Log: Thread [Tsuna + Mukuro] Closed

Dec 07, 2008 11:22

WHO: Tsuna and Mukuro
WHAT: Resolving some issues or at least attempting to
WHERE: Photo shoot studio
WHEN: 7 Dec, Sunday (after the photo shoot)
WARNING(s): Er...

What is this 'text' that you speak of? orz )

mukuro rokudo, *log: complete, *log: thread, *log, sawada tsunayoshi

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xx100dontkillme December 10 2008, 04:50:06 UTC
Tsuna had lifted the brush, getting ready to bring it down for another stroke when Mukuro's words stopped him, suspended in mid-flight. Mukuro, a painter? An artist of sorts? What do colors have to do with feelings?

Slowly, as if buying himself time, he methodologically sifted through that curtain of hair, lifting it by the nape of Mukuro's neck for easier combing.

"But... that's the way I am? I mean... I never... forced my feelings onto people? I guess... I can be a little... err flighty and my emotions fluctuate often but... I... I um... I don't know," Tsuna finished lamely, glad that Mukuro wasn't facing him and that it was relatively dim.


manipulater December 10 2008, 05:01:10 UTC
Mukuro listened to what Tsuna said and could easily tell that the younger man didn't really get it. And he really didn't blame him. It was his own twisted logic that he'd followed for a long time and had never tried to explain it to anyone else before. Actually, there was never a need for him to explain. But, at least Tsuna understood to a certain point, if his words were indication...

"If it's you, then it's fine," he said quietly, resigning to that fact. He tried to figure out what it exactly was that had gotten him to accept that Tsuna would virtually confuse him, but since the brunette always seemed so honest with his feelings, then he wouldn't begrudge him. Mukuro would just have to try not to think too much on the simplicity that the young boss represented. Not everything has to be complex, huh...

"Stay the way you are... Just Tsuna."


xx100dontkillme December 10 2008, 05:15:49 UTC
If it's me, it's fine? But why me? Tsuna didn't fully understand Mukuro's words but it made him feel special, all warm and fuzzy inside.

"I..." He stopped, hands limp, lips parted and thoughts running wildly.

"But why? I mean... why were you so angry? I don't know what I did wrong..."


manipulater December 10 2008, 05:26:21 UTC
Mukuro hummed as he thought about that one. But the answer came readily. Surprisingly, some of the answers were coming out a lot easier than before. "I guess it's because I was so frustrated that I couldn't figure you out and took it out on you. You were the cause of the whirlwind of thoughts in my head and it was easy to place the blame on you. Childish, but logically true," he replied, shifting his head to glance at Tsuna. "Another thing I need to apologize for."


xx100dontkillme December 10 2008, 05:49:38 UTC
The reason for their friction had been less... complicated than he imagined. It brought a little smile to his lips. With Mukuro's head turned to him, the brush also stopped his work and the brunette knelt down, level with Mukuro.

Playfully, he jabbed the other's cheek, like Mukuro always did with him. "Nothing to forgive," he said kindly.


m-my fangirl... *A* manipulater December 10 2008, 05:58:51 UTC
"You're too kind," Mukuro said, returning the gesture but tapping Tsuna's nose instead. Though he had attempted to make the words sound like a reprimand or even a warning, the smile that he knew was pulling on his lips made it seem like something else entirely. But I guess I wouldn't want to see you any other way.


WHERE WHAT xx100dontkillme December 10 2008, 06:08:36 UTC
Tsuna wrinkled his nose on reflex, brows knitted together in a jagged line. He blinked back at Mukuro's gesture, mulling over the amount of kindness of this matter. He never really thought he was being kind but in a way, he was right.

"You can be kind too!" Tsuna replied simply, lowering his gaze. The curve of his lips continued to rise as he sat down, on his knees, cradling the brush.


LOL XDD manipulater December 10 2008, 06:16:07 UTC
"Oya? Is that right," the manager mused. The manager doubted that to a certain extent. Mukuro wasn't really the type to openly show kindness to anyone. It was a sign of weakness, something that he didn't like and couldn't afford to have, especially with his past lifestyle. Though it had been years, all those beliefs and habits were instilled into him, allowing them to come naturally when he needed them. But he would take the risk of shedding a few shields when around the brunette.


CRAI BRAINBREAK. xx100dontkillme December 10 2008, 06:18:32 UTC
Tsuna tilted his head, lips pressed into a straight line, as if getting ready to reprimand. He suddenly wished he had his glasses on, it would make him look more serious, or so he thought. Eyes narrowed, he nodded slowly at the other.

