SIP's Law Part 2 - Godwin Redux

Mar 26, 2010 22:08

Here we go again. Ravenstar has updated her Essay to include quotes. In addition to including those that say "Lily is a bitch" they now include much less innocuous quotes from myself and others, gleaned from my Lily's Hypocrisy Essay Thread on Harry Potter Network.

NOTE: The Read more... )

snark, reality, jump the shark, literary criticism, severus snape, laugh, writers, writing, lily, insanity, marauders, meme, it figures, books, james, blogosphere, links, harry potter, sip's law, severus, tolerance, godwin, light of day, rowling, rambling theory, seven feet of parchment, oddments, women, snape, fandom, misogyny, problems

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Comments 39

priya_ashok March 27 2010, 09:42:30 UTC
Lily had faults. I don't know why it's so tough to accept that ( ... )


subtle1science March 27 2010, 13:31:59 UTC
This Ravenstar person, whoever she is, obviously is concerned a whit with writing an actual essay of literary analysis. I've no clue (or interest in) who she is or what put the bug so far up her ass--I'd just suggest, for her own peace of mind, that she simply get a can of Raid and deal with the problem in private ( ... )


ravenstar84 April 16 2010, 15:13:55 UTC
"I've no clue (or interest in) who she is or what put the bug so far up her ass--"

"I've no need to waste my time and eyesight on incoherent drivel from someone who's probably more than a little mentally unstable."

And yet you know all this by not even reading my essay. Yea, okay.


subtle1science April 16 2010, 21:16:16 UTC
*Oh, hi, there, complete stranger!*

Yeah--unfortunately for my brain cells, a couple people let me know about pertinent sections of your tome. There's some time I'll never get back, sad to say.

Of course, there is a certain serendipity: I based my opinion of your inadequacy based upon a few random bits and pieces; you formed your "thesis" upon the same basis....Well, with perhaps a good deal less thought.....


ravenstar84 April 16 2010, 21:36:06 UTC
"I based my opinion of your inadequacy based upon a few random bits and pieces; you formed your "thesis" upon the same basis...

Once again, you know this without actually reading the essay itself?

You could go ahead and keep insulting me and assuming my essay isn't worth reading. But the fact that you're going to come up with these accusations without even reading it says a lot more about you and your intelligence.


shyfoxling March 29 2010, 02:55:42 UTC
Here we go again. Ravenstar has updated her Essay to include quotes. [...] To me this just proves that we were the targets of her essay to begin with

Well, I (along with a couple others) encouraged her to do that. I think it's more honest/straightforward, if she has a beef with certain arguments, to directly quote. (Although I did say she needn't link to the originals, which it seems she chose to do.) I don't know that this necessarily equates to attacking certan people as people, although it's probably a reasonable assumption that anyone who would bother to write such an essay probably doesn't share a lot of headspace with the people quoted for "debunking" purposes. *shrug*

So, sorry for that. But I do think it was better for her to point to specifics, if specifics were what was triggering this.


lemon_ashwinder March 29 2010, 04:05:43 UTC
I think it's ironic that what Ravenstar quotes doesn't scream "misogyny" at all, it's simply discussion points, largely taken out of context, that she disagrees with. I'm glad she dished out her evidence, but her evidence is weak and doesn't support the point she's trying to make, so she's left looking like an angry Troll, rather than a serious person.

It seems to me that the most vile comments are repeated ad nauseum by Ravenstar herself, and randomnesses. They really like that "gold digging bitch" thing, which was also taken out of context.


shyfoxling March 29 2010, 13:54:52 UTC
I think it's more honest/straightforward, if she has a beef with certain arguments, to directly quote.

Huh. That's great in theory, but if you check out posts and comments by her and her buddy randomneses on other sites (hms_stfu, for instance), it's very clear that their problem is with specific people. Usually people they failed to bludgeon into going along with whatever they were shoving on any given day.


rattlesnakeroot March 29 2010, 18:48:45 UTC

Elethian: I think it was totally valid to ask her to give direct quotes because that's usually what people do. They give quotes and definitions that inspired their essay.

It's just that she is doing it after the fact, and I believe she is dishonestly implying that our quotes inspired her original rant, when really she was confusing us with the person who called Lily a "gold-digging whore" or whatever.

After we called her out on it, and refused to be bludgeoned (good one, Anonymous!) suddenly people were trolling other websites looking for quotes night and day. Her specifics got narrowed down to several people with whom I happen to talk every day - not really surprising, I guess.

Anyway - I'm so done with this nonsense.


Hello!!!! teaqueenie March 29 2010, 16:11:00 UTC
Followed this from another sight and saw SIP quoted. I don't know about the mudblood me, Lily's anger and remarks during Severus' apology reads like a friendship that has been deteriorating for a while. I'm more a fan of the series than any one character so my bias is probably different.

I hope everyone's been well here. I'm rarely on a computer for more than a few minutes these days so I am out of this loop.


Re: Hello!!!! rattlesnakeroot March 29 2010, 18:51:01 UTC

Hi, Teaqueenie. You should thank your stars to be out of this loop. *LOL*


exhpfan March 29 2010, 17:01:38 UTC
I understand that this internet disagreement seems important to all of you, because for some reason that I now have forgotten, trying to get other people on the Harry Potter forums to agree with me seemed very important to me at the time. In reading this post and the comments, all I can say is: "Thank goodness that time is now behind me." I can remember a feeling of stress when I made a post and there was a long reply disagreeing with me and a feeling that I just had to respond. I would spend hours drafting my response instead of working or spending time with my family.

Yesterday my wife and I took my son, daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren out for dinner at a real nice restaurant and my daughter-in-law kept typing on her phone. I asked her what she was doing and she said she was in an argument with someone about Twilight. On the way home I commented on this and my wife set me straight with this response: "She's no more addicted to Twilight then you used to be with Harry Potter."


rattlesnakeroot March 29 2010, 18:43:38 UTC

That puts it all in perspective, doesn't it? :) I wouldn't have responded to this essay again except that she named names of people and got one of the names mixed up with someone else.

I'm glad you had a nice weekend. I have to get away from the Internet and even away from my teenagers now and then, so the hubby and I went out for Chinese and then cruised our local used bookstore.


rattlesnakeroot March 29 2010, 19:13:14 UTC

Here's a fun activity for today: Sign the petition against Sarah Palin getting her own "wildlife" show on the Discovery Channel. I'm not making that up - it's incredibly true. They want to give her a show about Alaskan Wildlife.

No Sarah Palin on Discovery Petition

You realy can't make this stuff up.


rattlesnakeroot March 29 2010, 19:20:11 UTC
Sorry - I posted a different link than the one I signed. That's a valid petition too, but the one below is the one I signed that has over 5,000 signatures since this morning. It's fun to read the comments.

Boycott the Discovery Networks

What I can't figure out is why the advertisors who back Storm Chasers and Planet Earth would want to buy time on a show with Sarah Palin when she is so anti-science? This is a really bad business decision for them, I think.


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