This is the first post I've made ALL YEAR! (And, sadly, that's halfway to being literal)

Jan 09, 2009 13:50

*blows dust and cobwebs off of poor, abandoned journal*

Hi, remember me?

I feel like I should cue typewritten subtitles, like in the movies: "5 or 6 Months Later"

Summary of events:

~ My family was finally able to move back into the house THREE FULL MONTHS after having to leave at the drop of a hat. Momma's health remains excellent with no ( Read more... )

my life, my journey, day in the life, updates, my family

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Comments 13

bspalek January 12 2009, 00:07:55 UTC
I haven't really posted latley either. I am glad that your mom's doing well!

My "little" brothers and sisters are all taller than me, save the 9 year old, and she is getting pretty close! I fit into her limited too jacket, which gets me mocked by co-workers.


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