This is the first post I've made ALL YEAR! (And, sadly, that's halfway to being literal)

Jan 09, 2009 13:50

*blows dust and cobwebs off of poor, abandoned journal*

Hi, remember me?

I feel like I should cue typewritten subtitles, like in the movies: "5 or 6 Months Later"

Summary of events:

~ My family was finally able to move back into the house THREE FULL MONTHS after having to leave at the drop of a hat. Momma's health remains excellent with no ( Read more... )

my life, my journey, day in the life, updates, my family

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Comments 13

maka2000 January 9 2009, 20:56:14 UTC
Pretty slow around these parts lately. Except for the obligatory "Twilight" explosion when the movie came out. And the election bruhaha. And now currently, worry/no worry about the collapse of LiveJournal.

I'm glad your mom is recovered, and you're doing well. I'm back on Spark too and determined to stick with it. Solidarity.


r_a_l_i_g_h January 9 2009, 23:51:02 UTC
Except for the obligatory "Twilight" explosion when the movie came out. And the election bruhaha.

I kinda figured both those things and am actually not too sad to have missed them.

Life is going well! How about for you?

Message me on Spark! We can poke each other to make sure we're staying on track.

(Have you seen their newest online exercise videos? Nice little workout and only 5-10 minutes at a time!


melodinous January 9 2009, 21:14:44 UTC
Hi! Missed you! I'm very actively using sparkpeople again too! My sister is on board with weight loss/exercise now too, so it's really nice to have someone to push and encourage me. I'm also working on de-stressing my life, which is a lot easier than it sounds!


melodinous January 9 2009, 21:15:23 UTC
I'm a moron, I meant de-stressing is harder than it sounds. Totally not easy at all :)


r_a_l_i_g_h January 9 2009, 23:52:40 UTC
But you were so stressed you typed the wrong word? *nods* I get that. De-sressing and re-prioritizing is a lot of what I've spent the last six months doing.


r_a_l_i_g_h January 9 2009, 23:51:42 UTC
Missed you too!

Message me on Spark! We can poke each other to make sure we're staying on track.

(Have you seen their newest online exercise videos? Nice little workout and only 5-10 minutes at a time!


truemyth January 10 2009, 02:36:22 UTC
Hey, nice to see you again! Glad things are going pretty well with you.


r_a_l_i_g_h January 10 2009, 17:34:38 UTC
It's nice to be back around (sorta)! (Uh, sorta around, not sorta nice)

How've you been?


r_a_l_i_g_h January 10 2009, 17:35:30 UTC
(And, aw, a Logan icon! I remember the days when it seemed like almost every post or comment came with one of those attached to it!)


(The comment has been removed)

r_a_l_i_g_h January 10 2009, 17:36:42 UTC
Nice picspam! I plan to begin catching up on other people's journals and commenting, etc. It just... might take me a while.


omoo January 10 2009, 16:20:14 UTC

I was wondering about you the other day and what happened with the move/ renovations. Glad it all got sorted out and that you got to spend nice holidays there.


r_a_l_i_g_h January 10 2009, 17:38:06 UTC
Yes, this summer was experience. Hopefully 2009 will have far fewer unexpected complications than 2008 did.


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