he had left. Squeezing his eyes shut, his arms wrapped round the SLR protectively, bracing himself for the fall. The last thought that went through his mind was: Oh crap, way to go! As if I haven't embarrassed myself enough in front of Mukuro. Dame! Tsuna...


lolol 27 asked for this one. ;D manipulater December 8 2008, 16:43:13 UTC
Two things came to mind when as Mukuro watched the brunette fall in the proverbial slow motion: I knew it and runHis thought quickly bypassed the first one in a split second and his legs had moved on their own before the second thought really registered in his mind. It felt horribly cliche, like from a bad romance movie, but he hoped that it at least would end up like a cliche movie and let him break Tsuna's fall. However, the manager knew that things rarely, if ever, turned out the same as in the movies ( ... )


xx100dontkillme December 9 2008, 05:38:20 UTC
Momentarily he had forgotten about Mukuro, his presence had become almost natural and he hadn't noticed his discomfort or anything. Tsuna blamed himself for being tactless and quickly tried to cover up his lack of sensitivity.

"Oh um... I err... thanks for coming. I... really appreciate it. I mean... I didn't expect... you..." he stumbled with the words, placing laptop on the floor, getting ready to send Mukuro off. I guess. I don't know. Why are you always running away? But he couldn't bring himself to ask. They had reconciled, kind of.. and this forced peace was still a ceasefire of some sort.

Fumbling, he squinted at the outline of the door and tried to side step any obstacle.


manipulater December 9 2008, 05:47:05 UTC
A short chuckle escaped at the sudden change in Tsuna. Mukuro would probably never figure out how the other was able to jump around like that, and maybe deep down, he didn't want to. At least, he would stop trying to force the understanding. The manager had a feeling that with this particular person, letting things go naturally was the better way to go.

"It's not a problem. I guess you could say that coming here and being a part of the shoot is part of my apology to you," Mukuro admitted, expression turning slightly sheepish. He still wasn't sure of all the things he was probably apologizing for, but he was fine with knowing that he did voice his faults to some degree. Despite the niggling feeling of dissatisfaction, he would be okay with just this. If Tsuna didn't say anything about it, then neither would he. Bringing up things, even if they were unresolved, would only burn the pot more than it already was.


xx100dontkillme December 9 2008, 05:53:13 UTC
Oh. You had to bring it up didn't you? Tsuna sighed mentally. He hated dealing with his problems, they were easier when on someone else, like Hibari-san, he thought sadly. He stopped in mid step, turning to face him.

"What am I forgiving? Tell me specifically. No more word games okay?" Tsuna begged with his eyes, hoping to get things clear once and for all, even if it hurt.


you don't know how rough this was for him. orz manipulater December 9 2008, 06:01:20 UTC
Dealing with the request had been a lot more easier when it was just black and white text on a screen. There wasn't much emphasis on the words that being in person could bring with the tone of voice and expression on the face. And facing Tsuna now... Yes, there was no doubt that going face-to-face was more difficult.

"Fine, no more word games," Mukuro conceded with a tired sigh. It was tough fighting against someone who was the epitome of emotions. He glanced off to the side, not being able to fully handle that look in Tsuna's eyes. "I'll be honest and admit that I'm not sure of all the things that I'm apologizing for. I just... have a feeling that I caused you some kind of trouble and with me being the person I am, it's very likely. Skylark would definitely vouch for me," he said, a hollow laugh following after.

"I'm just... sorry..."


xx100dontkillme December 10 2008, 04:50:06 UTC
Tsuna had lifted the brush, getting ready to bring it down for another stroke when Mukuro's words stopped him, suspended in mid-flight. Mukuro, a painter? An artist of sorts? What do colors have to do with feelings?

Slowly, as if buying himself time, he methodologically sifted through that curtain of hair, lifting it by the nape of Mukuro's neck for easier combing.

"But... that's the way I am? I mean... I never... forced my feelings onto people? I guess... I can be a little... err flighty and my emotions fluctuate often but... I... I um... I don't know," Tsuna finished lamely, glad that Mukuro wasn't facing him and that it was relatively dim.


manipulater December 10 2008, 05:01:10 UTC
Mukuro listened to what Tsuna said and could easily tell that the younger man didn't really get it. And he really didn't blame him. It was his own twisted logic that he'd followed for a long time and had never tried to explain it to anyone else before. Actually, there was never a need for him to explain. But, at least Tsuna understood to a certain point, if his words were indication...

"If it's you, then it's fine," he said quietly, resigning to that fact. He tried to figure out what it exactly was that had gotten him to accept that Tsuna would virtually confuse him, but since the brunette always seemed so honest with his feelings, then he wouldn't begrudge him. Mukuro would just have to try not to think too much on the simplicity that the young boss represented. Not everything has to be complex, huh...