"Aren't you being kind now?"


orz manipulater December 10 2008, 06:23:55 UTC
Mukuro hummed again. "I suppose so, but my kindness will only go so far," he conceded, not willing to lead them into another disagreement so soon. He glanced at Tsuna. "But yours seems to go out to whoever you deem fit to have it." How could anybody be that giving, he didn't know. He wanted to find the answer, but had the feeling that he wouldn't get it served to him on a silver platter or if he forced for it. He would let that one go for the moment though.


its getting late and sitting in the dark will give 27 spooks xx100dontkillme December 10 2008, 12:04:37 UTC
God must have made it such that his face was only meant for smiling because Tsuna got tired of putting that serious expression on. It gave him cramps. So the brunette opted for a relaxed, thoughtful look, hands still playing with the brush on his lap. There was no hair trapped in the brush, Mukuro's hair was that well maintained, a wistful, random thought.

"I don't know. I mean... I'm not selective? I don't know how to differentiate? As in who am I to judge whether if someone is worth being kind to? If I deem you as someone who's not worth being kind to, what if you do the same to me? I... don't want people to be mean to me so I do the same?" Whether he was getting through to Mukuro, he didn't know but this was common sense.

Gentlest amber light. "I'm happy when you... they are."


aww, don't worry 27, 69 will protect you XDD manipulater December 10 2008, 18:18:05 UTC
"You're soft-hearted."

The words slipped out quicker than Mukuro could process them in his mind and judge whether it would offend Tsuna or not. But in the end, he wouldn't try to take them back since they were true. It just showed him how different people's view of the world could be because of differing experiences that they go through. Tsuna certainly grew up differently compared to himself. They were practically polar opposites. Magnetic attraction?

Mukuro mentally shook his head before realizing that it was getting darker by the minute and the only thing helping them was the light that Tsuna had turned on before. Gliding his fingers through his hair one more time, he clipped it back in place so it wouldn't get in the way before slowly standing up. "Well, you are you and I suppose I wouldn't want to see you any other way. That's why I said it was fine if it's you," he said, offering his hand to the brunette.


actually 69 protecting 27 scares me even more so LOL xx100dontkillme December 11 2008, 15:59:39 UTC
The lone light bulb swung in the wind and Tsuna shivered as he looked up. Back lit by yellow light, Mukuro's face was shadowed and the brunette couldn't see his expression. He wasn't sure if it was Mukuro's hand that was out-stretched to him or if he was hallucinating ghosts. Tsuna blinked furiously for a moment too long, as if disoriented, before reaching out tentatively, slowly, to take the hand in his. It was at the moment of touch that he realised something. Mukuro wasn't wearing his leather gloves. His usual gloves weren't part of the suit he wore for the shoot (the closet mistress deemed it a fashion faux paus). Mukuro's hand was big, bigger than his own and it reminded the brunette of Gokudera. And it was warm.

"There's nothing special," he said, drawing on Mukuro's strength to pull himself to his feet. About me.

"And being soft-hearted is better than being heartless."


LOL he wouldn't do anything! ... i think. manipulater December 11 2008, 16:19:45 UTC
Slowly pulling Tsuna to his feet, Mukuro pondered a little on the other's words. That's where you're wrong, Tsuna. You're much more than you give yourself credit for, he thought to himself as his eyes settled on the head of the brunette. The fact that you managed to get so much out of me can attest to that.

He held onto the younger man's hand until he felt that Tsuna was steady on his feet. But for some reason, a tiny part of him thought that if he let go, then their talk time was over and he didn't want that. At least not yet. But he knew that he couldn't be selfish anymore, for the moment. Mukuro would just take what he could.

"Hm, I suppose." A question lingered in his mind about the heartless comment, but he would reserve that for some other time. It was late after all.


don't scare me 69 xx100dontkillme December 11 2008, 16:57:53 UTC
He hadn't noticed the hand lingering on his, more absorbed with getting his bearings right. Sitting on your kneels, ala traditional Japanese style wasn't the smart thing to do for long periods of time, Tsuna decided as he waited for the blood to start flowing properly. It was then that he realised Mukuro's hand still covered his own hand. The brunette stared at it for a moment again, nearly opting to stretch his neck over to make sure he wasn't seeing things. But his sense of touch hadn't failed him yet, not tonight. He bit his lips, obviously perplexed, brows mashed together like furry caterpillar. The brunette tilted his face to the Kokuyo manager, confusion ablaze in amber.

Words will only make things more awkward, he decided finally. Maybe Mukuro thought I will fall again. Then he smiled.


he won't...? or try not to? orz manipulater December 11 2008, 17:04:37 UTC
Mukuro waited for a few more beats before speaking again. "All right there?" He asked as he loosened his hold on the other's hand. It wouldn't do to linger more than necessary. It'd bring more questions and uneasy feelings. Plus, Mukuro didn't want to ruin what they managed to mend; counter production was not what he had in mind when he spilled himself at Tsuna's inquiries.


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