"Stay the way you are... Just Tsuna."


xx100dontkillme December 10 2008, 05:15:49 UTC
If it's me, it's fine? But why me? Tsuna didn't fully understand Mukuro's words but it made him feel special, all warm and fuzzy inside.

"I..." He stopped, hands limp, lips parted and thoughts running wildly.

"But why? I mean... why were you so angry? I don't know what I did wrong..."


manipulater December 10 2008, 05:26:21 UTC
Mukuro hummed as he thought about that one. But the answer came readily. Surprisingly, some of the answers were coming out a lot easier than before. "I guess it's because I was so frustrated that I couldn't figure you out and took it out on you. You were the cause of the whirlwind of thoughts in my head and it was easy to place the blame on you. Childish, but logically true," he replied, shifting his head to glance at Tsuna. "Another thing I need to apologize for."


lol couldn't hold it back anymore... but you're partial blame. =P manipulater December 11 2008, 17:22:19 UTC
Mismatched eyes blinked before closing as Mukuro let out a small laugh. He let go of Tsuna's hand this time, glad that the younger man was happier. Or at least he sounded happier. But as he had deduced before, Tsuna wasn't the type to fake his emotions, plain and simple. He would have to keep that in mind from now on during their little encounters.

"Oya, will you be protecting me from the things that go bump in the night, Tsuna?" He questioned playfully. The air was less tense and he could relax a little more now. Like one of the weights had been lifted from his shoulders. As tiny as it was, it was one more step. To what, Mukuro only hoped to find out one day.


HOLD BACK WHAT OMG xx100dontkillme December 11 2008, 17:26:45 UTC
"... Things that go bump in the night?" Tsuna stopped in mid-step, one foot lifted in the air and he wobbled before quickly landing a little too heavily. On hindsight he shouldn't have because it echoed ominously in the dark. The brunete could barely conceal a small HIEEEEE-like squeak at the thought.


my fangirl LOL manipulater December 11 2008, 17:30:49 UTC
Two blinks.

Mukuro looked at Tsuna before the proverbial lightbulb came on over his head. "Don't tell me..." he mumbled to himself before letting out an amused smile. "Are you... afraid of the dark, Tsuna?"


bloody hell!!!! xx100dontkillme December 11 2008, 17:37:12 UTC

Squaring his shoulders, he stole a secret breath and forced himself not to think about it No because 24 year olds aren't supposed to be afraid of the dark. ...DAMNIT. OKAY THAT'S IT WHERE IS PESTO WHEN YOU NEED HIM?

The brunette drew another shaky breath and told himself off once again. Then quickly before his guts gave way and his expression betrayed himself, he stammered, "N-no. I mean... what so scary about the dark?" He waved a hand through air, as if fighting monsters and laughed unnaturally. AJSHDJFSHAJK


manipulater December 12 2008, 07:51:08 UTC
The manager grinned at Tsuna's innocent play and lightly tapped the other's nose with his finger once again. "Oya, oya~ You should be getting proper rest in your bed, Tsuna," Mukuro playfully reprimanded as the looked at the brunette. Even in the dim lighting, he could tell that there was amusement shining off of the other's face. Shame that he couldn't capture the moment, if only in his mind's eye.

"And I'm sure Kokuyo robot will be able to function without me. Though I hold the master keys, it's the maintainers who keep it in tip top shape," he mused, wondering just how long that rumor was going to last. It should have been about time it blew over, unless everyone was waiting for the next Cervello article.


xx100dontkillme December 12 2008, 07:54:35 UTC
"I'll probably collapse in my dark room tonight," Tsuna mumbled, yawning a little as he shuffled for the door, or the direction he thought was the door. And then he stopped. Mukuro seemed to do this to him, make him stop and stare.

"IT'S REALLY A ROBOT?" His jaw was surely dislocated now.


manipulater December 12 2008, 08:04:54 UTC
There it was again. That temptation that was tapping on his mind's door. To go along with it or not to go along with it. That was the question that Mukuro now faced with. It'd be horribly amusing to string Tsuna along into thinking that Kokuyo really was a giant robot, but on the other hand he'd be lying to the brunette. But it might teach him not to believe rumors so readily, he thought to himself, hoping that would be the eventual outcome and not another trip down guilt road.

"Hm~ Who knows? Rumors are interesting things, aren't they?" It was a stretch, but he wondered if Tsuna would take the bait. If he did, he did. If he didn't, he didn't. Either way was no real loss on Mukuro's part.


xx100dontkillme December 12 2008, 08:09:44 UTC
Tsuna gasped dramatically, the whites of his eyes widening at Mukuro's words.

"Is it like a Gola Mosca? Spanner-san will be so excited! Oh wow!" The brunette was like an overgrown pup now, all shades of excitement evident.


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